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The Forum > General Discussion > Union corruption, the cancer eating at the Australian economy

Union corruption, the cancer eating at the Australian economy

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So Paul,

While I can see that you are still trying to divert attention from the union and Green's corruption and other criminal acts it is not working.

If I have to choose between whether the DT with it's fact checkers and the police are lying, or you are. It's not a hard decision. If the DT's info was correct, the green harpies would be shrieking the sky down. That they are so quiet, is because one of the green's leaders has been caught grooming children.

As for for AJ, The story came out in 2006 in the SMH rag and in the last 10 years, there has been nothing, whereas Karel Solomon of the greens has been arrested and will be facing court.

I suspect your hatred of Catholics is due to going to a Catholic school where the priests were hard on you.

A see one of the greens paymasters in the CFMEU is being charged.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Wednesday, 21 October 2015 3:26:07 PM
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Shadow, the fact that someone who once stood for the Greens in a local election has since been charged with a totally unrelated crime is not evidence of corruption.
Posted by Aidan, Wednesday, 21 October 2015 5:08:11 PM
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I also saw your hero Kathy Jackson, (or is it Craig Thomson or Obeid?)"

Lol! was you who was doing the Can Can up and down the threads of OLO when Kathy was doing her number on Thomson.

"As for the request to comment on your opinion that Lawler was "off center": I can only guess that as your comment is so vague as to be meaningless that you have no clue either."

Oh sorry, 'bout that...when I said "off centre", I meant truly deluded and whacko.

Clearer now?
Posted by Poirot, Wednesday, 21 October 2015 5:32:38 PM
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The exchanges between Shadow M and Paul are getting increasingly acrimonious, unpleasant and unwanted. Hard to work out who is at fault. I haven't suspended any body, but I will suspend which ever one of them continues with this nonsense, if either of them does.

Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 22 October 2015 4:48:25 AM
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Whatever happened to freedom of speech and expression opinion?
Working for the cyber security services must be trying.
Posted by chrisgaff1000, Friday, 23 October 2015 10:29:42 AM
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The original topic was union corruption.

Heavily unionized businesses are now facing stiff competition are collapsing as the government can no longer subsidize them, and the construction industry is the most expensive in the world, making Aus unattractive to foreign investors.

This is not just simply from expensive and inflexible labour, but the extortion, protection rackets, and bribery that fills the union coffers with $millions that is illegal in most countries.

It is long past due to make direct payments to unions by employers illegal, and to make the union finances as transparent as is required for companies.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Saturday, 24 October 2015 3:01:10 PM
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