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Call the Cory Hotline!
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Tell the truth AJ , are you not concerned about what the poofs are going to do to the chickens? They legalised SSM in Bongostan and it decimated the chicken population. There is not a virginal chook left in the place. There was a positive, the sales of boiled lollies skyrocketed! Please, listen to Cory, he is a great man of wisdom, with a big phone bill to pay.
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 30 September 2017 8:20:02 AM
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Sitting at the airport doodling with "T" 's IPad, off to Qld for big Maori gathering out west, coming from all over NSW , NZ etc.
I was going to vote "Maybe" until Cory rang and that done it, I am now voting "Possibly" The "Maybe" camp have lost me forever, I' m a definite "Possibly" now until the day I die! Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 30 September 2017 8:39:48 AM
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If I were to be brutally honest with myself, then I would admit that I was always going to vote ‘yes’. I just needed a way of doing that without feeling like a complete arsehole. Nah, reversing the roles still doesn't work. Although, I think I may now be getting closer to why that is. Posted by AJ Philips, Saturday, 30 September 2017 8:44:27 AM
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If I was to be brutally honest as well, I would
have to admit that seeing two men kissing or two women for that matter does make me feel uncomfortable. But then in all honesty so does a public display between heterosexuals - with a full-on pash - though probably not as much. Why is that? I guess it's years of having "appropriate" behaviour drummed into me. So I can understand the very strong feelings that are now coming out from many sectors of the community regarding same-sex marriage. Still, we have the opportunity to do what our conscience dictates and have our say in this survey. I just hope that I don't get any phone-calls from anybody trying to influence me. My reaction will depend on my mood at the time. It may not be "appropriate" behaviour. Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 1 October 2017 9:09:58 AM
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cont'd ...
It was interesting to listen to "The Insiders," program this morning with Barrie Cassidy which pointed out that there is an indication that 72 per cent of voters are in favours of the "YES" vote and the "NO" campaigners with their aggressive advertising and tactics are turning many of the "NO" supporters against voting altogether. Even Mr Abbott admitted that in his family he's the only "outsider," in his family. What a ridiculous waste of finances for an obvious conclusion. Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 1 October 2017 9:34:40 AM
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In Newtown Sydney today, where one could expect a "yes" vote in the high 90's, who's in the middle of the busy intersection at King St and Enmore Rd, non other than a hardy band of placard waving "No" protesters. few in number they were. A word from the wise to one, "If you're down here to drum up "no" votes, you're obviously in the wrong place. If you're down here to pick a fight, you're obviously in the right place. He gave me the free speech line, which may be so. The police moved quickly to tell the protesters that standing on the island in the middle of the busy road was a dangerous traffic hazard, a definite no no, they quickly moved on. Other than a few cat calls, and a couple of jeers, the large rather Bohemian crowd was nonplus with the whole thing and did nothing.
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 8 October 2017 8:17:36 PM