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A Voice in the Crowd

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A few Words From PALE.

I am sure your " Kev old mate" will answer you some day. He probably jumps out of bed and rushes to OLO to see what you have posted next.
- Funny as.

Its kind of like - With friends like you etc etc.

I dont mean to be rude and you always seem to take my comments too personally however For the Love Of God why do you people not understand that good leaderships starts from the home.

Why do people have bucket loads of children when they are poor?

This Labour Welfare attitude is what put Australia in trouble years ago.
Yeh Sure I have heard everbody should be treated the same.
to a point I agree with that Belly.

The problem with your party in the past is they expect a small group of people in this country to support all the others on Welfare.

They put this country into huge debt. At least this Government[ which I hate] has cleared up that mess.

Just look at the ALP State Governments right now Belly.
They are all in huge debt again!
If they cant run a State how can they run the Country?

Just like if you dont use common sense in the home and only have what you can afford you have set a mind tred for your kids to always expect a handout through welfare.

By the way The daughter of An Old Bushy bullock team driver who spent many Sundays tucked around the old camp fire with the Dumplings with Golden Scyrup.
Great Days.

I am watching your old buddy Rudd Belly.
He iS Starting to impress me if only be his personal determination.

He speaks far more slowly and comes across more like a bloke than a cross between my Aunty and her yappy little dog.

Hes even dropped his favourite saying and I am wondering if its anything to do with his approval of the barbaric live animal trade.

The saying being>

Beyond The PALE.
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Sunday, 22 July 2007 7:11:38 AM
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Pale I understand you are female, just maybe you are getting on a bit, can you give any value to others thoughts?
Kevin Rudd has more than once spoken to me.
He if he is any politician knows of our forum, in fact many on both sides read it.
Press story's have been generated from threads here and other forums.
I takeyour posts personally? yes ! intensely rude, biased, and one tracked I take you rants personally!
But do you know I truly am a product of my youth? one of 16 kids our parents taught us manners.
What would you do with us? those kids?| at a time when governments paid others to come to this country generations of us working class lived and died for it.
Would you exterminate us? only feed the ones you need?
My grandfather drove bullocks he would have found another place to camp had you shown up.
Kevin Rudd is our next prime minister your mob have already been rejected by Australia, IS IT YOUR INTENTION TO BLINDLY AND RUDELY INSULT THEM?
Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 25 July 2007 6:45:29 PM
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polpak, ditto, the unions made all the right noises about
SW but when it comes to pushing it up the line via their elected to parliament members they ran a mile. and they have a hide to talk about their history of protecting workers rights...unconscionable bastards the lot of them...

The irony is that Kevin Rudd’s missus was quick to pay back workers she short changed and he right on cue singing her praises …but absolutely silent on Stolen Wages in Queensland and the paltry sum his Mate Peter Beattie offered Aboriginal workers back in 2002…
Posted by Rainier, Saturday, 28 July 2007 5:32:28 PM
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rainer you very much highlight bigotry and hate that comes far too often from Aboriginal community's.
Most in fact within my movement, you blindly make claims about those who have used the trade union ladder to get into the house, do you not understand some of them betray even that movement that put them there?
I hold your all encompassing comments in contempt, and again highlight as is my right, some Aboriginals are as racist as the worst the world has seen.
I claim no halo for white Australia, we have much to be ashamed of ,but yet again in the single minded quest for money, for a free feed , you blacken us for another generations sins.
And I grow weary of those who can see no fault from the side they stand on and no good from the other.
Your comments about unions best explain my thoughts about you.
Posted by Belly, Sunday, 29 July 2007 7:51:58 AM
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Belly , anytime you want to march in solidarity with me and mine on Stolen Wages and ask me to explain my father and other elders worked AS SLAVES or for a half the wages of their white co workers- just let me know. And you think this is racism? Wow!

Until then, Shut the F up.
Posted by Rainier, Sunday, 29 July 2007 3:27:55 PM
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Your anger is shot gun like aimed at every one.
I will not hide from the view you do more harm to your people than good by this action.
And never would I fail to tell you that to your face.
My thoughts remain unchanged
racism is evil even if its from a minority.
Posted by Belly, Monday, 30 July 2007 2:43:16 PM
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