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The Forum > General Discussion > Is Australia REALLY a “Multi Cultural Nation”? What does it mean?

Is Australia REALLY a “Multi Cultural Nation”? What does it mean?

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  13. All engineering or human engineering...this always has the time frame of all working as one. and as o sung wu politely made out, this will always be the bigger picture, whether it be green or other wise, the problems we face, can be the future, or just give it a chance.

Posted by ORIGINS OF MAN, Thursday, 26 June 2014 4:20:25 PM
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The radical Muslim cleric Ben Brika was asked
in an interview on the "7.30 Report" a few years
ago, "But don't you think Australian Muslims -
Muslims living in Australia - also have a responsibility
to adhere to Australian law?"
To which he answered, "This is a big problem. There are two
laws - there is an Australian law and there is an
Islamic law."

No. this is not a big problem.

There is one law we are all expected to abide by.
It is the law enacted by the Parliament under
the Australian Constitution. It you can't accept that
then you don't accept the fundamentals of what Australia is
and what it stands for. Our State is a secular State.
As such it can protect the freedom of all religions for
worship. Religion instructs its adherents on faith,
morals and conscience. But there is not a separate stream
of law derived from religious sources that competes with
or supplants Australian law in governing our civil society.
The source of our law is the democratically elected

We need to be very clear on this issue. Ultimately it is
important that everyone knows that there is only one law and it
is going to be enforced whether anyone acknowledges its
legitimacy or not.

We have a robust tolerance of difference in our society. But
to maintain this tolerance we have an agreed framework which
will protect the rights and liberties of all. And we are
asking our citizens - all of our citizens - to subscribe to
that framework. These are Australian values. We must be very
clear on this point. They are not optional and we expect
everyone who wants to live in our country to subscribe to
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 26 June 2014 4:28:45 PM
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Foxy "There is one law we are all expected to abide by. It is the law enacted by the Parliament under the Australian Constitution. It you can't accept that then you don't accept the fundamentals of what Australia is and what it stands for."

Foxy: What is "it"? "Australia"? I could not believe what I was reading.

One set of laws we are all expected to abide by? We do not have to abide to any law enacted by an Australian Parliament, we can reject it or with lack of law that exists take our own action.

For example, as a vegetarian - and if I had the political numbers in parliament put this law onto the Australian people, would you and others like Peter Costello simply sit back and accept it - on what you have said? No. Get serious.

I know this from personal experience - when I first went vegetarian as part of a high school project and during the project period - one of my parents dumped a plate of meat on the table and demand that I eat it. Right or wrong? I was only a teenager, but I stood strong and said no.

Many people worldwide have rejected "government" law and taken a strong stand for the benefit of people worldwide. We should not just sit back and accept Liberal and Labor political party policies as part of Australia's "culture" - and certainly not "Anglo Saxon" as a term in my view - as their is no such country.
Posted by NathanJ, Thursday, 26 June 2014 4:51:11 PM
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the jury on multi culturalism is still out. On the positive side I would say that many of us have made friends from many different parts of the world and enjoyed a feast of different foods. On the negative side we have imported some who hate the west, suck on the public purse while putting a case for honour killings, see young white aussie girls as meat and are even more totalatarian than our own home grown family destroyer feminist.
Posted by runner, Thursday, 26 June 2014 5:02:34 PM
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There are two
laws - there is an Australian law and there is an
Islamic law."
Sadly we can't deny that fact any more.

No. this is not a big problem.
what makes you overlook the fact that this is an invitation to oyher religion based Laws ?
How do we accept Muslim Law but then draw the line at others ?
We wouldn't be in this predicament if the silly Goaf hadn't opened the gates & thrown the key away. What exactly is in an academic's mind that prevents them from developing some foresight & looking ahead ?
Posted by individual, Thursday, 26 June 2014 5:04:39 PM
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Australia isn't multicultural at all, as soon as an ethnic or demographic group becomes assertive in any way they're squashed like bugs.
Salafists, Zionists, White Nationalists, Civic Nationalists and so forth do speak for the interests of their respective groups, there's no doubt about that but as soon as they start to organise and assert themselves in public out they're met with public order response teams, mounted Police and violent Leftist thugs.
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Thursday, 26 June 2014 5:45:47 PM
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