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Vic State Gov Concern Over Teen Crime.

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November 26 Saturday morning, I switched on to 9 network Weekend Today capturing at 9:19 AM a story on Working Dogs. Two interviewed guests were rescuing working dogs. What made this story relevant was that quests were saying, “these dogs don't do well being locked up in shelters, in cages and enclosures, dogs get behavioural problems when they're locked up like that, they need a lot of mental stimulation, not just physical”... “they need the mind ticking over all the time, they need a job, the job could be working on the land or it could be...”. guests were talking about dogs.

After a commercial break at 9:27 AM came the Friday BMW “high speed car pursuit caught on camera in Melbourne”. Female host asking “What's with the spate of teenage crime, in Melbourne in particular?”.

Teenager car chase, made most that Saturday evening news stories.

I am going to say the working dog story and the teenagers stealing the BMW are closely related.

I have created many (over a thousand word) readings on bad classroom education is responsible for most human psychological problems, posting 45 related readings on a psychology forum website. The few replies I receive, several repliers state how bored they were at school.

Watching Mr T's “World's Craziest Fools” all the stupid badly thought out behaviours, easily noticing crazy fools are all teenagers. Teenagers are trying to entertain themselves to relieve zero skilled capable boredom.

Returning to ABC television “Revolution School” exampling year 8 students were evaluated to have academic skills between year 10 to a very low year grade. Most class students had poor reading and spelling ability. The revolution was to merely allow students to read books of their own choice without teacher interruptions for 10 minutes at the beginning of each period. After many classroom periods, students were improving reading skills, enjoying reading, spelling was improving. Next round of examinations witnessed vastly improved test scores.

I would say thereafter improved teaching methods were quickly abandoned by local education departments.

There's new argument posts in future readings.
Posted by steve101, Monday, 28 November 2016 10:49:25 AM
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All this bad education leads back to maintaining political power and holding on to money, not losing easy opportunities to get more money for people in control.

I speculate, the establishment controlling money would believe they know what's best for every citizen, I assume running most everything smoothly works, that good balanced with evil, an old religious ideology, works easiest for the establishment.

In my many readings on school education, I theorise, education is designed to keep children dumb, to torture children into repressing intellectual thought, keeping citizens listening to media for their beliefs, having citizens repeating what media are saying as though words were reality.

Teenagers stealing BMW story will vanish, citizen memories will fade while political stories will roll over in daily news stories like business as usual.

As the “Revolution School” teacher stated, “many aged 7 years children are being diagnosed with ADHD”. Bored mentally stressed children having almost zero intellectual mental activity, see sports as a relief from classroom boring activities. As Adam from “Adam Ruins Everything” says the reason people watch sports is that people don't know what's going to happen next. I add picking a locally situated team to follow, aids reasons for loudly cheering, gambling on whose felt as going to win.

I am going to make an important point here so please read on:

I posted an earlier reading on this forum about a 2 part over 2 Sunday nights SBS documentary on Walt Disney which was shown early this year. I was attempting to say the documentary was conveying to listeners that Walt Disney was often losing money on his high quality animated movies. That Walt Disney was receiving his finance from Bank Of America. Part 2 described how Walt Disney was travelling around, increasing his notoriety, eventually building Disney Land.
Most Walt Disney story themes were based on old European fairy tale stories. Disney Land recreated Disney's European fairy tale productions, European Castle and wild west cowboy towns. Disney introduced television weekly series based on Daniel Boone and other out of date to modern life fantasy and old history stories.
Posted by steve101, Tuesday, 29 November 2016 8:13:09 AM
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These rich class wealthy people aren't stupid. I theorise, bankers hire psychologists and marketing experts to produce propaganda. Corporate establishment don't need to make profits on financing entertainment productions to entertain the working class.

I'm very cautious when borrowing money from banks, I feel concerned when placing myself in debt, that I will enslave myself in a job I don't like, that circumstances may change, finding myself in difficulty in repaying outstanding loans.

Many other educated people are not so reluctant to borrow money from banks. Sometimes borrowers fall foul to high interest rates, using much of their wages to pay off debt. Many people buy property during low interest rate “buying property boom periods” rather than to have learnt from past history, buying property during depressed bust periods.

In Walt Disney's Snow White animated movie, the evil old woman didn't sell the poison apple to Snow White, Snow White was not seen bargaining down the apple to buy the apple at below local market price. The story merely had written into the Snow White story that the old woman gave the apple to Snow White.

I'm saying education, sports and media stories are designed to hold money borrowing adults in childlike emotional decision making states, adults making decisional mistakes like “World's Craziest Fools” shows us. Adults can't even realise they may have misjudged decisions, learning from there own and other people's mistakes. When life comes to finance, badly educated people are financially stupid. That badly educated people feel they can correctly answer most trivial pursuit questions during school examinations, compared to other similar educated people... they feel they are truly intelligent.

That bored children and teenagers whom watch media stories are learning dysfunctional behavioural self-programming from old period stories and scripted soap opera dramas. That boredom leads human behaviours to unconsciously being aware of playing out poor decisions. That as decisions are being made, resemblance of past pleasing entertainment were being felt and thereafter being continued. Even if mistakes are realised, denial sets in, thereafter mistakes are quickly forgotten.
Posted by steve101, Tuesday, 29 November 2016 8:19:07 AM
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The Saturday morning “working dog rescue” story, guest indicating how dogs mental health is damaged by being locked up in cages. The following story about teenagers rather stupid behaviours stealing a BMW, teenage girls found and questioned. Both stories close together maybe some humorous attempt to entertain people in the know who may be watching.

The point that dogs get psychologically evaluated while teenagers are merely called criminals, highlights the continued denial for change.

Husbands bashing wives, in the past women were sometimes blamed for their own demise. I suggest bored women play out afternoon media dramas on their husbands. That many afternoon entertaining media dramas, males are often portrayed as unfaithful to their wives, lazy, take their wives for granted. That in real life men feel: tricked into marriage; feel enslaved in their employment; that women bring back repressed memories of female school teachers forcing men as children to do school work and that mothers force their children to do school homework. That teenage boys not fully realise mothers are using homework to control teenager rebellious behaviours.

Children attending school too early at aged 5 years, locking children inside classrooms, gradually traumatising children using boredom and low intelligence academic repetitive tasks. By aged 7 years children are dummying themselves to self-medicate, promoting fun loving dysfunctional activities: sports; narcissism; bullying.

Children by young adult age are stupid, media presented psychological experts concluding teenager brains are not fully developed until teenagers reach aged 25 years. The excuse is one more laughing at a joke session rich ruling classes get to experience.

As society according to rich class establishment and middle management class political bureaucrats need no increased residential building development and no motor vehicle assembly line workers; fewer coal power station workers. Crime may increase, justifying: hiring more police; building more jails.

Because years of media stories have made: police, crime stories very familiar in citizenry lives, citizens will except crime as an enduring culture without realising government curriculum education and corporate funded media manipulations are primarily responsible for society problems.
Posted by steve101, Tuesday, 29 November 2016 8:24:04 AM
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Because Australia is basically white skin multi-cultural, there's barely any discrimination within the working class. Because USA has a large, high percentage Negro population, discrimination can be noticeably coloured, leading to formulated on the bases of skin colour, biased unfair criminal police persecution.
When it comes down to whom controls illegal drugs, how can so much illegal drug chemical ingredients be obtained by criminal elements... whom is really to blame?


What Mr T's “World's Craziest Fools” doesn't have a segment on, how teenagers whom don't know when to decide to stop drinking alcohol, trying to get as drunk as humanly possible. Crazy teenagers don't get a mention on deciding to consume cannabis and other legal and illegal drugs. Drug dealers are merely supplying domestic demand. Remove demand by allowing children to think, before pretending to educate teenagers, which school education is little more than forcing memory tasks onto teenagers to further traumatise teenagers decision making thinking abilities, demonstrated by four teenagers stealing the mentioned above BMW.


There are many Hollywood movies staring many actors, acting out dysfunctional behaviours, passing off dysfunctional behaviours as comedy. Humour is felt as a positive influence and may teach no real behavioural skills to watchers what-so-ever. I pose that truly intelligent people would not care to watch such productions as there would be very few real humour relative to real life experiences to be witnessed. Hence, I suggest bad humour derived from dysfunctional behaviours worsens human decision making abilities. That such movies along with: crime; sex; violence; war; ancient histories... are all created to distract individual thought as the above readings have been theorising.
Posted by steve101, Tuesday, 29 November 2016 8:28:24 AM
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I have been hovering over this reading for a while:

Sunday morning English speaking derived from the USA religious programs, rely on listeners human poor self-guidance decision making skills. Television evangelists point out human: cruelty; terrorism; clueless behaviours; poor parenting skills. Television evangelists often repeating Jesus and/or god has the answers.

Hollywood actor Nicholas Cage collection of movies have many religious themes. I have heard Scientology has a strong presents in Hollywood. Over the other side of US west coast mountain range lies the bible belt.

Nicholas Cage movies include: “Knowing”, end of the world, his children are taken by aliens to a another far away planet; “Next”, seeing the future; “The Wicker Man” harvest human sacrifice; “Kick-ass” has Cage acting as a hero figure assassin, hence “ass”; “Face Off”, switching souls; “Con Air”, falsely locked up; “Kiss Of Death”, a Judas portrayal Jesus thing; “City Of Angels”; “Lord Of War”, gun runner of huge proportions; etc. These movies have little effect on myself, yet to other movie watchers emotions may feel some mixture of concern, end of time fears and emotional/spiritual motivation.

The gullibility of human emotions leads human behaviour to almost believe anything that feels desirable. Once emotions have convinced truth, difficulty in changing beliefs remains strong. Even though I have a convincing argument, emotional anxiety to believe what's already believed is often so strong, old beliefs feel far less anxiety, that the degree of stupidity not to believe being wrong for one's entire life. Feels better to be believing old beliefs than to rethink old beliefs are incorrect.

Narcissism is about feeling highly intelligent, that the belief in the self, is so strong, that narcissists cannot believe they are ever wrong. Classroom teacher two way communication increases opportunity for competitive competition. When narcissists feel embarrassed for being wrong, the fear of being wrong becomes repressed memories. Students allowed to read to themselves for limited periods seems ideal. Students confronted with teachers instructions and open two way communication: embarrassments; anger; hatred; pressure to perform. This is the education that creates teenagers who steal BMWs.
Posted by steve101, Tuesday, 29 November 2016 8:44:26 AM
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Google: “primary school drops homework”; no DailyMail Internet posted article to be found.

That same November 26 Saturday morning, later that morning on “Today Extra – Saturday” segment: What's Making News, PENS DOWN! Call to abolish homework in primary schools.

Lead male panellist said, “Headlines this morning, fresh calls to do away with homework in primary schools”. Myself seeing an image of the DailyMail.
Myself reading the DailyMail article from the television screen:
“Traditional homework set by primary schools should be scrapped because there is little evidence it helps children learn and it can increase stress (missing a word) families according to a government body.” second paragraph was little more than vague justification statements.

The four member Today Extra discussion panel agreed using their own experiences, student homework was pointless.
One female panellist on homework said “it is out of control and I will add, I mentioned this to the principle at my daughters school, she said if I scrap homework today, there would be a cue all the way down the hallway of parents insisting that we provide homework” remaining three panellists asking “why”, female panellist, replying, “parents are pushing, parents are pushing”. All the panellist were expressing their surprise and opposing views.

My argument is that parents are using after school homework as an excuse to prevent children from leaving the house after returning home after school. Parents fearful of not knowing what their children are doing outside the home before dark.

Stressed primary school children forced to do after school homework, stressing children out even further. Children forced by mothers to work pointless tasks, children formulating rebellious subconscious attitudes. Children experiencing poor childhoods may have fewer children of their own. That males are more likely to be violent towards mother like females.
Posted by steve101, Wednesday, 30 November 2016 1:16:22 PM
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The more news media reports crime, the more parents use school homework to control their children, the more teenagers experience “I hate being told what to do” angry busts of bipolar behaviours, teenagers are going to eventually commit crimes and/or do stupid things causing themselves: injuries; alcoholism and worse before teenagers have a chance to mature into adult behaviour. Made worse after leaving school to find few employment opportunities existing.


November 29, ABC 7.30 report, first 2 stories: Geelong unemployed workers unable to work at the Geelong Refinery due to Korean workers on 457 visas, the true number of 457 visa employees... a claim the company denies.
Part of the story shows both major federal political leaders in federal parliament accusing each other of being at fault.

Federal parliament Bill Shorten private members bill introduced November 28, legislated changes mentioned: to reduce Labour government's sky-rocketed number of more than 600 occupations listed for 457 visas currently determined by an employer dominate committee and reduce the time an unemployed 457 visa holder stays in the country from 90 days to 60 days.

Already, seen on 7.30 program, Dr How, reasons why changes won't work are expressed I assume to stall any changes from moving rewards.

The second story was about “Victorian Youth Justice System is in disarray”. Many violent youth held in youth centres, are behaving badly.
“Large parts of Parkvill look like a war zone”.
Indigenous youth were intended to be placed in adult jails.

Globalisation has been around for hundreds of years. 1720 South Sea Bubble.

Foreign companies buy companies in countries of choice whom could enjoy higher profits if it were not for local unionised high waged employment. New foreign companies fire local labour and hire cheaper foreign labour.
Southern States of North America imported slaves to cheapen labour costs. Exporting cotton to Great Britain cotton mills.
Posted by steve101, Wednesday, 30 November 2016 1:22:58 PM
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The two 7.30 report stories are somewhat related. As profits are being made by corporate leaders in the know at the expense of Australian work force. Malcolm Turnbull wants to place a 32% tax on private business owner farmers labour while ignoring cheap labour 457 visas employees working for corporate companies.

I theorise, Victorian education system is sabotaging the youth of Victoria, forcing traumatised youth into stupid: violent; sports loving; comedy festival; music loving... distracting the self behaviours, like all governments have been doing for several hundred years.

Those two 7.30 reports may show awareness, yet such stories will be heard once in many months. As calmly and carefully as the first two reports were presented, very few listeners will take much notice. Even fewer listeners would have recorded the stories to ensure what was said was fully understood. Like most educated citizens, having to read information several times is the only way to ensure school examinations will provide required grades.

School education's hurrying students, mental stress, constantly wanting to be entertained, somewhat ensures that regardless what citizens are told, citizens don't care.

Politicians and their mates whom have foreign companies, whom invest in companies buying into Australia, can control the 457 visa occupations list. Allowing employer dominate committee control over choosing whatever serves increasing profits at the cost of Australian workers.

School education, traumatises citizens so they will be more concerned about their own mental health than to ever care about real long term employment concerns.
Posted by steve101, Wednesday, 30 November 2016 1:30:06 PM
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Below is an argument on GDP inventing bank credits’ economy:

457 Visa workers earning money, assuming workers have families in other countries, may after spending expenses while in Australia, send remaining Australian dollar credits earnings to their own family in their own passport credentials country.

Permanent resident immigrants earning wages in Australia, I assume many immigrants send Australian currency credits to relatives living in foreign counties.

December 1, 2016. 8:09 AM... Malcolm Turnbull seen speaking in a live interview from Canberra on ABC Breakfast, about backpacker fruit pickers said, “Pacific islanders sends on average AU$5,100 back to their village each 6 months picking season”.

East coast of Australia cities: Brisbane; Sydney; Melbourne... are where roughly half of Australia's population resides. These three cities are Australia's import/export shipping ports. A hundred years ago these cities exported: wool; gold; metals; etc... to Great Britain. Now! I speculate these ports import containers full of manufactured consumer and business products, returning mostly empty containers. Australia imports motor vehicles, I assume imports motor vehicle spare parts. Australia no longer manufactures any significant items for significant export.

I would say the east coast of Australia cities are human resource dumping grounds. Politicians mention immigrants make Australia wealthy. I suggest GDP amounts to building residential and high rise city office buildings. The economy runs on business development growth often feeding on itself, building office buildings, filling office buildings with school leavers, (encouraging expensive fee university education delaying eventual wage earning employment delaying first child, families have fewer children), on fake assumptions of companies will eventually turn a profit out of consumer consumption.

Business investment and infrastructure development, getting workers to work, to allow beliefs that companies traded on share markets can earn profits to pay shareholders. As a society, Australia builds a few houses to keep the GDP allusion going. The allusion looks good while many workers are building motor vehicles, spare parts and infrastructure and telecommunication equipment. Constant domestic (non-exporting) business and infrastructure modernisation provides employment.
Posted by steve101, Friday, 2 December 2016 12:44:22 PM
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During World War 2... most employment was devoted to the war effort, citizenry bond savings were encouraged to slow non-essential spending and said to finance the war effort, every capable person worked for companies financed by government bank paid out credits. Inflation rises, removing accumulated savings bond interest payment value.

As the war ends, no real profit has been made by the war. That all manufactured military goods were either destroyed and/or soon to be destroyed. Because manufacturing was devoted to a war effort, manufacturing home building products was slow to begin, soon many adults were building new homes.

I claim, capitalism is a propaganda-lie because capitalism doesn't work as we perceive capitalism works, banks merely lend invented credits to borrowing customers to in debt workers. Property assets are used: property inflation fears, above inflation rate interest charges; commissions and taxes... to remove borrowers of much of their wealth. Globalisation and capitalism share market indexes are blaming mechanisms for when events are needed to look bad for why investment asset values fall. Citizenry save for their future using: cash; property; shares... investors enjoy periods of believed wealth; ignore obligations of debt; suffer periods of hardship bankruptcy.


Quarter acre building blocks consume twice as much labour to build a home to house a family than labour needed to build inner city high rise unit, holding the same number of people. To keep the same number of building industry employees working, immigration will need to increase accordingly. New immigrants will need employment to borrow money to buy available units.

Can't export buildings to earn foreign currency to buy imported business and consumer products.

As most immigrants are from poor countries, believing immigrants are financially supporting themselves I say is false.

The idea the money circulates through bank deposits, lent out to borrowing customers ends once currency credits leaves Australian banks.
Iron ore being mined in faraway Western Australia does not support Eastern States high consumption spending turnover.
Dividends collected by shareholders I speculate are used as basic living expenses, remaining dividends placed on shares and/or saved.
Posted by steve101, Friday, 2 December 2016 1:02:40 PM
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Stated by news media, last Saturday of November is called Super Saturday. 950 properties were up for sale this last November Saturday, 80% expected to be sold, after that Saturday 85% were said to have been sold. If average sale were $1,000,000 per property, that's $80,000,000 in one single Saturday weekend.

I speculate, the largest expense most working city-dwellers have are: motor vehicle fuels; mortgage servicing; housing rent; occasional new motor vehicle; food; child care. Families don't have much money left to buy consumer goods to really believe citizens live in a consumer society. More like a debt ridden society, most workers paying out interest on borrowed money, that most employment believed to be about profit making consumer products, such employment runs at a loss, allowing citizens to falsely believe economies are about consumer consumption and not borrowed money debit servicing and paying residential rent. Even many citizen landlords collecting rent are themselves paying out loans on investment properties.

I would even suggest regional areas employment are being repressed: lost water allocations restricted to force citizens to move into east coast cities to find employment, filling high rise buildings, taking on debt or high rent consuming much of workers’ wages.

457 Visa workers taking regional workers employment may have to do with Australian local residents having to move into east coast cities.

All the low interest rate loan borrowings, merely gets as many citizenry in debt to eventually increase: interest rates; motor vehicle fuels; etc. consuming more indebted citizenry wages. That a percentage of indebted mortgage holders will be forced to sell property.

Always gets back to school education making adults: stupid enough to fall into debt traps; stupid enough to believe all the media free market excuses; stupid enough to believe politicians hindsight excuses; stupid enough to be easily distracted by media entertainment above real concerns.
Posted by steve101, Friday, 2 December 2016 1:07:27 PM
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There's a 2009 movie entitled, “The Invention of Lying” a man lives in a society where every person speaks the truth, one man invents lies about an afterlife, every person believes the man because they are like children whom believe everything they are told, lacking any intellectual ability to think up false stories and can't realise the man is telling lies.
In real life, I speculate, most adults' intellectual ability to tell whether stories are lies or truth is similar.

I hope the lesson learnt out of this reading is that money is merely a token of exchange. Money can be easily invented out of nothing by whatever committee has the power to do so. Banks merely lend money on borrowers: margin deposits; holding property deeds and 30 years of obligated repayments. Every time property is sold: banks; state governments and real estate businesses takes a percentage. The more frequent properties turnover the more money turns over into: banks; government and real estate businesses balance sheets. The more economies health fluctuates, the more wage earner mortgage servicing workers lose employment and/or higher interest rates forces mortgage holders to sell property during depressed price property periods, the more property sales turns over, the more real estate businesses; state governments; new owner renovators; marriage break-ups; fewer children may be born; any leftover debts by previous property owners will need to be paid back to whomever holds the contracted paper obligations.
Posted by steve101, Friday, 2 December 2016 1:11:30 PM
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Human behaviour after mentally exhausting work, wants to entertain themselves. That as serious media are often boring to listen to, any incentive to take notice of serious media stories are self-repressed. The problem is most media stories are irrelevant to concerning listeners, that many listeners are more concerned about how intelligent they feel for understanding what stories are about, rather than how stories affect them personally.

As I have no ties to media establishment, I am trying to correct bad education's bad influences.

As media listener citizens spent from the age of 5 years to age 18 years turning up at school ready to listen to a teacher whom sets out the days lessons. As adults citizens sit to take notice to some media, listening to whatever the topic of the day media are going on about. Because as school students, students were supposed to believe what teachers were saying as true happenings. As adults we hear and merely believe, has much to do with why students are forced to listen to teachers rather than spend time reading something worth reading that is not merely trying to tell similar lies as news print is constantly informing readers as political truths.

32% backpackers’ tax, will have backpackers wanting more money for picking fruit to make up the difference in tax. The extra cost will be reflected on food shelves.

The eventual passing of the backpacker's tax on December 1, was to my reasoning, an easy to understand by citizenry, contrived drama, of separation between political parties, promoting democratic processes eventually works. Showing Australians, politicians are no more intelligent than average poorly educated citizens.
Posted by steve101, Friday, 2 December 2016 1:16:50 PM
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Calculation correction: Super Saturday, media news 950 properties were up for sale, 80% expected to be sold, after that Saturday 85% were said to have been sold. If average sale were $1,000,000 per property that's $800,000,000 in one single weekend.

December 2, The Drum, Radio National Presenter Ellen Flenning stated “medium price of property” being sold: Sydney $1,100,000; Brisbane $520,000; Melbourne $800,000. The panel conversation continued as typical The Drum/Life Matters... talking about people with a disability, buyer issues.

Loan interest charges and repaying borrowed money credits back to financial lender institutions... loan borrowers using employee wage earnings through wage incomes earned from businesses that supposedly earn income supplying services to citizenry consumers, other than money lending service businesses and real estate property sales businesses and state government services financed by property sales. I suggest most business services not benefiting from property sale turnover are subsidised by bank credits to provide wage earnings for property borrowers. I say the maths doesn't add up (too perfect to be true) where credit/debit balance sheet turnover that finance business wages on non-lending and property businesses cannot maintain solvency for any length of time. Western style capitalism may as well be called communism with a large degree of trickery added to fool the poorly educated can't think correctly citizenry.

Capitalist leaders criticise Fidel Castro for running a communist state to be seen as a totally different economic system.
Media on Castro's death, journalist stated the CIA failed to assassinate Castro more than 600 times. I say, if the CIA wanted to assassinate Castro, the failure rate would have been no more than 3 assassination attempts.

President Obama travels around to many global countries and U.S. states making speeches as though he has no fear of assassination by ISIS or any other terrorist group.
Puts into question how terrorist leaders reported to have been targeted to be killed, having reported to have been killed, follow up next in line leaders haven't retaliated accordingly?
My point is that leaders are immune from assassination or some centrally controlled entity is in control of terrorism and wars.
Posted by steve101, Monday, 5 December 2016 9:50:22 AM
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School education examination score employment selection system society, for most every first wage earning employment applicant, school students not merely trying to increase their own examination scores with intense studying, school students should be trying to sabotage all other students learning to aid in maximising their own examination average score, increasing saboteur's chances to obtain the best desirable employment available.
A single student's difficulty in applying that theory seems impossible.

A centralised world education system which standardises curriculum examinations, can adjust recommendations on how teachers are taught to teach children through to young adults, ensuring success on sabotaging working class human intelligence.

I say, the sabotaging process works so well, I speculate 99% of citizenry feels they're intelligent enough after having gone through the torturous punishments of schooling, not to feel less than adequate, otherwise experiencing doubt leads people to think seriously. Serious thought generally leads to comparing known factors. A probable first comparing factor maybe the acting characters in the television series “The Big Bang Theory” and/or guest people rambling on... on serious journalist interviewing programs, which I suggest very few people are listening past seeing what program topics are about, choosing to watch or not.

The very few people whom bother to take notice of serious programming, can serious programming really hold listeners attention, influence thinking, listeners making comparisons while quest speakers are presenting their analysed beliefs? Or are the mere fact that some expert person of many rarely seen individual expert persons are presenting an item of something seemingly important, listeners lazy judgements to items seemly important to democracy, being seen as real transparency is happening, is all that matters to many busy people.
Posted by steve101, Monday, 5 December 2016 9:55:39 AM
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December 2, Lateline host reported a release on Australia's latest mathematics and science TIMSS world ranking. Australia has slipped down the global education ranking on maths and science study. According to “Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study”, since 2011 Australia has slid from 18th to 28th out of 49 countries in year 4 maths, source TIMSS. And 12th to 17th out of 39 nations in year 8 maths and science, source TIMSS.
For the final Lateline debate of the year, myself taking selective sentences:
Referring to science guest speaker “Scientist and Author: Ruben Meerman” said,... “We take this fascinating topic and turn it into the most boring subject in the curriculum”.

The next guest speaker “education director, Grattan Institute: Peter Goss” said, “I heard Ruben say we don't want all these assessments, but we need to be careful, but teachers absolutely need to know where their students are at, so they can help them learn what students need to learn next”.
My opinion is that standard testing means teachers have to teach to future tests, teachers will not to be reteaching previous lesson learning to slow to keep up students.

A third guest speaker “Education Researcher, Centre for Independent Studies: Dr Jennifer Buckingham” mentioned how the amount of increased money spent on students had few added benefits.
Much of the conversation was about teachers not the education department curriculum. Not about whether prescribed curriculum has any benefit to students after students have left schools.
Guest speaker Peter Goss leads back to limited funding for schools excuses.

My view, old limited ideas rolled over leaving listeners believing they heard an intelligent argument, yet listeners are left little wiser.
Posted by steve101, Monday, 5 December 2016 9:58:58 AM
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The exposure of difficult to solve problem educated students ranked half way down a scale provides listeners concerned with political beliefs enough evidence to believe what is desired to be believed. Whether continued generations of children are being intentionally traumatised, few listeners have enough creative intelligence to realise children held in classrooms for many hours, for many months, for many years, pushes children towards: sports; mindless music; simple language skills. That curriculum subjects though provide some opportunities to: read; write; calculate maths... study information is unrelated to modern life experiences.

I speculate school studied science is somewhat limited to: plant biology; chemistry and various gases.

Electrons are everywhere in modern technology. Most semiconductors have numbered figures: resisters; capacitors; transistors; multiple pin integrated circuits. Dick Smith and Jaycar kits can to purchased and put together as weekend hobbies. Many adult professions are related to electricity.
Teaching chemistry to students, student teenagers are likely to make illegal drugs, ice for sale on the streets.
A month ago, I heard a news story suggesting that 80% of research scientists were planing to leave the profession of science because government future research funding was in doubt.

Over 130 swimmers drown in the surrounding waters of Australia this 2016. I could assume, as soon as one child is shocked by electricity either at school or home, learning about electricity during school lessons are stopped.

Many teenagers commit suicide each year most probably due to mental depression started during childhood ages beginning with boring school lessons. Bullies bully younger children because they're bored with school work curriculum.
The diversity of electricity and electronic circuitry could solve many of these issues, yet, that would mean solving problems people in control don't want solved.
In Japan, the first day of school after a long holiday break, something like 70 Japanese school students commit suicide on the same day students return to school after a long break.

Suicides are blamed on bullying rather than blaming schooling mental depression, learnt hopelessness.
Posted by steve101, Monday, 5 December 2016 10:06:19 AM
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Mathematics does not increase human intelligence. Mathematics are calculations of numbers. Unless physical objects are related to numbers, to use mathematics in future professions, mathematics are one more redirecting from individual thought needed to guide human behaviour.

Information is specific to whatever is being prompted to be thought about. In real life, when relevant ideas are needed to solve a problem, mathematics and science are the last memories required to find solutions.

Once school students leave schools, young adults are going to start learning all over again, learning something entirely new, having to see new things, brains trying to make sense of what they see, having been taught by school educational teachers to scan memories for simple single word answers on irrelevant to real life information. As young adults traumatised by learning experiences, will find no relevant memories to new employment tasks, many young adults will settle for dumb labouring employment: waitresses; food processors; transporting anything vehicle drivers.

The December 2 Lateline panel discussion four people involved are aware their success was obtained because they were not completely redirected by sports and irrelevant learning. They're success is mostly due to many of the remaining population are stupider than themselves. If they wish to increase they're children's chances of easy to obtain employment, keeping education curriculum dummying down global citizenry must continue.

That as the December 2 Lateline panel discussion was about school education, ideas that education causes children significant increased traumas was never mentioned, therefore in the memories of Lateline listeners, “traumatised children”, doesn't exist, otherwise Lateline listeners would think to hear more about childhood traumas.
Posted by steve101, Monday, 5 December 2016 10:11:02 AM
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Returning to the Mentioned December 2 Lateline program:

The Lateline journalist host interviewer was limiting his questions to a released TIMSS study on science and mathematics, introducing questions on GDP per person in Australia compared to other countries.
Lateline listeners positive beliefs about other education practices would be misplaced.

“Scientist and Author: Ruben Meerman”, was stating ignorance on why the current education system in science doesn't work that poor performance had been around for a long time... even if he had bothered to watch “Revolution School” ABC episodes and/or consulted real independent from establishment psychological professionals.

“education director, Grattan Institute: Peter Goss” he recommends “build strong foundations” (whatever that means); examination data can help teachers find individual students failings, yet says without Gonski recommended funding, teachers can't devote time to individual students failings. As he was a guest on “The Drum” he states the same self-contradicting arguments to an ex-primary teacher, who she was seen to be reluctant to agree with Peter Gross's statements.

“Education Researcher, Centre for Independent Studies: Dr Jennifer Buckingham”, after data, she has no real ideas.

When media mention “reports” reports after reports come out, nothing changes. The above interview should suggest the quality of information in government reports.

My suggestions: students devoted to one subject at a time, after a month of mathematics without changing to different curriculum subjects. Students would hear and/or read what to do, constantly reinforcing how to do mathematics, ensuring students understood.
Changing subjects several times each day destroys the flow. Each time students return to a mathematics classroom periods, students are merely given a number of mathematical problems to solve, teachers at the end provide answers, moving on to a new curriculum subject. That's what happened during my pretend education years.

All three guest experts would have a degree in psychology supplied by an establishment controlled education system, whom the education institution would not wish to destroy the mythical benefits of education. Qualified experts disputing taught psychology theory, experts weaken their wealth increasing university qualifications in positions experts hold.
Posted by steve101, Thursday, 8 December 2016 1:57:19 PM
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I speculate, in formulating reports, reports are formulated under education guideline justified by degrees. Existing variety of explained systems are justified by education systems formulated readings. Reports will resemble sentences read from education text books using the language that allows reading to go on with endless pointlessness, university students being charged annual fees year after year. Report formulators don't use individual Homo-Sapien intelligence, instead use book read intelligence.

There's a new television program narrated by Richard Hammond “Science of Stupid”, having watched 2 episodes. Like Mr T's “World's Craziest Fools”, most all the stupid activities are preformed by teenagers. Richard Hammond is merely explaining what teenagers are doing wrong.

No person is asking why shown teenagers are so stupid? That all teenagers aren't stupid... should remove the myth that young adult brains aren't completely developed until aged 25 years.

Ray Martin narrated a recently seen television documentary “Special ICE: the scourge of regional Australia”. One aged 13 year old teenager was described as having a learning disability. Other ages mentioned were aged 15 to 18 as an optimal age to begin using ICE.

During major 2 world wars, cigarettes were given to military personnel free of charge, said to calm the nerves, so I heard years ago during documentaries on cigarette smoking.
Prier to tax increases, many teenagers take up cigarette smoking before leaving high school. I speculate between employment tasks and/or classroom boredom and hurrying tasks. Human behaviour to suddenly stop doing something to merely have a rest period, the human brain desires something simple to do while powering down the brain. A cigarette often satisfies this requirement.
Now taxes have pushed up cigarette prices, new alternatives, “here, try ICE instead”.

I theorise, a problem lies with school education which takes aged 5 years children, many children are not ready to sit still for many hours each school day. I speculate, classrooms to many and/or most children are day time Don Dale youth detention centres, made worse by forced work tasks: same mathematics; same spelling word learning; same chalkboard copying, rotating subjects day after day.
Posted by steve101, Thursday, 8 December 2016 2:00:38 PM
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Many children are bored, many children believing they're held back by teachers forcing the same limited studying due to other class students slow to no progress. Students slow to no progress are merely being fed different numbered same problems as though teachers were speaking English loader to people whom couldn't understand English.

If many aged 5 and 6 years students haven't learnt the basics: mathematics and reading by aged 7 years, when at aged 7 years, boredom and mental stress had guided children into: ADHD; ODD; aged 7 years children simply turned into docile zombies... children wanting to escape to sports activities. Such behaviours that stalled learning (learning disabilities), unchanged teaching tactics, children will continue to be resistant to learning for children's entire pretend school education years.

There really isn't that much to learn. Because children start academic learning at too earlier an age, stressed children, guided by emotional self-programming, are constantly influenced by emotional reaction to fear of mental stress, memory repression, rather than older more mature calmer concentration, more capable to work out how to control mental stress without having to formulate self-medicating avoidance behaviours.

Aged 5 years, even to as old as 9 years childhood brain development neuron connections should be allowed to develop as Homo-Sapiens. Rather than force emotions to self-program into Neanderthal sports lovers.

I witnessed between December 3 to 5, on ABC3 prime time-slot Horrible Histories, the puppet rat host made a joke after a dramatised performance on how Homo-Sapiens behaved compared to house-cave guests, Neanderthals. The rat referred to school PE teachers as Neanderthals, ending the sentence with “only joking”.

“Science of Stupid” and “World's Craziest Fools” should indicate how brain lazy skilfully impaired, incapable of a second thought, are so bored, teenagers attempt dangerous behaviours, often permanently injuring themselves.

Neanderthals are more likely to die of their own poor decisions. Hence why Neanderthals are said to have died out, which is most probably part of an establishment joke.

Having seen movies and documentaries on wars, wars not only kill people, wars destroy buildings and infrastructure. Establishment members often killed as well.
Posted by steve101, Thursday, 8 December 2016 2:03:06 PM
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I theorise, the establishment uses the bible's parable Moses story, exampling setting up populations using: lies; deceit; trickery; unfulfilled promises; redirection; fake democracy performances; praying to fake god performances; false assurances; pretend school education... to maximise desired effects.

Christian god is the devil, the devil along with his angels, after having lost the war of the heavens, were cast out of heaven, down onto earth, mythical story. Readers can understand the meaning of god (the devil) wandering earth with no where to go, Moses provides an ark for god to live in, Moses story or not.

Unfortunately for me, the establishment assured me they wouldn't mess me around during one of their “Apocalypse Now” and/or is coming scares during the Y2K 1999 scare. Because I knew too much, the establishment wasn't going to mess me around, stealing much of my accumulated wealth, threatening me not to keep telling people. John Lennon's “Working Class Hero” lyrics.

The establishment is intentionally allowing bad things to happen in society: drug addiction; suicides; sugar diabetes; smoking cigarettes; alcoholism; family violence; road accidents; mental illnesses suicides. As one problem is solved another and/or other problems replace solved and/or reduced problems.

Science advancement curing the sick... or merely allowing other unsolved problems going unchallenged?

CIA got Vietnam veterans addicted to illegal drugs. CIA under Ronald Reagan accused-of smuggling drugs into U.S. under financing war in middle America excuses. Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan claimed they were fighting a war on illegal drugs. Both President George Bush's declared war on illegal drugs.

Thousands of years of ruling classes moving populations from one crisis to another crisis in between periodic building expansions, militarising local economies, fighting: organised crime; communism; global warming; slavery; religious extremism; foreign terrorism; minority religions; witchcraft. The fight to totally rid society of these troublesome issues is never really won.

The facade of democracy will investigate media stories as a display of transparency which can remain inconclusive, as any person with an education can draft words to find no significant evidence.

Create a story then discredit story, people believe what people want to believe.
Posted by steve101, Thursday, 8 December 2016 2:06:57 PM
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Adam as I mentioned on “Adam Ruins Everything” on sports. People watch sports because they don't know what's going to happen next. Having discovered what happened, human curiosity may have been satisfied, yet no increased real knowledge would have been learnt.

Television dramas do very much the same by allowing watchers no real indication of what actors are about to say. As many dramas are usually about unrelated to skilled employment: crime; murders; outer space adventures; dysfunctional comedies; answering trivial pursuit quiz questions. The media are holding listeners attention while maintaining humans in a state of selective ignorance.

We feel intelligent, we feel somewhat trusting in authorities, until real important decisions need to be made, we feel we need to decide merely because a decision needs to be made. When events turn bad, our intelligence falls short of believing our leaders are setting citizens up in some natural selecting percentage of failing circumstances.

Supporting evidence for this natural selection theories are teenagers “Science of Stupid” and “World's Craziest Fools”.


Children's television programs: Power Rangers and I theorise many other children's programs, should be removed from children's program viewing. I theorise many children's programs are either too dumb and/or too violently hyperactive for emotional self-programming young children to watch. Watching nothing allowing child curiosity to inspire complex thought, alternatively, to be influenced by good verse evil, particularly when evil characters are more entertaining than stuffy law abiding good characters. Evil characters come up with ideas to advance themselves, evil ideas may fail merely because the stuffy law abiding good characters entered the picture, yet evil characters escape to try again in the future.

For the same reasons in real society, many people are honest while other people resort to criminal intentions, which during children's programming, children while watching understand evil intentions, may have subconscious contributing behavioural influences.

Bored children influenced by children's programming begin to find entertainment in bullying other children. Older teenagers find easy rewards, ignoring warnings by selling ICE to customers, leaving the process of illegal drug addictions to continue.
Posted by steve101, Thursday, 8 December 2016 2:09:07 PM
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The Lateline website provided two options: listen to spoken words or read the transcript. To learn something important, reading transcript words would allow readers time to understand and memorise. Asking experts to express their opinions within set time periods, allows spoken words to be poorly expressed.

Teacher example standing in front of 30 students, expressing how to solve mathematical problems. Asking students to solve numbers chalked on a blackboard mathematical problems. If students miss selective information merely because students needed to stop listening for a moment to remember what was already stated by a teacher. Teaching students by teachers addressing students verbally is a poor teaching method. More like deliberate sabotage, natural selection, survival of the fittest, losers get to drive trucks for a living.

If students were capable readers, every child reading how best to solve mathematical problems from books, all children would have a fair equal chance to pass examinations. Therefore people in the know whom could gain an unfair advantage by sending their children to better educating school whom schools supply books students can read how best to solve mathematical problems.


Education spokes persons concern about mathematics and science world rankings. Political leaders are pretending to want a citizenry of rocket scientists to improve global competition, future employment, I say establishment wants a citizenry of sports loving Neanderthals: boredom; mental stress; mental depression... persuades child emotions to maintain concerns about how children feel about complex long sentenced information.

Classroom education is punishing child curiosity, torturous education kills long term human incentive to care about thinking. Teenagers in “Science of Stupid” and “World's Craziest Fools” demonstrates how the simplest complex thought has been successfully repressed.
Posted by steve101, Thursday, 8 December 2016 2:13:35 PM
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Australia maybe competing against Korea and Japan whom has limited land to further increase population, with present high population, government tactic to hold teenagers in educational institutions to delay families first child, reducing overall country's family sizes. Korean and Japanese high teenage suicide rate related to school education further avoids the need for future wars. While Asian parents are forcing their children to study, parents programmed to believe education is good for children, parents are using their children as traditional old age support systems. I assume, world countries, like in Australia, teenage suicide is not linked by “cause and effect” to school education.

Generations of Neanderthal parents can't seem to think independently from a lifetime of propaganda to realise school education has little to do with increasing children's intelligence, nor of actually making children dumber than if children had not attended school, and merely learnt how to read and perform basic mathematics at home beginning at aged 9 years, an age where reading relevant information maybe appreciated.
Posted by steve101, Thursday, 8 December 2016 2:16:25 PM
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On December 7, “The Drum”, about 15 minutes into the program, lasting about 6 minutes. Host begins by saying, “ education, now a new report has delivered more bad news about performance of Australian students with further conformation they're slipping further behind the rest of the world”. The next person, Sue Tomson said, “these students are going to be competing with students from Singapore and the rest of the world for global jobs, in that sense they're not going to be very competitive”. The host did a short statistical evaluation using “Program For International Students Assesment” (assessment) supplied information of almost half a million students over 72 countries. Two political opinions before the panellists state their opinions.

Guest panellist Sue Boyce said “the other thing to look at, the figures themselves are an Australian average, if you look at the countries that came up top, there fairly homogeneous countries, places like Singapore, one review I read today, said look if we took the Northern Territory and Tasmania off, we'd shoot up that list, that is not a good point to make”...

The host said “the students at the top are doing very well, it's the students at the bottom are struggling”.

Sue Boyce statement, “that is not a good point to make” (slip-up), is the correct point to make. The top of the list county was Singapore. Singapore has a small land base, which I suggest has very few sports fields. Australian schools guide young children onto sports fields. The average Australian compared to Singaporean and fairly homogeneous countries school students would not so frequently be shown where sports fields were.

I suggest governments are promoting a failure of jobs and growth crisis, scaring parent listeners into excepting parents' school children are being traumatised, suffering from mental stress and mental depression for some worthy long term allusion of high paying employment in a globalised economy. Worse still, that trusted establishment media are carrying on with the education crisis allusion.
Posted by steve101, Saturday, 10 December 2016 2:01:58 PM
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A correct international study as a sample idea would be to take 1000 of the each country's best students, put students through the PFISA assessment, selection 100 of the best scores of each country for comparison.
Because the lowest scoring students are most probably not going to compete for international jobs, the existing assessment system is pointless.

Referring to my earlier posts about governments creating crisis, militarising economies to solve crisis, fake statistics are created to justify getting in front of citizenry faces, exposing governments short-comings transparencies as democracies are supposed to do. In The Drum political opinions, importing foreign teachers to teach students was mentioned, “more immigrants”, any excuse to bring more migrants into Australia.

Sue Boyce said she read a review, not a news print media opinion. I don't read newspapers, so I don't know whether any selective media pointed out this important point about Australian sports culture messing with world education assessment rankings. My suggestion is that the establishment controlled media want the crisis fear story to not mention sports as a dummying down influence on Australian education.

Other rolled over crisis: global warming, climate change; negative GDP figures; carbon tax, carbon credit trading; China China Sea island navel base; cyber crime, Internet hackers; Donald Trump as US president; reduced taxes, means welfare beneficiary people have be suffer.
Posted by steve101, Saturday, 10 December 2016 2:04:28 PM
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On December 8, SBS2 now calling itself “Viceland”, The Feed presented a special on teenagers “Skipping School”.

Youtube version:

My opinion is teenagers are displaying a dramatised/scripted shallow level of dissatisfaction with classroom education. Teenagers being heard seem capable of expressing their opinion yet short of detailed examples of what's wrong with school. Taylah aged 14 blames ending the dramas; James aged 15 blames own family history of mental problems for skipping school examples rather any school curriculum issues.

The elderly female Marie Shaw QC retired judge expresses that children skipping school can't get jobs without an education. That you can't get an education attending school one day a week, I suggest that school education doesn't really educate any information worth remembering. Four more days per week in which school merely traumatises child-like intelligence even further.

My opinion is teenagers curiosity is sufficiently damaged by school education, that teenagers have already been turned into emotionally concerned decision making Neanderthals, that after permanently leaving school, teenagers can't easily get themselves to read non-fiction books and/or attempt doing skilled hobbies, instead would rather spend their time doing nothing, something really simple and/or playing games, riding bikes and skateboards. I suggest the skipping school production is biased against children skipping school in that no such alternative from academic school learning suggestions were provided.

By sending not ready to attend school aged 5 years children, to school, traumatising children by the age of 7 years. Children constantly repressing classroom boredom and mental stress. By the time children become teenagers, teenagers capable or skipping school, whom have spent many years repressing classroom tasking information, by staying at school are only going to continue repressing classroom education.

Teenagers having left schools will, depending on how they self-medicate classroom traumas, traumas may fade away. Alternatively traumas may lead teenagers with extra time to spare, to commit crimes in order to finance illegal drug addictions.

I suggest Skipping School program is intentionally boring to watch: very few sentences of relevant information; slow to provide information; irritating music placed in between scenes, making watching more irritating.
Posted by steve101, Saturday, 10 December 2016 2:10:51 PM
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I bring to your attention how many: television commercials; program presentations, exampling many parts of the Skipping Schools special... music is heard in the background. I hate commercials... I hate listening to people while having to ignore background music.

I suggest background music is an intentional tactic to condition listeners into not wanting to listen to what maybe being said. I don't like the time wasting music introduction to The Drum. Before VHS VCRs machines, I literally hated watching television, and only did so after an exhausting day at work.

I have mentioned this point about television to several people, they reply by suggesting I must watch a lot of commercial free ABC. Which I reply “no, I don't” the problem with the ABC television is that old period stories bore me senseless. I would not watch any television if it where not for several PVRs recording everything I intend to watch. My point is that television media has I believe a specific purpose to dumb down citizenry. That many people don't watch television because programs leave them uninspired.

Media have so much noise yet so much not worth listening to, human brains merely don't listen otherwise brains would remember so much irrelevant junk, brains would become so confused, subconscious memories unable to think correctly. Same pointless stories which seem new have similar themes as many previously heard stories leading to simple reinforcing judgments, many judgements on how society works to citizenry's advantage. Crime stories are how criminals are arrested, trialled and sent to jail.

Stories are using spoken sentences spoken too slow with too longer periods between scenes, while other media are too fast, with too shorter sentences, quickly changing scenes, building up to an idea point of the story, suddenly commercials using quick scenes with annoying music while a person promotes products I can assume few people want to buy (M&Ms) and/or childish stories.

Within spoken sentences, there is nothing worth a second thought. No information needs to be remembered which aids understanding following scenes. Movies like Ben-her are awful to watch 30 years ago.
Posted by steve101, Saturday, 10 December 2016 2:17:50 PM
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Comedies using background laughter in between spoken sentences as though every sentence was funny, "don't get me started".

Once I hear background laughter, hearing laughter compels my not to watch, yet as laughter is media's often used background noise, one wonders why independent media haven't made statements on how they feel about background laughter? did I say independent media? what independent media?

There seems to be an idea to stimulate the child within, using: violence; fun laughter; fury animals; sports; car chase scenes; fiery explosions; soft sex; dramatic crisis concerns...

Posted by steve101, Saturday, 10 December 2016 2:35:02 PM
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About employment:

My beliefs taken from media stories, was that Canberra being intentionally designed and built to be a centralised federation of 6 states and 1 territory seat of government, placed between Sydney and Melbourne so as neither state governments had increased influence over federation politics. I have an alternative theory relevant to today's political events.

My theory is that early 1900s bureaucrats wanted to monopolise bureaucratic jobs for the boys and their children, reducing chances for outsiders, common working class educated to compete for federal government bureaucratic employment.

Children being brought up in a government bureaucrat income household, living in a city devoted to federation politics, most children would be in no doubt children would be educated to enter into the federal bureaucracy. That private schools would supply the Gonski idea education parents would expect from the many competing ACT private schools.

Canberra has a considerable number of private schools to ready Australia's federal ever increasing bureaucrats mentioned in the below website attachment reading.

I speculate, the down side to Australia is the easy to get bureaucrat employment boys club systems become lazy, in that employment becomes very secure regardless how serious and how many mistakes are made. Avoiding making mistakes often means not making any decisions and/or not drafting out decision making opinions in reports.
High positioned bureaucrats having to leave the comforts of Canberra to travel to far away places exampling North Queensland to assess the well being of aboriginal communities and that previous funding has provide planned services. Delaying assessing tended companies and funding decisions to future discussion dates until problem decisions too difficult to solve vanish. That funded quango committees continues without being abolished.
Living in Canberra with family, having been softly softly educated, seems a more comfortable lifestyle than actually travelling to uncomfortable locations to correctly assess future funding determinates.

I Googled: “quangos in Australia” to find below short yet interesting February 13, 2015, reading:

Bureaucracy employee homes in ideal real estate market conditions need continued employment demand to maintain property prices, therefore increasing bureaucracy employment must always be on offer.
Posted by steve101, Tuesday, 13 December 2016 1:34:15 PM
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There exists a lack of serious journalist publications on the above ideas, which indicates collusion between government and media organisations. ABC Four Corners programs are keen to show Australia's government inactive problems, yet fail to express reasons for government inaction, even to the point of interviewing minister responsible politicians.


Earlier this year, it was revealed on QandA on how best for young people to get into politics, that many years ago many federal parliamentarians were lawyers. Now after some research, it was found that almost 80% of parliamentarians spent most of their employment careers before running as a candidate for parliament in some political party employment. Some of the 226 Canberra politicians were involved while university students in university political organisations. That many parliamentarians were working in retired parliamentarians officers as office staff. Once parliamentarians retired, chosen office workers were asked to run as a candidate in the retired parliamentarian vacant seat. The benefit to district seats were that newly elected parliamentarians having worked in a parliamentarian's office, new parliamentarians would know what to do when confronted by district seat voters... myself, having heard that, I quickly realised this was jobs for political mates associate relative boys and office staff good looking girls.

Other comparisons are Hollywood: a small number of Hollywood movie stars constantly doing movies. Most movie star actors may have smooth sounding voices yet many male actors have less than desirable photogenic faces.

US Washington candidates running for president, many have attempted to run more than once. The Bush and Clinton families have somewhat monopolised the running for president. Would it be that the Washington bureaucratic system is also a monopolised hereditary system.

Military generals sons become generals while captains sons can only aspire to become captains. Second World War General Douglas MacArthur's father was Lieutenant General Arthur MacArthur Jr., was a United States Army general. Hereditary linage somewhat encourages loyalty to establishment committee structure leaders whom themselves are a hereditary linage.

Canberra's bureaucratic system seems to be getting lazy when dealing with: family violence; drug addictions; suicide; reliable agricultural national water resources.
Posted by steve101, Tuesday, 13 December 2016 1:37:23 PM
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What Australia gets out of Canberra is a lot of noise; propaganda; futuristic vague ideas; Scott Morrison's short speeches on “budget repair” while reported to be giving AU$48 million over 4 years to climate scientists to bore holes in ice somewhere near the South Pole; blame the previously in government opposition party for now budget restraint problems.

Canberra bureaucrats: my best memory of “Yes Minister” Sir Humphrey Appleby defends keeping 36,000 government bureaucrats which duplicated the work of another 36,000 government bureaucrats from being fired, demanded by the minister on an economy drive. An example of a system having been in political power for too long. 1980 was a good year for “Yes Minister” series titles.,_Prime_Minister_episodes

On Monday December 12, Scott Morrison calls for unemployed Centrelink beneficiaries to except all employer offers of employment.

If the jobs aren't there, than let the willing whom want to do the work except the work. Better still, clean-up illegal drug trade and clean-up: children's television media; music industry by supporting less hyperactive/dysfunctional music bands... my theory being teenagers will pay attention to anything what's aiding self-medicating classroom mental stress in lower working class poor parent example district schools.

What allows boys club increasing girls club government bureaucracy systems to maintain the best easy going employment is the sustained ignorance of the working class, maintained by bad education curriculum, aged 5/6 years children, too early for children to be held in classrooms for many hours each day punishments schooling.

Posted by steve101, Tuesday, 13 December 2016 1:42:59 PM
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December 12 ABC television midday news on Australian Scientists boring holes in Antarctic ice near the South Pole to find 1 million years old CO2 gas bubbles stated a $45 million boost, over a four year period. 800,000 old ice cores have been found. How could scientists know how old Antarctic ice core were? I don't believe there are detectable rings for each year in Antarctic ice.

Government could hire Centrelink beneficiary unemployed people whom refuse to except offers of employment to drill ice cores in Antarctica. The suggestion is no sillier than boring holes in Antarctic ice to find 1 million year old CO2 bubbles to prove what? Answer that scientists actually do something to further knowledge.
Does somewhat prove media tell stories which provides no relevance to everyday working class skilled employment.

December 13 ABC television evening news promotes Australia needs to occupy Antarctica in some scientific experience to justify some long term claim on Antarctica future exploited resources.


Australia is certainly being innovative.

Number of employees in the Australian public service:

plus some comments.
Posted by steve101, Friday, 16 December 2016 11:40:50 AM
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NAPLAN results not good enough:

I theorise, one reason why governments tell citizenry school students they're not good enough, is that citizenry are being blamed for their own poor performance. When most of outside city employment problems are Australia's mineral and food resource exporting industry earns enough foreign currency wealth, Australian labour expressed by number of dollars earned per hour compared to most foreign currencies, Australian dollar is so expensive, Australian labour can't compete with Asian neighbouring countries. Allows comparing education test scores with foreign counties is futile.

Another reason maybe conditioning resident Australians to except new immigrants on the bases of skill shortages, Australia perceived as wanting to be scientifically innovative.

I personally put as much value and credibility in NAPLAN as I do in a need to drill holes in Antarctica ice, looking for 1 million year old CO2 Bubbles. Media should express how ice can be aged, maybe there's a commercial market for aged bottled Antarctic ice water? Bottled water would come with age of water certificates merely because a number of scientists said how old water from ice was. Now there's an innovative thought, Malcolm Turnbull should be proud of. Not because the thought is new or clever, because the thought is so “sign-up French contracts to build 12 submarines, poring the steal for the first submarine some 10 years later”. Malcolm then to periodically appearing in the media coming out with statements on submarine leaks innovative humour, as in water leaks into submarines.

December 15, ABC News film clipped Defence Industry Minister Christopher Pyne, saying, in France. DCNS submarine builders leaked Indian submarine designs, Pyne says leaks had no significance whatsoever to Australia's submarines. I would say no leaks ever existed. That media spin doctors had Malcolm Turnbull announce submarine contracts signing, designs to eventually be leaked, to invent one more continuous rolled over serious media story.

I wait till the Monday evening GO! Channel Science of Stupid gets to the difference between realistic ideas, to silly ideas innovative humour at the expense of badly educated stupid citizenry.
Posted by steve101, Friday, 16 December 2016 11:46:22 AM
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People whom can't stop for moment to realise if something were lies, I theorise have problems with skilled thought, figuring out how best to approach problems, instead rush in with few realistic ideas on what to do, hurrying from one poorly thought out idea to another poorly thought out idea. The same type of character who hurries into marriage, blinded by a need to have a spouse, unable to think, finding problem issues they weren't prepared for.


I theories, school education requires school children to not only remember learned information, children are expected to believe information is true.

Much the same as many adults believe bible stories are true, that before BCE (Before Common Era) Jewish prophets predicted many future predictions. That as most young children are no longer required to attend church, modern radio and visual media provide enough presented as factual information for children to become familiar with believing what is presented and thereafter thought to be true.

What brings me to state the above reading is a sudden realisation about an ABC ME prime time slot, expensive looking to produce, well presented production, Horrible Histories. My sudden realisation was most presented histories were rather unbelievable. As what could be thought as unbelievable, small signs pop up stating “this is true” the word true gets used often by the rat puppet host. My opinion is that as children are asked to believe difficult to believe histories, modern serious news stories, and school teacher taught histories are more easily believed.

The rarely heard saying, “if they believe that (crazy story) they'll believe anything”.

After watching Tom Hank's Apollo 13 movie, seeing how when electrical powered heaters were turn off, astronauts were seen cold. If movie watches believed that, watches will believe anything.

Children's programs can contain a mix of influencing ideas that have very few real life rationalising influences on human thought. Exampling: Horrible Histories; Power Rangers; cartoons too slow and/or too fast to comprehend what maybe happening relevant to real life.
Posted by steve101, Friday, 16 December 2016 11:51:44 AM
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The lack of human skilled innovation useful for employment. People believing serious headline statements are true, add sports are important to many people. Such people are easily manipulated by lies. Adolf Hitler's government controlled millions of German citizenry, using school education and political media stories have few variations in modern media. Media stories exampling: “DNA three person IVF government approved research” is to me a propaganda lie. The many awareness: metal illness; violence under the influence of ICE; suicides. To my knowledge, No expert psychological theories are being debated in the media.

Came to my attention, many US Oklahoma schools are only teaching students for 4 days a week due to budget cuts. Here is an opportunity for world education systems to run studies on mental health comparisons of their own 5 day week students to Oklahoma 4 day students on: suicide; mental depression; IQ intelligence not related to book learning. My assumption is no such studies will take place. My theory being school curriculum education conditions all the human problems governing society establishment desires. Human suffering from average levels of mental illnesses, humans escape torturous thought (emotional decision making) by merely feeling they're smart, believing in authoritarian lies.


Family violence is an often mentioned rolled over media topic, yet few to no explanations to why society experiences family violence.
Adam on Adam Ruins Everything on marriage provides some worthy to watch explanations.

…................ on big whopping lies .............

Man Has Not Set Foot On The Moon PDF file.

Click in the middle to open and save 12 easy to understand technical arguments on Apollo missions to the moon are faked.

Posted by steve101, Friday, 16 December 2016 11:59:39 AM
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Returning to the Antarctica ice core drilling. December 12 Midday ABC News story showed a man drilling ice cores by hand aided by what looks to be a rechargeable battery. A man states a “$45 million funding boost” will be provided over a four year period, each summer allowing about “3 months at a time” of each year drilling ice cores to locate a one million year old ice core, needing “to actually drill all the way down the ice, about 3 kilometres think”.

Google more information found:

China maybe mentioned because an old joke seen expressed in a Bugs Bunny cartoon about drilling and/or digging all the way through to China.

The number 3 is often mentioned number when numbers are involved. Donald Trump accuse Hillary Clinton of deleting 33,000 emails during one memorable campaigning statement, also heard as 30,000 emails. 3 is the number for death, a number I have expressed several times prier. Jesus thought to have promised to rise in 3 days and 3 nights, yet the actual count is less than 2 complete days, and only 2 nights. Any intelligent person may realise Jesus story is more invention than reality.

Judas was given 30 pieces of silver as payment to point out Jesus to Roman soldiers. As famous as Jesus was supposed to have been, being a well known face, paying 30 pieces of silver to point Jesus out seems inventive.

The Nativity story, baby Jesus 3 wise men “The Magi” story can only be traced back to about year 1164 AD, 3 skulls held in Cologne Cathedral. Before then the story I suggest is dubious. Dubious Jesus stories is not conversation readers want to read several days before Christmas day.

300 Spartans holding off a Persian army from entering Greece story at the “Battle of Thermoplyae” seems unlikely, I theorise, the number 3 indicates the story is a hoax. Google “300 Spartans” suggests 7,000 Greeks.

Apollo 13, inside Apollo modules required heat to keep astronauts warm seems a lie, when the big concern is keeping astronauts cooled down at normal body temperature.
Posted by steve101, Tuesday, 20 December 2016 11:48:30 AM
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Any convicted criminal (politician) being sentenced to 5 years jail with a minimum of 3 years behind bars, whether any time spent behind bars actually happens, I speculate, is questionable. That the number 3 indicates a lie.

How could knowing CO2 levels one million years ago aid future civilisation? What decisions could be concluded if new evidence on CO2 levels were one million years ago were found?

On a profit making industrial level, $45 million spent on drilling in ice would be limited, as other countries are said to be doing similar drilling.

As Australia is not going to commence drilling until 2020, the media has many opportunities to roll the story over on climate change investigation, which would supposedly be happening far far away at the South Pole.

I strongly suggest, by mentioning the number 3, many listeners in the establishment know are being informed the story is a hoax, a lie.


Alan Bond was a sign writer who formed a company named Bond Corporation in 1959, using his own name.

Alan Bond could be seen as a rags-to-riches success story. Journalists of Alan Bond's era, as I remember several stories, Alan Bond was not that bright a business man. Alan Bond doesn't look or act as a capable businessman. His American Cap boat questionable winged keel value designer Ben Lexcen wasn't depicted as an intelligent person.

People don't often become successful on their own labour and/or making exceptional decisions, leading themselves towards millionaire status as Alan Bond did without considerable financial backing. As a sign painter, I assume bank managers would not have easily believed Alan Bond as a secure investment without asking Alan Bond for considerable property asset mortgage deed security. During the 1970s as a: high unemployment; high wage inflation; low property inflation; non business expansion period... borrowing money for business development would have been more difficult than during the 1960s and 1980s.

When coming to why I have brought Alan Bond into a reading? I bring readers attention to names: Alan; Bond; Bell.
Posted by steve101, Tuesday, 20 December 2016 11:50:31 AM
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Was mentioned during 1999, can't exactly remember whether I read or heard the story. During the 100 years war 1337 to 1453, in France against the English. Church bell towers were the highest structure in towns and villages. Villagers would stand lookout in church towers. When English soldiers were seen coming, tower church bell would be rung, warning villagers English soldiers were coming, allowing French citizenry to flee and/or hide.

The American Liberty Bell has a crack in the bell, that a crack in a bell would not allow a bell to ring true.

Alan Bond's interests in Bell Resources (Bell Group) was an often mentioned by media company at the time before Paul Keating raised “bond” rates to record highs, sending Bond Corporation and Bell Resources into eventual bankruptcy. Many private investors influenced by low bank interest rates and Alan Bond's high dividend assurances, lost investors money, because “bond” yields rose, influencing all other loan interest rates upwards.
I placed this below reading attachment due to date and time stamp: June 13, 2013, 3.07P.M. noting the stand has several threes.

Robert Homes A Court dies in September 2, 1990.

There were several currant affair media programs expressing Alan Bond's poor business sense when Alan Bond purchased Channel 9 for $1 billion from Kerry Packer. Kerry Packer at the time said Alan Bond paid too much for a television station. Preparing citizenry for Alan Bond's eventual demise bad businessman excuses.

I remember Richard Carleton somewhat warning listeners that Alan Bond's Bond Corporation didn't do anything. That investors were influenced by Alan Bond's assurances that all was fine.

The two above attachments somewhat expresses what happened and that Alan Bond is resting his morals on his bad business management skills, which because humans are educated to believe what humans are told, most company investors can do little else other than grumble, failing to make accusations of establishment conspiracy foul-play.
Posted by steve101, Tuesday, 20 December 2016 11:52:47 AM
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The name Alan I believe has associations with Alexander the Great. The short name Al I thought to be the warning. Alexander the Great in history stories is a person people would want to keep away from... everywhere Alexander goes, death follows. After Alexander's death, begins a long civil war over Alexander's empire.

Donald Trump wants to make America great again, great I assume is the type of great Alexander the Great was made famous for.

Recent promotional advertisements on a future Alan Bond mini series to be aired in 2017, brings my attention to theories that bonds will again rise. Rising bond yields is nothing new.

I suggest these media name and word meanings are designed to get people's attention now and in the future in a sting that if media spokes person's advice were to be followed, advice will relieve listeners of their money.

A recent media mentioned story on how Bell Resources are still in court proceedings, reminds many listeners of Bell warnings.

Was around 1999, a media spokes person mentioned that people should keep away from people with a name Christopher, being that realising Christ is a person people would be better off staying away from.

Alan Kohler ABC evening finance news expressed Bellamy's floated at $1 rose to $#, recently lost 43% in one day on an announcement from China, soon after Bellamy's had share trading halted.'s_Australia

Listening to bell warnings has mixed results unless investors knew when to bail out. That above mentioned Bell Resources story may have been the Bellamy's warning. That the Bellamy's share trading news reports is a warning of future events.;range=3m

My opinion based on the above ideas is that Alan Bond was a front man for the establishment... one of many front men and women whom allow capitalism to look more like a successful economic system under the control of free market forces, redirecting citizenry assumed ideas of an establishment's intentional market indexed manipulation.
Posted by steve101, Tuesday, 20 December 2016 11:55:54 AM
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My assertion: Share market manipulation as it stands would be easy to manipulate to advance the wealth of people whom could influence gullible working class wealth into varying asset valuing investments, pushing up asset valuations only to reach high valuations, share assets to be sold off by market manipulators at good returned profits over short periods.

Politicians and appointed regulators would share in profits. Occasional invented dramatised scandals acting out in front of courthouses, journalists reporting news on court room prosecutions. Media would be told millions of dollars of fines were issued to company directors and inside traders, where no fines were issued at any time. All comes down to convincing citizenry to believe everything they're told.

Why citizenry has confidence in share markets, is that share markets are controlled by an establishment leadership more concerned with labour force stability and citizenry confidence in investment savings rather than on fears of regular share market crashes and spending wages in fear of eventual empty shelves in shopping centres, leading to hyper inflation as in South America and Africa.

Alan Bond and Christopher Skase (Qintex Ltd) take the rap for one big late 1989 sting, 70 years after World War One baby boom large birth rate generation, retires, maximising investor investing in the big 3 corporations.


A triple A (AAA) credit rating story real or one more lie, used to roll over a familiar understood serious news story?
Posted by steve101, Tuesday, 20 December 2016 11:57:29 AM
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December 19 ABC1 Breakfast “Government $48 billion tax cut” provides excuses on why Australian share markets are holding at high levels. Donald Trump's election campaign suggestion to cut corporate taxes is said by Alan Kohler to be reasons why DOW Jones and other US indexes were holding up at high levels, DOW Jones index approaching 20,000.

My speculation on why market index figures are held high for a considerable period relative to previous ups and downs durations. I suggest, waiting for a planned event, sending markets down. Not saying markets will fall to drastic low levels yet, if markets do fall causing dramatic excuses on poor economic outcomes, I suggest tax cuts speculation was a devised strategy used to blame dumb politicians rather than free market forces capitalism.


Distrust and disunity within political parties, such media reports is good for squashing citizenry thoughts of political conspiracies and kept quiet corruption. Not merely having opposition political parties keen to embarrass in government political parties. Politicians in government political parties seen arguing amongst themselves adds to no conspiracies exists propaganda.

Education systems keen to keep populations dumb for political control purposes adds to population's: mental illnesses; drug addictions; suicidal tendencies; learning disabilities; society violence; alcoholism; getting away with Keating's sudden bond increases.

Working dogs are psychologically separated from normal pet dogs, while human dysfunctional behaviours analysed reasoning are ignored.

Readers could try to google “steve9” to read several “My Steve9” posted on first search page psychology readings. Postings were posted at several week separate occasions, therefore readings can repeat a number of ideas.
Posted by steve101, Tuesday, 20 December 2016 11:59:21 AM
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I find difficult to believe as a true story, “man eats only potatoes for an entire year”.
Many years ago on a documentary on 1845 to 1852 Irish potato famine, potatoes were so poorer food, potatoes said to be little better than horse feed. Other foods had to be eaten to make up protein shortages. Also mentioned how the Irish only grew one and/or limited types of potatoes.
Irish people living on potatoes alone had large bellies because humans had to consume a considerable weight of potatoes to provide enough nourishment.

Trying to google a straight forward answer on what would happen if a healthy human eats no other foods other than potatoes for an entire year, is difficult. Readings become buttered up with many paragraphs of technical statements.

My conclusion is, the man eating potatoes for a year is lying. One more fake story that is difficult to believe, yet because the media presents the story as something that happened without too much indications of doubt, one more story is believed by most media devoted to take notice citizenry.
One more, “if you believe that story, you'll believe anything”.

When recently the topic of fake stories became a news item, soon media stories directed fake stories towards blaming: ex-communist country, Russia; Internet trolls; “Facebook”... like everything else was truthful. The media are policing fake stories, exercising not to doubt stories which state man eats no other food other than potatoes and not only lived to tell the story, also improved his health and fitness. Well... he should have signed his statement with, “yours sincerely BS”.
Posted by steve101, Tuesday, 20 December 2016 12:02:28 PM
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Donald Trump during the 2016 presidential campaign, spent most of his campaign words accusing Hillary Clinton of deleting 33,000 emails. Hillary failed to clarify what personal email account emails were. Towards the last days of the campaign, media news came to light that emails were personal often short confirming statements, CIA confirms nothing illegal.
Who receives 33,000 let-alone reads 33,000 emails in a life time? Who wouldn't delete all emails other than special memory emails?

My conclusion is that election campaigns are propaganda, designed to convince badly educated entire world populations democracy is real separation between political parties, do anything, say anything to win elections.

Every media statement is in some way, is propaganda, whether media is about: crime; curing cancer; mental health; education; free speech; aboriginal land rights... all having positive spin.

Posted by steve101, Tuesday, 20 December 2016 12:10:40 PM
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Returning to names: Alan first 3 letters is the same as alarm. The phrase “alarm bells are ringing” and “burglar alarm”.

I have mentioned in previous postings “I was told by media around 1999, first 3 letters in names and words have comparing meanings”. Together with numerology further information could be found. The movies “Kill Bill” K and B have the same number.

Readings found on the first google “alan bond transferring money from bell group” search page.

What were bond markets doing in 2012?

What were bond markets doing in 2008 as GFC was in progress?

I could have posted 5 more dated 2016 related to Alan Bond on this website.

In case you have failed to understand my argument, on mentioning Alan Bond's name in the media, bond investors are warned to sell bonds.

December 22, ABC1 television evening prier to finance news, a separate news story bothered to focus attention on how superannuation fund managers hold considerable percentage of bonds in their investment portfolios. Superannuation fund investors are losing money and somehow fund managers will XXXX.

Bond market interest rates being at record lows for so long, I would have speculated, a bond sell off as happened in March 1994 while bonds were at 6%, would have pushed up bond prices long ago.

If I were to argue bond prices are not bond market traded market priced, that an establishment wants bond prices at a price determined by interest rate yields. The period between 2008 (US$10 trillion) to 2016 (US$19 trillion) world governments constantly printing stimulus money, creating bonds to suck-up the money to prevent inflation, excuses, propping banks reserves. I suggest are lies. I speculate when a crash comes, bond markets will get the blame.

This gives me more evidence more than mere anecdotal evidence to state school education is designed to traumatise human intelligence to force humans to believe what they're told to believe.
Posted by steve101, Saturday, 24 December 2016 12:59:30 PM
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Victorian youth centre criminal youth are mentioned in several media program interviews. Problem issues suggested by guest experts, that youth are hold in solitary confinement for long periods.

My suggestion is that teenagers when spending time together defending limited intelligence communicating with each other, leading to moments where youthful teenager emotions are feeling embarrassed and/or insulted by other teenagers, laughed at by remaining teenagers, creating memorised resentment towards selective teenagers. Resentment leads to creative planning of revenge, that planning revenge solves being bored. Fights break out which solves onlooker teenagers boredom.

Teenagers allowed to watch television in groups, who gets to decide what programs every teenager watches.

I theorise, all television programs are boring, radio is no better. 40 minutes of programming has 20 minutes of repeated commercials which if humans can't avoid, hearing the same 30 second commercials is enough to anger any person.

Poor comedy programs contain annoying (to me) laughter between most all sentences.
Serious programs, discussion subjects have nothing to do with viewers.
Some of the better adult viewing programs are shown after teenagers are restricted from watching television.
Youth detainees would be bored out of their brains, trying to experience something different. Destroying a youth centre would be the highlight of their lives.

I theorise, what the problem comes down to is television and other media are boring and mindless: sex; violence; sports; scandal dramas; murder mystery who done-its; news stories are often boring political dramas and boring crime, limited to basic facts, same information in different locations; anything with fire involved; animal stories.

Media are so repetitive, not turning media on, can be a better choice, yet, few alternatives, being in jail, force teenagers to be angered by limited choices.

Solitary confinement with choices to watch television programs using PVRs to avoid commercials and some decent programs that are not: hurrying brains using fast moving quick scene changes; emotional and/or violent background music being heard during important hyped up scenes.
Posted by steve101, Saturday, 24 December 2016 1:06:11 PM
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The language of: hyping up drama; stupidity and coolness, fails to inspire better communication skills, leaving listeners with instant quick to respond responses capable of aggressive communication rather than calm verbal consultation.

School education prevents classroom students from calm verbal expression, that curriculum information is unrelated to any skilled thought, being that information is short simple meaning out-of-date drama and repetitive calculation maths. That the few media presented school students being heard on media are chosen A graded selected for their own talented communication skills. Yet some primary school children being heard are seen hesitant to quickly answer as they're searching memories for unknown answers, having to formulate simple new answers. Formulating new solutions are repressed by school education limited curriculum.

When human brains are subject to a number of individual programming, whether from: parents; schools; media. Many individual comparative situation prompted thoughts come to conscious awareness, and by hurrying responses as media programs and school tasking often force human brains to do, responses are carried out without time to rethink long term consequences.

“Science of Stupid” and “World's Craziest Fools” examples can always back-up my arguments with more than mere anecdotal statements.

Posted by steve101, Saturday, 24 December 2016 1:14:09 PM
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