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Transgender sport

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Dear Joe,

No I did not prove your point at all.
Carlotta is now a female. She's had re-assignment surgery
and she definitely is no longer male. She hasn't been male
since her early childhood. Perhaps if you read more about
her experiences you would understand the situation of
transgender better. I would highly recommend her book,
"He did It Her Way". to you. It is not merely a question
of "dressing up" as you put it. The change goes far deeper
than that and it's called corrective surgery. It should
also not be trivialised. A bit of empathy would help
towards understanding someone else's situation and would
make the world a better place for us all - if we were to try
to understand the suffering of others be it physical or
in this case psychological.
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 22 November 2017 10:31:38 AM
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Just to add to the Politically Correct BS we have this.

Schools are banning best friends to protect students’ feelings

Members of the royal family aren’t often told what they can and can’t do. But just a few days into his first year of school, 4-year-old Prince George already faces a mandate: No best friends allowed.

Thomas’s Battersea, the school George attends, bans kids from having best friends,Marie Claire reports. Instead, teachers encourage all students to form bonds with one another to avoid creating feelings of exclusions among those without best friends.

Jane Moore, a parent whose child attends the school, explained the idea on a recent episode of the British talk show “Loose Women.” “There’s a policy,” she said, “that if your child is having a party – unless every child is invited – you don’t give out the invites in class.”

The trend of banning best friends has been growing for several years, and it’s spread beyond European borders to American schools as well. Some psychologists and parents argue kids become more well-adjusted when they have larger friend groups and can avoid negative feelings associated with feeling left out.

Critics, however, say the approach robs kids of the chance to form valuable coping skills. By grappling with mild social exclusion when they’re young, kids will emerge as more capable, resilient adults, these advocates argue.

People who support kids having larger friend groups in place of best friends tend to view these larger groups as healthier for nurturing a sense of belonging. “We try to talk to kids and work with them to get them to have big groups of friends and not be so possessive about friends,” Christine Laycob, director of counseling at Mary Institute in St. Louis, told the New York Times.

Best friends, with their tight bonds and inside jokes, throw a wrench into that open environment, school officials contend.

Rest of article
Posted by Philip S, Wednesday, 22 November 2017 3:37:54 PM
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I think that the issue is at what point does someone's gender change. The present legislation does not require any treatment whatsoever. Theoretically, I could be male on Tuesdays and Thursdays and female the rest of the week.

I understand is that Mouncey has yet to have any surgery, and while (s)he has had hormonal treatment that suppresses his testosterone, he could switch back to being a fully functional male simply by stopping.

Although his testosterone has been suppressed for more than a year, his height, muscular mass, and muscular density has resulted in the physique of a male athlete that is near impossible for a female to achieve. So while someone may be legally female, the implications for contact sports are deeper.

Similarly Carlotta may well have transitioned as far as possible, but the harsh reality is that whilst the majority of people are happy to refer to trans people by their adopted gender, only a tiny minority of men are prepared to date trans women, so acceptance is not universal.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Wednesday, 22 November 2017 3:49:15 PM
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My thoughts on all this transgender business.

You are born either a boy or a girl.
That's all there is.

If you were born a boy then you CAN cut off your willy get surgical boobs if you want to;
- And you can 'identify' as a girl.
You CAN also 'identify' as a Dingo, Cassowary, or a Hairy-Nosed Wombat if you want to.
And why should anyone stop you?
As long as it doesn't affect anyone else and they don't have to pay for your choices then why shouldn't you be entitled to live however you choose?

It's impossible, you cannot EVER GIVE BIRTH;
The genetic nature and function of a FEMALE.

YOU CAN NEVER ACTUALLY BECOME a Dingo, a Cassowary, or a Hairy-Nosed Wombat either.

- But you are free to 'identify' with whatever the hell you want.

And other people DO NOT have to 'identify' with that which YOU 'identify'.
If you are a boy and you 'identify' as a girl then you are free to do so;
- But other people should be free to refer to you as either;
And they should also be free to instead refer to you as 'that gender confused person' if they choose to.

Likewise, if you want to identify as a Dingo, a Cassowary or a Hairy-Nosed Wombat you should be free to do so;
- But others should also be free to refer to you with names such as 'idiot'. 'lunatic' or 'nutjob'.

And that's pretty much all I have to say on the mostly weird topic of 'Transgender'.

As for sports, I'm not going there.
I'm just gonna sit back and watch this ill-conceived idea unfold and laugh.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 22 November 2017 3:50:50 PM
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Dear Shadow Minister,

The AFL (as reported in The Age) based its decision on
the Victorian Equal Opportunity Act - which states that
athletes can be discriminated against based on their
sex or gender "if strength, stamina, or physique is

Of course in Hannah Mouncey's case she is going to have
a size advantage over some of the girls - though not
all, apparently. While having ruled her ineligible for the
AFLW draft in October the AFL cleared Mouncey to compete
in community level competitions because football at that
level is based around participation, inclusion, and

What happens next year will have to wait and see as Hannah
has, as she's explained fully transitioned now.

As far as some males not accepting transgender women.
Some don't. Yet quite a few do. As Carlotta and others
can testify.
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 22 November 2017 4:21:04 PM
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HM has not completely transitioned to quote:

"She revealed she was unlikely to have gender reassignment surgery because of the cost and said she has lost the strength, speed, endurance and stamina she had as a male."

Secondly, while Carlotta might have found many male lovers amongst the millions in "her" city, the reality is that acceptance by straight males is virtually non existent and the figures bandied around are 1-3%.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Wednesday, 22 November 2017 5:23:44 PM
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