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Why Child Abuse
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Posted by laz91, Saturday, 18 January 2014 10:37:13 PM
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Oh for goodness sake Lax91, I have never read such rubbish in a long time.
Are you seriously suggesting that it is the parents fault for not letting their boys see other naked kids, or not have enough sex education, or don't have some fun times with 'sex dolls' in high school, that 'causes' child sex abuse? If that were the case, we would certainly have far more paedophiles amongst the population than we currently do. I believe that paedophilia has nothing to do with sex at all, and is more to do with severe mental health problems brought on by disfunctional, neglectful and/ or abusive childhoods. It is a well known fact that many paedophiles were sexually abused themselves as kids, and are so mentally damaged that they carry on that same behaviour as adults. I don't believe they can be 'cured' either. Posted by Suseonline, Sunday, 19 January 2014 3:49:31 PM
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I have never read such rubbish in a long time.
Suseonline, Obviously way beyond the grasp of an asexual. Posted by individual, Monday, 20 January 2014 6:33:29 AM
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Sorry mate.
Never heard something that offended me more. Not just Church s and not just the last few century,s but built in to human history. Sexual assault on children and even adults has existed- to our shame. I once saw words nearly that awful in another forum many years ago. Not making any claims against any one but that poster was later unmasked as a member of a man boy group. Why Child abuse! If humanity is still evolving we will put every offender in prison no excuses. And an advertising program should start equal to our anti drinking smoking coward punch ones. Showing a victim and a convicted offender and these words to. *They grow up will he/she look in to your eyes then, will you be able to look at their eyes then?* Posted by Belly, Monday, 20 January 2014 7:19:06 AM
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This is a troll post I am sure.
No-one in their right mind would suggest that criminals should be spared from scrutiny and get away with pedophilia. Those men who are in the media for child abuse have only themselves to blame and it DOES NOT make men look bad, only the men who are sexual abusers. What is this mad logic? Posted by pelican, Monday, 20 January 2014 9:44:07 AM
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Researchers are coming to believe that is most likely of physiological origin. Suseonline says of homosexuals, they are born that way. Paedophiles too Suseonline.
Posted by onthebeach, Monday, 20 January 2014 1:59:33 PM
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Belly..I think someone is having a lend of you:)
planet3 Posted by PLANET3, Monday, 20 January 2014 2:32:16 PM
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is this post about the men hating media or excuses for paedophiles or what?
btw calling Rolf Harris, Saville, Michael Jackson or any other paedophile a male icon is like saying the likes of Madonna and ga ga are female icons. Posted by runner, Monday, 20 January 2014 2:43:30 PM
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Why child abuse indeed!
While I certainly cannot agree with laz91 about his/her perceived causes, I have wondered about why some are sexually attracted to children. It seems the attraction is universal. As I understand it, this has been going on since time immemorial. The Greeks and Romans had it as part of their culture and it is known that some Chinese thought it a great ting if their son or daughter became a temple prostitute. I think Christen priests that kiddy fiddle has been going on for maybe a couple of thousand years. Even today there are cultures that accept child marriages and the allotment of young girls to older men. Some in India apparently encourage children sleeping collectively and it is normal for some to sleep with nieces/nephews and grand children. I recently read of some Pacific Islanders that laugh and encourage the kids to mimic adult sex from about the age of 8-10. Child incest seems greater where there is collective sleeping arrangements. About one third of Japanese boys are said to have their first sexual encounter with their mother. So why is child sex abuse suddenly such a big deal and why is it that apparently only children in western societies seem to be traumatised by early sex. I have yet to read an article where kids of other societies are badly affected by pedophilia or incest and it has been going on for thousands of years. Maybe it has to do with our Christen religions. Posted by Banjo, Monday, 20 January 2014 3:07:44 PM
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Bad things have been going for centuries does not make it right nor does it mean that this automatically translates to victim acceptance. The argument is quite an extraordinary conclusion IMO. These are exactly the sorts of excuses abusers use to normalise their crimes.
To argue that child sexual abuse does not have the same effect in poor countries is frankly unbelievable. Human trafficking in the sex trade is rife, including children, and the numbers staggering. Any activity that removes power from an individual to make a choice is inherently wrong. A child has not the maturity, knowledge or context to make serious life decisions. Young boys sold into or kidnapped into fighting civil war is equally disgusting. There are things that children should not, in a civilised world, have to do or see. Yes there are young child brides and they suffer enormously, such as in Africa where operations have to be performed to correct physical damage from being sexually active too young. Where these activities occur the girl (child) has no choice in the matter and is treated like property. Posted by pelican, Monday, 20 January 2014 3:37:37 PM
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Runner, I'll back you on this one....females, only some of...have put good men be hind bars for revenge, probably for being abusive or for them just being men. Its no wonder that fathers today leave being up their children to the mothers......and runner....I don't think we can agree on anything else:) The father and the son, and the holy...dare I say it:) Planet3 Posted by PLANET3, Monday, 20 January 2014 3:38:38 PM
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'Maybe it has to do with our Christen religions ' please don't make the demons scream. For secularist to admit that any good comes from Christianity sends them into hyper tension. Secularism has no basis to call anything wrong and it certanly shows by their pushing of porn and perversion, killing the unborn and picking and choosing on what they see as right and wrong. Posted by runner, Monday, 20 January 2014 4:07:02 PM
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I did not say or indicate that pedophillia was OK. I pointed out it has been going on for centuries, in most societies. It has been said that, in India, for a girl to be a virgin at age 12 she must have no father, uncles, brothers or cousins. There certainly is many girls that have serious problems from early pregnancies and even in our own aboriginal communities there have been reports of damage to girls from very early sex. How can a child of 3 have VD. The NT report revealed that. The current inquiries reveal that many victims are badly mentally affected, but are all the young in other societies, where early sex and incest are normal, similarly effected? That could be most people in some societies. I have yet to read anything that suggests that is the case. What about the cultures where the kids are sold off to slavers or into prostitution? Do those that were involved in incest have serious mental problems like our westerners do? Is it our hang ups brought on by religion that cause the trauma in our society. Posted by Banjo, Monday, 20 January 2014 4:09:51 PM
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I am afraid some do think as this poster wrote.
And sorry indy you most probably are a good bloke but post like yours here hide that well. Please let us all NEVER fail to, troll or not take on a post like that. Remember always some pedophiles are loved and trusted until after the crime. Never ever let such words appear without rebutting them. Any sexual crime against any one is dreadful and a crime. To even write that to commit such a crime against a child? Capital punishment nothing less. Posted by Belly, Monday, 20 January 2014 4:56:25 PM
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I did not at all imply you were condoning pedophilia, only that the points you raised are also used by some to normalise it. I understand the historical context but don't agree that this is an East/West discussion or that these activities are seen as normal even by the inhabitants of those nations (except those who gain from it). Many in Africa, Middle East and Asia are fighting these entrenched cultural norms. Norms that are characterised by a huge power imbalance and lack of choice for the child. Children are not the possessions of adults. Posted by pelican, Monday, 20 January 2014 5:01:26 PM
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Maybe it was the Americans that first brought our attention to the instances of mental trauma associated with pedophilia. I expect that students at boarding schools, etc. have been subject to sexual acts by other pupils and others for centuries in all parts of the world. However in countries that have high pedophilia and incest the victims seemingly accept it as part of childhood and get on with their lives. I have never seen any writings where the trauma to victims is discussed. Japan is a very industrialized country and can hardly be termed backward. Yet I have not heard anything about trauma caused by pedophilia and incest there. Not that I am familiar with much news from Japan. I have read that in some societies mothers and even the older kids will mastabate a babies or toddlers genitals to calm them. It seems that close physical and sexual contact in these societies is quite normal. Maybe other cultures are better equipped to handle such matters than we are. If one googles incest here there is many websites offering help for 'victims of incest'. Posted by Banjo, Monday, 20 January 2014 8:12:47 PM
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Suseonline Thanks for your comment. My male ego is shattered of course, but I do agree with you that offenders often were abused as children themselves. My post is aimed at the fundamental causes, the why which is so often overlooked in the passion of blame.
Needless to say many of the other posts seem to be from homophobic terrorists. One can only try. Posted by laz91, Monday, 20 January 2014 8:22:09 PM
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When I read and hear of some of these awful crimes of sexual savagery and unmitigated violence, occasioned against women, girls and other young people, I often feel very ashamed indeed, for being of the male gender ?
Posted by o sung wu, Monday, 20 January 2014 9:39:21 PM
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o sung wu,
As you would be well aware the pedophile networks are alive and well. Every now and then there is a temporary breach in their defenses as with the Rolfe Harris thing. Unfortunately these things are always resolved with either suicide or a guilty plea avoiding the exposure of evidence in an open court. There are pedophiles in all walks of life and every level in society, from the judiciary down to the gutters of Redfern and in general the police are powerless to deal with the problems. Have you ever wondered where the missing three or four hundred kids who disappear each year actually go. Try the super yachts that cruise in and out of Cairns and similar open ports every day then take a trip to the child slave auctions in the middle east maybe you will know more. Posted by chrisgaff1000, Monday, 20 January 2014 10:12:00 PM
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Lax91, if I have misjudged you I am sorry, but I am sure a lot of research has gone into the reasons why grown adults sexually abuse children already.
I think the consensus is that no one knows why, but I tend to believe they must have a defective gene that is magnified by a negligent childhood. Even so, I am all for locking them up for life... O Sung Wu, you should never feel guilt for what some other men have done. Women have sure done their fair share of disgusting crimes too, as you would know, so I don 't agree in blaming either gender for society's woes. We all need to work together to weed out these boils on the backside of society. Posted by Suseonline, Tuesday, 21 January 2014 1:03:54 AM
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I think a contributing factor to these abhorrent behaviours is that the main perpetrators are from withing the very group charged with defending children.
That's why so many don't get caught. It really is a downright vicious circle that is letting everyone down. No punishment, no nothing, no wonder. Posted by individual, Tuesday, 21 January 2014 5:24:29 AM
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I never had any sex education as a kid, other than what I read in books.
In fact, I remember when I turned 18, my mum suggested I watch a program on TV about sex. I felt like saying, sure mum, what would you like to know. In my opinion sexual abuse is a result of lack of control on the offenders side, even if they are enticed. I say this because as a teenage boy, I had all the urges, but never ever offended other than indulging in sex with an under aged girlfriend, as did most young guys. As for remedies, I have often thought that some form of a relief device could be installed into male toilets. You know, thrown in your two bucks, out drops a condom and off you go. I say this because once the urge is satisfied, surely the risk of offense is minimized. Only a thought! Posted by rehctub, Tuesday, 21 January 2014 6:46:41 AM
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Chris "Every now and then there is a temporary breach in their defenses as with the Rolfe Harris thing."
A couple of points about that. Rolf Harris has not yet been convicted of any of the allegations and as far as I'm aware there is no overwhelming evidence of the allegations. That's not to dismiss the allegations and I struggle with the balance between assumption of innocence and a credible case that's not yet proven in court. The existing allegations and charges are as far as I can tell for a period between 1968 and 1986, nothing there to suggest that the charges against him are a threat to any existing child abuse rings. I don't like the idea that time should allow any abuser to escape consequences but I've also wondered what it would be like trying to defend yourself (if innocent) against claim's of action from that far back (up to 46 years ago) especially a claim with the emotional loading that child abuse rightly carries. On the other hand the prosecution carries the difficult task of proving a case. On the broader topic, I suspect its a mix of things. Some genetic components combined with messed up mental health issues and a sprinkling other problems. R0bert Posted by R0bert, Tuesday, 21 January 2014 8:19:09 AM
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Lax91 and for that matter at least one other it will not wash.
That attempt to call contributors anti gay. Few if any, confuse this issue with gay rights. Nice try coverup but this thread and you know it lax91 is as you said both in words and between the lines a defense of the indefensible. Runner uses the thread to pounce on others. Please runner see the hundreds of years the hundreds of thousands of victims of much more than just the Catholic Church. SA has seen pedophile rings with that states top folk involved. NSW had a pedophile judge did he sit in judgement on offenders? Last night by chance one ABC channel showed a documentary about pedophiles, the other about gays. I channel surfed but the first showed people I hold in contempt forever the other? not my business. Posted by Belly, Tuesday, 21 January 2014 8:27:40 AM
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I am not too sure whether paedophilia is totally about sex per se.
I suspect the subterfuge, secrecy, and destruction of innocence of the victim plays a big part. Envy even of the victims innocence. This is possibly where the often abused background of the perpetrator comes in. Whatever, the behaviour of a paedophile is never to be condoned or hidden. The destruction of innocence for pleasure deserves a very heavy penalty indeed. There can never be any justification for this crime. SD Posted by Shaggy Dog, Tuesday, 21 January 2014 4:04:14 PM
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“Childhood should be carefree, playing in the sun; not living a nightmare in the darkness of the soul.” ― Dave Pelzer
Posted by simon12, Tuesday, 21 January 2014 4:50:58 PM
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Too true. SD Posted by Shaggy Dog, Tuesday, 21 January 2014 5:28:11 PM
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Many contributing factors have been mentioned for child abuse. I would not classify them as the basic why however. One contributing factor which is often overlooked, especially by Royal Commissions, is the effect of two world wars. I believe it caused deviations like incest and homosexuality to increase significantly. One only needs to look at what is happening in Syria now.
But I repeat, I am looking for BASIC changes to stop child abuse,, even if it means changing 2000 yr old fashion. Posted by laz91, Tuesday, 21 January 2014 6:51:12 PM
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Some people are just like that. War and suchlike may diminish the crime of paedophilia due to the brutality of war itself. A few children being abused does not stand up against thousands being killed, such things may get brushed aside in a war situation and seen of little importance. War can bring out the best and the worst in us. Where there are vulnerable children there will always be rock spiders. They blend in with their surrounds and can be very hard to identify. Sadly recidivism appears to be the norm no matter what the punishment, they are just wired that way. SD Posted by Shaggy Dog, Tuesday, 21 January 2014 7:24:54 PM
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The act is a control thing too but it is so very evil and wrong watering it down to this degree here is wrong. Blame what you want. But never forget the act is evil. Again consider the victims pain not the offenders excuse. Too reconsider your words. Why change the conversation to world wars most offenders never lived in? I hope, earnestly, our author is a troll, only that forgives more concern for offenders than victims Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 22 January 2014 5:28:35 AM
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Not me watering it down. I was institution raised in the 40s and 50s when such things were brushed aside and allowed to go unpunished, as was the norm back then. It was a smorgasbord for those so inclined. There was no recourse for the victims. Silence was the only solace. Most only spoke about it in later years, if they did at all. SD Posted by Shaggy Dog, Wednesday, 22 January 2014 8:52:06 AM
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G'day Belly, I think of myself as a do-gooder with an unpopular agenda. I am not a do-gooder with a fundamentalist agenda. I have not retired from reds under the bed to looking for paedophiles, spiders or recivavists under the bed. My fav program on TV is Air Crash Investigations. They get the TRUTH no matter how or what. The truth sparkles and leads to results.
YOU might find it hard to believe that perhaps 5-10 % of children abused will never admit it, and even appreciated the abuse as sex education. Like throwing a child into the deep end in a way to teach them to swim (in a hurry). Posted by laz91, Wednesday, 22 January 2014 11:06:08 AM
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Child abuse - involving such acts as burning children
with cigarettes, locking them up in closets, tying them up for hours or days, breaking their bones, or starving them - is alarmingly common, and probably causes many older ones to run away that happen each year. And the sexual abuse of children - now recognised as a global epidemic - is rarely a matter of molestation by a stranger. It is usually perpetrated by one family member on another. One source of this violence may lie in the dynamics of the family as an intimate environment. Close relationships are likely to involve more conflict than less intimate ones, since there are more occasions for tensions to arise and more likelihood that deep emotions will be provoked. Another source may lie outside the family, for violence is frequently a response to frustration. If the person affected cannot strike back at the source of the problem, (the arrogance of an employer), say, or the lack of a job - the aggression may be readily redirected at family members. In any event, the extent of violence in groups whose members are supposed to love and care for one another is not easily explained, and suggests that the modern family may sometimes be under greater pressures than it can easily bear. Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 22 January 2014 11:46:33 AM
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I too watch Air crash Investigations. Do not believe all you see on TV as there is bias in many of these investigations, it depends who carried out the investigation. Law suites, manufacturers protecting their product and national pride all have an effect, as do many other factors. It is all about people trying to find the facts/truth but not always achieving the desired result. SD Posted by Shaggy Dog, Wednesday, 22 January 2014 11:47:47 AM
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With all the assistance and knowledge available to the modern family life should be a walk in the park. I would suggest the family of years ago was stronger and far more supportive of each other than now. We talk a lot today but do little if it is to our discomfort. Pass our problems on to others be the way of it. SD Posted by Shaggy Dog, Wednesday, 22 January 2014 11:56:47 AM
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Dear SD,
What should be, and what is, are two different things altogether. The issues are complex. Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 22 January 2014 12:36:26 PM
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I bow to your experience in such matters. My experience is not very current occurring many years ago. I only dropped in for a look and did not intend to post. Should have kept my yap shut. Time for 'off'. SD Posted by Shaggy Dog, Wednesday, 22 January 2014 12:51:28 PM
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Dear SD,
I don't speak from my own experience, (fortunately), but from those of leading researchers who've done studies on violence among family members. Most of the sociological studies were done in the US, and it makes me really glad that I live in Australia. Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 22 January 2014 1:47:30 PM
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Laz91 I find it imposable to forget your first post.
The words used the4 defense of perpetrators and your highlighting the Rolf Harris case. Being a fan off him I remain confronted by the fact he MAY be guilty. But too understand we all know sex offenders can look very normal. I can not and will not retreat from my view such filth are unworthy of any protection. Twice in my life I became involved in cases of this offense once very ling term. Not far from me a young girl every fathers dream full of fun and laughter came crying like her heart was broken after her dad sexually used her. That beut little girl died that day. She lost that sparkle and suffers still years after. The other was too very young very miss used by her dads drinking mates. I never ever consider the back ground of a perpetrator. It is the victim that matters Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 22 January 2014 5:29:22 PM
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G'day Belly, Thanks for your comments. I know of two men who committed suicide after abuse of their children (one boy, one girl).Whole family left to suffer. Nasty business. So my posts Belly are not about protecting abusers as you suggest. but doing something about it.
Posted by laz91, Thursday, 23 January 2014 8:28:59 AM
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Gday Laqz91 if you will allow me all most every one of the first half dozen posts here warned me you had trolled me.
That is put up a thread just to taunt a reply. I highlight the difference between your first and last posts here. Posted by Belly, Thursday, 23 January 2014 8:41:10 AM
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My posts are so long I will try and keep things a tad shorter.
First 'Banjo'. 'Oh dear' was certainly not the first thought to enter my head. True children have been sexually abused for ever. In many societies its common place and will continue for following generations. Maybe it is us fragile Westerners who just 'Feel so traumatized by early sex'. 'Oh dear' and you know that's not expressing my true feelings. In my early twenties, I could finally have a normal relationship with a man, in comparison. Was still considered a prude. I didnt actually have sex when I was five, I was abused by my drunk family's drunk friend. All the years following I was a petrified child. My fear of men was not comparable to any fear Ive known. This however seemed like a red flag to my parents great drinking buddies. Good party trick, watch her crap herself. All the fun at my expense sabotaged any trust in anyone. For years, which to go into would be a book. The man I'm engaged to, was also molested, on numerous occasions by a Brother at a boys school. Until the offender shared his intentions on 'getting your little brother next'. They were out of there. He was traumatized also, not hiding away from the world like me but the total opposite. Aggression and rebellion. ' bashing'. BTW as I became mums shadow (leach) I was exposed to her and her girlfriends, drunken, pot smoking porno mag sessions. Not winning. Victims, lots of love and encouragement. Violators, male or female, no punishment would be too much Posted by jodelie, Thursday, 23 January 2014 3:14:14 PM
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Shaggy Dog,
There was recourse mate you just had to position yourself to be able to take that recourse, have about as much empathy as they did, blot out your conscience and be very good at planning. Have a look in Tamworth (NSW) cemetery and see the number of locals that worked in the "boy" industry laid to rest after some extreme "accidents" Posted by chrisgaff1000, Thursday, 23 January 2014 7:04:20 PM
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Obviously there are all sorts of relationships that come under the term of child abuse. I do feel sympathy for your experiences and that of your partner. If you have spoken to others who have been abused, can you tell me what percentage have trauma because of the abuse. I would expect those that experienced a loving relationship to be less truamatised. I still do not have any answers to my question of, do victims of child sex abuse in non western cultures suffer the same amount of trauma, or are they better able to cope? Maybe in other cultures, they simply do not care about the victims. Or maybe because it is so common they do not see themselves as victims. In our western culture we have, in past, labelled any sexual activity as bad, wrong, unnatural and sinful. We even covered table legs lest they invoke sinful thoughts. I seek answers for this in the same way as I seek answers to the question of; why some kids do not turn out good irrespective of their upbringing. many parents would like answers to that. Posted by Banjo, Friday, 24 January 2014 9:21:43 AM
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I distanced myself from my childhood, by a very long way, distance wise and emotionally. Out on my own at age fifteen and thousands of Ks away from where I was raised. Most never really knew the background I came from so I guess I had a second bite, a fresh start, and never looked back. I have had a successful career and an interesting life. It has only been since I retired, and a few questions from my kids in recent times, that I have given it much thought. I guess I go by the old adage 'whatever does not kill you can only make your stronger' but that said we are all different and handle things in different ways. I do not forget but I do not dwell on the past, it is all about today and tomorrow, these are things I can do something about. The past is done and dusted. Take it easy. SD Posted by Shaggy Dog, Friday, 24 January 2014 9:50:19 AM
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My sorrow for every victim is for always and forever.
We once had a poster here who told us his story, his word stold too he would never get over it. I have based my thoughts and posts on the threads first post. In part Banjos questions about other country,s and cultures are well know, the answer that is. Christianity is far from the only religion over seeing such hateful acts. I do not think adult sex can ever be part of the threads intended path. Posted by Belly, Friday, 24 January 2014 1:04:50 PM
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I can assure you that there are many more child abusers and pedophiles out there than there are bikie gang members but somehow all the attention goes to the bikies. I have a date with the Royal Commission next week. Not to give evidence of abuse but to justify my public statements that the RC is a farce because no single person will be locked up. I gave the RC the names, dates and offenses of a lot of pedophile carers in the orphanages and state institutions that I grew up in and they were ignored in favor of gathering information that can assist in changing the way institutions are managed. The offenders are still laughing. Perhaps now someone might understand why I took pleasure in the "Parramatta River swim if you can" club" Oh! and bye the way, there was the "Torrens Swimming Club" also though not many of them really learned to swim either. Posted by chrisgaff1000, Friday, 24 January 2014 10:52:10 PM
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The Royal Commission should, given their capacity, investigate any criminal offense bought to their attention. Information supplied to assist in carrying out their duties, should be regarded as the initial evidence to their investigations. Institutions would be better managed by...listen to victims, remove offenders, not protect them! 'Not more criminal protection'. Bikies are harassed because they are visible. Pedophiles are devious, sneaky, unassuming and walk the streets unabashedly. Imagine if they were recognizable... Posted by jodelie, Saturday, 25 January 2014 12:31:00 AM
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CG more power to your arm.
And you are quite right we will see little come from the RC The Catholic Church as it always has will talk but not act. Amusing, that some Churches say the Catholic Church is the anti Christ. Now your words and mine are strong,some will think over the top. Not so go this morning to your local pub, even bowls club, a majority would offer to buy the bullets for late night clean up of some . Posted by Belly, Saturday, 25 January 2014 6:47:38 AM
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I have not been able to get this thread, its subject, and first directions out of my mind.
Hopefully other who contributed are as baffled as me at the vast difference between our authors first and last post. Too I hope we all will not turn away if we think some thing may be wrong with Children near us. Posted by Belly, Tuesday, 28 January 2014 1:51:11 PM
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I actually spoke with a RC lawyer today from Sydney. I am in hot water for being critical of the RC process and the Term of Reference. I have made public statements indicating the RC was set up to fail the victims and it will because this woman (Beth) that I spoke with agreed that there would be no individual prosecutions coming out of the RC. Now they want me to give evidence about police failure in my day. We never failed anyone.We never investigated complaints because our seniors were up to their necks in corruption, extortion and pedophile networks. Any copper that stuck his head out found himself transferred to Broken Hill or walgett or such. Any ex copper on this thread will tell you we just left it alone. Posted by chrisgaff1000, Tuesday, 28 January 2014 10:31:21 PM
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I have been reading up on the Royal Commission to be more educated on whats going on. (This site causing me lots of late nights :))
The RC state they may be contacted by victims or those with information, by phone, or letter. Supplying detailed and as thorough information as possible. Chrisgaff1000 it seems you supplied sufficient info. I dont understand why the RC lawyer would 'blow you off' and twist things, so that you are now the one under scrutiny. Clearly they must consider yourself a threat in some way. You have taken the opportunity to give them the opportunity to pursue a number of offenders, as is their purpose. Best of luck Posted by jodelie, Friday, 31 January 2014 1:18:46 AM
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And.. I have been following lawyer Peter Kolso's site. One being 'The effects of child abuse/Royal Comm.. 28.3.13. I dont enjoy delving into the past but I do have to tick most of the boxes for that list. Cardinal Pell,' Australias most prominent Catholic' was recently 'grilled for 4&1/2 hours, admitting to the covering up of child sex abuse and destruction of documents.
I believe one RC hearing took place on the 9th of December and another due early Feb. There are also 100,000 applications to be heard, so busy times. Pell on the suggestion of the RC agrees, a National Fund should be opened which the church will donate to, to pay the large, possibly astronomical amounts of compensation to be revealed. Also there is public pressure for the church to liquidate a large proportion of their substantial real estate holdings. Probably enabling them to solely fund their 'National fund' for victims. Although well overdue, victims past's will not change. A large sum of money will hopefully help in some way to their happiness and that of their families. And hopefully even more the justice of being heard, listened to and understood, possibly even seeing their perpetrator finally punished Posted by jodelie, Friday, 31 January 2014 2:05:06 AM
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I know this is a little off the subject but just wanted to give it a mention. 'woman suing Woolworths for $1.3 million over sexual harassment'.
The offenses 'occurred Feb to May 2011'. She claims verbal sexual references, 'leering at her bottom' and eventually the male 'grabbing her and pulling her into another room, pulling her close and rubbing his hand down her forearm'. She suffered bruising to her arms. My question: As an adult woman, why let this go on for four months? Act as soon as the behavior goes beyond friendly banter. They were both in managerial positions so its not 'big boss abusing underling'. Her lawyer is claiming 'post traumatic stress, anxiety and depression',and compo. of $1.3mill. This seriously seems over-kill. If the creep is found guilty, fine him, sentence him, announce him to be the idiot he is. Compensation to cover The woman's time off work and have her name cleared as an innocent party. (Im not defending woolies in any way, they're big enough and ugly enough to look after themselves), nor am I defending either employee. Defending rationality and common sense. Posted by jodelie, Friday, 31 January 2014 3:02:08 AM
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The whole point is that the RC is not perusing the offenders that might still be alive or the estates of those who are not. It is grilling the representatives of organizations of the day. They do not want their sweet little cash grab for legal service upset by someone like me who wants justice for the victims. Posted by chrisgaff1000, Friday, 31 January 2014 11:03:43 AM
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I guess pursuing offenders from the 50's, 60's, and 70's may be fruitless considering the ages they would be now. Surely more recent offenders would be pursued and punished, otherwise they are still being protected by the very people who are appointed to protect the victims. (that was tricky). So therefore failing their duties. No? Institutions that were involved in abuse and cover ups years ago, should be named. Obviously a new generation of staff would be in place by now. Every staff member should be made very aware that offenses like these will never again be tolerated. The equivalent to an accreditation team, will visit randomly and regularly, ensuring 'correct management of the facility'. 'RC little cash grab?' Does it ever end? I Need to study more. Posted by jodelie, Friday, 31 January 2014 12:29:23 PM
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The legal teams are in for the "cash grab" some of them are on $3000 a day. That's where the money is. The pedophile networks are alive and well and a "star chamber" inquisition by the RC of surviving predators would split it wide open. But sadly that will never happen. There is more pressure on the 'bikies' than there is on the "rock spiders" Posted by chrisgaff1000, Friday, 31 January 2014 6:53:57 PM
Feminist women and perhaps most women would salivate at the prospect of rising the price of sex and rubbishing men all in the one go. Exterminate,exterminate may be their cry. My goal is to make sense of things. I mean does anyone ever mention why men might abuse children? Child abuse should never happen anywhere--no exceptions.
Here is my life experience on the subject. I think there are two basic reasons for child abuse:-
Firstly boys up to say age 8 are sexually innocent but are jealous and curious. Young girls are very pretty are playful . Just ask Maurice Chevalier. When I was about $yrs old I tried to pull some very colourful pants off one of my playmates.They wouldn't budge even with a crowbar.IN short I believe it was a setup organised by my mother in response to my previous explorations beyond my conscious memory.
Secondly, boys beyond teens are subject to a testosterone surge and if they have failed to consummate the sex urges by fair means,eg marriage or foul,then that could be responsible for fantasy and even perpetrating sexual abuse on young girls or boys due to their vulnerability
The latter are the two main reasons and I would suggest two remedies.
The first remedy comes to mind from my wanderings as an 11yr old boy growing up in South TOwnsville.One day I walked into a shed where some Mums were gathered and naked kids ,probably under8 yrs old, were having a communal bath. I didn't seem to be welcome, Those mums certainly had the answer to natural curiosity. Can you talk about it or even advocate it.
Next for teenage boys,they should be given sex dolls in sexual education at highschool. Then they would really know what sex is about and more importantly have relief from sex based aggression.
IN short demystify and deweaponise sex.