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Love of country

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Jay, given the parameters Australian society operates in, the outcome is inevitable. To the "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children". I simply say why! Is it that important that the children are white not gray, and I'm not just talking about the outward appearance, which may remain the same, but inwardly their values, customs, beliefs will be different. Are not your values, customs, beliefs, different from your grandfathers, even though physically you may be his spit image, right down to the big bushy beard. I don't believe any culture is superior to any other, only different, if two cultures integrate the new culture is not superior or inferior to either of the parent cultures, but different. In fact it may be enriched by taking more of the good aspects of the two parent cultures and combining them into one. Unless of course you believe one culture is superior to another then you would believe any combining of the two must lead to a lessening of your superior culture. I find Neo-Nazis do believe in the superiority of 'White' culture over all others, and therefore it must be retained at all cost.

You are still not explaining what you want.
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 11 May 2014 11:09:38 AM
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Dear Paul1405,

In general I agree with you. However, we try to impress certain concepts from our culture on other people with different cultures. Implicitly we feel our culture is superior in those respects. Two examples are freedom of expression and the banning of female genital mutilation. I feel that cultures which promote freedom of expression and ban female genital mutilation are superior to those that don't.
Posted by david f, Sunday, 11 May 2014 11:35:39 AM
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David f, you have no objection to male genital mutilation?
Posted by Nhoj, Sunday, 11 May 2014 11:56:45 AM
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Paul, it's not about what we want it's about how we think.
Things like racial assimilation, gay rights, feminism etc have never been a part of advanced or futuristic schools of thought, they're just dumb ideas promoted by uncouth people.
I get it, you're not promoting race mixing per se, just asking why it's such a big deal for nationalists and the answer is that it really isn't, it's an insignificant issue since even in the U.S mixed race relationships make up less than one per cent of all pairings.
Race mixing doesn't even dent the slight, 2% disparity in the genders but we latch onto it as just another example of the grandiose, unrealistic nature of the "progressive" narrative.
Race mixing wasn't part of our past, that's been confirmed by DNA anaylsis, there's little genetic diversity in Western Europe compared to other parts of the world, it's not playing a significant part in our present and it won't be a major factor in shaping our our future. See from a philosophical standpoint that argument is the correct response to the question "Why White?" because it's the truth, why pursue or support something which is pointless?
We have to prepare our children for a future in a multi-racial society, not a mixed race or mono-racial one,the future is a mosaic of identitarian groupings, not a "great big melting pot", White is merely one identity among a host of others. Whiteness is a choice, it's a social construct, we promote it because to do otherwise would be the same as saying to our kids "give up, don't compete, don't try to get your share, don't act as a bloc or use ethnic ties to your advantage like the other groups do, just resign yourself to mediocrity and life as a second class citizen".
As I said to Shockadelic the antidote to the uncouth, oafish "progressive" isn't political incorrectness it's logic, patience, honesty and objectivity.
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Sunday, 11 May 2014 12:07:04 PM
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Jay, by your many posts on this and other similar topics, you show that you "believe" in the superiority of the "white" race.

No amount of "explanations" or "excuses" or "reasoning" can hide the FACT that you believe in the superiority of the "white" race.

It's a "belief system" you have.
Posted by Nhoj, Sunday, 11 May 2014 12:21:26 PM
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Dear Jay,

<<That's Nationalism my friend.>>

Are you a medical doctor?

For you give an excellent diagnosis: do you have a cure as well?

<<Sure identity is a construct, but it's a valuable and necessary construct and competition between groups so constructed is healthy, normal human behaviour.>>

Normal - for sure, but healthy?

That folder which most label the "'too-hard' basket", the medical profession labels as "normal". This basket includes the frailty of old age, the weight of pregnancy, the suffering from physical and emotional pain, competitiveness to the detriment of others, and one of the recent additions - homosexuality, although sexuality in general was already in that basket for centuries.

The medical profession has lowered its standards, settling for "normal" while completely forgetting our quest for super-normality.

<<People need a tribe and identity, it's why the U.N recognises the rights of the person right up to the rights of the nation, hence the name...UNITED Nations.>>

But surely the U.N is a corrupt body - in this example it caters for people's weaknesses and cravings instead of supporting them to lift themselves to new heights.

<<nationalism is what kept Europe from destroying itself in the 17th century, it's what ended the wars of religion and kept people like
Napoleon,Hitler and Stalin in check, it's no wonder we're attached to it.>>

There were times when doctors treated syphilis with mercury and sometimes it even seemed to work. Surely we know better today!
Posted by Yuyutsu, Sunday, 11 May 2014 1:41:41 PM
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