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The Forum > General Discussion > Can you help me solve family racism?

Can you help me solve family racism?

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Toni, you ask Why not? Like Is Mise I don't consider myself to be racist, and I have made that perfectly clear, to answer your question, there is no particular reason why us white people who don't consider ourselves raciest don't want black people marrying us white people, it has nothing to do with them being black, and us being white, I want to stress since we do not consider ourselves racists it has nothing what so ever to do with the fact they are black and we are white. We have countless reasons why not, Is Mise will be along with those reasons shortly, and then it will be all black and white to you. Joke for the day.

Seriously, it must be a joke, you get this "I don't consider myself to be racist... BUT. then they go on to contradict themselves by making some racists statement.
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 31 December 2015 11:44:39 AM
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What I had in mind was marriage/whatever between an African pygmy woman, say 3ft 6ins tall, and a European male at 6ft 6ins.
Sexual relations could be rather difficult and a pregnancy very likely to lead to extreme trouble and/or death.
So, all in all, probably not a good idea, but I see few objections to a Pygmy man and a European woman.
Posted by Is Mise, Thursday, 31 December 2015 2:28:50 PM
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The worm wriggles! I was only talking about Pygmy women and European basketballers, when I said <<some of the dark skinned African groups should never normally be allowed to marry 'white' Australians.>>

Note the denial in the statement is directed towards the "dark skinned" African groups, and not the "white" Australians. The undertone being, it is the dark skinned people who seek to infiltrate the gene pool of the white people.
This is a flimsy attempt to justify what was a totally unacceptable raciest statement.
Do you have any stats on Pygmy women marrying European men who suffer from some form of Gigantism, I suspect it is less than 0.00000000001% of all marriages. I note that by omission you have no objection to Wee Willie Winkie marrying the Circus Fat Lady, they being both white, or any such odd ball combination providing they are not black and white.
p/s People should also be prevented from trying to mate female Chiwawas with Irish Wolfhounds, regardless of their colour.

Is Mise, I see we are kicking off 2016 as we left 2015, in total agreeing once again. All the best to you and your's in 2016.
Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 1 January 2016 6:58:26 AM
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You didn't comment on the Pygmy man marrying the big European woman, to which I had no real objection, but the reverse is not appropriate, bearing in mind Robbie Burns' "....twa nine inch men cam doon th' glen...." (I must look that poem up!).

When one mates a draught horse with a Shetland pony it's always the draught mare to the little stallion.
In stables a platform/back of a truck is provided for the little bloke and out in the field, if a truck or a natural feature can't be found then a pit must be dug for the mare to stand in; these things are never simple!!

Anyway, thanks for taking the bait and for your kind wishes for 2016, which I appreciate and reciprocate.

Thankfully "Pollutionfest" is over and we can look forward to a hopefully 'fireworks' free rest of the year.
Posted by Is Mise, Friday, 1 January 2016 8:31:35 AM
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May we all have a "good" New Year - full of
hope not fear, anger, or despair.

According to a recent study done by Roy Baumeister
what sets human beings apart from animals is not
the pursuit of happiness, which occurs all
across the natural world, but the pursuit of
meaning, which is unique to humans. We're told that
happiness is the by product of a meaningful life.

With that thought in mind - we can acknowledge that
all of us have our prejudices - against the rich,
or the poor, the smart or the slow, the gaunt or
the obese, the progressive or the conservative,
and so on.

It is natural to develop prejudices.

It is noble to rise above them.

Let us keep hope alive - make a fresh start for 2016.
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 1 January 2016 8:56:41 AM
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A worthy aim for the New Year would be to rescue freedom of speech from the repugnant political correctness that has descended in recent years. Although there are so many young adults who do not have the benefit of experiencing life in Australia before.

This great man saw it as it was emerging in the US and his speech 'Winning the Cultural War' to a graduating year of Harvard lawyers is linked to below. Well worth the few minutes,
Posted by onthebeach, Friday, 1 January 2016 1:18:21 PM
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