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The Forum > General Discussion > At what point should we say you're on your own.

At what point should we say you're on your own.

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We will never be 'on our own'. We now have a firmly entrenched nanny state, controlled by socialists, who will never give up their control. The more than can do for us, at huge expense, the more control they have over us.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 3 August 2015 11:43:12 AM
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Dear Rehctub,

I realise that it can be very frustrating when
people do silly things - be it in our oceans,
driving on our roads, in our national forests,
and country areas, on our city streets, in
restaurants, clubs, hotels, homes, or elsewhere.
Especially when their foolish
actions end up costing lives, time, money, and the mis-use
of scarce resources.

However, I am sure that if it was any of us or our family members,
behaving badly, we would still greatly appreciate the help
of those who come to our aid.

I recall seeing a TV program on a doctor who works in the
Emergency Department of St Vincent's Hospital in Sydney.
A miracle-worker loved by patients and staff alike.
Yet this man's favourite past-time was to simply sit quietly
on a bench and just chill out after a hard day's work.
That to me spelt volumes of the stress his job must entail.

Yet he's considered a Saint by those he helps daily.
And Thank God for people like him!
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 3 August 2015 3:07:16 PM
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Foxy, the reality we face now is that there is simply not enough revenue to support our essential services with a typical example being a druggie demanding up to ten medical staff and assistants attention while those with non self inflicted injuries or illnesses waiting hours to receive help. It's just crazy, as druggies should be locked in a padded room and checked in the morning.

I think the sooner we adopt the policy of recouping costs associated with treating victims of self inflicted harm, including drugs and over indulgence the better off we Will be because we just can't make the dollars stretch
Posted by rehctub, Monday, 3 August 2015 3:34:10 PM
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Yeah same goes for all the fat people, smokers, druggies, drinkers, diabetics, nutters, homeless and poor people. Stuff em.

I'm alright. If they cant get ahead how is that my fault?
Everyone should be left to sink or swim on their own merits.

If old people freeze to death or the homeless starve why should I care? I didn't kill them.

If you are stupid enough to get born into an impoverished family that's you're own fault. Why should I have to pay to educate the subnormal sprogs of the plebs?
If your parents don't care enough about you to send you to Kings or Scotch College then maybe you should think about suicide. You are obviously worthless.

Oh and stuff car drivers too. If they have an accident just drag the cars off the road and take em away to be crushed. All this rescue and paramedics and crap. Just a waste of taxpayers money and delays the rest of us. If you cant drive properly and get yourself in an accident you deserve to die.

Same with idiot bushwalkers and sailors. Get lost and you're on your own.

No one cares. No one wants to help you(Unless you can pay of course.)
No free rides, no helping hand, no mentor, no guide, no elders here.
Get lost in other words.

This is the world of the neo cons and the rightards. On your own!
The world of mises and our very own jardine.
A brutal world of exploitation, greed and hate.
Posted by mikk, Monday, 3 August 2015 3:59:40 PM
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Nice rant there mikk.

The fact is welfare was designed as a hand up, not a hand out, and it most certainly wasn't designed as a safety net for drug dealers as it is often used.

As for homeless people I could sole many cases tomorrow by allowing these people to help out time poor people for board and lodging, but the do gooders would jump and and down crying of exploitation and demanding back pay.

Fat people, as you call them, who are fat by their own doing should nit receive free medical assistance, same goes for smokers and excessive drinkers and known dole bludgers should be cut off.

Quarantining of all welfare would be a good start and public housing should be reserved for decent deserving families, not single mums with multiple kids to multiple fathers. Public accommodation should be considered as well.

Will give anyone a free meal, but not a cash hand out.
Posted by rehctub, Monday, 3 August 2015 6:43:09 PM
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Entering the water where sharks live is a self inflicted (potential) wound. It is an invitation to death or major injury
by predators who not only live in the ocean but have perfected the art of survival to highest degree.
If a shark chooses you as its meal then it is no ones fault but your own.
Having said that and given there is no law or penalty (other than being eaten) to prevent people entering the
water it should follow that whatever it costs to rescue and treat the horror of shark attack would and should be
met by the victim and not the public purse.
Perhaps when these costs are weighed up by the potential victim they might think twice about their suicide wish.
But then I forgot the egotistical "rush" that goes with the surfboard.
Posted by chrisgaff1000, Monday, 3 August 2015 7:11:49 PM
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