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One Nation - time to debunk a few myths

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Well it is too late for anything to save what once was One Nation but that's not my point in writing this.

Seems that the party still gets frequently mentioned here... but also as apparent is the lack of any real understanding of the party.

Since its inception One Nation had born the brunt of more hypocrisy and dishonesty that any other party in recent times.

RACISTS - the big lie...

Before One Nation was even formed Pauline Hanson was labelled a racist. Cries rang out in Parliament House before she had even finished her maiden speech. The racist LIE was born.

But this political ploy had been used for years by the “left” to silence debate on issues such as immigration and multiculturalism.

A racist is someone who holds the belief that one race is superior to another.

There is NO One Nation policy, so based.

Let’s make that point one more time, to make it perfectly clear...

There is/was... NO One Nation policy, so based.

The politically correct have lied and corrupted the English language in their attempt to control and stifle debate in Australia.

One Nation - extreme right wing...

Really? A quick look at One Nation policies since it’s inception would have quickly put an end to that lie.

But who really knows what One Nation’s policies were? It’s so much easier to just believe what others say.

One Nation has NO answers...

How often have we heard that one? Yet we have governments both federal and state adopting One Nation policies.

How many times have things One Nation warned about come to pass?

Backward looking...

One Nation wanted to drag Australia back to the past. Really? At a time when the major parties thought infrastructure development was too difficult and the Democrats didn’t even know what it was. One Nation was asking why not? It was One Nation who wanted to rebuild our manufacturing base here in Australia for our children’s future
Posted by T800, Sunday, 24 September 2006 5:48:24 PM
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The DEMOCRATS and the anti-Hanson parties...

Just more lies and hypocrisy. When Meg Lees went to the 2001 election on a platform of little more than anti-Hanson sentiment she conveniently forgot that both parties shared many more policy commonalities than differences.

The real reason for targeting One Nation was because they were a political threat to the Democrats, nothing more, nothing less.

The other parties such as Unity, etc. were parties founded on a lie. One Nation was not racist.

Political scare-mongering was used to create more competition and siphon off preferences to the majors.

The BIG Hypocrisy...

In a final bid to kill off One Nation the major parties preferenced each other. This had absolutely nothing to do with any moral imperative. It was pure and simple... a ploy to entrench the status quo.

Both the major parties didn’t care who won government as long as it wasn’t someone other than them
Posted by T800, Sunday, 24 September 2006 5:52:18 PM
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Coles and Woolies do exactly the same with their competitors.They won't savage each other in a brawl,but they'll pick on the easy prey small competitors and destroy them.

Yes it is true,a lot of One Nation policies are now being implemented by the Federal Govt but One nation lacked the talent and credibility to pull it off.It takes a long time to build a party people will trust.One Nation is plagued by the few ultra-right loonies as Labor is plagued by the left loonies.Keeping a united front with all the egos under control is just one of thousands of problems.It's a brave man or woman that even considers embarking on such a task.
Posted by Arjay, Sunday, 24 September 2006 9:32:32 PM
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"Plagued" by a "few"...

Please Explain arjay.

You can hardly be both.

I've come across more racists (real racists) in the Labor party than in One Nation.
Yes there were a few I came across in One Nation but no more than in any other party... in fact they did their best to turn these people... who were inspired by media and the political party lies... to try and join. The party even used to read the riot act about it at every branch meeting they had in NSW.

BTW arjay a party must start somewhere... according to you it's a waste of time anybody trying. That's a pretty defeatist attitude in my opinion. Anyone joining ON was vilified and tarred and feathered as a racist... it took some pretty brave people to put up with that amount of scaremongering and vilification. I note ON supporters were the ones bashed arjay, not those "good decent folks" trying to stop them from exercising their right to free speech and freedom of association.
Posted by T800, Sunday, 24 September 2006 10:52:14 PM
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T800 I watched the blow by blow Left/Media inspired anti 1 Nation campaign and observed some very evil acts in the process.

On reflection, I have a solution :)

If ever a party with similar aspirations arises, they should take the INITIATIVE and embark on public activism and protests against the REAL racists in the community.

Examples are:

-Some trade unions
-Ethnic Associations

I would take the fight directly to them, and have demonstrations outside their offices, and ensure that the message 'RACISTS' got though to the media.

One Nation simply did not know how to manipulate the media in a 'pro' way.....

We can learn a lot from the left and the gay lobby, about how to magnify and amplify the impact of small numbers by strategic and creative activities.

I've done a few experiments to test this. Like attending (but not participating in) a Socialist Alliance/Palestine Solidarity Network rally in Melb. and I've stood at the entrance to RMIT with posters and interacting with passers by on some issues.

It was quite a rush actually :)

I often quote Tony Campollo in this kind of area. He is a radical Christian in the USA.. phd in Sociology. He was asked once when he was like 50+ "Tony, if you had your time again, what would you do different" ? He replied..... "RISK MORE" and I've taken this to heart.

I saw the ABC shaft 1 Nation on immigration policy. In the evening news, they reported on the 1-N immig spokesperson policy release.
The only thing they said was "1-N spokesperson has confict with the Gov't member on issues" Not a syllable of actual policy point.

Be encouraged. The 'Truth' is out there, and it will eventually be seen.
Posted by BOAZ_David, Monday, 25 September 2006 6:28:38 AM
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T800 I'm not trying to discourage you.Just remember that the extremists in your own party{and every party has them} are your greatest enemies.Yes Labor and all it's lefties did a good job of painting One Nation as an extremist Klu klux Klan Party.The Labor party betrayed it's own people and that is why they will remain in the wilderness for some time to come.

There is a need for a party that represents small business,the self employed and middle management who are the real producers of wealth in this country.The Coalition are big business oriented and will continue to tax the life out of us,however I'll continue to vote for discipline and planning over any party that betrays it's own people by pandering to their weakness.

For One Nation to get real traction,you need long term plans and really intelligent,dedicated people to make it work.In the past,One Nation lacked credibility.Pauline was a good person but wasn't articulate enough to gain voters confidence.

The Democrats are all but gone because they moved to the left and The Coalition have moved towards the right taking ground from One Nation.Moving further towards the extreme right will not be smart.One Nation should look at the people who are really working hard and hurting because of Coalition Policies.

You can fill the void left by Labor.
Posted by Arjay, Monday, 25 September 2006 9:25:34 PM
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