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The Forum > General Discussion > The Right To Protest?

The Right To Protest?

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A lie is when a promise turns out to be a lie.
Who believes in that crap runner. It's time the world got over that sort of nonsense and faced reality. You will forever live a lie as long as you continue to believe that rubbish.
Posted by 579, Sunday, 1 June 2014 12:06:14 PM
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"..."I am not sure what basis you have to believe a lie is a lie but again bible proves true. Let every man be a liar and God be true."

Hmmm...that's another toughie.

In the case of this govt, I would say it's definitely the fact that just about "everything" they said before the election turned out to be a lie.

I'd say also that all their post-election "surprises" (the one's that make their pre-election spiel almost unrecognisable) I construe as wholesale deception.

I'd add that Abbott continues to lie about his lies - as do his cohorts.

Interesting that you appear to believe that's perfectly fine because apparently you contort your beliefs to the extent that you dismiss such a shame because "every man be a liar".

It's a shame that "democracy" depends on "truth" for its operation. While it can stand a modicum of sly deception, it can't survive on a tsunami of lies.
Posted by Poirot, Sunday, 1 June 2014 12:32:07 PM
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Returning to the thread topic, the inference we are supposed to take from the OP heading is utter BS. There is no question at all that people have a right to protest. However in so doing they should not expect immunity from the laws they wilfully break.
Posted by onthebeach, Sunday, 1 June 2014 1:03:44 PM
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The problem with the crazy, radical righties on this forum regarding protesting, is they are all for protesting when "their" ideology is represented in the protesting, but when their ideology is "attacked" in the protesting, the protesters suddenly become "rent a crowd" or "communists" or "a rabble" etc etc etc. It's pure comedy to witness the posts of these crazy righties ... they all uniformly conform to their brand of political correctness.

Regarding Yuyu's reply to my last post on page 6 .... thanks Yuyu for confirming, with your dictionary definitions, that a right does not always require "permission". As I said, if you want to dictate that people must get "permission" before protesting against something you support, then move to North Korea, get a government job there, and you can then impose all the restrictions you wish. You'd be happy there.
Posted by Nhoj, Sunday, 1 June 2014 1:57:24 PM
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Onthebeach wrote, "they should not expect immunity from the laws they wilfully break". Ahhhhh, the old North Korean/China/Russia *EXCUSE*.
Posted by Nhoj, Sunday, 1 June 2014 2:03:53 PM
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@Nhoj, Sunday, 1 June 2014 2:03:53 PM

No, the laws demanded by Australian citizens and brought into being by our democratically elected Parliament. There are other people in Australia apart from you. So you cannot expect to always do whatever you like where it affects their property, for instance.
Posted by onthebeach, Sunday, 1 June 2014 2:16:08 PM
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