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The Forum > General Discussion > It's time to cease the Nauru solution

It's time to cease the Nauru solution

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Dear Loudmouth,

With respect no you didn't answer me instead you sought to divert with your question which had zero to do with the matter at hand namely the war crime touted by Hasbeen. There was no trick involved.

You have now decided to trivialise the proposed deaths of innocent civilians. Hasbeen has been very direct in wanting refugees in leaky slow moving boats to be blown out of the water, supposedly by his beloved navy. To most thinking people having high explosive shells tearing into flimsy vessels and the flesh of families fleeing conflict would be slaughter.

Perhaps when you are next belting out a hymn to your Lord you might want to reflect a little on what you are defending.

Have a nice day.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Thursday, 3 November 2016 8:52:25 PM
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Steelie: To most thinking people having high explosive shells tearing into flimsy vessels and the flesh of families fleeing conflict would be slaughter.

But they're moslems. Who cares. Too many & we'll end up like Britain, best to stop 'em before they get here. If sinking a few boats stops them coming, so be it.
Posted by Jayb, Friday, 4 November 2016 8:58:18 AM
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Never mind. If enough ignorant fools vote for what 3% of the population want in the Constitution, our Aboriginal friends will eventually own the place, and they will let anyone in. They are partial to Muslims. They meet a lot of them in jail.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 4 November 2016 9:17:11 AM
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Hi Steele,

I'm more concerned about the actual deaths of a thousand people at sea than the hypothetical shooting up of boats. Do you remember those thousand deaths, Steele ?

And after all, why should people come in leaky boats ? If they have paid thousands of dollars ? Why not sea-worthy boats ?

Would you therefore support ferries bringing people from Indonesia to Australia ? i.e. people without papers authorising them to land, being allowed to enter Australia ?

If so, why should they have to pay exorbitant fees ? Why not just commercial rates ?

And if by sea, why not by air ? And why just from Indonesia ?

Of course the dirt-poor refugees in, say, Kenya, would still have no chance, but as long as people had the fare, you are suggesting that they can come to Australia ?

There are sixty five million displaced people around the world. Many have filled out all the right forms to get into Australia, and waited. And waited. So, out of 65,000,000, what's your limit ?

Sorry to make you actually make a decision :(


Posted by Loudmouth, Friday, 4 November 2016 4:05:42 PM
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Yep, close Naruru & Mennis Island detention Camps. Tell them they have got 3 months to make "other arrangements" otherwise they'll be put on leaky boats & pointed off towards America.
Posted by Jayb, Friday, 4 November 2016 4:27:22 PM
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Approved Refugees on Nauru and Manus going to the US
Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 12 November 2016 8:42:48 AM
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