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The Forum > General Discussion > How come a Royal Commission in the NT is unaware?

How come a Royal Commission in the NT is unaware?

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Hi Big Nana,

Thank you for your valuable insights. Those problems don't occur so much in 'southern' settings, but you touch on something which is very pervasive: " ... If the man is from a powerful family then the accusers suffer ongoing disadvantage in the community by being ignored for any jobs, better housing etc..."

Let's be clear: there is (and perhaps always has been) probably no such thing as Aboriginal 'community': there are powerful families, and much less powerful families, and very weak families and individuals. Usually powerful families, the ones who grab all the best jobs, houses, etc., are the most established. In 'communities' they seem to come in pairs, an uneasy and chronically fractious alliance of dominant families marrying into each other, and keeping out and/or down anybody from weaker, smaller or more recent families.

'Community' is an outsider, Utopian view, of blow-ins and people who turn a blind eye to 'community' life. The realities are feuding, back-biting, rumour-mongering, long-held grievances, vendettas, and payback, with the weaker being targeted, often young boys and girls. Can Aboriginal 'communities' ever be genuine communities ? I don't know. I don't think so.

Best wishes,

Posted by Loudmouth, Sunday, 2 July 2017 10:01:24 PM
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I agree with everything that most of you have said herein. We should remember, the terms of reference for any sort of Judicial Inquiry or Royal Commission, comes within the purview of the government, who precisely establishes the actual 'Terms of Reference' of that Commission. Although the presiding Royal Commissioner his/herself can request their terms of reference to be broadened? And we all know how morally corrupt and cunning respective governments can be. There's often a saying; when a RC is called, the presiding government already knows Commission's findings?
Posted by o sung wu, Monday, 3 July 2017 1:02:18 PM
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3rd time lucky ? Computers, who needs them ? While we're on the subject, the 2016 Census suggested that the Indigenous population rose from 548,000 to around 649,000. This included about 73,000 births since 2011. So not only did nobody pass away but around thirty thousand people came back to life.

OR there has been, as in previous Censuses, massive re-identification. Given the mortality between 2011 and 2016, this could have been as high as 80,000, perhaps more. So re-identification out-paced births. Age-groups aged 5 and over increased in number, by an average of around 11 %.

The point of all this is that conclusions and predictions about indigenous population are utterly useless. One feature however stands out: as in recent Censuses, and adjusting for the emergence of people not counted in previous Censuses, the number of births seems to have declined with each count, by about 1 % p.a.

Also, the greatest population increases have been along the east coast, in the cities. Population seems to be moving from remote settlements to small towns, then to bigger towns, then to cities. The demands arising from the Uluru Statement (what we know of them) seem to assume the reverse: that the Indigenous people want, en masse, to move from the cities to remoter areas. So aspirations and realities seem to be in conflict. In such situations, realities usually win.

Posted by Loudmouth, Monday, 3 July 2017 2:21:26 PM
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Big Nana and Joe,
A further question if I may.

The initiation of girls? Does the practice of deflowering with a stick and the tearing of the vulva and anus, followed by gang rape still occur, and if so an estimate of occurrance?

If this occurs is medical restoration usually carried out?

I read about this long ago and considered it a practice long past.
Posted by Banjo, Monday, 3 July 2017 4:12:40 PM
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Aboriginal communities are seriously disfunctional, but it is politically incorrect to
say so.

They'd rather blame while people for all their bad behaviour.

It's the same with black lives matter, in America, then they have the hide to blame the whites for not stopping the 5,000 murders in black communities every year.
No wonder the police are inclined to shoot first and ask questions later, when they know how bad the gun murders amongst blacks are.

It's about time black people started to own up to their bad behaviour, they are like
children the way they try to blame whites for their bad behaviour. Sure they were badly done by, by whites 150 or more years ago, but the choices they are making today are their own. Nobody else's.
The whites are sick of hearing their excuses.
At first they were given much sympathy, but it has worn very thin as they continue to
act so badly.
The trouble is the more the whites tune out because they are no longer buying the victim excuses any more, the louder they get.
We understand what happened in the past but we don't understand why they are still
being non accountable for their bad behaviour in the present day.
Posted by CHERFUL, Monday, 3 July 2017 8:25:28 PM
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Banjo: Surely more educated people must help one would think.

The Educated Aboriginals are indoctrinated with hate the Whiteman & push for more money for themselves.

Foxy: what can the Royal Commission actually do? From my understanding they can only act once a report has been made - and then they can proceed to gather evidence.
OSW: We should remember, the terms of reference for any sort of Judicial Inquiry or Royal Commission, comes within the purview of the government, who precisely establishes the actual 'Terms of Reference' of that Commission.

Terms of Reference = What you can & cannot ask. Dates, before & after questions aren’t allowed to be asked. Direct questions & a raft of others.
The reason for this is so Justice is seemed to be Served & nothing is achieved.

Cherful: Aboriginal communities are seriously dysfunctional, but it is politically incorrect to say so. They'd rather blame while people for all their bad behaviour.

Exactly the aim of the Educated Aboriginals.
Posted by Jayb, Tuesday, 4 July 2017 9:17:42 AM
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