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The Forum > General Discussion > Let us have some truth from Government?

Let us have some truth from Government?

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I have been trying in vain to obtain confirmation or denial of the most vexing issue that has been circulating the Internet for quite some time now, that issue is:.... whether Asylum Seekers receive more income/allowances (Money) than Old Age Pensioners?

I have e-mailed my Local Member for a response to this request, but as in other communications to him, deathly silence prevails.

I should be forgiven for thinking that there seems to be some truth to this matter, as my daughter has approached her (different) Local Member for an answer, again with no response.

If there is nothing to hide, why then don`t we see an official denial of this issue, rather than allowing it to fester indefinitely?

The alternative consideration could be that my Local Member simply cannot be bothered aswering a constituent`s simple request,.....if this is the case, then it does not bode well for the LNP at the next Federal Election!
Posted by Crackcup, Tuesday, 25 February 2014 9:27:06 AM
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ADD 50%..TRAVEL ALLOWANCE/MATES RATES..Double it..publish the number

till they refute it..there IS NO TRUTH IN GOVT
JUST rotted HONORS AMONG THIEVES..reserving their dishonour
in the camps to unleach soon..tO CONTROL us..our FUTURE POLICE/GET RESTLESS.

its ally guys eh
bored resentful angry/guys
heals of em globally..all run away from wars
or to bring them to our shores/but SOMEONE..IS MAKING A MOTZA

TRUTH..IS THEY GOT NO END keeping all options open
Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 25 February 2014 2:16:08 PM
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It is not in the interests of this government to give you an answer to this question. They would much prefer that you continue to believe - as so many appear to - that asylum seekers are clothed, fed and feather-bedded to the point of luxury, at the expense of starving pensioners
Posted by Pericles, Tuesday, 25 February 2014 2:31:34 PM
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thus correction..its all/fighting age guys eh
bored resentful angry/guys/almost like brigades or platoons of em



BUT if you got others lands/you can go mongrel
[we seen what our boYS DO..IN VIetnam/iraq..etc
anyhow how do you 'hide'..a thing that big

in camps/behind barbed wire
JUST OVERNIGHT..bring them to our shores/
THAT will clear the mobs off the street

its the back up plan globally
but in the meantime's..SOMEONE..IS MAKING A MOTZA

THEY GOT NO END keeping all options open
as the aussie cops armed forces will side with the people/in the end

so we got a reserve force/of angry bitter/YOUNG MIND RE-PROGRAMED Psychopaths/plan..b..[told ya you wouldn't want to know.[its global]
OUR Troops passivity their populace
theirs pacify us..

so shhh..ITS COST ISNT AS IMPORTANT..AS we might think.
Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 25 February 2014 2:35:07 PM
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I've also looked into that issue and come up with nothing concrete, there's anecdotal evidence of businesses and NGO's colluding to exploit new arrivals but I've not found any evidence that they are given any extra support.
What I have confirmed is that refugees are given preferential treatment when it comes to employment via the relationships between refugee advocates and chambers of commerce. What you have to understand is that when you see refugees driving flash cars and so forth is that they will often pool their money and buy one decent car car and share it between two or three families. If you have say three Sudanese couples working together to get ahead, five of the adults might work full time and the sixth look after the kids and do all the running around during the day, the village mentality is an economical way to live so they can afford nice stuff.
Different races have different reproductive strategies, it's baffling to White people who have been taught all their lives the false idea that race is only skin deep but their behaviour is understandable if you accept that on a racial level we're more different than we are similar.
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Tuesday, 25 February 2014 4:47:49 PM
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A good read Jay.
Posted by Shaggy Dog, Tuesday, 25 February 2014 6:20:18 PM
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Even if you did monetary figure of the Government, any money says it is not the real cost because a lot are looked after by the charities Salvo's etc who are paid by the Government for services they render.

Personally If I was in Government I would release all the cost up to the cents also exactly how many are on welfare and how long they have been on it, after all it was Rudd and Gillard who let in the over 50,000.

The above figures would take so much heat of the present Government and let them get on with turning back the economic invaders.

It would shut up the crying Greens once and for all about them.

Labor and the Greens are big on WE HAVE A right to know what is going on BUT you never hear them ask for the real economic cost to taxpayers.
I suspect they already know but are scared if the voters find out.
Posted by Philip S, Tuesday, 25 February 2014 9:50:57 PM
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Wow, Posted by Paul1405,..,

,..<< of our economic refugees just hit the jackpot! With G4S given the flick off Manus Island a new mob have moved in, Transfield Services. Who are Transfield Services, I hear you ask? None other than the same bunch that until October 2013 were chaired by Abbotts good mate Tony Shepherd.

I hear you ask, who is Tony Shepherd? The same Tony Shepherd who now heads up Abbotts goon squad in the form of 'The Commission of Audit' a plumb job if ever there was one!

How much of a sweetner' is Transfield Services getting from the taxpayer, $1,220,000,000. I hear you ask,how much did the next bidder want for the job? Nothing, there wasn't another bidder, when you are spending $1.2 billion of taxpayers money there is no need for a second quote, or is there?

Great economic managers that mob in Canberra!
What about those poor PNG, $7 a day guards, that used to work for G4S, no problem they all got jobs with Transfield Services to guard the gulag, and most likely a new shirt to boot!

What about Rreza Barati, the 23 year old young man killed inside the detention centre, he gets a late night press release from Minister Morrison, retracting his previous untruth about the location for the poor fellas death.

p/s I hope you got in early and picked up a bunch of Transfield shares, they are up 25%. I wounder if Sheeperd, has a swag of em'?..>> his misses/mates/ fund do.
Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 26 February 2014 6:23:15 AM
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How much do people, who arrive illegally in Australia in boats, receive in financial assistance? A Parliamentary library study I commissioned in early 2011 states that:

"Australian Government financial assistance to eligible asylum seekers is currently set as 89 percent of the basic Centrelink Newstart Allowance or Special Benefit Allowance.”

According to today’s Newstart Payment Rates, that means an eligible single asylum seeker with no child receives $439 per fortnight and $474 for an adult with a single dependent child. The Parliamentary Library study summary continues,

"Other financial assistance may be provided through the Asylum Seeker Assistance Scheme (ASAS) and the Integrated Humanitarian Settlement Strategy (IHSS). Newly arrived holders of humanitarian visas may also receive a one-off Crisis Payment from Centrelink equal to equal to 1 week's extra payment.”

The official Parliamentary Library summary concludes with,

"Refugees in Australia receive the same benefits as any other permanent resident. In addition, according to the Refugee Council of Australia, refugees are exempt from the newly arrived resident’s waiting period for Social Security benefits, receive 510 hours of free English language instruction and some access to post-arrival assistance.”

These are some of the financial benefits that illegal boat arrivals risk their lives for. This is after most pay for a flight to Indonesia from the Middle East and give $20,000 to $40,000 to corrupt officials and people smugglers to obtain a seat on a boat.

What if our government said, that those arriving illegally in boats would never be eligible for any financial benefits? Would that stop the illegal boat’s from arriving?

If you’d like to draw your own conclusions and read the full Parliamentary Library report on Financial assistance for asylum seekers, please visit my website
Posted by spindoc, Wednesday, 26 February 2014 11:05:28 AM
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spindoc - Quote "These are some of the financial benefits that illegal boat arrivals risk their lives for. This is after most pay for a flight to Indonesia from the Middle East and give $20,000 to $40,000 to corrupt officials and people smugglers to obtain a seat on a boat.

You conveniently leave out they potentially get these things from us for life in there country they came from they would not get 1 CENT from there Government, sounds like the definition for an economic refugee.

You also seem to believe what you have posted and think that is all, you forget how good Governments are at hiding the real cost of things and manipulating facts.
Do you believe the Governments unemployment figures or are they lower than actual numbers.
Posted by Philip S, Wednesday, 26 February 2014 1:55:07 PM
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Government will not tell the truth because it believes what they tell you is the truth.
What they fail to tell you is about the countless millions in grants and funding payments they give to regional "Settlement Services" NGOs that in turn fund these people into accommodation, at the head of the line, clothing, food even vehicles to give them mobility.
No government doesn't give them a red cent. They give it to others to give it to them.
This link will let you find many of these organizations that live off the public purse.
This link will give you a look at what they get money for
It is interesting that the old age pensioners get very little in contrast.
Posted by chrisgaff1000, Wednesday, 26 February 2014 4:51:25 PM
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Phillip S,

My apologies. The links I posted are credited but the content I posted was from

Most would have recognized this from the last paragraph and the link provided but when I did the cut and paste of the text I missed out the explanatory pre-amble, I also failed to put this in quotes. Mea culpa.

That said, most thinking (and reading) observers might have picked this up.

Apology offered, you can choose to accept it or not.

I didn’t actually “leave out anything” because it was not my quote, this was in response to Crackup’s quest for information on the subject and I was trying to help.

Hey ho, sometimes you can’t win a trick
Posted by spindoc, Wednesday, 26 February 2014 5:47:02 PM
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chrisgaff1000 - A good link that shows that there are millions of dollars more being given to these people than the Government wants us to believe.

Here it is again for people to see for them self.

I see $300,000 went to the Casework/Coordination and delivery of services and Ethno- Specific services to all eligible SGP African clients in Inner Melbourne and Greater Dandenong City SSDs.
This one is where that 15YO African kid probably got the money to buy the knife he used to stab the boy in Cranbourne on Saturday night.
Posted by Philip S, Wednesday, 26 February 2014 9:27:43 PM
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Why am I paying for their leisure activities via my rates?
Shouldn't people who support illegal immigration at least do the decent thing and buy leisure and health club memberships out of their own pocket then give them as gifts to the TPV holders?

From Preston Leader 25/2/2014
A “COMMUNITY passport” is giving asylum seekers free swimming classes and healthcare in Darebin.
Asylum seekers can show the passports to access services free of charge through the Darebin Asylum Seeker Support Project, including access to swimming and the gymnasium at Northcote Aquatic Centre.

Neighbourhood houses, leisure centres and health providers have signed on to the Darebin Ethnic Communities Council’s initiative, launched late last year.

Chairman Nalliah Suriyakumaran said 95 passports had been handed out to people so far.

“It’s a welcoming document, like a membership card, providing a sense of belonging. It’s also a directory of local services that have agreed to open their doors to asylum seekers.

“Nobody has been given federal funding to do this, we’re doing this because we’re Darebin people trying to help new Darebin people.”

More than 200 asylum seekers from Darebin and Whittlesea — the majority from Iran and Sri Lanka — have registered at an asylum seeker welcome lounge at the Darebin Intercultural Centre in Preston.

Several other initiatives are also showing support for asylum seekers, including:

Men’s Shed, which provides free second-hand bicycles to asylum seekers;

Centre, which

Leisure offers $5 weekly unlimited access to the pool and gym; and,

Darebin Response Project, which collects community donations to buy myki cards, movie tickets and fund housing costs for asylum seekers. For more information on the Darebin Response Project, visit

To become a volunteer with the Darebin Asylum Seeker Support Project, contact the Darebin Intercultural Centre on 8470 8440
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Friday, 28 February 2014 6:26:08 PM
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Whilst I do not agree with people being illegal immigrants.

Our country has hazards that many immigrants and even individuals from another state do not know about.

Learning how to swim, use to be standard at school, learning about water hazards, poisoness creatures.

As a kid I remember a family dying from eating the toad fish that they had caught.
Posted by Wolly B, Friday, 28 February 2014 7:09:36 PM
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Jay Of Melbourne - Quote "Leisure offers $5 weekly unlimited access to the pool and gym"

"Asylum seekers can show the passports to access services free of charge through the Darebin Asylum Seeker Support Project, including access to swimming and the gymnasium at Northcote Aquatic Centre."

A quick check of the Northcote Aquatic Centre website.
Aquatic casual entry 10 Visit Pass Adult $48.50
Health club entry 10 Visit Pass Adult $144.60

So these people get all that for nothing (or $5 per week your post is confusing),That is one council that needs to be made accountable.

I can understand if private enterprises want to give things away for free, but using ratepayers to subsidize a small group is wrong especially when they get the dole and other things via the charities
Posted by Philip S, Saturday, 1 March 2014 1:58:11 PM
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Phillip S, yeah but it's not really "these people" it's "these men", over 90% of illegals are men.
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Saturday, 1 March 2014 2:29:58 PM
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JOM - It appears some like volume you can add this dirt bag from 2011
"an asylum seeker indecently assaulted girls at Darwin's wave pool.
The Iranian man indecently assaulted six schoolgirls at the pool on the Darwin waterfront "
Posted by Philip S, Saturday, 1 March 2014 5:12:55 PM
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This was put to bed years ago. The short answer is no, refugees don't get more than aged pensioners. It started with a hoax email that became viral and naturally attracted the attention of anti-refugee groups.

'The lie that will not die:
Posted by pelican, Wednesday, 5 March 2014 6:10:30 PM
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