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The Forum > General Discussion > Minor's Firearm Permits at 10 years of age.

Minor's Firearm Permits at 10 years of age.

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Dear Is mise,

I remember it as something along the lines of 'it is understandable that not all the weapons were handed in because some had great sentimental value'. I do not have the time nor inclination to track it down right now and will admit it may well have been a generic statement from you so I withdraw it.

Grey market 8.5%, illegally imported 1%, 850% difference by my math. What is it with yours?

So mate, what about “greater penalties for those who harbour Grey Market weapons as well as substantive sanctions for those who fail to keep them from theft.”?

Or are you happy seeing our baddies more heavily armed so you can justify loosening our gun laws?

How about thinking of the risk you are putting us all under.

Dear Paul1405,

You might like this gem from Is Mise. His solution to armed holdups at service stations? Not to look at our gun laws because that would infringe on his rights. Rather;

“If the Firearms Acts were fair and just then service station attendants would be allowed to wear 'bullet proof vests' but possession of such a vest is a criminal offence, but the Prime Minister wore one when addressing a meeting of shooters. Double standard? Where is Work Cover when one needs them?”
Posted by SteeleRedux, Friday, 11 August 2017 9:09:34 PM
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I do remember saying something along those lines but I meant just what I said, and some people would have kept their fathers' or grandfathers' old .22 semi-auto .22s as keepsakes.

What do you find wrong with people in vulnerable employment being allowed to have safety equipment?

Government mandates the wearing of protective footwear, leg-guards,
crotch protectors, safety harness, breathing masks, eye protection, hearing protection and head protecting helmets.

So why ban body armour?


"I could say, if the gun amnesty had been in place, police officer Brett Forte may not have needlessly lost his life when gunned down in Queensland. The perpetrator may have handed his illegal weapon into authorities."

You could say that, but I don't think that you are that stupid.
Posted by Is Mise, Friday, 11 August 2017 9:45:42 PM
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Yes Steele that is one possibility, while Issy and his mob are running around shooting everything in sight, the rest of us could feel safe wearing a four inch thick suit of body armor. Issy you can add that one to the Shooters and Hooters policy under the heading of self protection.
Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 11 August 2017 10:18:13 PM
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LOL The days of the Greens riding bareback on gays for sensationalist headlines are coming to a close. There is much angst and casting about for new cans to kick, eh guys?

So, what will Monday be bringing? Will 'their' ABC be as kind and cooperative as ever? Will the ABC dust the Greens off with a feather, as understandingly and sympathetically, empathetically, as ever where the Green Left are concerned? Treat it all as an 'organisational matter' and don't dig deeper? Give the Greens elite some free time?

Maybe a little spice by talking about the competition between Greens and Labor the lunar fringe demographic, the easily led and forever offended, 'Useful Idiots'.

Done before and very safe.

The ABC's très 'Progressive' attack dogs are for others.
Posted by leoj, Saturday, 12 August 2017 8:49:55 AM
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"Grey market 8.5%, illegally imported 1%, 850% difference by my math. What is it with yours?"

Anything you like, as it's all based on supposition.

The guess at the number of illegal guns runs from 250,000 to 600,000 depending on the degree of sensationalism required.
Posted by Is Mise, Saturday, 12 August 2017 9:49:24 AM
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I say it was 463,198,262 illicit. That is as correct as any other guess. Surprised they admitted any imports at all. But then they turn around and say all are imports.

'Grey', what a sly way to try to pin the tail on the donkey, to blame-shift, to make ordinary citizens, the victims of crime, somehow responsible for the offences of criminals.

The grubby, unethical uses of social psychology revealed in that spin. Or is it that propagandists were always like that, outright lies and half truths? The Marxists and their manipulative language.

Then along come a Jackass who boasted of his and his family's past unlicensed stupidity with firearms to assert that victims of theft, victims of crimes being committed against them, should be re-victimised by being charged and punished themselves for the crimes committed against them.

What next? Victims of assault, of rape, having to defend themselves in court against charges that they somehow contributed to the crime committed against them?

OLO readers, the public, should be reading those posts by the activists for that foul, imported 'gun control' of those foreign billionaires and wondering about the mind control, loss of freedom and totalitarianism it masks.
Posted by leoj, Saturday, 12 August 2017 11:11:17 AM
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