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The venting topic...get it off your chest
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Posted by Poirot, Wednesday, 25 June 2014 1:56:41 PM
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so im my old girl fRIEND KAREN the femalle carpenter/who but briefly healed the world/too ITS THAT DARN S..i tells ya heres your link.. MOURNing has broken.. [the chill..*from my heart.] were lost inside this lonely game we play thoughts of leaving dissapearing[oops sorry channlingthe song] lost in this ..masqueraid maskeD-AIR-RAID/TAKE SHELTER in my arms..every light of day doris day;rubber tree plant im going to ,,watch the Why Do Birds Sing? July 6, 2012 God’s creation is bursting with music! The Bible talks of elements of His creation singing: mountains and hills (Isaiah 55:12), the wilderness when it blossoms soon (Isaiah 35:1-2), and valleys and fields (Psalm 65:10). Scripture shows that floods will clap their hands (Isaiah 55:12), and they sing too (Isaiah 44:23). The heavens are also making music (see also Psalm 19:1-4; Psalm 148:4). Of course, these parts of creation don’t have consciousness or independent thought any more than they have vocal cords. They are making noise, however. They emit vibrations that are inaudible to our ears. But God can hear them. And when His creation is in perfect order, they culminate in a grand symphony in honor of the Creator. Part of creation making a lot of noise are the birds of the air. They too praise God with their sounds (Psalm 148:4, 10)—sounds that we get to hear as well. God created them to “sing among the branches” (Psalm 104:12), and considers their sounds to be music. But what is the purpose of these melodies? Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 25 June 2014 3:34:56 PM
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Foxy, Poirot
We've got Araucanas and Bantams, lovely birds, very calming to be around. Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Wednesday, 25 June 2014 9:41:24 PM
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I have magpies who land at my feet, demanding to be fed when I feed the dog & cats, morning & night. The butcher birds land on the roof gutter, & fly out to take their food on the wing, when I throw it up for them.
The Lorikeet demand bread, & chase everything else off until they have done, then the doves & a range of honeyeaters & seed eaters come in. Later the willy wagtails, silver eyes & the wrens come to the bird bath for a drink & bath. I still put up with the asparagus fern in the fernery, as it is the chosen safe nesting site for the blue wrens. I do have to chase the crows off, or they would get them even in that prickly stuff. The 17 year old cat was quite a hunter in her day, proudly delivering snakes, rats, birds & even hares at the front door, but no more. I have a photo of a young magpie perched on her bowl, sharing her dry food. This was after the parent birds had tried to chase it away, & would not let it eat with them. It would not have got away with that just a few years back. The kookaburras nest in the windbreak along the back of the house paddock, & laugh at us from the clothesline, but so far [23 years] have stayed aloof from any attempt to make friends. Posted by Hasbeen, Wednesday, 25 June 2014 11:15:11 PM
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so i go-ggo-led it/to see[two pages/of JUNK/but i saved ya sOME its/dream interpritation<<..Talking/Words)/Speaking different a dream/means richness...The words of a deceased person in..a dream are always true...The same goes for birds/ a dream .and their speech denotes glad tidings,..prosperity,..knowledge and understanding. If an animal talks/with his dream..or tells him –“I saw..THATS/NOT..a dream…”..then if the animal refrains from..relating/such a dreamING, means a fight,..a battle,.losses, or/an argument. If a dog,..a feline, or a BIRD/OF/PRAY..speaks to someone and tells him..a a dream, means glad tidings, great earnings,..benefits and joy. In general,..birds humans[in a dream]..mean benefits and rising in rank...[but/scolding-bIRDS CAution/of-loss,of face..If a snake..[speaks gently]..a dreamer, means that he/will receive benefits/advantagesfrom an enemy...if a beast someone/in a dream, means..death[endings]. If one’s head/or\nose talk to/him\in a dream, means that whoever these two members..represent\ one’s life..(See Body’)..will suffer from an adversity. If a tree/speaks to his dream, means benefiting from that..sPOKEN/line.of thinking. A.. talking tree/in a dream..means a fLight,or the end..of one’s exile...The speech of a a dream/also could mean exaltation. Whatever a baby a dream is true...It also could mean falling intoa\moral-sin...If a godly./and a spiritual person\sees a baby talking to a dream, means that he\will witness wonders or a miracle,..or become a an unbelievable/UNLIKELY agreement. The speech-form/of inanimate objects\in a dream always means good, provides..a lesson/or gives advice...Animals talking..[TOGETHER] a dream..represents/judgment/punishment..and sufferaNCE. The Voicings/of one’s limbs\in a dream/means..trouble from one’s relatives,..or it could mean committing/of..a sin. The speech of moving shadows/in a dream/means evoking/jinn or evil spirits...Being possessed by such spirits..and speaking on their behalf/in a dream\ signifies temptation,..trouble,..corruption and evil. Any words/heard\incidentally.that agree with God’s revelations/in a dream\must be hearkened to..and complied with.[under/precautionary-principles]..The also true... If a limb talks/to someone\in his/dream, denotes..advice one will receive/from a relative. Animal a dream denotes leaning/toward friendships..and finding peace/in the company of pious people,..or it could mean CP-working to>> anyhow i put..the koOKA-BURRA../WITH\dreamING..AND BINGO so ignore/that the corner/crying..[the one who rarely meets\anyone/even in dreams...let/alone;talk].. ANYHOW..IM GOING IN*.. cover-me/Over. Posted by one under god, Thursday, 26 June 2014 7:09:28 AM
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[family entertainment/no fun park/no h0rse-riding/no swinning/fishing\MOVIES..scuba/or/other recreation WHY?..[we must pay.our power*bill] cause/DIDNT/TAKE\the/BRiBE NO MORE FAMILY TREats/thanks to/solAR-BUY-BACK/Capitalis/greenie freaks...but..PLEASE NOTE..THE COST..OF COAL[BEFORE YOUr/enron-GUYS BEgan screwing them/..and shutting*theM DOWN..[WITH GABON CREDITS/TO MITIGATE CARBON-[lol]-POLUTION. COAL GENERATION GONE..FOR THE FUTURE-energy/shorTFALL [its/funny-really/you/greenIES/WASTE\POWER.lost/yOUR LINK\TO/THRIFT[FREE-POWR/CHANGES\YOU\BUT..WORSE\CHANGED/ya-kids. SEE/CARBON CREDIT\out priced/KEEPING-CHEAP\PRICED COAl/GENERATION THINK/OF\EFFICIENCIES/NOW LOST...6/CENTS A WATt/generation/plus clean/skies/ ]/but\are burNING,,ANYTHING and/its\karma/THE KNOWING/LOST\,,RE-PEAK EFFICIENCIES/we painfully attained/OVER/TIME,,gone[lost/as-big/coal\was..shudown] THING REALISE..WHY *LTHEY ARE GETTING..NEAR 4 TIMES THE COal price..generated powER PRICES....[OBBY/HAVING..A DG-IN/THE..GAME] THE EXPECTATION IS.-THAT keep doubling up the price..of coal/and 55 back/deflaTED/TILL PARITY/\lot/need suddenly/pay*/again.[karmA=ONE/HAIL-storm-away]. carbon/credits/USED..;..are shutting down coal/scapping\/thE COPPER/ETC ETC just put in/for a grant* the numbersreduction/nothings/cheaper\THAN COAL...SIMPLY..SHUT/IT-DOWN/coal-gone..move-on the algore/billionares\need the tax..[OR RATHER/THE DAMAge./that credit can the rest of you[yankIES ARE SHUTTING DOWN/HAVE BLACKOUTS/LOST/GENERAtors/lost-gene*ration..[CARBon abaitment..[euro carbon credits/soLD YA OUT/mate how to say..[nay demand/thEY INCLUDE/future/cost\PRICES/ BUT/IT]WOULD/REVEAL..WHEN THE PRICE PARITY FINALLY SETTLES..TIPPLE THE SOLAR/Bbuy-back/COST TODAY. RELitivly speaking..55 back mob/wiLL/THEN BEGIN TO FEEL..AS WE..WHO GAVE THEM..;..THeir free lunch/feel today [SURE WAY BACK..IF/MY POWER BILLS/WERE the same..[as theirs/THEN who took\the bait/as token\suppliers/while the mates\rates/run hectares/of solar cash-cows/income-stream as/THEIR\free solar-cells/CAME/by govt malfeasance they belong/to the people/PROOF OF...CRIMINAL MALFEASENCE IF..I TOO..Was..a huge/POWER\user[pOWER-abuser] IF SO..THEN YES I WOULD TOO HAVE SNAFLED UP 55 CENTS extortion froM everyone else/THEN YELL/..AT THE DENIERS/HOw low WE ARE\IGNORANT/UNIFORMED/HOLLOW-COST DENIERS i now seE..THOSE FACTORY ROofS/AND Roves\hectARES/ OF GOVT/private]..CASH-COW/LARGESS.[READ..CASH-INCOME stream] MASSIVE^..income stream$$$..THEN/RECALL/WHOLE Stadia/universities/schOOL OVELKS/FULL OF THOUSANDS OF CASh cow/INCOME STRAMS/them semii private public buILDINGS..[run/for beurocrATES/BY BEURocrats..;AS A WAY TO DO A HUGE CASH CRAB'from the public purse [NON TRANSFERABLE/contract..YET*..once sold/privatized?] YOU JUST..WATCH/LAWYERS KNOW..escape*clauses...[BE WARNED] PROCEEDS OF CRIME..Cannot gain..lawfull title[one sit-in/..your/scam= gone] Posted by one under god, Thursday, 26 June 2014 9:17:33 AM
Morning Has Broken
: )