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The Forum > General Discussion > Truth of the seven year itch

Truth of the seven year itch

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I'm on my second marriage, my first wife committed suicide, but my second seems to be going along quite well. That's despite the fact I'd be a hard bugger to live with. There again my second wife is the direct antitheses to me, highly educated, while I'm stupid. Perhaps her only reason for our marriage, was for her to have the opportunity to study (forensically) deviant behaviour in poorly educated males?
Posted by o sung wu, Tuesday, 27 February 2018 11:32:27 AM
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o sung wu

'There again my second wife is the direct antitheses to me, highly educated, while I'm stupid. '

enough self loathing o sung wu. Just look at how the education system dumbed down so many. They actually think the big bang can be proved by science, believe man can control the climate, get the country into billions of dollars into debbt claimning they saved us from a diaster and the list goes on and on. Just remember its the 'educated' now dumbing down schools, destroying our economy, importing illegal crimminals, can't tell a kid with a penis is a boy, etc etc etc Please stay stupid!
Posted by runner, Tuesday, 27 February 2018 11:56:48 AM
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Hi there RUNNER...

You're so right, there are distinct advantages of being stupid. A man and boy are both males; as are women and girls, are both females. Who's got the right to interfere with nature's work eh?

Wasn't the function of our schools to teach our young, how to read, write and undertake basic arithmetical calculations. Moreover they should be teaching science; history; geography; and some of the basic technical skills like; wood work or working with metals; and basic technical drawing.

At my High School they even taught a subject called Economics, a great introduction for those students who wished to pursue Accountancy as a career - these 'modernists' have a lot to answer for, they really have. Most of 'em should be run out of town on a pole in my opinion.
Posted by o sung wu, Tuesday, 27 February 2018 1:00:11 PM
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Ttbn <it used to be that males got the itch, and left the nest; now the sisters are doing it with a vengeance. 'The future is female' as the T-shirts advertise. The future will be an awful mess.>

I see no proof, that the countries presently under male dominance around the world are anything but miserable, overpopulated, poverty, disease stricken, war zones. In fact it’s the countries that have more female equality, in the world, like Europe, and Western countries that everyone from around the world are desperately trying to get into, because they are better run, advanced beautiful,
cultured zones.

The western countries, though have been pushed to extinction, because they did not adequately fund women for doing the most important job in the society, having children for the nation. Nor did they give women the respect and status the job should have had, Rich men at the top in corporations etc paid the biggest salaries to themselves, not families. Women had to walk away from having more than one or two children, because to do so, was to end up at the struggling end of the economic wealth of the nation, plus it put the double burden on them of trying to hold a full time job with the added responsibility of all the work required to care for the children.

I know of one woman, who would come home from a full time job and attend to 4hours of the childrens requirements for meals, baths, homework, clothes for school and never get to bed before 11.00pm or 11.30pm.

The more children a woman was to have, the more hours this double,work shift would require. The fact that men still don’t get this, and accuse women of being selfish in walking away, from unpaid work(slave labour),Being totally financially dependant on the whims of selfish, emotionally incapable, of marriage, males. Says they are still too stupid to run societies.

. .
Posted by CHERFUL, Sunday, 4 March 2018 4:15:07 PM
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The seven year itch?

Yes I have been briefly tempted to stray a few times.
But I've never acted on it. I, like many people have
been thoroughly socialised into the expectation that
romantic love will "conquer all" and make their marriage
happy ever after. But the heady joys of romantic love
are usually short-lived, and the excitement of the
earlier relationship is lessened somewhat in the daily
routines of job and housework, nappies, and dishwashing,
mortgages and bills.

This does not mean that the partners no longer love one
another; it is just that their love is likely to be
of a different kind. It can be mature, companiable,
intimate, committed, and deeply fulfilling - but I
guess many of us are not socialised to recognise or
appreciate this change. Many believe that romantic love
is the only possible basis for a successful marriage,
many people lose faith in their marriages and may start
looking for romance elsewhere- especially those in their
"mid-life" crisis like - Barnaby Joyce, Karl Stefanovic,
just to name two.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 4 March 2018 5:49:43 PM
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I agree that women should rewarded/encouraged for their childcare. Children need their mothers more than anything or anyone. The need is critical up to the of 5, when now childcare is being contracted out to strangers. And no: fathers are not a good alternative. Swapping roles doesn't do it. Just my opinion, but I think women have got it back to front by having children later for the sake of work; kids first, work later is the way to go.
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 4 March 2018 6:13:20 PM
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