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The Forum > General Discussion > How many is too many? Australias population problem.

How many is too many? Australias population problem.

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Pericles "get rid of the welfare for lifers that already live here? That would make room for a heck of a lot more people who are willing to work"

So those dole bludgers will just vanish into thin air, will they?
No, they'll be sleeping on your doorstep and stealing your new large screen TV.
Cut welfare and you increase crime. Smart move.

Yuyutsu "cultural-protectionist drivel"

I bet you wouldn't say that to Tibetans, Chechens, Basque or any of the hundreds of other "peoples" fighting (sometimes literally) for their survival.

The displacement of White/Western peoples by massive pancultural immigration will one day be seen as one of the most EVIL crimes in history.

The Nazis killed millions. YOU are destroying *dozens* of entire peoples/cultures and their civilisation!
The fact that this evil is presented as virtuous and beneficial just makes it all the more evil.

There is a difference between pancultural immigration (now) and multicultural immigration (what we always had).
Europe has dozens of cultures and migrants came from all of them during the White Australia era.
They were similar/related people, causing little disruption/destabilisation of the existing demographics/culture.

Panculturalism is insanity, pure insanity.
There are over 6000 peoples/cultures in the world and *all* these peoples now have to live harmoniously with *all* the others.
If not, our society disintegrates.

At present, there's stability only because the change is relatively recent (two generations?).
No, we are not on the "brink" of White genocide, but it is inevitable with 80% non-European immigration.

We have a right to exist as a distinct people, as do the Dutch, Irish, Swedes and all the other European peoples being subjected to this evil-with-smiley-face recklessness.
Posted by Shockadelic, Sunday, 23 November 2014 8:38:27 AM
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I recently found a website called "Exit White Power" which attempts to "debunk" white nationalism.

Their argument seems to consists of 3 main points:
1. If your don't conform to peer pressure, you are ostracised/punished.
2. Most are Australians are still White, so no meed to panic.
3. Cultural diversity enhances "cognitive flexibility".

Point 1 applies to virtually any social group from Muslims to feminists to anti-racists. Redundant. There are virtually no true "individuals" who make their own decisions/choices. Most people are part of some "gang" or another.

Point 2. No, we are not going to see White people vanish next week, but it will happen given current immigration trends.
The fact the this genocide will unfold very, very slowly doesn't make it any less evil.

Point 3. There are a million ways to boost your "cognitive flexibility" that don't involve an irreversible, unprecedented, radical demographic transformation.
The Western world alone in the past century has produced a myriad of cultural forms.

If you must seek out the exotic for stimulation, you can do this without moving millions of people across borders.

This is the Information Age, the Digital Age, the Internet Age.
Any cultural element you desire is a keyboard click away.
Music, films, books, fabric/clothing, decorations/furnishings, recipes, anything at all.
All available online, and posted to your mailbox.

Having neighbours from 6000 cultures doesn't necessarily enhance anyone's "cognitive flexibility" since most people in cities don't even know who their neighbours ARE!

And diversity at work means little, since everyone is doing the same work anyway.
The Chinese clerk is not processing forms or packing parcels any differently from the Turk or Zulu in the next cubicle.

Current policy is actually creating a more racist society than we had before, with White people at the top and Coloured people at the bottom.

On the weekends the Coloured folk can entertain the White executives with their pretty dresses and passionate dancing, as long as they go back to scrubbing the toilets and emptying the bins on Monday (for $3 an hour).
Posted by Shockadelic, Sunday, 23 November 2014 8:58:13 AM
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CH: It's all in how you look at it. Conservatives like you see lower wages and conditions elsewhere and drool over them, and want to bring us DOWN to that level so they can increase their profits and personal wealth.
The rest of us see lower wages and conditions elsewhere and HOPE that they can be brought UP to our levels, thus eliminating the disastrous effects of the FTA's and such that have been wrecking the society we live in for decades, not to mention reducing inequality and bettering the lives of ALL rather than just a few elites.

One is a self-centred elitist attitude that corrupts democracy, the other is the very heart of what has driven the great progressive social changes of the last two or three centuries and helped build the free world as we have known it.
Millions of people gave their blood and lives to give us what we have had, and conservatives are now doing their level best to throw that heritage away.
Freedom or Feudalism?
Guess which side I support?
Posted by G'dayBruce, Sunday, 23 November 2014 11:16:20 AM
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Sorry boys it's not government's job to provide jobs, that is communism, & a command economy, & we know that fails. Hell even China had to move to a capitalist economy to start their economic climb.

No fellers, it is unions that have destroyed our manufacturing industries.

When you pay some clown $100,000 a year to screw a subassembly onto a car body, you can not stay in production long, without huge taxpayer subsidies.

Our whole pay rate thing is totally wrong, with too many low skill jobs in unionised workplaces being way over paid. No chance of manufacturing making a comeback, while we pay the unskilled 3 times what they can earn the employer.
Posted by Hasbeen, Sunday, 23 November 2014 12:16:14 PM
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Dear Shockadelic,

<<We have a right to exist as a distinct people>>

It is not a matter of rights because nobody is stopping you - but you need to prove yourself, you need to demonstrate that your culture is vibrant and worthwhile, you need to compete in the open with other cultures.

If you culture is good, then others will flock to it and eagerly wish to assimilate, for example:

Many people shall come and say,
“Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord,
To the house of the God of Jacob;
He will teach us His ways,
And we shall walk in His paths.”
For out of Zion shall go forth the law,
And the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.
[Isaiah 2:3]

- But what do you do if your culture is unattractive, if it is vacuous? It is then that you can only resort to violence to try and preserve it, grabbing a land by force and forcing others out unless their culture doesn't threaten yours.

This is what cultural-protectionism is about. Were your culture worthwhile, you wouldn't be worrying!
Posted by Yuyutsu, Sunday, 23 November 2014 12:42:04 PM
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It is true that our economy is now heavily dependent on population growth, and there could be serious problems if the politicians slammed on the brakes without giving the economy time to adjust and encouraging such adjustment. Nevertheless, there are quite a number of countries that are performing well economically and giving their citizens good lives despite having miniscule or even negative population growth. Countries such as Denmark (population growth rate 0.4%, from World Bank figures), Finland (0.5%), Japan (-0.2%), and Germany (0.2%) all rank near the top of the UN's very high human development list and also rank very high on the World Economic Forum's Global Competitiveness Index. Have you considered that the high growth countries, such as Australia (1.8%), that also rank high might be doing it despite their population growth, not because of it? Or that good economic performance might be attracting people, not the other way around? Exactly why can't we copy the low growth or no growth countries that are performing well?

In any case, it is mathematically certain that our population growth is going to stop. The only question is whether we stop it by cutting excessive immigration (since our fertility rate has been below replacement level since 1976) and leave something of the environment and some quality of life for our grandchildren, or whether we stop it after turning Australia into a Third World hellhole, or lose population due to a collapse. What can't go on, won't go on.


I recall reading that at first contact, the Aboriginal people ate better, had more leisure time, were healthier, and lived longer than the English settlers who were replacing them. Good living conditions for ordinary people are of little use against guns and superior numbers.
Posted by Divergence, Sunday, 23 November 2014 1:56:16 PM
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