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Selling off our common wealth
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Posted by mikk, Friday, 7 February 2014 4:14:48 PM
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mikk google Agenda 21.This is Govt policy to sell off everything and make owning assets such as land impossible. Why is housing so expensive in a country of so much land and so few people ?
Posted by Arjay, Saturday, 8 February 2014 7:35:57 AM
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For Hockey, Abbott and the rest of the Coalition, it is all about increasing the government coffers. That is; the money supply side.
They don’t give a thought to the demand side. They’ve got no qualms at all about letting the demand for the expenditure of public money go on forever increasing, and very rapidly so. We need to reduce immigration right down to about net zero and head towards a stable population, so that the increase in the demand for new and upgraded infrastructure and services and everything else that out taxes pay for can be greatly reduced. It is simply insane in a time of a highly stressed Federal government fiscal environment for the government to fail to address the demand side of the equation! The day we get a government that sees the merit in skittling our absurdly high immigration intake and embracing a stable-population sustainable-society ethic is the day that we will have some hope of meaningfully addressing Hockey’s concerns. Posted by Ludwig, Saturday, 8 February 2014 7:45:54 AM
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Every thing governments ever sold cost us far more to buy now.
Sickens me to know Government Ministers, on all sides now own shares in the things they sold. Posted by Belly, Saturday, 8 February 2014 10:36:10 AM
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Idiot politicians sold the Commonwealth bank look at it now.
That one is proof that it can be wrong. Electricity used to be State Government owned look how much your electricity is now, so much for privatization. Posted by Philip S, Saturday, 8 February 2014 11:58:49 AM
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Oh yes please, if we can find someone stupid enough to buy the ABC lets grab any money we can, & run like hell, before they come to their senses.
I think our Labor mates must have a bit of a memory problem. Surely even they can remember when it cost dollars a minute to call interstate, & overseas calls were only for companies & millionaires. The privatized Telecom has less than 45% of the staff it once had, does a better job, & calls are so much cheaper it is ridiculous. I'm not all that sure this is a good thing. Under the old cost structure, overseas call centers were impossible. Surely Queenslanders will remember when old Joh pulled the electrical unions back to reality. Without his action the electricity would have had to be privatized to get prices down, & the power reliable. It was only the threat of privatisation that sorted that lot out. Agreed some things like the Commonwealth bank, some state banks, the Government insurance organisation & a few others like roads & bridges should have been retained, if just to keep a lid on charges by the private companies, but many things suffered too much from empire building when controlled by public servants & their unions. Posted by Hasbeen, Saturday, 8 February 2014 12:13:06 PM
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Hasbeen...The governments of the world are very good in saying "their not in a panic"...but we know much better:)...Tony and the ADF have finely not seen Australia as something to invest in, as they get spat apon protecting us....but as we sit in sh!t...they see the overwhelming reality of a world going broke.
Some say, shoot the messenger...but what do I know, when it comes to home land have only one chance of getting the Australian people to believe in you. PLANET Posted by PLANET3, Saturday, 8 February 2014 8:34:33 PM
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Hasbeen,keep the abc/sbs archives..[ie put every second of tape/ SELL OFF THE PHYSICAL/STAFF CAMERAS ETC
iM FINE selling abc..but not the sufff it made sell OFF THE FUTURE STUFFA..UNDER LICENCE..but retain..than 'in the can' sure teLECOM..was a mess..BUT IT WAS SOLD AFTER THE HARD WPORK WAS DONE sorry about the yelling..but we had allready paid..for the changes[to compare the expensive bad old days..with computer evolution.. see before..automotation//ONLY govt could run it but once we got it built[think nbn] was time to reap in the cream..thats when big money became intrested. IT BECAME then govt..serviles..gave it to their 'mate's' and please NOTE..the public servants get a nice cash/dividend check FOR OWNING A LARGE CHUNK OF IT..EVEN NOW. its tReason mate..they stole our asseT.. when it looked like govt was going broke /PLUS WE TOP UP THEIR egregiously generous..pensions plus SUPER.. but its acts of treason all round..NEST FEATHERING ELITES. all privatization..only want that ..WHICH over regular return so the moneyed elite..gets its treasonous mates to deliver its politics 101..nest feather..[that same thing saw half a billion fed cash half a billi9on of qld govt gift given to a Gladstone..tHAT NEVER got built..[IE it was only for shareholder/return].. recall they gave away state fortress[38,000 ACRES [within 1 hour of brisbane cbd..for 800/million..[pennies on THE DOLLAR] market rates..LOCAL land retails for 300.000 shopping districts etc [ie whole town could retail off in multiple billions easy.. [to my mind they ONLY BOUGHT THE RAW VALUE..of the trees got the land for free. its just what greedy do they dont eat peanuts. Posted by one under god, Monday, 10 February 2014 5:37:19 AM
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It always amazes me the way the anti privatisation lobby always vilifies the people who by and large create better companies and more efficiency from the public organisations that are sold off, and on top of that then complain that the dividends and profits go to all the "rich" people who took the risk and supplied the capital to produce the wealth. They often forget that much of that wealth comes back to them from the investment made on their behalf by the super funds. Where do they think their pension comes from? Peter Costello set up the Future Fund anticipating the drain on consolidated revenue from taxes to pay the public servants. Where is that money invested? Private enterprise. Initially started from a huge hunk of money from the sale of Telstra.
Nothing is ever simple and straightforward as so many posters here seem to think. Anyone can invest in these companies to get a return. Make a few sacrifices in the early years and enjoy the magic of a compounding yield in later years. Posted by snake, Monday, 10 February 2014 10:13:13 AM
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SNAKE..<<..They often forget that much of that wealth comes back to them from the investment made on their behalf by the super funds.>>
yes we all built..TELECOM*..then the public service reaped the harvest we all BUILT THE common-wealth bank..then 'investers'..stole it[for 8 billuion..[it now pays 8 billion prOFIT]..we took the RISK*[THEY STOLE GREAT ASSETS <<..Where do they think their pension comes from?>> the servants get iT FROM TELecom shares OUR used tO..but now it comes from taxing others BEtween just thOSE HALF/the..COST..of the rest of us pensions go figure..the servants got em <<..Peter Costello set up the Future Fund anticipating the drain on consolidated revenue from taxes to pay the public servants.>> no worries the foxes own the income STREAMNOW PLUS GREAT 'MANAGMENT FEES <<.Where is that money invested? Private enterprise.>> yep they didnt risk..actually building em only stole them <<.Initially started from a huge hunk of money from the sale of Telstra.>> stolen from the restof us ALL* NOW ONLY FOR THEM* <<..Nothing is ever simple and straightforward as so many posters here seem to think. Anyone can invest in these companies to get a return.>> but who took the risk [think nbn..telstra gets it by default ie the public servants STOLE MORE..we paid for something teLSTRA SHOULD HAVE..but no the tax payers took the rISK*..IN THE END your mates will take it all again <<.. Make a few sacrifices in the early years and enjoy the magic of a compounding yield in later years.>> how much fOR NBN? HOW MUCH FOR THE ABC ARCHIVE? bah..get ye behind me satan* Posted by one under god, Monday, 10 February 2014 11:39:41 AM
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Yes Ludwig, the demand side has to be attacked as well.
It is looking like the crunch will come earlier than expected especially if interest rates rise in the US. That will enforce a cut back in immigration provided the whole government has not gone insane. People complain about the sale of assets, Well I think Telstra was a liability but did become very successful under normal management. The "rich" don't own these companies that is just communist propaganda. It is as out of date as communism, it is just the left do not realise it. The vast majority of shareholders are Australians especially when you add in super funds. As far as QANTAS is concerned only a raving lunatic would invest there. Everyone who looks a bit further than Alan Kohler's three minutes on the ABC each night will quickly realise that things are in a pretty grim state, not just in this country but in virtually all developed countries. An example, the ABC shows oil at approx $US97 when in fact we pay TAPIS US $125 ! Another reason our manufacturing has had it ! Despite the "recovery" the US is displaying their situation is getting very much worse. At the end of February we are going to have another stand off to raise their borrowing limit from the ionosphere to the stratosphere. If the Republicans decide that enough is enough then the US will default and millions will lose their jobs. MIKK, the reason the government is looking for something to sell is because YOU DO NOT HAVE THE MONEY ! Posted by Bazz, Monday, 10 February 2014 2:19:46 PM
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I have to say I never really understand your posts OUG.
The NBN never underwent a cost benefit analysis in spite of the opposition requesting it. It seems obvious to me this is an exact case in point. If it was under the direction of private enterprise it would never have got off the ground and will prove a waste of tax payer's money as the cost is snowballing and the time factor being drawn out. But then the government loves spending other people's money without any responsibility to share holders. This is our money…Yes , but under whose direction? Private enterprise is competitive Nothing was stolen from anyone as you maintain. it was sold on the open market and the resultant money received from people willing to take a punt on their investment, and used by the government for the people of Australia. You seem to have a very strange perspective on the way economies work. We live in a capitalist environment, while certainly not perfect, is certainly better than the alternative if you look at the countries round the world that don't embrace it. Perhaps you should go and live in Cuba. They don't even have Broad Band there. Do you have a chip on your shoulder when it comes to those that work hard, take risks and invest their talents for financial gain ? I agree with you that some public servants are handed better benefits than the rest of us and have less accountability. That's why it is often better to have private enterprise run a business, because they usually run a "tighter ship" and get better results. They have the incentive to do so. Bazz… I agree with you entirely. Posted by snake, Monday, 10 February 2014 2:44:49 PM
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a public servant.advocate..spokesperson/snakey quote..<<..I agree with you that some public servants are handed better benefits than the rest of us and have less accountability.>>
agreed the servants have gotten too clever..too greedy they priced the coMMONWEALTH BANK AT 8 BILLION [it just got dividend of 4.5 billION [HOW?..BANKFEES [NO COMPITION] but the servants no doudt hold shares in it THEN BOUGHT TELSTRA AT HALF PRICE PLUS[THAT THE SECOND LOT GOT TRICKED INTO PAYING TRIPPLE] <<..That's why it is often better to have private enterprise run a business>> read shareholding public servants <<.., because they usually run a "tighter ship" and get better results.>> why snake oil ? <<.. They have the incentive to do so. Bazz… I agree with you entirely.>> i agree with you both now which public servant going to getting our services back lest we forGET..they sold mates at macquarry toll roads[after no doudt bying shares..the foxes run the hen house stole our sovereign public service..[common wealth]..and now hold it in their oWN 'BANKER CONTROLED 'TRUSTS'..BECAUSE AS PUBLIC SRRVICE THEY KNOW THEY STOLE IT ALL THINK BLOKE..they know..the govt cant pay..them and us so they stole it all..FOR THEM AND DOUBLED THE PRice of srrvices upon us JUST BECAUSE PRIVATE..IS SO MUCH LESS *SERVING US* [NOT THEMSELVES]....LOOTING/ PILLAGING US [OR RATHER OUR COMMON WEALTH even mining induSTRY FARMING..ITS ALL NEST FEATHERING for those sukking US DR Posted by one under god, Thursday, 13 February 2014 6:43:00 AM
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its a sad sign of our times..that people havnt got involved with this huge topic
i took a buss the other day..never heard of no GO CARD BUT HAVE HEARD OF OFF PEAK ..[or thought i did] recently..the public srrvice sent out an expensive glossy printed booklet running on 74 PAGES,,[IT SAYS ON PAGE 73..'OFF PEAK=9 AM TO 3.30..yet on page 11 IT SAYS 8.30 TO 3 PM..thing is it dont say for all/or that idiots daring to use cash cant get off peak. also i noted 6 empty busses fly past..before 'my' bus came..[late/over full]..i wasNT HAPPY TO BUY A SEAT ON THE FLOOR..for full fare..[but i had to] regardless..on reading the PRICE say we round up to the nearestr 10 cents[seems 5 cent pieces are going next/soon we round up to 20..then 50..then the nearest dollar..then COIN IS GONE all proof of the theft is gone any then needing to explain the frauds needs explain..what is a coin a a sovereign guarentee for the weight of the coin being silver/after ww2 they halved the silver conteNT..INTO 'STERLING GRADE SILVER but no one cared so in 1966..they stolE ALL THE COIN SILVER[silver and copper and gold are healthy metals] and when they stole our silver[then copper]..they gave us nickle coin..[and nickle coin makes us sick] BUT WORSE IS the crime of debasement of the coin=treason under times of war..thats a death sentence[ was done because endless war and defence sorry..[offence]..spending..sent govt broke..govt 'created'..the money..via govt issued bonds[payable in silver/gold..AFTER A DEW DECADES]..IN COIN..BECAUSE THEN..GOLD SILVER WAS..the 'only lawfull tender'..[gold silver coin]..SEE FEDERAL CONSTITUTION. Posted by one under god, Thursday, 13 February 2014 7:46:57 AM
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.anyhow bankers took over the fed[then the common wealth bank]
and gave us things called ..'bank nOTES]..IE NOTEBANBKS HOLD OVER OTHER BANKS..AS PROOF OF DEBT[IE MONEY OWED] BUT WE THINK ITS CREDit but its a bank-bill8 YOU KNOW WHAT A BILL IS RIGHT/ well by accumulsating intresT ON THE BILL* THE OUT STANDING DEBT..DEFLATED COIN TO WHERE 5 CENTS=NOTHING but go see how much a silver sicpence costs you today note please how much pre\xpence holds twice the content[VALUE]..OF SILVER[BY THE EXTRA PRICE dITTO gold coin..see one pound was = one pound of strerling silver/silver /gold..just as a penny weight..pound dollar shillings etc are weights we swapped promise NOTES OF ONE POUND STERLING SILVER FOR BANK NOTES/IE BANKER dollar = half a pound of silver[thats true values through time..till the money changers changed THE MONEY SYSTEM AFTER BwANKER WARS SENT US BROKE,[they lend to both sides..saw the silver shortage and stole it by high treason.[now 85 people control half the world] own the 6 mediIA COMPANIES ..85 PEOPLE..OWN GOVTS 85..OWN UNIONS 85..OWN OUR COMMON WEALTH Posted by one under god, Thursday, 13 February 2014 7:48:03 AM
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Deception is the lifeblood of our political system. A system claiming to work for the best interests of the people, while in fact largely working for corporate special interests, must necessarily be riddled with elaborate lies and deception. Our political system, with great help from mainstream media, is designed to foster mass deception rather than expose it. But a simple rule change to our game of politics would instantly and reliably expose deception. This would destroy the status quo and revolutionize government.
Rather than trying to establish a level playing field for the game of politics, we could heavily stack the deck with a simple rule change that rewards informed truth seekers while severely punishing liars (and the ill-informed). We could establish a simple rule change that effectively forces intellectual honesty passively, without any required action by the players of the game. Too good to be true? Read on. A Modest Proposal That Would Revolutionize Government Posted by one under god, Thursday, 13 February 2014 10:37:22 AM
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few recall usa issued its own money intreST FREE
UNDER JFK PRES order NUMBER 11,110 DITTO BRITAIN DUN IT CALLED THE BRADLEY POUND it TOO WAS GREEN FINALY NUMEROUS GOOGLE SEARCH I FOUND MENTION!%2030:11:12.pdf Posted by one under god, Thursday, 13 February 2014 12:15:23 PM
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Snake said:
We live in a capitalist environment, while certainly not perfect, is certainly better than the alternative I agree Snake, but things are achanging. Any form of centralised economic control will not work. Even capitalism in its present form will ultimately fail but it has the power to adapt compared to the ideologically handicapped socialist systems. What we will see as globalisation declines is small capitalism with a plethora of smallish local businesses. We could see very many franchises for all sorts of products. I think the Coles & Woolworths business models will fail and the family run suburban supermarket will replace them. There has to be a very severe crash sometime because most government debt cannot be repaid. When such monumental losses are suffered and the G20 Financial Stability Board takes most of depositors funds there will be such an upheaval that it really will be a reset of the whole economy. Posted by Bazz, Thursday, 13 February 2014 12:42:29 PM
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“WHEN the whistle blew for the start of the Great
War in August 1914 the Bank of England possessed only nine millions sterling of a gold reserve, and, as the Bank of England was the Bankers' Bank, this sum constituted the effective reserve of all the other Banking Institutions in Great Britain. The bank managers at the outbreak of War were seriously afraid that the depositing public, in a panic, would demand the return of their money. And, inasmuch as the deposits and savings left in the hands of the bankers by the depositing public had very largely been sunk by the bankers in enterprises which, at the best, could not repay the borrowed capital quickly, and which in several and large..scale instances were likely to be submerged altogether in the stress of war and in the collapse of great areas of international trade, it followed that if there were a widespread panicky run upon the banks, the banks would be unable to pay and the whole credit system would collapse, to the ruin of..THE LIFE/SAVINGS OF millions of people. Private enterprise banking thus being on the verge of collapse, the Government..(Mr. Lloyd.George at the time was Chancellor.of the Exchequer)..hurriedly declared a moratorium,..i.e. it authorized..the banks..*not to pay gold or silver coin//*..(which in any event the banks could not do), extended the August Bank Holiday for another.three concoct bank bills into fiat money During these three or four days when the banks and stock exchanges were closed, the bankers held anxious negotiation with the Chancellor of the Exchequer. And one of them has placed upon record the fact that 'he (Mr. George) did everything that we asked him to do.' ie treason 2B ct Posted by one under god, Thursday, 13 February 2014 1:03:07 PM
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When the banks reopened,..the public discovered that, instead..of getting their money back in gold,/silver they were paid in a
new legal tender of Treasury notes..[read BANK BILLS].. (The original emergency Bradbury Treasury Notes printed only on one side. £1 notes in black and the 10s. notes in red).!%2030:11:12.pdf This new fiat..[by decree]//paper..promise..of coin..[aN iou..] was be legal[not lawfull]..pAYMENT/for currency whichhad been issued by the State, was backed by the credit of the State, and was issued to the banks* prevent the banks*..from utter collapse. The public cheerfully accepted the new notes; and nobody talked about inflation. To return, however, to the early war period, no sooner had Mr. Lloyd George got the bankers out of their difficulties in the autumn of 1914 by the issue of the Treasury money, than they were round again at the Treasury door explaining forcibly that the State must, upon no account, issue any more money on this interest free basis; if the war was to be run, it must be run with borrowed money, money upon which interest must be paid, and they were the gentlemen who would see to the proper financing of a good, juicy War Loan at 31/2 per cent, interest, AND NO ONE WIMPERD and to that last proposition the Treasury yielded. The War was not to be fought with interest-free money, and/or/with conscription of wealth; though it was to be fought with conscription of life. continued at link!%2030:11:12.pdf Posted by one under god, Thursday, 13 February 2014 1:03:52 PM
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In my business I come across many younger people who cannot take care of themselves. They need electronics to get across suburbs. A lost 'device' causes panic. However many have come from single parent households where it is 'catch as catch can'. They can't cook and they have no routine of weekly menu-driven raw food buying and meal preparation from 'scratch'. Home cooked food is unnatural to them, as is food make from flesh ingredients without all of the chemical enhancers and fillers.
The future is already here, they are buying pre-cooked meals in reheatable packs. The suppliers are slow to move from their origin in the diet industry and they are not a wake up yet to the $$ to be made from diversifying away from their boring diet menus. Apart from that, - online stores with delivery; - small expensive niche grocery and foods from small businesses in trendy 'burbs; and - continuation of the awful Night Owl convenience shops. That is if fuel stations cannot replace them (because fuel stations are being rationalised in any event to make more $$ for oil companies). Posted by onthebeach, Thursday, 13 February 2014 1:09:14 PM
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it was to be fought with conscription of life. Many
small businesses were to be closed and their proprietors sent overseas as redundant, and without any compensation for their losses, while Finance, as we shall see, was to be heavily and progressively remunerated.” So there we have it in a nutshell! The real values of the private bankers and the City of London exposed for all to see. Whilst hundreds of thousands of British soldiers were dying on the killing fields of Flanders and elsewhere doing what they saw as their patriotic duty, British bankers, safely out of danger and not sharing the appalling conditions on the Western Front, were only interested in one thing – how to make obscene profits from Britain’s desperate efforts to win the war. To say that the private bankers and the City of London have the morals of sewer rats is to be extremely unkind to our little rodent friends. But this is the clincher. As a direct result of the greed and treason of the British private bankers IS REVEALED edited hyperinflation spiralled out of control and a loaf of bread was bought with a barrow load of almost worthless paper money. To this I just say look again at what actually happened in Germany at that time. It was not the Weimar’s treasury but it was the privately controlled central bank, the Reichsbank, who was printing the money, coupled with the extreme actions of currency speculators and foreign investors that caused all of the problems. Take a look at these two links: Posted by one under god, Thursday, 13 February 2014 1:17:29 PM
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One Under God
I am sorry I can't have a debate with you because I don't understand your syntax, I don't understand your logic and it appears to me you copy stuff off the internet out of context that really doesn't relate to what we are talking about. In future I will leave it to others to make sense of what you are trying to express, which is often in pejorative terms, and usually in the armoury of the ill-informed Posted by snake, Thursday, 13 February 2014 4:19:19 PM
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As I said , change is always with us and I agree wholeheartedly with you that centralised economies don't work, but only ones controlled by governments. (what other kinds are there?) They should get out of the business of commerce and trying to influence the economy surrounding them. A bit of diplomatic influence overseas doesn't go astray, but otherwise leave it all to the people who know how to run a business and if it fails, let it fail as the government did in Iceland. A couple of years later that country is forging ahead. I don't agree with you about the local supermarkets eventually replacing the large ones such as Coles & Woolworths. The disadvantage they have is their limited buying power and their inability to ride a recession because they would be under capitalised. I do agree with you over the fact that the chances of a crash are very high and we can look forward to a lot of social unrest as inevitably the population will blame the government and expect more bail-outs. Other people's money ! Posted by snake, Thursday, 13 February 2014 4:54:42 PM
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Snake, I gave up reading One Under God some time ago. I just skip it.
Re the supermarkets, I did not mean large ones like Coles etc but a significant ones with several in one suburban shopping centre. There are already three in the area where I live. They seem to have about four people working in the shop. I believe the present distribution infrastructure as practised by Coles & Woolies is too dependant on energy rich systems. Also just in time will have to go. Cities such as Sydney & Melbourne could be supplied from depots located at rail centres. So electric road vans to deliver locally to the smaller supermarkets. In times past every station had a parcel office. There were no couriers for parcel delivery and electric parcel vans were used to deliver to all the stations in Sydney. I could see that system being reinstated. This I agree is a long way off (I hope) but I am pretty sure there is no one in government charged with examine scenarios of very expensive fuel. Isn't that what we pay governments to do ? I also expect that the farmers markets which have already started appearing will become bigger and may occupy Coles & Woolies present premises a couple of days a week. There is a farmer's market every Thursday here which is getting larger and now has about 20 stalls. One of the fruit & veg stall is rushed at 8 am and sold out by lunch. We are in for some big changes in the way we live and do business. Anyone who disputes that had better show how to keep business as usual. Posted by Bazz, Thursday, 13 February 2014 10:41:58 PM
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dear snake..[ selling off our common wealth]..not woolies
you clearly trolled bazz off topic so lets get back to the..topic..or rather..your con-tribution snake-eyes/quote..<<..I am sorry I can't have a debate with you because I don't understand your syntax, I don't understand your logic.>> yes..convenient..but reasonable[if you even replied one] but lets move sorry too <<..and it appears to copy the internet out of context..that really doesn't relate to what we are talking about.>> the topic is selling off[out]..THE COMMON WEALTH HOW CAN LINKS EXPLAINING ..HOW..BE OFF TOPIC/yet woOLIES IS OK? MATE//SNAKEOIL..PLEASE THINK you just you say..oUT OF CONTEXT/FAIR USE..'QUOTES'..LOL[TALK ABOUT DAMMED IF I WRITE..OR DAMMED IF I QUOTE.. LOL..YOUR THE TROLL..OLD MATE <<.. In future I will leave it to others to make sense of what you are trying to express, which is often in pejorative terms, and usually in the armoury of the ill-informed..>> lets let otHERS JUDGE US EH? case you miseed it..your a perfect example..of how THE COMMONWEALTH..GOT SOLD OUT YOU public servants doing your faulse blogging as work your lot stole us blind..stole the common wealth..into your own private trust funds. that you cant reply thus ridicule is out of a slime SET UP TO RIDICULE US Exposing your treason's..just so the likes of bazz can help troll the topic even topic lets allow others to judge.. we see your MATES EVERYDAY..SUKING OFF MORE OF THE COMMON WQEALTH because govt and pubLIC SeRVANTS CHOSE TO REMAIN IGNORANT..[DONT ask/dont-TELL..CANT KNOW] one will evER KNOW* ITS Direct out of the yet another condensation one oh one/by numbers/STEALING YET OTHER COMMON WEALTHS GIVE US BACK OUR PUBLIC SERVICES..FOR FREE* and you public purse slurpers are sacked...[soon you shall all be which EVERY PRISON..NEEDS LEARN..OF YOUR colluded TREASON'S [have you heard me/] stop stealing us commoners..into perpetual serfdom ENOUGH..SEE WIKISEED/WIKIGELD..SUN TREATY..DELIVERD 6 MAY..JUDGMENT DAY Posted by one under god, Friday, 14 February 2014 7:08:14 AM
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If that is your convoluted argument, I rest my case
Posted by snake, Friday, 14 February 2014 7:30:36 AM
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one under god
Whether you like it or not the government ( of either side) when in power has the right to do whatever they see fit to do if they think it is in the interests of the greater good. Sometimes they are right (rarely) and sometimes they are wrong(More common) however they are the democratically elected government. If we don't like it we vote them out mate. Unfortunately mate that is the way it is. Omar Khayyám said; The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ, Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit, Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line, Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it. Posted by chrisgaff1000, Friday, 14 February 2014 3:01:44 PM
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chris/quote..<<..Whether you like it or not
the government.of either side) .when in power has the right to do whatever they see fit to do if they think it is in the interests of the greater good.>> and..there/..dear chris..lies the key is the GREATER..good..that govt..declare war..on its own is the greater good..that..police ignore..*real crime..tO POLICE PETTY/moral..CRIME/HOW MANY BAD UNIONISTS YOU LOCKED UP CHris? how many early moring raids..ya done on bwankers OR bond scase..and the seemingly endless list of white color criminals[with lawyers] many successful rape cases or kiddy PUT AWAY MAte? HOW MANY ABDUCTED KIDS [30,000/per year/go missing].. how/many..YOU RETURNED HOME? thing is mate with real[justifiable crime].. you guys are show..little worse..than..the rum-core*ps you bikies run the unions you coppers GROW DRUGS..FORTUNES..BY BEING AT THE RIGHT PLACE ..AT THE wrong time [CHRIS YOU BEEN MIND-CONTROLLED PAL] been militarized..YOUR/there only as long as..your masters need you like a good litle boy..YOU TOOK YOUR..slow-kill/hot shots cauSE YOU GUYS..GOT THE GUNS..ITS YOU LOT..FINDING-OUT..GOVT FEARS BUT YOU..YOU EVER SUng..god save the queen? do you serve..HRH/..HER HEIRS AND SUCKCEAZERS? well we the people..are the common wealth..and you sir are sworn to serve..US..[not govt/not law/not the force/not..the state/not the constitution/nor the drugs missuse act..nor even the crown* ..YOU SIR serve and protect..her highness/thus us YOU APPEAR TO THINK..YOUR GOD..WELL SUNSHINE..YOU ARE Not its time you know...those doing treason you revenue raise revenue for a dead/DYING/CORUPTED/ corpse CALLED STATE..[WHO COULD INSTANTLY MAKE*..ITS OWN MONEY/FOR FREE..[COMPLETELY TAX FREE/till fools like you stood aside..and let bwankers steal it[SEE/LINKS] your guilty..of high treason[IGNORANCE..OF THE LAW..IS/NO-EXCUSE* i will my 6 may triaL ASKING THE JUDGE..TO AFFIRM..your not the copper..that assulted me on new years eve..i will be ASKING YOU..IF YOU WERE..IN THE MILITARY CAUSE YOU SOUND..LIKE YA TALKING TO A TOWEL HEAD ACTING ABOVE/BEYOND YOUR STATION..[A WANNABE] [these public notices..chris have a cost..[your under the act]..its time you realized..WHAT?..THAT MEANS...SERVICE..NOT in blue..not black. ALEX WILL EXPLAIN..why it the hot shot Posted by one under god, Friday, 14 February 2014 3:39:43 PM
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"HOW MANY ABDUCTED KIDS [30,000/per year/go missing].. how/many..YOU RETURNED HOME?" Not quite that many mate. I know because I work in that area. There an average of 800 kids go missing a year in Australia. Around 600 are found one way or another and go home but there are still 200 missing. Probably 15% to 20% are the subject of foul play. The rest finish up in the mid east child slave markets where a white, blonde, blue eyed boy or girl can fetch a million dollars ($1,000.000) As long as the market is there the kids will disappear. FBI Director(J. Edgar Hoover), Howard Hughes used Errol Flynn as their procurer many yeas ago. Nothing changes. Posted by chrisgaff1000, Friday, 14 February 2014 7:06:25 PM
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its funny the things we recall..i was sitting on a train/reading a the merely repeating..what the poster said..i know hoover was a that the association..remains perveted
i have talked with two adults who were the meat..of politicians and judges and your bosses[one said hE USED ti be delivered BY COM CAR AND EVEN POLICE CARS[THE BEST WAR TO KEEP POLITICIANS POLICE ETC..IN to have the dirt on them..and clearly that takes more than 800 kids. regardless its selling off what our COMMONWEALTH..could be further info..that mind..IS FROM MICHAEl riveria who reminds me..of the fake war on terror..with the shocking number that 8 times more people..have been police..than by acts of terror/this simple witnessed by over policing/where THUGS..enforce..policy policing..over policing for good order good order isnt what we do..when you order us arround good order is when we are on the same side[not the bad side..YOUR OFTEN FORCED to accept as your lot] thats what worries me about you chris..your likely a nice guy but may have hidden..that someone telling you tO TOUGHEN UP[AND YOU DID IT TOO GOOD] I NOTICED..TOO MANY BAD CHANGES..OVER MY LIFE from sick dirty harry..once you become liKE THE VILE.. yOUR protect..'us'..from..WHERE is the difference? Posted by one under god, Saturday, 15 February 2014 3:34:05 AM
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WE SOLD OFF THE COMMON WEALTH..the LONDON bobbY[IF YOU WIL]..HAS BECOME DIRTY HARRY..WHEn..we need more serpico's.[and im not talking about a security agency.
never the less..think on micHAELS NUMBER 8 times more dead by policeman[only counting the dead] tHAN BY ALL ACTS OF TERROR..mate THATS NOT HOW THE POLICE ARE MEANT TO SERVE[little wonder..more than half..dont last 4 years] having a police badge,,changes no bodies..into something im not yet sure what..i know i met only 3 mean cops in the hundreds i have met..but one is too me if the union..protects SCUM..that makes the rest/tarred by the same brush. I KNOW THATS simplistic ..even childish..but go figure once a black dog bites ya..even blue dogs..become a worry...thats where service became slave driver[not our master],,just a fellow slave. [BUT BECAUSE YOU GOT THE GUNS...they needed to give you the hot shot..hence so many of you SHALL..die of cancer..[not by our hand/but your mA$TERS SERVANTS]..who too..are..'ONLY DOING THEIR JOB' ITS RATHER SAD..THAT WHILE..YOUR 'SERVING/PROTECTING'..not policing that your kids get the same poisons..ours do[like..alex reported in his] there is the wORRY..psychopaths..dont care who they kill hippies kids and cop kids both just look like them. in the end we find more in common with other but by then..the damage..treason/ done. ONCE..the well is poisend..its them VERSOS US..THEY GOT GUNS. thinK ON the fruits of the children are sacred a lot of white fELLAS..[civil servants/not coppers]..policing darkies/[they..even got work for the dole cops]..wanna bes who cant read a law book..and write worse than me/but who do as their told. following ORDERS..didnt work at neuremberg. IT WONT WASH..for our common wealth Posted by one under god, Saturday, 15 February 2014 3:36:13 AM
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What is the one thing these statements have in common? They all operate from a collectivist platform. Statists believe in the “social contract” theory. The idea that through the constitution, through using public roads, and having a birth certificate, you are inherently under the authority of the government. However, these arguments are severely flawed. Firstly, for a contract to be valid, it must be done under full disclosure, it must contain the signature of the contract creator and the wet signature of the customer who agrees to its terms, nor can a valid contract be created under duress. The birth certificate, nor does the constitution abide by these basic contract rules. And as far as using government services, when the government has claimed eminent domain and has successfully monopolized most of societies essential services, we are left with little choice on whether or not we should use them, if we want to have productive lives. It’s not like private companies are allowed to compete with government provided services. However, even as a man who does not pay income taxes, he will still fund the roads, since the taxes collected on gasoline are apportioned towards infrastructure. Sales taxes, excise taxes, etc…..are unavoidable for the general population, even among so called “illegal immigrants.” Everyone pays taxes, not by choice, but because the mafia (government) forces us into their protection racket scheme either directly or indirectly to some degree or another. Posted by one under god, Saturday, 15 February 2014 5:58:32 PM
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Now, this brings me to address the title of this post. Do we truly consent towards being governed and does the state even exist, or is it merely just a corporate title?
The answer is obvious. We are the coerced clients of a monopolized insurance company known as the Government. Lets look at some of the misdirection’s just to examine your grasp on reality. Firstly you adopt the same falsity..when you use the words “politician” as a substitute for an “elected government”. OR CROWN We are not referring at all to individual politicians. but the personum..we set up create..and regulate[not enslave or death//[creative lawfull fictions/[persons/under the act] regulate trade/goods services weights and measures..even transportaion[under/the transPORT ACT] BUT IF YOUR NOT 'TANSPORTING'[IE CARRYING GOODS FOR MONEY] YOUR NOT SUBJECT TO THE ACT[IE THE LICENSE/PERSON/UNDERR THE ACT..ONLY NOT YOU THE LIVING HOLDING THE LICENSE/PERSON Politicians do not “lock up” people, the courts do that. by judging..via the lie..of..the person/under the[licence]..AS IF YOU.. [THE LICENCE IS UNDER THE ACT..NOT YOU... People are not punished by politicians,..but bad acts they are punished by the judiciary..who apply and interpret the laws the elected government enacts..via acts.. that create paper/person/..AS privledges/permissions/dispensation.. BY ISSUE..OF license/warrent etc by written contract/BY application/under the act...[dead fictions]..SO AS TO CONTROL..the living. Posted by one under god, Saturday, 15 February 2014 5:58:44 PM
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The Bradbury Pound Centenary (1914-2014) has been launched with the 2.
The financial elite believe they have us trapped in their system! Now let’s start with two simple questions – everything old becomes new again what is money..and where does it come from? signing of a House of Commons Early Day five MPs. This is just the beginning! With the implications so vast, this is easily the most important political campaign since the end of the Second World War. Important Notice: If a sudden global financial collapse is triggered by the banking elite, the entire British economy can be supported by the immediate re-introduction of the debt-free Bradbury Pound by HM Treasury. We have nothing to fear from the debt-creating bankers! Their reign over us is over! SUPPORT THE BRADBURY ALLIANCE TODAY! The Corporate Global Banking Elite v Humanity The long-awaited ‘endgame’ against the criminal debt-creating bankers has begun and the British people are going to win it decisively by re-introducing the little known, debt-free and interest-free Bradbury Pound! 1. But first a health warning to system-servers and system-believers! Posted by one under god, Sunday, 16 February 2014 7:02:14 PM
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5...A COmmon/wealth-nation restored..?!?
However, with the historic Bradbury Pound reintroduced and the British Government once again issuing its own debt-free money based on the credit of the nation (currently valued at well over £20 trillion), all the above problems can easily be put right. Britain’s failing infrastructure would be completely revitalised. Massive training and apprenticeship schemes would be put in place to allow our nation to be industrious and successful again –the key being quality before quantity! Ordinary people would have real opportunities to set up their own businesses...An unconditional and universal basic income scheme would take the place of the current despised and dehumanising benefits system. The present complex and invasive taxation system would be completely overhauled to take into account these new arrangements of money creation by the government, with the tax burden for all people being considerably lessened. The vulnerable in our society would be fully protected and catered for...Our armed forces by sea, and air would be restored to a level..that guarantees our nation’s security..and sovereignty. Our nation’s flood defences..would be brought up to scratch whilst suppressed cutting edge technologies in energy and medicine (especially the inventions of Nikola Tesla)[free energy]..would be fully explored. And our young people would have the opportunity to learn without incurring debt, in other words tuition fees would be abolished. This is a manifesto that would put the ‘Great’ back into Great Britain! It is a manifesto to make people happy and valued! The £1.4 trillion National Debt, as it has largely been arrived at by simple fraud, would be declared null and void under Common Law using jury nullification and the so-called Budget Deficit would disappear immediately. And should a sudden financial triggered by the global elite in a last ditch take back control, the British Government could easily implement an electronic version of the debt-free Bradbury a matter of minutes to prop up and support the lawful economy of Great Britain and the lawful savings and investments of the British people. If the politicians say otherwise,..they are liars! OTHER/OPTIONS..SEe WIKISEED/WIKIGELD..[PROMISE/TO-PAY..IN SEED] PLus..restoring true*values..back..into..our coin-[age] Posted by one under god, Sunday, 16 February 2014 7:13:48 PM
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we need tax money going out*..IMMEDIATELY.
"Money Launderer Until Proven Innocent:" - Italy Imposes 20% Tax Withholding On All Inbound Money Transfers While the propaganda surrounding Europe's "recovery" has reached deafening levels, what is going on behind the scenes is quite the opposite, and in the latest example that Europe is increasingly formalizing a regime of implicit capital controls, we learn that Italy has just ordered banks to withhold a 20% tax on all inbound wire transfers: a decree which on to of everything will apply retroactively to February 1. As Il Sole reports, "the deductions will be automatic (unless prior request for exclusion), and then it will be up to the taxpayer to prove that the money is not in the nature of compensation "income." In other words, as of this moment, but really starting two weeks ago, all Italians are money launderers unless proven innocent. till we geT THE GUILTY..ALL WE CAN GO BY IS KNOWING 'THEM'..BY THEIR ACTIONS TRANSACTION BTAX IS FAIRORROWING MONEY..only govt can create*..FROM MONERY LENDERS IS then tax us into compulsory treason..most vile govt needs no all but for those stealing our common wealth..[fair VALUE] STEALING our labours..THOSE LOOTING AND PLUNDERING SHOULD BE TAXED ON LEAVING...NOT IN COMMING. Posted by one under god, Monday, 17 February 2014 7:51:14 AM
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Belly,Government should own nothing however they should have the controlling interest in everythi9ng public.
Posted by chrisgaff1000, Monday, 17 February 2014 4:03:06 PM
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How computer-generated fake papers are flooding academia Like all the best hoaxes, there was a serious point to be made. Three MIT graduate students wanted to expose how dodgy scientific conferences pestered researchers for papers, and accepted any old rubbish sent in, knowing that academics would stump up the hefty, till-ringing registration fees. It took only a handful of days. The students wrote a simple computer program that churned out gobbledegook and presented it as an academic paper. They put their names on one of the papers, sent it to a conference, and promptly had it accepted. The sting, in 2005, revealed a farce that lay at the heart of science. But this is the hoax that keeps on giving. The creators of the automatic nonsense generator, Jeremy Stribling, Dan Aguayo and Maxwell Krohn, have made the SCIgen program free to download. And scientists have been using it in their droves. Posted by one under god, Friday, 28 February 2014 11:14:45 AM
A few questions.
What assets? Is there anything valuable left to sell?
Australia Post, The ABC, the National parks, Centrelink?
They were going to sell off the NBN when it was finished but I doubt it will be worth much by the time the cons have finished gutting it.
So what exactly is Mr hockey proposing to sell?
Can anyone point to a single successful, and not just for the shareholders, instance of privatisation? Just one.
Considering that privatisation is sold as increasing efficiency, choice, competition and therefore prices and service. Can anyone find a single instance of privatisation that delivered these outcomes? Anywhere.
Am I the only one getting a bit sick of hokey and all his yap.
All he ever does is talk doom and gloom and the sky is falling, its a disaster, its a catastrophe, people need to fend for themselves, Labor this Labor that blah blah blah.
When is he going to shut up and actually do something?