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The Forum > General Discussion > Royal Commission’s Findings into Institutions and Child Sex Abuse .

Royal Commission’s Findings into Institutions and Child Sex Abuse .

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O sung wu,

You seem to be off the rails. In your first post you talk about how the “'jacks' would 'counsel' them, and the 'screws' would 'ensure the job was complete'.

To me, that seems that you were talking about police knocking people about, and prison officers doing the same thing. You also say in a later post: “...most coppers would their part, and 99% of all screws, would gladly do theirs believe me...! Problem fixed”.

If that's not showing your liking for unlawful violence, I don't know what is.

Yet, in your haste show me as 'naïve' you change you mind,assuring us that police would do no such thing for fear of losing 'retirement benefits'.

Given your dipping and ducking, changing your mind, and generally showing that you don't know what your are talking about, it is probably just as well that you “... don't make may contributions to the Forum these days..”

You have probably forgotten that you said that, too.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 18 December 2017 7:01:22 PM
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Hi there HERENOW...'...Religion is not exempt from the law...'? Nobody is, irrespective of how the law's enforced or how the eminent jurists perceive it. Paedophilia has always been a contentious offence essentially because many of the offenders don't generally fit into the usual mould of a criminal. As you've avered in your opening contribution. You of course rightly cite the Catholic Church as a convenient catchment area from where many of these offenders originate. Institutional offending appears to be a common denominator for this type of offence, and we can only ask why? To my knowledge there's no other religious order that demands celibacy from their staff/priests. Whether that contributes to priestly progress into paedophilia, I really can't say?

Something that does puzzle me, why aren't these slugs being given up by their own kind, rather than allowing the offenders sufficient succour and sanctuary, to a point that might allow them to reoffend. From my info. the crime is essentially untreatable through normal clinical intervention, however in the United States Chemical Castration is used, in fact mandated in some jurisdictions, and in some circumstances.

From a coppers point of view, these offenders are held in total abhorrence and utter revulsion; and when imprisoned they're held under the highest level of protection within the system, and apparently they play upon this protection quite well, from what is known?

Your comment inter alia; '...there needs to be arrests up and down the hierarchy...'? Whenever you're referring to the Catholic Church; I couldn't agree with you more on that issue. Thanks ol' mate.
Posted by o sung wu, Monday, 18 December 2017 9:33:04 PM
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I'm coming in a bit late on this, have been in the rough bush to the east of Armidale hunting some very troublesome wild dogs; we only got four in five days but that's four less.

Just how does the Royal Commission think that a Confessor will know the identity of a penitent paedophile?

Forcing priests to inform on penitents will never become law in Australia anyway, the potential for pollies to lose votes is too great.

As for priests marrying there is no great obstacle as married men can be ordained anyway, it's but a short step to allow those already ordained to marry.

Did the RComm. remark on the prevalence of homosexuals among the paedophiles?

All those identified by the RComm as paedophiles should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law and those who subsequently covered for them should be prosecuted as accomplices after the fact.

Could it be a vote winner though?
Posted by Is Mise, Monday, 18 December 2017 9:43:45 PM
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That’s a good question, Is Mise, but probably not for the reason you think it is.

<<Did the RComm. remark on the prevalence of homosexuals among the paedophiles?>>

Why, I could imagine a life of celibacy and, instead, serving God would be a very attractive option for gay people who have been indoctrinated into an institution which teaches them that they will need to abstain from sexual activity just because their sexual preference was “sinful”.

Now that you mention it, I would suggest that most offenders in the Church were homosexual.

But, again, not for any homophobic reasons that you may have had in mind.
Posted by AJ Philips, Monday, 18 December 2017 10:56:12 PM
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Hi o sung wu, welcome back to the forum, such an abysmal crime as paedophilia does ignite ones emotions. When its at a personal level such as family, it certainly provokes a person to a point of extreme anger, and the desire for retribution is very strong. Like ttbn I cannot agree with law officers dispensing rough justice, no matter how much I would like to see it done.

My position is, its getting rather late in the day for action. The Catholic Church has had a good 20 years in Australia to clean up its act, I question what has it actually done in that regard? A bit of window dressing, some self serving platitudes from the likes of the Pope and some local Bishops, not much else. Due to their position within society, the Church has been treated as some kind of special case, a sacred cow, not to be touched, its has, and still is, dictating its own course of action. The Church hierarchy thinks they are in such an invincible position that they can come out and thumb their noses, telling the rest of us what they will, and what they will not do. For the politicians its time for action, its not going to be easy, this mob have a very strong influence in political circles, and will not take imposed reform from outside laying down.

"I find it hypocritical that the same outrage is not evident for the numerous indigenous elders and Muslims who have done similar crimes in much more recent times" Runner a Church apologists looking for a distraction. The short answer is we deal with the elders, the Muslims the Mr Whippy Man if necessary, just as we should deal with the clergy. I like that last bit, trying to put it all in the past. Can you guarantee its not still happening? Maybe you are content with the reassurances of the Church hierarchy that they have it all under control, that has been their line from day one.
Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 19 December 2017 4:26:20 AM
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Catholic bishops and cardinals are the top of the heap . Indigenous alcoholics in the bush are not but still get cops at their place.
The report is not good news for Mr Pell and is unfortunate timing for the poor man .
Posted by nicknamenick, Tuesday, 19 December 2017 7:24:43 AM
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