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Family Violence caused by angry child education.

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Having watched Wednesday, November 25th part 2 Hitting Home and the following QandA special. During the Hitting Home part 2, Sarah Ferguson was interviewing one man named Steve. Hearing no questions on what may have influenced him to continually abuse his wife. A question, what will stop Steve from abusing women, Steve answered “the thought of coming back to jail will probably stop me”.

At the end of part 2 Hitting Home, Sarah Ferguson states “... and I wish there were easy answers to what we should do, but there aren't any”.

QandA special forum host begins after mentioning politicians by saying, “... but, as we know, all too often political commitment can fail to deliver effective policy and change... so could we really turn around this epidemic in a single generation”. Sarah Ferguson sits in the audience.
Introducing the forum panel has no persons representing psychology and child/teenager education systems.

The following: need more money; make domestic violence illegal; mandatory reporting when violence involves children; legal system fails women; it's a national crises. Must invest more money.

One male forum member says, “wonderful film that supports victims” one female forum member says, “anger management programs don't work”, “anger management programs get to the heart of the problem”, mentioning fathering. Towards the end the phrase “psychological abuse” is heard as to describe verbal abuse to women. Schools need to teach male children not to abuse women.

The word “bipolar” is not heard as that would mean family violence is a psychological disorder.

There are: no psychology professionals on the forum; no person representing school education on the forum; no mention of violent television; no mention of contact sports aggression; no persons from work cover and or unions on the forum representing, bad bosses bullying, exhausting and poor work conditions mental stress. No one has a clue about accusing any cultural behaviour, other than portraying women as victims. Media forums are boring, repetitive, controlled, leaving television audiences clueless. Forum audience questions are contrived.
Posted by steve101, Thursday, 26 November 2015 2:12:44 PM
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The word education is seldom heard let alone mentioning poor schools. There are no graphs shown that point to any city areas that have more problems than others areas. Sarah Ferguson did say problems were spread evenly across society.

Alcohol and drugs are mentioned as a major cause yet, only gets a short discussion.

Could even be said, the end of year television forum is justifying keeping what is being done to be the only option, therefore more of the same is justified.

I maintain even though fathering… male children seeing fathers as being abusive to women. Education forced work increases mental stress on the children least capable of doing forced work tasks. Children maintaining childhood emotional stimulation self-esteem is one explanation. Forcing children to work, having teachers bulling students to finish tasks, students punished if tasks aren't completed. Such children forced to attend schools each school day for up to 13 years. Poorly skilled teenagers having left school, having to work manual employment labours workers don't like.
Japanese WW2 soldiers were said to be abusive to Australian prisoners of war, one reason given was officers abuse lower ranks with threatening/bulling means to ensure quick response to orders. Each rank doing the same bullying passing orders down the chain of command. The last link in the chain were soldiers guarding prisoners.
I pose that children poorly prepared to attend schooling will begin an angry repressed human behaviour of bullying culture self-gratification.
I also pose that the education system is aware of the problem and use education as a natural selection zombie labour work force.

Women being abused by men will result in women having fewer children, population control method.

Women talk to women. Men are to women predominately a financial support system. To women the concept of love is an illusion (if not for a better word) of family life with children. Women don't often pursue talking to other men unless there is dissatisfaction with a present partner.
Posted by steve101, Thursday, 26 November 2015 2:17:47 PM
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Television day time soap dramas are often negative towards relationships. Relationship break ups and relationships reformed with different people. Relationship break ups causes are what makes day time dramas watch-able. If women are to blame, poorly schooled emotion decision making emotionally stimulated by day time dramas, women, are taking ideas understood in day time programs and practising media ideas on their spouses, are women themselves partly to blame.

My opinion is, violence is an industry. Unemployment figures are reported to be around 6%. Police are low limited resources employment. The most police will need to carry out employment tasks is a single motor vehicle for every two police personal in crime and on police personal in traffic.
Lawyers; judges; prison guards; services needed to provide goods to law enforcement.

The high price of real estate in Sydney and high rental property costs are due to not only low interest rates, are also fewer properties to rent. In television news, An owner of a building company stated he couldn't find brick layers. He had two brink layers where he normally had eight brick layers.
Too many employment opportunities for police; too many teenagers forced to complete HSC examinations. Too many immigrant highly educated student degrees. Get the idea. Forced bad education by teachers forcing students to perform, has left failed teenagers with anger problems.
Posted by steve101, Thursday, 26 November 2015 2:23:35 PM
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When I was at school, my parents and teachers didn't force compliance. I never believed anything taught at school was relevant to employment work. I never tried to finish school and left when I was aged 16 years. Before you think dummy, my skilled employment opportunity had me being told by my employer that I was first in two years out of three years of technical college courses. All my competing thirteen fellow course students, being older than myself, were year ten school certified.

An B grade student male friend's mother forced my friend to do his homework. After he left school, I met him to play a game of snooker. He was very angry when suggesting how to best play snooker. He said he hated to be told what to do. That was the last time I saw him. Other people in the room witnessing his angry outbursts commented on his anger. His parents were friendly easy to get along with, far easier to talk to than my father, who disliked children.

White ribbon day, should be white wash day. The lies are that by exhausting people's attention with attending to problems with legal means. Every one believing education is a good thing, because people don't know any better. Any arguments opposing education as bad has people thinking education is good.

I didn't hate education I'm merely seeking revenge using the easiest persuasive arguments, probable thinkers could perceive. My revenge is on the establishment, making assurances in return for doing something I regret doing, then failing to deliver assurances, threatening me to keep quiet, by that establishment few people are capable of wanting to believe exists.

When some RN government media guest starts a conversation by saying, “everything is a lie” be careful not to do anything he or she recommends.
Posted by steve101, Thursday, 26 November 2015 2:28:16 PM
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Getting back to Moon landing hoax, pointing out fantastic lies.

In engineering, all aspects of large building works must have specifications. After Yuri Gagarin April 12, 1961 first man in space. President Kennedy stood before Congress on May 25, 1961, and proposed that “this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the Moon and returning him safely to the Earth”. 43 days after Yuri Gagarin first man in space. Not a lot of time for inexperienced developing engineers to be consulted. Formulate whether landing on the moon and return a man to earth was possible.

Buzz Aldrin stated on the television documentary “When We Left Earth: The NASA Missions. (2008)” the Apollo 11 orbiting module said to be travelling at 3000 miles per hour at 60 miles above the moon surface. The Apollo 11 landing module was said to have 17 seconds of rocket fuel left after landing on the moon.
Landing modules had to slow down from orbiting the moon at a guess of 60 minutes single orbit to 1 month the moon takes to rotate, one part of the surface of the moon facing earth.

The often seen Apollo landing modules seen blasting off the moon surface has got to faked. Bullets propelled through a gun barrel use a propelling explosive charge over a time period. The longer the barrel the further bullets travel. Apollo landing modules see leaving the moon's surface, suddenly after an explosion, must be faked. The landing modules had no time to gradually accelerate. Even though the moon is one sixth the gravity of earth, landing modules have mass. Bullets don't much care about gravity, bullets care about mass, the weight of a bullet and momentum/velocity a bullet is travelling. The heavier an object, exampling a bullet, the greater force is needed. Large canons that propel large metal objects need large amounts of explosives to push large metal object out a long barrel.
Posted by steve101, Tuesday, 1 December 2015 1:19:19 PM
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Explosive charge(s) seen to have propelled Apollo landing modules off the moon would have left Apollo landing modules sitting on the moon's surface. A sudden spilt second propulsion explosion would not have pushed a large mass, Apollo landing module, regardless of gravity.
A sudden G-force acceleration on astronauts' bodies would have been impossible.
The large rockets used to land landing modules were left on the moon.

Much smaller rockets I assume were used to stabilise landing modules, remained on landing modules. Landing modules had to speed up to 3000 miles an hour to catch up to Apollo orbiting modules from a slow one month moon surface speed. While watching television, seeing landing modules approaching orbiting modules, I have not seen any rocket fuel rocket engine manoeuvring exhausts while a Apollo landing module manoeuvres into position to dock with an Apollo orbiting module.

When will people admit to themselves, the media are entertaining populations with lies.
The idea that once humans believe something, like religion, human emotions refuse to except they may have been wrong and or fooled.
Childhood education of feeling embarrassed for getting teacher's questions wrong repression/denial, is what education was partly about.
Posted by steve101, Tuesday, 1 December 2015 1:21:26 PM
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