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Failure of the Gun Laws
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Posted by leoj, Saturday, 24 June 2017 1:34:29 PM
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Another red herring, gun crime in Australia was almost none existent until along come Giuseppe and his Calabrian Mafia. What a load of rubbish. Gun crime was prevalent in Australia before Ned Kelly, and Ned had not even heard of the Calabrian Mafia.
A bit of convoluted logic, if someone wants to kill you, then they are going to do so regardless. Many gun deaths are not premeditated, some are by accident. others are the result of things getting out of control. when the intention is to commit another crime such as robbery, the purpose of the gun is to menace, but often things don't go to plan for the criminal and murder is the result, the old "Do as I say, and no one gets hurt!" nonsense. I cannot recall hearing a news report than went like this "A late night service station attendant was killed when two men brandishing rocks held up his station.". I suppose somewhere in all these posts by Leoj, Is Mise and moonshine defending gunnies there is some semblance of sanity, but I just can't find it. Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 24 June 2017 2:33:03 PM
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Through their own use of drugs, how many Greens are supporting organised crime AND GUNS? Haven't you ever looked around at one of those Greens knees-ups where the elite who run the Greens strut their conspicuous consumption, that it is their use of cocaine and other recreational drugs that is the cream for those drug syndicates? That it is the professional elite themselves who are contributing to the importation of those expensive new 'gangsta' guns, along with the shipments of THEIR coke? What a hide the smug, amoral Greens elite have. What utter hypocrisy, what gall and hubris, to try to blame-shift it onto others. And there you are, Paul1405, being used by them. How does that make you feel? I don't care if people are allowed to grow a few plants of their own and have a personal 30gms or so on them. What I am concerned about are the cynical, hypocritical SOBs who abuse their positions of trust and don't give a rat's behind for the suffering of the many thousands of kids whose lives are going to be wrecked by the drugs of organised criminals who ARE the importers and users of those illegal guns. Posted by leoj, Saturday, 24 June 2017 3:40:20 PM
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Taking marijuana is probably pretty harmless. Taking stronger drugs is harmful but totally voluntary self-harm by the clown who is damaged. A bullet fired through gun anarchy means the target is dead dead dead, often without even knowing where it came from. The Yank NRA lobby are trying to bypass the need for protection of Australians from gun freaks by switching to other issues.
Posted by EmperorJulian, Saturday, 24 June 2017 4:13:01 PM
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Look the fly on the wall is doing it again. Leoj you have never been within cooee of a Greens meeting, if you were, we would get the squatter out and that would be the end of you Louie, sorry Leo.
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 24 June 2017 5:04:24 PM
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Some mates of the Greens? You might confirm that. "Construction unions using bikies as 'hired muscle' in industrial disputes: Victoria Police Key points: Police call for more powers to investigate union links to bikies Concerns outlined in submission to trade union royal commission Opposition calls on Government not to ignore problems with construction industry In its 2015 submission to the Royal Commission into Trade Union Governance and Corruption, the force identified a "culture of fear" in the construction industry. .. Spokesman Robert Clark said it was clear there was criminal elements in the trade union movements." Posted by leoj, Saturday, 24 June 2017 5:19:10 PM
- did The Hon Michael Keenan MP Minister for Justice, happen to say when the drug testing laws that apply to other workers might be extended to the (federal) Parliament of Australia?
- what about their servants, the federal public servants and private contractor who advise policy?
No guessing why Ministers have so many political spinmeisters.
Of course many of those boozy political correspondents with the frosty noses as well (must be the Canberra winter) are over-willing too to talk about lost Daisy air guns (saw a few a a kid, must be thousands) and gay marriage.