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The Forum > General Discussion > Should Professor Gillian Triggs - President of the HR Commission resign?

Should Professor Gillian Triggs - President of the HR Commission resign?

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Dear Hasbeen,

You wrote;

“Steele you wouldn't know a fact even if it jumped up & bit you on the ass.”

You then proceeded to deliver not one single fact of your own but rather you fell back on your tired shtick of slander and bombast.

So on the topic of 'arse' (I still prefer the Australian vernacular though I understand the lazy like yourself care little about its preservation) why don't you pull your finger out of yours for once and at least attempt to rebut the facts I have posted. If you can't, they stand.

Dear ConservativeHippie,

You wrote;

“Can you cut and paste a quote from anyone who you think said the above. No one is making that claim. You are twisting things to make a lame point to divert attention from the facts Labor had 2000 children in detention; 200 are now there under the Coalition Govt.”

Did you even think to pause for a moment and read what you had written before posting it? To write “No one is making that claim” then deliver it yourself hardly makes your argument.

Do you understand the difference between detention for processing purposes and detention for deterrence? The first most Australians would agree with, the second rightly is a human rights issue that needed to be highlighted by Professor Triggs. Do you understand it is the length of time in detention that is the cause of psychological harm in these unfortunate children? Do you accept the fact that the number of children who were kept in extended incarceration leapt dramatically under the Coalition?

Well no you can't it seems. And you are the one labeling me as 'one eyed'?

Shameless my friend, bloody shameless.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Friday, 27 February 2015 7:52:07 AM
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Well excuse me Steele for not being a mind reader, I'm so ashamed.

I didn't realise that when you brought up which lot were doing the better job of looking after the children in their care, you were not actually referring to the physical conditions, programs, health care, food, and general facilities which would be equally attributable to both the Labor and Coalition governments.

Obviously I also failed to understand that reducing the number of children in detention to 200 over the past 18 months is far worse than having 2000 in detention for even longer under the open door Labor/Green policy.

I've also failed to realise its totally acceptable for a government stooge to act on behalf of and in the best interest of the Labor Party and totally inappropriate for the Coalition to 'out' that partisan behaviour publically.

May I ask why you haven't included in your stats a comparison of the numbers who died attempting to reach Australia under Labor to those under the Coalition? I suppose that would be another inconvenient truth that is even harder to manipulate the figures.

Let me ask you a hypothetical question. If you were employed by a company that you were philosophically opposed, and you were caught discrediting them on Facebook, and the company advised you that your employment was untenable but they would find you alternative employment, would you refuse to cooperate? Would you be morally outraged such a discussion was even being raised?
Posted by ConservativeHippie, Friday, 27 February 2015 8:53:41 AM
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@ hippie

spot on mate

thumbs up....
Posted by platypus1900, Friday, 27 February 2015 9:06:32 AM
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I will quote from a previous
site I gave earlier -

"President of the Human Rights Commission -
Prof. Gillian Triggs should not resign.
She has done her job. She is an international
lawyer of global standing. She has faithfully
applied the law. Like most international lawyers,
Prof. Triggs is not radical. International law is
after all, made by governments. She was Dean of
the country's oldest law school - hardly a hotbed
of revolution."

"If anyone should be seriously questioning their
judgement and position - it is the Attorney-General.
By pressuring Prof. Triggs to resign on grounds not
recognised in the Commission's statute Senator Brandis
sought to improperly interfere with the tenure of an
independent statutory office holder."

We were told that on the week-end the Australian Bar Association
and the Law Council of Australia took the rare step of issuing
a joint statement to condemn the "unprecedented attack" on
Triggs. Representing all Australian lawyers and barristers,
those two peak bodies, hardly anti-Coalition, declared that:

"Personal criticism directed at her or any judicial or
quasi-judicial officer fulfilling the duties of public office
as required by law is an attack upon the independence and
integrity of the Commission and undermines confidence in our
system of justice and Human Rights protection."

A mature, child-friendly goverment would have responded in
a different way. They would have owned up to the damage
wrought on innocent children and made it right.
However a government that trivialises child abuse, and is
pathologically hostile towards a Commission that seeks to make
children safe is unfit to govern our country.
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 27 February 2015 9:24:42 AM
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Hugh de Kretser writing for The Age points out that:

The Commission handed the government its damning
report into the harm being inflicted on children
in immigration detention on November 11, 2014. The
government waited until the last possible day,
Feb. 11, 2015, before publicly releasing it.

In the meantime it launched an unprecedented political

In December it announced a 30 per cent funding cut to
the Commission.

In early February the government sought Prof Triggs

When the report was finally made public instead of addressing
the overwhelming evidence of severe damage to children
the PM rejected the findings and attacked the report as
blatantly partisan saying the "Commission ought to be
ashamed of itself."

The pattern is clear. The government is punishing the

Forget that the ommission was doing its job by investigating
and reporting on an important human rights issue in Australia.
Forget that the Commission was even-handed in its criticism
of both sides of politics over their handling of the issue.

What makes these attacks worse is that they are part of a
broader trend of this governments - which they have displayed
and continue to display since taking office.
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 27 February 2015 9:37:01 AM
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The whole Abbott problem with kids in detention is his promise that no boat people will ever be allowed into AU, we now see there has been a steady stream of people being admitted into AU, which goes against his promise.

This report has left Abbott high and dry and blown his cover of yet more lies. What a filthy liar this man is. The people of AU have been deceived again, by the incompetence of this LNP leadership.

The report calls for a royal commission, to get at the details of information that is withheld from us in our name.

Abbott has had his tenure as PM of AU, the populous has lost all confidence in this regime and call for a new leader as soon as possible.
Posted by 579, Friday, 27 February 2015 9:37:03 AM
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