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Why Child Abuse

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I'm sick to death of the frequent publicity given to men charged with child abuse. It denigrates men unfairly. .Especially when charges are brought against Priests and male icons like Rolf Harris
Feminist women and perhaps most women would salivate at the prospect of rising the price of sex and rubbishing men all in the one go. Exterminate,exterminate may be their cry. My goal is to make sense of things. I mean does anyone ever mention why men might abuse children? Child abuse should never happen anywhere--no exceptions.
Here is my life experience on the subject. I think there are two basic reasons for child abuse:-

Firstly boys up to say age 8 are sexually innocent but are jealous and curious. Young girls are very pretty are playful . Just ask Maurice Chevalier. When I was about $yrs old I tried to pull some very colourful pants off one of my playmates.They wouldn't budge even with a crowbar.IN short I believe it was a setup organised by my mother in response to my previous explorations beyond my conscious memory.

Secondly, boys beyond teens are subject to a testosterone surge and if they have failed to consummate the sex urges by fair means,eg marriage or foul,then that could be responsible for fantasy and even perpetrating sexual abuse on young girls or boys due to their vulnerability
The latter are the two main reasons and I would suggest two remedies.
The first remedy comes to mind from my wanderings as an 11yr old boy growing up in South TOwnsville.One day I walked into a shed where some Mums were gathered and naked kids ,probably under8 yrs old, were having a communal bath. I didn't seem to be welcome, Those mums certainly had the answer to natural curiosity. Can you talk about it or even advocate it.

Next for teenage boys,they should be given sex dolls in sexual education at highschool. Then they would really know what sex is about and more importantly have relief from sex based aggression.

IN short demystify and deweaponise sex.
Posted by laz91, Saturday, 18 January 2014 10:37:13 PM
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Oh for goodness sake Lax91, I have never read such rubbish in a long time.

Are you seriously suggesting that it is the parents fault for not letting their boys see other naked kids, or not have enough sex education, or don't have some fun times with 'sex dolls' in high school, that 'causes' child sex abuse?

If that were the case, we would certainly have far more paedophiles amongst the population than we currently do.

I believe that paedophilia has nothing to do with sex at all, and is more to do with severe mental health problems brought on by disfunctional, neglectful and/ or abusive childhoods.

It is a well known fact that many paedophiles were sexually abused themselves as kids, and are so mentally damaged that they carry on that same behaviour as adults.

I don't believe they can be 'cured' either.
Posted by Suseonline, Sunday, 19 January 2014 3:49:31 PM
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I have never read such rubbish in a long time.
Obviously way beyond the grasp of an asexual.
Posted by individual, Monday, 20 January 2014 6:33:29 AM
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Sorry mate.
Never heard something that offended me more.
Not just Church s and not just the last few century,s but built in to human history.
Sexual assault on children and even adults has existed- to our shame.
I once saw words nearly that awful in another forum many years ago.
Not making any claims against any one but that poster was later unmasked as a member of a man boy group.
Why Child abuse!
If humanity is still evolving we will put every offender in prison no excuses.
And an advertising program should start equal to our anti drinking smoking coward punch ones.
Showing a victim and a convicted offender and these words to.
*They grow up will he/she look in to your eyes then, will you be able to look at their eyes then?*
Posted by Belly, Monday, 20 January 2014 7:19:06 AM
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This is a troll post I am sure.

No-one in their right mind would suggest that criminals should be spared from scrutiny and get away with pedophilia.

Those men who are in the media for child abuse have only themselves to blame and it DOES NOT make men look bad, only the men who are sexual abusers. What is this mad logic?
Posted by pelican, Monday, 20 January 2014 9:44:07 AM
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Researchers are coming to believe that is most likely of physiological origin. Suseonline says of homosexuals, they are born that way. Paedophiles too Suseonline.
Posted by onthebeach, Monday, 20 January 2014 1:59:33 PM
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