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New Australian National Anthem
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Posted by Toni Lavis, Thursday, 25 February 2016 1:58:45 AM
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There should be no anthem. The whole concept is stupid.
The people who live in Australia have not one thing in common to them all, except that our bodies are parked here and that we have all been bullied and subjected under the same rogue administration without our consent. It is ridiculous to sing its praises. Posted by Yuyutsu, Thursday, 25 February 2016 1:20:06 PM
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Here it is, Australia's new national anthem: Posted by Mr Opinion, Thursday, 25 February 2016 2:49:22 PM
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Toni not happy like most leftist who wants tax payer money spent on his idealogy. Try spending some of your own if you feel so passionate about it.
Posted by runner, Thursday, 25 February 2016 4:29:35 PM
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I guess that is the anthem of the CFMEU. Posted by Shadow Minister, Thursday, 25 February 2016 6:25:26 PM
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Well, Yuyutsu, the only ones who can really claim to have been bullied and subject to a rogue administration are Aborigines and early convicts. Most of the rest of us have tended to go along with the system, to our advantage, or are part of the pack of bullies. Maybe we should all ask ourselves exactly which group we belong to.
Posted by Cossomby, Thursday, 25 February 2016 7:07:15 PM
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Dear Cossomby,
You are right: some were not bullied - they were drugged instead. Posted by Yuyutsu, Thursday, 25 February 2016 10:00:05 PM
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I find myself drawn toward C.J.,Dennis's "The Australaise" which was written to be sung to the tune of Onward Christian Soldiers. It might be just the way to put some of the ocker back into our psyche.
Fellers of Australier, Blokes an' coves an' coots, Shift yer --- carcases, Move yer --- boots. Gird yer --- loins up, Get yer --- gun, Set the --- enermy An' watch the blighters run. CHORUS: Get a --- move on, Have some --- sense. Learn the --- art of Self de- --- -fence. Have some --- brains be- Neath yer --- lids. An' swing a --- sabre Fer the missus an' the kids. Chuck supportin' --- posts, An' strikin' --- lights, Support a ---- fam'ly an' Strike fer yer --- rights. CHORUS: Get a --- move on, etc. Joy is --- fleetin', Life is --- short. Wot's the use uv wastin' it All on --- sport? Hitch yer --- tip-dray To a --- star. Let yer --- watchword be "Australi- --- -ar!" CHORUS: Get a --- move on, etc. '0w's the --- nation Goin' to ixpand 'Lest us --- blokes an' coves Lend a --- 'and? 'Eave yer --- apathy Down a --- chasm; 'Ump yer --- burden with Enthusi- --- -asm. CHORUS: Get a --- move on, etc. W'en old mother Britain Calls yer native land Take a --- rifle In yer --- 'and Keep yer --- upper lip Stiff as stiff kin be, An' speed a --- bullet for Post- --- -ity. CHORUS: Get a --- move on, etc. W'en the --- bugle Sounds "Ad- --- -vance" Don't be like a flock er sheep In a --- trance Biff the --- Kaiser Where it don't agree Spifler- --- -cate him To Eternity. CHORUS: Get a --- move on, etc. Fellers of Australier, Cobbers, chaps an' mates, Hear the --- German Kickin' at the gates! Blow the --- bugle, Beat the --- drum, Upper-cut an' out the cow To kingdom- --- -come! CHORUS: Get a --- move on, Have some --- sense. Learn the --- art of Self de- --- -fence. Posted by nemesis 82, Thursday, 25 February 2016 10:51:59 PM
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Dear all,
Please keep in mind that all proposals for the new Australian anthem must be submitted in Chinese. A few lines including 'We love Mao' and 'Communism is a gas' will be highly regarded. Posted by Mr Opinion, Friday, 26 February 2016 5:00:46 AM
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Hi Cossomby,
Some of the convicts had a pretty cocky outlook on life. Remember Ned Kelly's advice to Redmond Barry when he was sentenced: "Well, I'll see you where I'm going." One of my ancestors was sentenced and given a choice: either transportation or death. She complained that she didn't want to be transported, she got seasick, which left her with the other option. But thankfully (for my very existence, and the course of history), her sentence was commuted. She later married another convict - in fact, he had been convicted of thieving twice and transported twice, in 1791 and again in about 1803. Their daughter married another convict. I guess that makes me some sort of Australian Royalty, or at least aristocracy. Joe, Duke of Bankstown Posted by Loudmouth, Friday, 26 February 2016 5:34:41 PM
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I am still quite fond of the deleted second verse of Advance Australia Fair:
When gallant Cook from Albion sailed To trace wide oceans o'er True British courage bore him on Till he landed on our shore And here he raised old England's flag The standard of the brave For all her faults we love her still Brittania rules the waves! Posted by Cossomby, Friday, 26 February 2016 5:39:04 PM
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Loudmouth, In 1988 when everyone got into convict ancestors, I was invited to afternoon tea at a posh house on the north shore of Sydney. A group of genteel ladies all vaguely related to me (only discovered during the genealogy craze) competed for convict ancestors - the winner had 32. I sat there with my mouth shut, having a mere four.
In 1938 of course convict ancestors were a no-no, but Aborigines from Menindee were brought to Sydney to take part in the re-enactment of Phillip's landing for the sesquicentenary (love that word). On the other hand, this was also the year of the Day of Mourning, the start of Aboriginal political action. Posted by Cossomby, Friday, 26 February 2016 5:54:43 PM
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Did Cook raise England's flag or the Union flag? In his journal he says that he "...caused the English colors to be raised" but many historians seem to think that this experienced Naval Captain did'nt know the difference between the English and Union flags. Posted by Is Mise, Saturday, 27 February 2016 1:07:28 AM
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Dear Cossomby,
The snobs of the future will not be those who claim descent from convicts but those who can trace descent from one of the paramount 100 Chinese lineages. Especially during Chinese New Year celebrations which are all about recognising Chinese descent and placating the venerable ancestors. These will become bigger and more widespread as Australia tends towards becoming a Sino-Australian nation. PS. I don't know why the Australian government is going to spend a 100 billion dollars to upgrade the defence forces to meet the threat from an increasingly aggressive China when the enemy is already inside the gates. Posted by Mr Opinion, Saturday, 27 February 2016 7:50:42 AM
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I have no objection to "Advance Australia Fair."
However, my favourite is - "I am Australian." Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 27 February 2016 7:52:55 AM
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Dear Foxy,
I think you mean 'I am Chinese'. Posted by Mr Opinion, Saturday, 27 February 2016 8:33:18 AM
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Dear Mr Opinion,
That is the problem. You don't seem to be doing very much thinking. Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 27 February 2016 8:39:30 AM
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Dear Foxy,
I do a lot of thinking about what the future will be like. I'm just that sort of guy. I'm trained to work things out. Think of me as some sort of socio-cultural analyst. I would like to hear your thoughts on what a future Australia will be like. Posted by Mr Opinion, Saturday, 27 February 2016 8:51:45 AM
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Dear Mr Opinion,
What will a future Australia be like? Predicting the future is risky at the best of times. However I trust that it will contain a highly skilled workforce, better economic infrastructure, strong spirit of innovation and entrepreseuship, strong self-relief for Australian businessess - large and small, that can compete domestically on their own merits both domestically and globally, research and development tax incentives. We need a strong economy that will sustain and enhance living standards for the benefit of all Australians. This will do for a start. Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 27 February 2016 10:49:27 AM
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Dear Foxy,
That's just the economy. What do you think Australian society will be like? What will be the Australian identity? What will the nation-state be like? Will Australia actually be a nation-state or will it separate into ethnic-states? These are the sorts of questions that interest me as a socio-cultural analyst. Posted by Mr Opinion, Saturday, 27 February 2016 11:05:32 AM
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Mr. Opinion, if Australia hasn't already separated into 'ethnic nations', I doubt it ever will.
We are told Australia is the most successful multicultural country in the world, and I see no reason why that will change. Posted by Suseonline, Saturday, 27 February 2016 11:08:18 AM
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Mr. Opinion,
I don't give a toss about anthems; I do not sing, and I couldn't give you the words of the current anthem under torture. As for the Chinese (I share your views on them), David Archibald ("Australia's Defence") is pretty sure we can beat them if they make a move, which they will before halfway through the century, as apparently they intend. Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 27 February 2016 12:27:16 PM
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Dear ttbn,
Australia has no chance of defending itself against China. It will be a walkover for China because it will make sure that Australia is primarily peopled by Chinese before it lays a territorial claim to the continent. As I said earlier, the enemy is already inside the gates. Posted by Mr Opinion, Saturday, 27 February 2016 12:43:51 PM
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"...and I see no reason why that will change." Islam. Posted by Is Mise, Saturday, 27 February 2016 2:48:08 PM
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If you want to see our future, a quick look at Lebanon will give you a pretty good idea.
Posted by Hasbeen, Saturday, 27 February 2016 3:31:26 PM
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Some of the comments here are quote illogical. Lebanon as a model for the future of Australia? Lebanon is a tiny country caught up in the mess of the middle east where various ethnic groups have been at each other's throats for millenia, aggravated by the last 100 years or so of European colonial powers fighting their wars there. There couldn't be a less likely analogy for Australia.
As for the Chinese, why would they invade when they can get what they need by buying land and growing food here? China has never been interested in overseas colonialism, but has focussed on securing its borders if necessary by controlling its neighbours to do so. An (unnecessary) overseas military expedition to Australia would risk making its borders vulnerable. Read some history, guys! Posted by Cossomby, Saturday, 27 February 2016 4:52:44 PM
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Cossomby, most of these guys are paranoid, scared little boys who can't see reason beyond their racist noses.
I would love to see a new Australian National Anthem that embraced multiculturalism and all the history it has in our nation. I would even learn the words then! Posted by Suseonline, Saturday, 27 February 2016 6:00:12 PM
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Mr Opinion,
For someone who claims to be a a socio-cultural analyst, you're remarkably ignorant of the principles of analysis. Real analysts don't start with the conclusion and ignore all the evidence that doesn't fit it! You also seem to be equally ignorant of socio-cultural factors. You wrongly assume people stay in distinct ethnic groups rather than interbreeding. But worst of all you make racist assumptions about people's loyalties based on their Chinese ethnicity. Don't you realise that Taiwan is "primarily peopled by Chinese" yet is overwhelmingly opposed to the Chinese government and its Communist Party? Posted by Aidan, Saturday, 27 February 2016 6:56:34 PM
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Dear all,
Time will tell. And I bet I'm correct in my predictions. The warning signs are there and the problem is that you lot cannot read the writing on the wall. Posted by Mr Opinion, Sunday, 28 February 2016 8:27:45 AM
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In Australia our immigration experience has been a
broad one. Originally is was Anglo-Celtic, but after the war our immigration experience diversified. All these immigrant communities have made successful contributions to Australian life. This has occurred because as Peter Costello argued at the Sydney Institute our freedom and tolerance was protected within a legal framework that was accepted by all. I see this continuing in the future. We will continue to have one law that we will all be expected to abide by. It is the law enacted by the Parliament under the Australian Constitution. We will continue to remain a secular state.. Religion will continue to instruct its adherents on faith, morals, and conscience. But there will not be a separate stream of law derived from religious sources that will compete with of supplant Australian law in governing our civil society. The source of our law will continue to be the democratically elected legislature. We will continue to ask all of our citizens to subscribe to a framework that can protect the rights and liberties of all. We will continue to have a robust tolerance of difference in our society. As Peter Costello summed up in a speech: "Despite all the obloquy shovelled on the head of politicians, these are the men and women who work the machinery of our liberal democratic way of life. They reflect public opinion and at their best - lead public opinion - and transmute it into laws that shape our society and our country... I have no doubt we can find the solutions that suit us, provided we do not succumb to the siren calls of demagogues, charlatans and ideologues." I believe that the best years for our country are still in front of us. Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 28 February 2016 9:36:53 AM
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Mr Opinion>> These are the sorts of questions that interest me as a socio-cultural analyst.<<
Socio-cultural analyst? Do you not mean expounder of the bleeding obvious? You add dimensions with all the intuit required of a tabloid headline Mr O. Mr Opinion>>The warning signs are there and the problem is that you lot cannot read the writing on the wall.<< To be fair Mr O that is a literacy issue, you would be best taking it up with the board of studies.........lolololol. Posted by sonofgloin, Sunday, 28 February 2016 9:44:48 AM
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Labor PM Hawke and other Labor figures before and aften him pursued the goal of 'Asianising' Australia. That extended far beyond improving the trade and diplomatic links with China and SEAsia.
They believed that Australia was close to and part of Asia. To any navigator, that is ludicrous in the extreme and is only the appearance of close promixity from the Mercator projection (a cylindrical map projection presented by Gerardus Mercator in 1569). You'd think that Hawke and other politicians (both sides!) who expend so much taxpayer money on international travel would have wondered by the travelling time for some destinations is so far longer than they might expect from the flight map in first class. Maybe a very,very patient RAAF (acting)Stewardess could explain some time. I seem to remember Hawke declaring that in the future Australians would be of brown, swarthy appearance and of short stature. More or less like Hawke himself one supposes. Hawke has been 'embracing' China for years. Just lucky he has that Golden Handshake First Class travel to conduct his business, eh what? Posted by onthebeach, Sunday, 28 February 2016 10:27:54 AM
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Mr Opinion,
Of course, our first action would be to intern all Chinese living in Australia to put them out of action. That's normal procedure. Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 28 February 2016 10:56:33 AM
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Ooohhh ttbn, are there any 'reds' under your bed?
Scary aren't they, those Chinese... Posted by Suseonline, Sunday, 28 February 2016 11:07:54 AM
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I think all of you should read "the Australaise".
An anthem is about unity and National Pride, you all seem to have lost yours. Posted by nemesis 82, Sunday, 28 February 2016 12:14:13 PM
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Dear Nemesis,
<<An anthem is about unity and National Pride, you all seem to have lost yours.>> I do hope so, Sir. Posted by Yuyutsu, Sunday, 28 February 2016 2:02:37 PM
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Back to the Anthem,
I like Peter Allens, "I still call Australia Home" Or "Tenterfield Traveller" re written to suit. I like the line in "Tenterfield Traveller,",where it says, I can see kangaroo up ahead. Posted by CHERFUL, Sunday, 28 February 2016 2:11:58 PM
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No matter what the anthem is it now has to be presented to a bilingual country: English and Chinese. Posted by Mr Opinion, Sunday, 28 February 2016 2:16:56 PM
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Mr Opinion,
"Time will tell. And I bet I'm correct in my predictions." We all know you do. But what I can't understand is why: Why do you ignore all your training in socio cultural analysis and instead believe racist paranoia? Why do you assume Chinese Australians, unlike other migrant groups, will retain a primary loyalty to their ancestral home? And why do you assume they will support the Chinese Communist Party? "The warning signs are there and the problem is that you lot cannot read the writing on the wall." The warninng signs are imaginary and what you perceive as the writing on the wall is merely a smudge on your glasses! Posted by Aidan, Sunday, 28 February 2016 2:17:50 PM
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Dear Aidan,
If you want to know my reasons then I suggest you visit Sydney and spend a day walking around the city. PS It might pay to learn some basic Chinese before you come. Posted by Mr Opinion, Sunday, 28 February 2016 2:33:12 PM
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Hi Aidan,
"Why do you assume Chinese Australians, unlike other migrant groups, will retain a primary loyalty to their ancestral home? And why do you assume they will support the Chinese Communist Party?" Possibly because their is a Ministry for Overseas Chinese in Beijing. Possibly because it is widely thought that the Chinese government sends out agents amongst 'students' and others. Of course, Italian-Australians can vote - and stand for election - in Italians elections, so it's not unique. Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Sunday, 28 February 2016 3:05:16 PM
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Mr. Opinion,
You haven't heard of internment? Even my chemist and the old junk-mail deliverer will be locked up, even though they are not necessarily the 'enemy' you think they are. You are clearly not aware of what happens in times of war. And, we can deal with China, which is not as good as she thinks she is. Suse, There's not even enough room for dust bunnies under my bed, given the stuff my wife has jammed under it. 'Reds under the bed' is a bit Menzian. Seriously, China has designs on Japan, South Korea and Asia in general. It wants to take the No.1 spot from America, so ANZUS will certainly be involved. You won't find this information in 'Woman's Day', of course. Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 28 February 2016 3:14:44 PM
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Mr Opinion,
You maybe right and you may be wrong. One cannot predict what the Chinese government will be like in years to come. But at the moment the biggest threat we face to our way of life is Islamisation. Going on performance, Chinese immigrants make far better citizens than muslim immigrants. I would prefer zero net immigration but the Chinese are better for Aus by far. They work hard and their social conduct is generally excellent. I have not heard of gangs of Chinese youths raping girls or molesting them. Nor do I know of any forced underage marriages or that they carry out FGM. In fact the Chinese community are pretty well unheard of and that shows integration and acceptance of our society and laws. We seek no more than that. Of course Suse thinks that anyone who does not accept her concept of multiculturalism, which favours muslims, is a racist. Me? Well if we have immigration, I favour those that cause us the least problems and respect our laws. The Chinese do just that. Posted by Banjo, Sunday, 28 February 2016 4:00:33 PM
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Dear Banjo,
I think you will agree that the anthem should suit a bilingual Australia, i.e.. Chinese and English speakers. Muslims will just have to learn English or Chinese if they want to be included. Posted by Mr Opinion, Sunday, 28 February 2016 4:13:52 PM
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Lol! Now we have two previously matey racists arguing over which 'foreigner' group of people is worse.
I agree that all immigrants need to try to learn the main language of their chosen country, and abide by the national and local laws, and attempt to understand and join in with local customs and activities. I would imagine there are people of all backgrounds in Australia who do none of these things, including some Chinese, European and Muslim people, so no one group can claim sainthood at all. Ttbn, I don't read the Woman's Day magazine, so I will have to trust what you say on the contents of them. Banjo, I haven't seen many media reports about rape statistics, but certainly they don't usually mention the religion of the perpetrators. I don't really see how that matters as such. Men rape because they like to violently control women, so it has nothing to do with which god they think is real. Posted by Suseonline, Sunday, 28 February 2016 4:39:46 PM
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Dear Mr Opinion,
BT;DT. Even in Chinatown I didn't need to speak Chinese. Some parts of Sydney had many Chinese people. Other parts had few. But how many Chinese people are in Sydney is of zero relevance to the questions I asked you. So how about answering them? Reposted for your convenience: Why do you ignore all your training in socio cultural analysis and instead believe racist paranoia? Why do you assume Chinese Australians, unlike other migrant groups, will retain a primary loyalty to their ancestral home? And why do you assume they will support the Chinese Communist Party? __________________________________________________________________________________ Loudmouth, It's well known that China has spies. But why would that change the behaviour of everyone else? Posted by Aidan, Sunday, 28 February 2016 4:52:08 PM
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While ever we admit migrants we should be evaluating their cultural practices to asses if they will integrate into our society. It should not be taken for granted that they will and we have a right to determine who comes here. Diversity is not the object of immigration, Australia should gain from it, as it costs us. No point in bringing in those that are a burden. Mr O, I am happy enough with the present anthem. I heard Jessica Mualbury make a hash of it but Julli Anthony does a sepurb job. Posted by Banjo, Sunday, 28 February 2016 6:14:38 PM
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Ni hao! Aodaliya Zhong Guo peng you hao.
Xie Xie Just practising.... Of course, one advantage of the alleged takeover is that it would raise the average O IQ of Australia considerably... Posted by Cossomby, Sunday, 28 February 2016 6:33:35 PM
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Dear Aidan
Most of the millions of Chinese in Australia are bi-lingual, speaking Chinese and English, but they prefer to speak Chinese because they regard Chinese culture as superior to Australian culture. Across Sydney the Chinese are posting billboards etc completely in Chinese because Australia is now bi-lingual. Those who cannot use Chinese can use English. I think Chinese will become the dominant of the bi-linguals as Chinese culture replaces Australian culture as the main culture within the multicultural complex. Posted by Mr Opinion, Sunday, 28 February 2016 6:48:32 PM
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Dear Suseonline,
'all immigrants need to try to learn the main language of their chosen country, and abide by the national and local laws, and attempt to understand and join in with local customs and activities.' Really! What a hypocrite you are! In Multicultural Australia the people of other cultures do not have to do any of these things, outside of law and order. Your idea of multiculturalism seems to be that of everybody becoming Aussies. But that's not what multiculturalism is all about. You, along with most of the people on the Forum, are under the delusion that immigrants want to adopt Aussie culture. How wrong you are! Poor Suseonline, I think you suffer from a deluded sense of patriotism. I think you need to get a grip on yourself and start to realise that it is you who has to adopt a new culture. And in your case it will have to be Chinese. Posted by Mr Opinion, Sunday, 28 February 2016 7:15:24 PM
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Mr Opinion,
When you become bi-lingual which of the Chinese languages are you going to pair with English? There are millions of Chinese who are bi, tri and even further who don' speak any English at all. Posted by Is Mise, Sunday, 28 February 2016 7:17:42 PM
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Mr Opinion, you are entitled to your opinion but you are not entitled to your own invention of 'facts'. There are not millions of Chinese in Australia. In the 2011 census there were about 840,000 people with some Chinese ancestry, many going back to the gold rushes. This was just 4% of the population. I went to school with some of these, and more recently have been involved in the history of a family whose Chinese ancestry goes back to 1850. You would not recognise them as Chinese, they have spoken English for generations, yet they are included in that 4%.
In 2011 there were just over 300,000 people born in mainland China, and there's about 100,000 more now. This is not 'millions'. It's under 2%. Chinese appear to be one the larger ethnic groups in the statistics because many have immigrated recently. By comparison, people born in Italy are about half the number of Chinese born in China, but there are much higher numbers with Italian ancestry as a result of the peak of post-war Italian migration. Chinese and Italians have always intermarried with other groups, and this will continue. Posted by Cossomby, Sunday, 28 February 2016 7:46:21 PM
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Mr. Opinion, how on earth do you know what all the migrants and descendents of migrants in this country know or practice in Australia? By the sound of all the rubbish you write about your dreaded Chinese, you don't actually 'know' any of them at all?
What I think is that you make it up as you go, so that it suits your racist agenda. It is quite sad really. As I have already said, I would be quite happy to see a more multicultural slant for any new National Anthem for Australia, and I have no doubt that this will happen. Posted by Suseonline, Sunday, 28 February 2016 8:13:44 PM
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Your comment on Chinese billboards reminded me of Melbourne in the 1970s. I caught a train out to Clayton, then a bus to Monash, for a visit. At Clayton I did a double-take. Every shopfront sign, in fact every printed item I could see, was in Italian. The Mildura / Sunraysia area, where I now live, has a huge Italian-Australian population (making some great wine). Yet Australia hasn't become an Italian-English bilingual country. The Italians became Australians (after some rough treatment as 'wogs' etc), but retained their language and introduced new and invigorating elements into Australian culture. In fact the Chinese have already been doing that for over 150 years.
Posted by Cossomby, Sunday, 28 February 2016 8:28:24 PM
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Now, now! 'slant' is not an appropriate word to use in the context discussing Chinese people. Posted by Is Mise, Sunday, 28 February 2016 10:08:55 PM
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Is Mise, you always have to take it just that one step further don't you?
Bad boy. : ) Posted by Suseonline, Monday, 29 February 2016 12:55:39 AM
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Dear all,
Like I said before, time will tell and I bet I'm proven correct in my predictions. BTW, does anyone know if one can upload photos into these posts? I could take some typical scenes of Sydney to demonstrate my case. Posted by Mr Opinion, Monday, 29 February 2016 5:35:56 AM
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Mr Opinion, you do not need to upload photos. I am visiting Sydney right now and yes, there are many Asian faces on the streets and public transport. But because of where I am staying, and the fact that it's just been Chinese New Year, I can be absolutely certain that many of these are tourists (and isn't that a good thing for the economy?)
Using my earlier Italian analogy, there are probably just as many or more Italian faces on the streets, it's just that they are not so easily identifiable. There are websites that have maps of the distribution/ population numbers of ethnic groups across cities. Check out Sydney for Chinese and Italian, they are pretty much the same. Sorry I can't add web address here, using a mobile phone. Please, can you extend your paranoia, and give us a comment on the dangers of an Italian takeover, or maybe a New Zealand one. Oh god, too late, that's already happened! Posted by Cossomby, Monday, 29 February 2016 6:37:21 AM
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I doubt very much that you read anything at all. If you did, you wouldn't be as ignorant as you are, making hit and run statements without having a clue what you are on about. You are flippant and shallow. Posted by ttbn, Monday, 29 February 2016 9:07:33 AM
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Mr Opinion,
Many immigrants, tourists and even some students prefer to use their native language as they're more familiar with it. The children of the ones who remain in Australia will be bilingual, but with a preference for using english. And the third generation will probably not bother learning the language of their grandparents. Did they fail to teach you that at university? Where did you get the idea that there were millions of Chinese in Australia? AIUI the number of permanent residents born in mainland China is about half a million, plus another hundred thousand from Hong Kong? And even if there were millions of Chinese in Australia, it would not even begin to answer the questions you're still trying to wimp out of: Why do you ignore all your training in socio cultural analysis and instead believe racist paranoia? Why do you assume Chinese Australians, unlike other migrant groups, will retain a primary loyalty to their ancestral home? And why do you assume they will support the Chinese Communist Party? Posted by Aidan, Monday, 29 February 2016 9:29:25 AM
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1. My faulty knowledge is that many Chinese are here as students, i.e. temporarily.
2. I can't tell the difference between Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, Malaysian Chinese, Hong Kong Chinese, Mongolians (yes, there are some here), central Asians (yes, again) Thai, Burmese, Filipinos and even some Polynesians. Perhaps Misopinion has far broader experience differentiating people than me. Anyway, back to topic: Anthem. What about Eric Bogle's 'Shelter' ? It's such a stirring song, and for once, gets away from bloody kangaroos and boomerangs and wombats and convicts, to speak for all Australians from 60,000 years ago right up to today, 29.2.16. Anybody want to put that to a vote ? Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Monday, 29 February 2016 12:40:49 PM
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In the Australian this morning: the Chinese inbound tourism market is worth more than $5.8 billion a year, estimated to reach $13 billion by 2020. So those Chinese faces that worry you, Mr Opinion, are spending BIG money.
And on the issue of adopting Australian values: last year we researched the men on the local war memorial for a publication for Anzac Day. One name puzzled us, we couldn't find his service record in the excellent on-line archives. It turned out he had enlisted under a false name in a different state - because his father was Chinese and some enlistment offices refused to take Chinese. For the record, his name was Camillus Sue, and he died at Gallipoli in 1915. I'm honoured to accept him as an Australian. Are you, Mr Opinion? And others like him today? Posted by Cossomby, Monday, 29 February 2016 1:15:37 PM
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Shelter - lovely suggestion, Joe.
But you can't march to it! Posted by Cossomby, Monday, 29 February 2016 1:23:09 PM
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Hi Cossomby,
NO, but you can waltz to it. I just tried marching to it around the room and tripped over my feet. It still gets my vote :) Cheers, Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Monday, 29 February 2016 1:37:50 PM
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One Line Opinion,
Have you decided on which of the many Chinese languages you are going to have as a component of your bi-linguality? Whichever you choose you'll be bi-lingually unintelligible to millions of Chinese. Posted by Is Mise, Monday, 29 February 2016 3:42:57 PM
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Dear Cossomby,
They are not tourists. They are locals. Again, is it possible to upload photo images to these posts? Posted by Mr Opinion, Monday, 29 February 2016 5:09:50 PM
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How on earth do you know that the Chinese I spoke to in the Sydney YHA this week were locals? Do you think that they faked the airline tags on their suitcases, and lied about where they came from? Do you think that local resident Chinese spent $5 billion on tourism?
Your opinions carry little credibility when they fly on the face of actual data. In fact, I wonder how many Australians of historic Chinese descent, recent Chinese immigrants or Chinese tourists you have ever met, let alone seriously talked with. Or are you like the guy who harassed an elderly Chinese woman I knew in a shopping mall 'we don't want your kind here'. She happened to be visiting from NZ, but her family had been there for three generations, like many people I know in Australia. Posted by Cossomby, Monday, 29 February 2016 8:52:30 PM
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PS Mr Opinion, perhaps you could answer my question about Trooper Camillus Sue, 8th Light Horse Regiment, who gave his life for Australia.
Posted by Cossomby, Monday, 29 February 2016 9:06:15 PM
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Dear Mr Opinion,
NO IT IS NOT! Which is just as well, because if there was a way to post photos here then you'd post a lot of irrelevant photos and claim that they support your argument. Face it, your argument has been refuted. You know it's been refuted because you can't answer the questions I put to you, But you keep reposting your argument because you're a racist who wants to fool other people into opposing Chinese immigration. Posted by Aidan, Monday, 29 February 2016 9:34:03 PM
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Dear Cossomby,
You are the tourist in Sydney. Get it? You are the outsider. Dear Aidan, Of course you don't want me to upload images of typical scenes around Sydney simply because you know that they will prove that what I am saying is correct. Typical engineer! Posted by Mr Opinion, Tuesday, 1 March 2016 4:07:27 AM
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Mr O. Actually Sydney is my home town. My family have been there since 1793, I was born and grew up there - over the years i've lived in the eastern suburbs, far western suburbs and inner west. I've also lived briefly in Melbourne, Canberra and Broken Hill, bouncing back to Sydney each time. Although I now live elsewhere, I visit regularly. I stayed at the YHA because it was convenient for my work in Sydney last week (and YHA hostels have learnt to cater for all us oldies who were members in our youth, with motel style rooms - they are a fantastic bargain).
This gives me a real advantage: I see Sydney both from the perspective of long family and personal experience, but also from an external view, both from other cities and the outback. So when I say that the Chinese I saw last week at the YHA were tourists - I know what I'm talking about. (Oh, I've been to China twice, and I do some work in the tourist industry. Guess what's the biggest tourist attraction in the UK for Chinese?) Given the above, I think I just might have the edge in this debate. Normally I wouldn't go on about it, but sometimes you have to stand up for facts against predjudice. Posted by Cossomby, Tuesday, 1 March 2016 7:31:04 AM
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This will be my last post on the subject, I have to get to work.
But, I will continue watching for Mr Opinion's response on Trooper Sue. Posted by Cossomby, Tuesday, 1 March 2016 7:39:27 AM
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I also think that many Chinese in Sydney are students. whether they are resident or visiting I do not know. A few years back I had to wait for a country train at Central and it was early afternoon. To my amazement there was a constant stream of young Asian people going through the main station toward the suburban trains. I was told they came from the Uni and the tech college on Broadway. There were certainly many hundreds, if not thousands, of them. Perhaps it is the same near other large colleges in Sydney. Posted by Banjo, Tuesday, 1 March 2016 8:18:20 AM
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No, Mr O, it's logically impossible for uploading images of typical scenes around Sydney to show where people's loyalties lie.
Of course, given your track record of intellectual dishonesty, I'm sure you'd try making the bogus claim that photographs of a few parts of Sydney with lots of Chinese people prove what you're saying is correct. But there is no evidence to support your claim that having Chinese ethnicity makes anyone "the enemy". So I ask again: Why do you ignore all your training in socio cultural analysis and instead believe racist paranoia? Why do you assume Chinese Australians, unlike other migrant groups, will retain a primary loyalty to their ancestral home? And why do you assume they will support the Chinese Communist Party? Posted by Aidan, Tuesday, 1 March 2016 9:25:00 AM
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Dear Banjo,
I don't know why that would surprise anyone. That is a fairly typical scene across Sydney. You should try catching a suburban train during peak hour. Apart from playing Spot The Aussie you can listen to what the people sitting around you are talking about, providing you can speak Chinese. Posted by Mr Opinion, Tuesday, 1 March 2016 1:23:11 PM
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PS Maybe they're putting the words together for a new Australian anthem.
Posted by Mr Opinion, Tuesday, 1 March 2016 1:25:19 PM
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Well this reminds me of a song I once heard.
Maybe it's X rated, I don't know. But going on some of the posts here, it may become popular As the new anthem. Given the Chinese New Year recently. Here it is Rule Britannia! Brtaninia rules the waves, Stick Chineses crackers up your Ar..hole, Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Posted by CHERFUL, Wednesday, 2 March 2016 12:54:49 AM
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Hi Cherful,
I tried that and it didn't work. Australia is a multicultural country in the sense that the multitude of non-Anglo minorities would have to compete with each other first, if they wanted to, as some believe, try to take over, and I don't think any group is so inclined. Call me naive. Australia is a land of opportunity for non-Anglo groups and individuals and that's probably the direction things will go for the next century or so. I'm still barracking for 'Shelter'. Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Wednesday, 2 March 2016 5:05:37 PM
One suggestion I've heard and enjoyed is to reset the lyrics to the tune of 'Working Class Man'. It's a lot more enjoyable - you really want to stand up and sing along:
But I think there is a song, recorded by an Australian band, which is more in keeping with contemporary Australian values. You only have to listen to some of the lyrics:
"It's time patriotism was exposed to market forces
Your love of country may not fit in with efficiency
Costs exceeded benefits
At Gallipoli"
"It just distorts the market
If you help your fellow man
From cradle to the grave
Let self-interest be the rule
Why should we help people who sent kids to state school?"
"And why should we let towel-heads in
Just 'cause their ships don't float?
What other race has ever come
To Australia in a boat?
And if self-interest be the rule
Five miles out from shore
Why the hell don't it apply
To those who live next door?
Why should I give you my help
Just 'cause your Aussie too?
What the hell's the difference
Between those boat people and you?"
"Australians all did once rejoice
In our shared commonwealth
But now if you're Australian
Help your god-damn self"
At least give it a try - and if you're not walking around a week from now, unable to dislodge the refrain "Everybody help yourself, everybody help yourself" from your head, I'll be surprised.
Now, compare those lyrics to 'Advance Australia Fair':
"For those who've come across the seas
We've boundless plains to share"
Yeah, good one.
Everybody help yourself
Everybody help yourself
Everybody help yourself...