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Union corruption, the cancer eating at the Australian economy
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Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 26 October 2015 9:36:10 AM
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I do still enjoy having a weekend though. And 4 weeks annual leave. And a 40 hour week in theory.
Posted by Houellebecq, Monday, 26 October 2015 11:38:55 AM
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Your union hasn't traded any of those conditions in exchange for a few hundred thousand into the union's coffers and for a favourite from the union office to be slipped into a senior position in your organisation? I don't have a problem with those who argue that unions can have a role to play. However the question is whether unions should abide by the rules that apply to other organisations -to 'keep the bastards honest'. No-one has shown how the subs and interests of union 'rank and file' members might be protected otherwise. Posted by onthebeach, Monday, 26 October 2015 11:54:27 AM
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Try this one If developers are banned from donating to pollies to reduce the risk of corruption, the large number of corrupt payments tagged as "training" should be a red flag, especially as it is untraceable without a thorough audit. While an outright ban may not be practical, what exists now cannot remain. The unions have a role to play, just that most of what they are doing has nothing to do with it. Posted by Shadow Minister, Monday, 26 October 2015 2:22:21 PM
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Or this one:
"Employment Minister Michaelia Cash seized on figures from the Australian Bureau of Statistics showing union membership had plummeted from 17 per cent in August 2013 to 15 per cent by August last year." It looks like workers are voting with their feet and abandoning the crooked unions and the parties beholden to them. Posted by Shadow Minister, Wednesday, 28 October 2015 5:02:03 PM
STATISTICS AUSTRIA, Last Changed 22.10.2007
"As for my (Shadow) proposals, 1) the corrupt payments to the unions were always entitled "training" or something but with no training delivered, This is a loophole through which all shonky payments flow."
I am in agreement there, shonky indeed. and that should be corrected where it can be proven.
I am also not going to degenerate the whole union movement based on the actions of a few grubs, people like Thompson, Williams, Jackson, Maitland and if proven add a few others including Shorten and co.
My partner "T" worked hard for the HSU as a delegate, and still does, although she resigned for a year in protest, they begged her to come back, that was the only time in my life that I have advised someone to resign from the union. I like her detests Thompson, Williams and Jackson, they are scum, they betrayed the trust given to them by low paid workers for their own benefit. Worse than anything any employer of the members ever done.
I recall Norm Gallagher of the BLF, people describe Norm as a communists, no Norm was an out and out crook. Sure he got things for his members, but he also got plenty for Norm.