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As humans What are our responsibilities on earth.

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produced/quote..<<..The god thing I don’t get however.>>

THINK SIMPLY LIKE you are more than one cell
you are infinite trillions..of cells acting individually/yet that 'your'/body..forms one entity...[despite being in fact untold quadrillions of individual living cells sharing one suitable environment.

you must see that the science says energy/cant be created/nor destroyed[this includes the living 'energy/life force..of your combined cellular memories[ie you]..see that energy..must flow..that at death positive energy flows one way/that negative energy flows the other way.

those with confused energies vibrate back and forth[to andd fro]..between the two opposing polar forces..that i call god[is different from the holy spirit/but yet old habits prevail

see god[our reason for existence=god

the earth exists as the sun ejaculated it from its face/then bathed it in the holy spirits life force[light in al its spectrum's]..that sustains our physical biota its living being

anyhow the flesh dies..the collective life forces..for negative..go to the place they are drawn to[the face of the sun]..some sink deeper into the physical sun[and find THEY ARE IN DARKNESS/surrounded by a ring of fire[get it>]

THERE IS US THE FLESH.GOD..AND THE HOLY LIFE SPIRIT..THAT SUSTAINS ALL SUNS SUSTAINING ALL THE FLESH..[the trinity thing long confused me/till i took it as a higher revealing [rev-elation]

<<...Its fine and I respect your..and others to have an imaginary friend.>>

your 'energy'..[vibe..thus rejects god..and all his creration[but even that inst properly evil../not vile..[to sink into the ring of fire[hell proper] need be REALLY/LOVING THE DOING..OF evil..[and clearly you are not]..thus i wouldn't worry about it..IN THE LEAST/TIME..and tide..WILL REVEAL our own time/by our own life paths

2b ctd
Posted by one under god, Monday, 7 April 2014 6:38:16 AM
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<<..To philosophy on behalf of this aberration..>>

that's not nice.but again..not evil/hurtful nor spiteful
but please see aberration is in mis-PRESUMING ALL LIFE ENERGY CAN SIMPLY 'DIE';[THAT VIOLATES THE LAW OF ENERGY CONSERVATION/BUT ITS NOT A MATTER OF URGENCY..we have realise our own choice to become suns[emitting that holy spirits glorious life sustaining light

[we each will have our own/let there be light monent
[thanks be to the holy one with the sons of god[sons of the sun]

<< if you have some intimate connection is not logical!
God is often used by humans to shirk their responsibilities.>>

HENCE THE Negativity/needs the re-BALANCING of THE KARMA
dont tell em..but EVIL IS VITAL..[fOR PHYSICAL LIVING..ON EARTH..its passions RADIATING..[radiations/ life on earth..[light is specific events..setting up waves].
[just dont let true evil know..their viral/passions..are vital.

<<..A criminal who finds suddenly a good bloke.>.
no more so..that a good person finding god is good...its not the finding[discovery]..its the doing of good works/for other/with passion.

<<..Which god is it?>>..ours im told
is named ana..[alpha/negative alpha]..but thats as generic as god..[describing QUALIFICATION..[SERVICE]..NOT quality]..e-quality with qualification...but sans reservation..collective forces all sustained on the feed back loop from holy spirit/to sun to thee..back to the holy spirit

that we do to the most
we did to he..most true..truelly wholly spirit
equally sustaining the living in me and thee..the oNE SOMEHOW BECOMES ALL 3.
Posted by one under god, Monday, 7 April 2014 6:45:09 AM
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Well said Indi, control the out of control breeding and you go a long way towards achieving your responsibility, that being to maintain a balance for future generations to follow.

As for our little portion of the planet, we also need to put a stop to the cash splash that allows so many to suck from the public tit, because we are now in a position whereby we rely on our wealth of resources, just to pay the bills, which allows for no savings for the day these resources actually run dry.

Can't afford them, don't have them.

Posted by rehctub, Monday, 7 April 2014 8:30:17 AM
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5,000 years ago a commission was given to man to nurture and care for the resources of our Earth and not steal from its resources.
Posted by Josephus, Monday, 7 April 2014 9:02:54 AM
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lets/look at the license..[dispensation/unto men]
the..[original promise/charter..of the creator/himselF

gen..2..15..The Lord God took the man..and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it...16..And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, “You may surely eat of every tree of the garden,..17..but of the tree of the knowledge..of good and evil you shall not eat,..for in the day that you eat..of it your..ignorance* shall surely die.”

insert gen 3
But the serpent..said to the woman,..“You will not surely die. 5 For God knows that when you eat of it..*your eyes will be opened,.*and you will be like God,*..[knowing good and evil.”].

6..So when the woman saw..that the tree/was good for food,
and was a the eyes,..and that the tree was to be desired..[to make one wise,]...she took of its fruit and ate,

she shall be called Woman,
because she was taken..out of Man.”[i]

24..Therefore..[for/further..gain/by pain..of wisdom]..a man shall..leave his father..and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh...


14..The Lord God..said to the serpent,

“Because you..have done this, eve
ie..[SOUGHT/KNOWING]..dust you shall eat
all the days..of your life...[note;..dust/plus..water/light/seed=FOOD]

15..I will put enmity..between you and the woman,
and..between your offspring..and her offspring;

he..shall bruise your head,
and you..shall bruise his heel.”[reveal/his..feet-of clay/eh?]

16..To the woman..he said,

“I will..surely..multiply your..awareness..of/my..pain..
Your..desire shall be for..your husband,[as 4/thee]
and he..shall rule..over you.”

17..And to Adam..he said,

“Because you..have listened to the voice...of your wife
and have eaten of the tree..OF KNOWING
of which I commanded you,
‘You shall not eat of it,’

cursed is the ground..because of you;..[ADAM]
*[key..NOTE/NOT EVE.]

in[ADAM] of it..all
[ALL/the days of your life;

18..thorns..and shall bring forth for you;
and you the plants of the field...[not factories?]
19..By the sweat of your face
you shall eat..bread,
till you the ground,
for..out of it you were taken;
for you.are dust,
and to shall return.”

25..And the man and his wife were both naked and were not ashamed.[ahhh-men..mene many men*eh?]
Posted by one under god, Monday, 7 April 2014 10:05:20 AM
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Josephus "5,000 years ago a commission was given to man to nurture and care for the resources of our Earth and not steal from its resources."

What 'commission', and by whom, Josephus?
And why only 5000 years ago, when our lovely earth is much older than that?
Posted by Suseonline, Monday, 7 April 2014 10:56:21 AM
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