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The Forum > General Discussion > Is Australia REALLY a “Multi Cultural Nation”? What does it mean?

Is Australia REALLY a “Multi Cultural Nation”? What does it mean?

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For starters your definition of multiculturalism is bollocks. No sorry, like most that spews from the mouths of the right here IT IS A LIE!.

So what is multiculturalism?
What is culture?

"Culture" is what people do. Everything we do is culture. Going to the beach. Thats culture. Going to the theatre or the movies. Going to Mcdonalds. Watching Neighbors or Home and away. All "culture". Getting Chinese takeaway or a pizza, having porridge for breakfast, a meat pie and sauce for lunch or a stir fry for dinner. It all counts as culture. Everything we do is cultural and since we all do so much then we could also quite sensibly be called "multicultural". Every day we each live a multicultural life. We watch tv. Thats culture. We read. Thats culture. We eat, work, play, live. All culture. Multiculturalism is already here and so well entrenched in all of us that any call to stop or reverse it is ludicrous.

Culture always changes, grows and progresses. The culture you and the rightards wants to see is the homogenous, stifling, boring culture of the 1950s. Where anyone who wasnt a white male was a second class citizen. Where men ruled over their wives, families and society in general with incompetence and authoritarianism. A crap, insular and ridiculous society perpetually 30 years behind the rest of the world. A society rejected by the baby boomers and transformed by the immigration and multicultural policies of a succession of Australian governments. Governments head and shoulders above the past few.

As usual for OLO this article and much of the discussion is nothing but badly disguised racism and you should be ashamed of yourselves and your bigotry and hatred.
Posted by mikk, Thursday, 26 June 2014 6:27:11 PM
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So many times have you rightist racists tried the same fear tactics and you have been proven wrong every time. This time it is muslims who are "creating ghettos", polluting our "values" and all are involved in some great big new conspiracy to introduce sharia law.

Not long ago the same things (the sharia law is new) were said about the Vietnamese, the Italians, Greeks etc. Before that it was the americans during the war, the Chinese. White australia etc etc. But they were wrong weren't they, these bigots and racists?
Chinatown is a vibrant and thriving "ghetto". Visited by numerous white Australians and valued as an integral part of Sydney.

What about Leichhardt, Cabramatta, Marrickville? (sorry i dont know the corresponding suburbs in other cities but I know they exist) All developed from the purported "alien monocultural wastelands" into well patronised and extremely valued and lucrative tourist, restaurant and cultural areas. So much for the warnings and fearmongering from the racist rightwing.

When will we learn that this is all just a ploy by those born to rule powermongers from the hard right who dont even believe what they say but know a good dog whistle when they see one. Whilever the general population continues to fall for the weasel words and spiteful fearmongering of these miscreants they will continue their racist rants and put them into practice when they are in power. How many times do they have to be wrong before we wake up to their lies and prejudices. How long will it take us to see their hurtful racist dogma for what it really is. A tactic to take attention away from the real issues of them and their rich mates and their constant screwing of the rest of us
Posted by mikk, Thursday, 26 June 2014 6:27:20 PM
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These Muslim clerics :

Have just read the following excerpt from Foxy's post:
<< There is one law we are all expected to abide by…We need to be very clear on this issue...everyone who wants to live in our country to subscribe to them.>>
Posted by SPQR, Thursday, 26 June 2014 6:30:57 PM
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If your all this smart....religion should be your friend?

Posted by ORIGINS OF MAN, Thursday, 26 June 2014 6:34:10 PM
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Dear Nathan,

I don't quite understand what your objections are to
the framework of laws that are passed by our elected
governments because -
within a framework of laws, all Australians have the right to
express their culture and beliefs and most Australians recognise
the value of laws as rules of conduct that are
established by elected governments and followed by the community
to maintain an orderly and free society.

The Australian Citizenship Pledge has the following words:

"From this time forward (under God)
I pledge my loyalty to Australia and its people
Whose democratic beliefs I share
Whose rights and liberties I respect and
Whose laws I will uphold and obey."

Are you not a citizen of this country?
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 26 June 2014 6:42:00 PM
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cont'd ...

Dear Nathan,

I wasn't aware of any laws regarding vegetarians
though. And what laws exactly are you against?
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 26 June 2014 6:47:42 PM
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