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The Forum > General Discussion > Should Muhammed be put on trial?

Should Muhammed be put on trial?

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Dear Josephus,

There are so many questionable leaders both past and
present that could be brought to account but we've
neither the time nor the money nor the resources to
do that. Every nation has atrocities that have been
committed by various leaders. All we have to do is
read the histories of those nations.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 29 July 2017 1:48:57 PM
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The influence of the person's life and teachings [ideas] upon society is what could be tried. Currently in our society to murder is a criminal offence, under Hitler to officially gas a Jew is removing social scum; under the Caliphate set up by Muhammed to kill an infidel or a deserter of the faith is accepted as prescribed under Koranic law.

Under our law to engage in sex with a 9 year old is paedophilia, under the example and principle established by Muhammed one can marry a six year old, or take any non Muslim girl as a sex slave. They are getting of lightly in Western countries for child grooming and rape, claiming cultural sensitives before our Judges.

We now have Sharia law taught at University Law so lawyers understand Islamic Culture.

The life and example of Muhammed and his rantings do not advance society, only damage social cohesion and safety. The West needs to put him as a Master example and law maker on Public trial; because it conflicts with our values. He needs to be exposed as psychopath and paedophile and admiration of him breeds a weak and sick society. Similarly anyone who admires Hitler or Pol Pot are equally psychopathic.
Posted by Josephus, Saturday, 29 July 2017 4:35:51 PM
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Dear Josephus,

Are you a theologian?

Have you studied Islam?

Your statements are very vague and sweeping in their
generalisations. You can't speak for how Muslims
practice their religion in all the various countries
around the world. They do not practice it in exactly
the same way coming from different cultures, countries,
speaking different languages and so on.

Fundamentalists or extremists of any religion make their
own interpretations of their religions. We can't blame
the religions for the way some people may interpret the

I would hesitate greatly before making the judgements and
assumptions that you are making. I doubt very much whether
any court of law would take your suggestions seriously.
You have to provide some evidence for a start. Not something
based on what's in the media.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 29 July 2017 4:53:11 PM
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cont'd ...

What disturbs me is that I found an article
on the web written be Louis Palme with the
title, "Muhammad and His Crimes Against
Humanity." It was an article published by

"Annaqed" was founded in 2000 by Bassam Darwich.
Who's had to face court for sexual assault of
children and running a child prostitution ring.

"Annaqed" publishes anti - Islam articles and
it plays off - of ignorance to further hate.

I hope that this is not where your influence is
coming from.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 29 July 2017 6:38:51 PM
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My influences are coming from listing to people who have lived under Islam. I am currently reading a research paper done into the psychological analysis of Muhammed, and the influence he holds over Islamic society.
Posted by Josephus, Saturday, 29 July 2017 7:38:45 PM
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Posted by Josephus, Saturday, 29 July 2017 7:44:26 PM
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