The Forum > General Discussion > What would you like to know about the Abbott government?
What would you like to know about the Abbott government?
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Posted by GrahamY, Wednesday, 11 December 2013 1:11:00 PM
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Graham thanks for the chance to contribute.
I hope to do so honestly. But it is well known I have my own bias. I understand Abbott won the right to govern and that he thinks far differently than me. Too that verbal bashing is not a question My two are Has Abbott changed pre election promises. And Are job losses less important to Liberals than a Labor Government. Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 11 December 2013 1:20:39 PM
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A good question would be in the area of peoples surprise at Abbotts softly softly approach so far. Many would be I think disappointed at this.
Another perhaps, should Abbott be giving in too easily to NBN criticism of spending cuts? Posted by Hasbeen, Wednesday, 11 December 2013 2:06:13 PM
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I woukd like to know when Abbott has got the guts to do something about the disgusting bias and dogma pedalled by the tax payer funded ABC/SBS.
Posted by runner, Wednesday, 11 December 2013 2:10:38 PM
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Dear Belly,
<<I understand Abbott won the right to govern>> No, he hasn't. Nobody has a right to govern over others without their consent. All that Abbott's election-win meant, is that most people believed (and rightly so) that his opponent would be even worse. Posted by Yuyutsu, Wednesday, 11 December 2013 2:19:41 PM
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Does the coalition have policy, or are they a free zone.
Posted by 579, Wednesday, 11 December 2013 3:44:49 PM
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What right have you to dictate that people cannot ride a bicycle without a helmet?
If the reason is that the tax-payer may supposedly have to pay the medical bills if I break my head, then what about allowing people to either take an alternate insurance for this specific case; or to opt out of Medicare altogether (I'm not even suggesting to withdraw the 1.5% tax from general revenue because I'm aware that the budget-debt is pressing - only to forfeit the benefits)? Posted by Yuyutsu, Wednesday, 11 December 2013 4:27:02 PM
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The elections determine the will / consent of the people. Abbott received it overwhelmingly. Posted by Shadow Minister, Wednesday, 11 December 2013 4:41:48 PM
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Dear Graham,
Here's a few I'd like answered: 1) Will you allow a 'conscience' vote on same-sex marriage? 2) Will you have a double dissolution election if Labor and the Greens block a move to scrap the carbon tax in the Senate? 3) What industrial relations reforms are you planning on bringing in? 4) When will work begin on Sydney's WestConnex, Melbourne's East West Link, Brisbane's Gateway upgrade, Adelaide's North South Road, Swan Bypass in Perth? 5) Will you be increasing defence spending? 6) Will you explore the question of Australia becoming a Republic? 7) Who will you appoint as the next Governor General? 8) What national assets are on the books for sale to foreign interests? 9) When will you stop the boats? That's it for now. Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 11 December 2013 5:00:44 PM
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My interest is on tackling youth crime,
compensation for victims of crime, a non-military type of national service for all young people, a fairer tax, A clear & concise Superannuation/Pension scheme. Posted by individual, Wednesday, 11 December 2013 5:34:10 PM
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Ah GY,
You ask us to “Bear in mind when making suggestions that the questionnaire has to be value neutral so that it doesn't skew results”. The entire basis of “opinion” for many on OLO is “moral and value” based assessments. Critical thinking is entirely absent. Responses should be both predictable and interesting. For my part I would ask:- Has the LNP adopted the “give them enough rope” strategy to the progressive ABC, given their intention to hold a departmental costing review of ALL government departments? Does the decision to “telegraph” to GM that the public gravy train is no longer heading their way, mean that they are standing up to foreign manufacturers for holding out their hand for more subsidies, or that our budget problems take priority over ideology? Do the current court cases into trade union and former ALP power player alleged frauds, form a basis for an LNP judicial review into such activities? Does the LNP take the view that “progressiveness” in Australian politics is something to be addressed? Do they subscribe to the view that the commentariat has flagged its allegiance to the left of politics, is working contrary to the interests of all Australians and is a vocal minority determined to disrupt the establishment and policies of a majority government? Does the LNP recognize that many of the important issues of governance within trade union management are based on similar rhetoric but different “motives and intent”? Do they understand that the trade union “management” shares rhetoric with the workers but is only intent on self promotion, career opportunities, high salaries and career paths to political pensions? How will they explain this to the disenfranchised workers and union memberships that have lost control of their own unions in terms of representing their memberships and control of their own money? Does the LNP recognize that the parasitic relationship between the regulating class and the trade union movement is denying the membership of trade unions their rights to have any say in their own movement? What does the LNP see as a resolution to this? Posted by spindoc, Wednesday, 11 December 2013 5:51:57 PM
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do you think..there should be report cards..for politicization
d.y.t..that politicization should have relative skills for their ministry. closed shop? are too many lawyers in govt? do you think..a low dollar..improves the buying value ,,for who should..a higher dollar be encouraged are you earning..more.. paying should govt be limiting bailout of business should govt be giving 12 billion..fuel subsidy tomining farming should govt recoverable doyou agree..that banks can take your money do you agree with bail-in? should govt pricing/wage rates be done by govt is the govt constitution valid do you believe that states surrenderd the right to'legislate' federal should booze be taxed dochildminders degrees should younger children be teenagers should grandparents be paid to mind children is govt too big do we still need states should govt borrow its own money from bankers[at intrst] is your govt there for you..or business? is party loyalty treason is personal wage tax..the same as income tax should gst be tax deductible should there be limits onhow much of your wage..govt can take by govt should fuel tax be gifted to miners or roads are we..a british colony.. does police/army/swear or..'the crown' do you agree that connect should be sought for compulsory commerce should govt be there to police morality has there been any govt your life what is govt there for should we go to wart against china should allowed..its oil should we put sanctions on israel do you world peace..inour time should govt be there for..asset preservation..or asset sales should we retrospectively charge those who gave the fed and the money system be charged with treason should we re-instate state banks..under peoples control should we take back..the commonwealth bank.. was stealing the gold silver and copper..from..our coinage..lawful/..or deliberated/treasonous/debasement ..or colluded theft when you find your super is all gone..will you be happy should the head of state/ picked by parties should govt be more representative where do these questions come from Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 11 December 2013 5:55:48 PM
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should govt..allow tax free trusts
or going into tax free locations do we need a transaction/tax//inlue of tax on wage should death-duties be installed..on.non-living entities should too big to fail..receive bailout..or be divided up should service charges/ cost recovery..or bonus is govt too large if govt sells anything..should the public service keep its job where should govt oversight begin/end should public service pension/be standardized should..public service be based on the last pay-rate[or average earnings] de-centralization? should we have one police SERVICE..or police force made work..within budget are we spending too much on..planes/subs should we fight on others shores should govt/members be allowed'' expence after they get the job should ex members receive pension..or the rest of us should travel/to tax deductible should all auto-insurance be factored into..fuel price[user pays] should public transport be free should intelligence/and job factored..into universities/placement how much foreign education..should we subsidize for taining business/skills should govt back..its peoples life skills/promote..talent..overseas should we spend..more is where does govt begin/end should according to...use. should abusers pay more..should service charges be standard..or should bigger users be paying for the gold plating should we build free pipelines /free ports free rail/for foreign..exporters should we leveling tax..on..resources more toll-roads..or less..should..expensive items be made 'disposable' should politician have report cards/minimum..skill/sets should lawyers be excluded from.;.making law/judging law..and making income..from law should tendered out.. should the party get the voter/bonus..or the member the votes Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 11 December 2013 6:34:20 PM
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Dear SM,
<<The elections determine the will / consent of the people.>> Having read your intelligent posts over some years, it is clear that you cannot believe such a statement yourself, of the level of a Soviet kindergarten. May I therefore suggest that you log-off when you leave the computer in a room where your small children can access it. Nevertheless, the kid who wrote that deserves an answer, on a basic level s/he can understand (it would be nice if we could also add some simple drawings to illustrate the points): People are individual and have a separate will: If one person agrees on something, it doesn't mean that his or her friend also agrees. Even if there are 10 children in the room and 9 agree to play a game, the 10th child does not have to agree to play. There is nothing wrong about the remaining child choosing not to play and the 9 children who want to play have no right to force the 10th child to play with them. When this happens, it is incorrect to say that "the children wanted to play" - it would only be correct to say that if all 10 children agreed to play. Now suppose there is a box with coloured spheres and your teacher asks you to take out of that box one sphere of each colour and arrange them in any order you like. If you arrange your spheres so that the blue sphere comes before the red, this doesn't mean that you wanted the blue sphere to be where it is - it only means that you have done what the teacher asked you to do and that between the two spheres, you prefer the blue sphere over the red sphere. This is enough material to absorb and cogitate over until the next lesson. Posted by Yuyutsu, Wednesday, 11 December 2013 7:25:12 PM
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Hi Graham,
I would like to know why their Government has enough money to pay well-off parents to stay at home with their new babies, but not enough to pay a decent wage to childcare workers who look after working parent's children? Will you encourage the rest of the states and territories to decriminalise abortion? Will you allow a referendum on voluntary euthanasia? I think all my other questions have already been covered. Posted by Suseonline, Wednesday, 11 December 2013 9:25:49 PM
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Oh jeez, runner. You beat me too it :~)
So my questions are: When will your (or an Australian) Government begin representing the people instead of yourselves, overseas corporations and interests? When will your (or an Australian) Government begin creating its own "real" money interest free, rather than borrowing from private banks at interest like it used to do? When is your (or an Australian) Government going to hear the will of the people and allow them to change legislation via referendum ushering in a true democracy? When is your (or an Australian) Government going to become a Representative of the people without resorting to violence and theft? If none of these are changed, tell me why I should contribute to your society? After all, I was not put on this planet to play slave to you, your mates or anyone else you feel the need to support with my blood and sweat! I could go on but I thought I'd start with the little things! Posted by RawMustard, Thursday, 12 December 2013 12:47:40 AM
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often..i find..the..answer..before i recall..the question
like the two/big you think heavy metal is good for you[so good for you that govt should add it into your water[and vaccinations]..[that relates to deliberate govt pacification/BUT WITH THE SIDE AFFECT..of mindlessness[things like Alzheimer/imbecility] then..other questions present themselves do you/like obesity/diet drinks how much debt/ you own/owe do you undress in front of your computer do you like the idea..of drones spying on you..via facial recognition? do you agree with time magazine/man of the year can you read/sign language [the guy at mandelas fun-er-et'al..couldnt] is fucushimmer radioactive waters good for you are private prisons/and moralizing drug law..symbiotic? colonisation..or dictraiter ship? should we allow duel passport holding globalists.. to reap..their corperatized tax free harvest..into tax havens is a military industrial complex a good master are volenteers empolyeees how cold must it get before global warming is exposed as a cash grab..for select/elect business milliions more..but youget the idea do you read alternate news they make you angry..or fill a void? which..ones would you be happyly linked to[publicly] what is the cia for apart from drug running[rendition]..rendering/and inciting wars have you..noticed..that missing a flue shot[no..dont go/there] should noticed as a rogue state why did govt lie about syria/dirty weapons use do/you have better cures/or intervention/means for drunks will this xmass be better than/the last one what do our leaders we get the leaders we de-serve [re-serve question] we serve govt..or should govt serve us? how about short/term..payday loans..should they be allowed..100%..or more....ursury rates gam-bling> anyhow plenty more q/and/a..but not on/tv..why? Posted by one under god, Thursday, 12 December 2013 5:09:30 AM
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There seems to be some misapprehension here. The questionnaires aren't directed to the government. "When are you going to stop the boats?" isn't a question that is capable of being answered by a public opinion survey.
I should probably have suggested as well that you only give me one suggestion. I stopped counting how many I had from some commenters, but I only have so much time in the day, so if you give me fifty suggestions there are probably 49 I won't be able to read. The purpose of polls is to get a view of what is in the public mind. So, to give you another example. I could ask "Do you approve of the government's decision not to give any more public money to Holden?" How strongly? Why? Or more broadly "Do you believe that domestic car manufacturing in Australia has a future?" How strongly? Why? But asking, "Why won't you give more money to the car industry?" would be just nonsense in the context of a public opinion poll. Posted by GrahamY, Thursday, 12 December 2013 7:02:49 AM
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Does the government have any plans to promote world peace? If so, what are they?
Posted by david f, Thursday, 12 December 2013 7:19:36 AM
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1. What is the alternative to the increasing cost of private transport ?
2. What industries should be encouraged/assisted by government to replace the labour intensive, complex assembly, car industry ? 3. Will government recognise the importance of natural gas to transport and industry and reduce planned export ? Posted by Bazz, Thursday, 12 December 2013 7:28:12 AM
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*The elections determine the will / consent of the people. Abbott received it overwhelmingly.*
No it did not. The actual difference in votes was about 30,000. This is not an absolute majority. Would it be good for Democracy to hold public referendums on major decisions such as going to war? This I have stolen from raw Mustard: When will your (or an Australian) Government begin representing the people instead of yourselves, overseas corporations and interests? Posted by Robert LePage, Thursday, 12 December 2013 8:33:08 AM
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When making policy decisions, should the underlying intentions of the Coalition Government be to follow libertarian principles as far as possible.
If so, then considering the majority of us are probably atheists/agnostics, should we tax all religions. If so, again the majority support Euthanasia, should we legalize it. If so, considering the biggest problems the world, but by some miracle not Australia, faces is excess population, should we decline to support any country financially until it runs free family planning services for all its citizens. Posted by Dickybird, Thursday, 12 December 2013 8:37:25 AM
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What is being done to increase the number of vacancies available to our own students to complete medical degrees, instead of favouring fee-paying international students and doctors from overseas, which has been the very regrettable federal policy for years? Posted by onthebeach, Thursday, 12 December 2013 8:49:29 AM
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Dear Graham,
Please change my earlier question regarding stopping the boats to now read: "Do you approve the government's decision to limit the amount of information on boat arrivals to the Australian people for "security and operational" reasons?" "How strongly?" "Who do you believe would make a better Prime Minister in the Liberal Party?" "Do you believe that the government will succeed in stopping the boats?" How strongly?" Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 12 December 2013 9:13:47 AM
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Graham, if we wish to save our car industries, the best way is to sell more cars.
So instead of giving subsidies to the makers, give incentives to the buyers, like discount on fuel and rego if they buy Oz made cars., because simply throwing money into a black hole is useless. Qantas is next. Belly....Has Abbott changed pre election promises. And Are job losses less important to Liberals than a Labor Government. Belly, did you know that most states who accepted the Gonski deal, didnt actually sign up to it? So given most didn't, is he actually breaking a promis? Secondly, given our curent position, left to us by labor, do you think we should continue to support an industry (car makers) who have no chance in he'll of surviving and, if you do, for how long? 579, having no money to spend is a huge challenge, and let's face it, labor made a major cock up with plenty of money, huge borrowings and left office with unfunded policies. What do you suggest TA does? Foxy, il have a go at your questions. 1- No, find another word. 2. Bring it on, so we can at least clean out the senate. 3. Wages must be allowed to fall when times are tough, just as they size it good times. 4. Once we find out where we really are and, when budget allows. 8. None, they should all be purchased by our collective super, stop allowing the high flyers to get rich and take gambles with our funds. 9. Are they increasing, or decreasing, because if they are decreasing, that's the start of stopping isn't it? Posted by rehctub, Thursday, 12 December 2013 9:17:58 AM
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Do you approve of the 90% reduction in illegal migration?
Posted by Shadow Minister, Thursday, 12 December 2013 9:26:48 AM
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Most of these posts are in the area of
"When will you stop beating your wife ?" Posted by Bazz, Thursday, 12 December 2013 9:31:33 AM
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my/ know..too much..[or rather know too much..about how govt really/works] an opportunist/rather than an optimist so saying quote/auther..<<..The purpose of to get a view/of in the public mind.>> i tried/this..i surveyed..several..sites the responses..on/this thread..[apart from the 20 respondents/here i bought along..the opinions..of 40 thinkers[the survey..already has the unsolicited..opinion..of near 100/people. <<..I could ask.."Do you approve of the government's decision not to give any more public money to Holden?">>] yes..very strongly <<Why?>> general'moters'..itself began as a saddle making company [we now have thousands..[40/50,000/reportedly]..ANYONE..of which COULD become..the NEXT gm..[and with over one trillion..wwe gave3 togm..WE COULD HAVE..built..a pure aussie gm allrready now lets retain..THE machinery/govt paid for plus paid for again/via depreciation..[they now plan[nodoubt] export as scrapvalue..gtosay staryt again there[sukking dry the next public teat whengovt could say..fine..go BuT the trades man..OWNS HIS TOOLS* go as you came..with*nuthing..we keep the factory ..domestic car Australia has a future? IT JUST NEEDS A DESIGN..and 40, build it their READY TO/ strongly? Why?..we/the little got our cash our gifts..our workers..our steel..our ports..our tax deductions Posted by one under god, Thursday, 12 December 2013 9:42:15 AM
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it occurs to/me..we could start many new/topics
based on/the questions..asked..i feel a newer format..for opinion/survey..might be..simply by sorting..them by topic.. and allowing people or reply.. on others replies.. [it begins with just/the heading and the question/by subheading] and auto co-relating..the 'votes' [a free highest form..of opinion] thats why the few/unrepresentative-parties limit our voter choices..somehow..even at christmass..there is endless the survey/questions..for you..not by you. Posted by one under god, Thursday, 12 December 2013 9:50:18 AM
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do you..think..our govt
should copy usa govt demands on swiss bankers? Swiss Clocks Ticking: Hidden US accounts soon to be revealed A US ultimatum to Swiss banks has yielded results - with the first alpine hideaway giving up on centuries of total confidentiality Posted by one under god, Thursday, 12 December 2013 9:54:36 AM
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“Do you believe the Abbott gov. was elected with a clear mandate to dismantle climate change policy, or simply to replace a deeply unpopular government?”
Posted by Grim, Thursday, 12 December 2013 10:03:52 AM
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What do you believe the government should do about the ABC?
Posted by Hasbeen, Thursday, 12 December 2013 11:35:29 AM
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Dear rehctub,
Thanks for showing interest in my questions and answering them so honestly. I hope it helps Graham. Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 12 December 2013 12:06:37 PM
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What they said in the 2013 Election Campaign, doesn't match the action in the first 100 days. Even the blue tie loving media aren't impressed.
We have a problem, its called tony abbot being let lose on this country. We have one side who will back his actions to the hilt irrespective of what their party said would happen. We have a manufacturing sector which no doubt contributed to tony and co and bet they regret it. Five pillar tony running down manufacturing sector running down the car industry in particular demanding low paid child care workers had back their wage rises insulting various world leaders and bluster the way back and make a bigger mess. we have tony abbot as our prime minister 5 pillar tony coming to your community / workplace soon. 5 pillars looking shaky and some, no a lot voted for him based on slick advertising. Sold a dud, want your money back? it's not going to happen. "Little Hoss" Joe Hockey wants our money. Posted by very curious, Thursday, 12 December 2013 6:27:08 PM
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Hey neverwas
Leave the ABC alone, it doesn't toe the liberal line that murdoch so generously donates. Wasn't aware abbott and lackey cory actually has the mandate to pull the ABC apart. If all forms of media are controlled by one then we all lose, even forums like this become the mirror image of everything else. Toad-ing will be the norm neverwas!! All telling the same story. Its called a dictatorship, didn't vote for that did we. yet it appears that's what we are heading towards. Posted by very curious, Thursday, 12 December 2013 6:49:29 PM
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It looks like Tony Abbott makes policy on the run without discussing it with cabinet. His response to Indonesia and his suggestion during the election campaign about buying up fishing boats are examples. Rudd was also a one-man-band. They are both bright fellows without the humility or good sense to discuss their initiatives with advisers before they bring them out. Considering both of them I miss Julia Gillard. Rudd's attempt to put a new tax on mining without laying the groundwork was an example of his policy on the run and made it necessary for Gillard to get rid of him. The mining interests weakened him so Gillard could do that. She managed to put legislation through with a razor-thin majority. Abbott is another Rudd. We don't need another Rudd. We do need somebody with the good sense and policy smarts of Gillard whether that person is Lib or Lab.
Posted by david f, Thursday, 12 December 2013 7:00:40 PM
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Ah yes, Graham. How silly of us not to read you question correctly.
So here is my question. Many Australian's believe our system of government needs changes to bring it into the 21st century. A frequently discussed topic is that of a citizens initiated referenda, where any citizen can raise an issue and have legislation changed if the majority of the people are in agreement. Should the Abbott government hold a referendum to enable changes to our constitution allowing the people to initiate a citizens referenda? Posted by RawMustard, Friday, 13 December 2013 9:22:24 AM
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Graham, my one question to the government would be, given the grim outlook for manufacturing, and consequently jobs, do you think it's about time we as a nation put a stop on 457 visas until such a time that our own people are fully employed, ie, not one hour per week.
As for skill shortages, either the employer train our own staff, or they don't mine until they do. Now if anyone chooses not to be trained, or decided to be unavailable for training, then the simple solution is to cut them off. The next few years are going to require a balls out approach toward looking after number one, ourselves. Posted by rehctub, Friday, 13 December 2013 12:58:04 PM
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Graham I think there might be some value in exploring the concept of the government having a mandate. I note your previous comments about numbers of questions but still feel the need to float a few questions on the theme in the hope that someone may find a way to consolidate this into something usable.
Do respondents believe the government has a mandate to implement those policies announced prior to the election? Do respondents believe that the government was elected or the previous government defeated? Do respondents believe that the government has a mandate to implement policies which were not announced prior to the election? Do you think the government is abiding by it's election commitments? R0bert Posted by R0bert, Friday, 13 December 2013 6:11:07 PM
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Along with referendums there could be initiative and recall. Initiative requires that upon a citizen's petition containing a specified proportion of the electorate there would be a referendum which would either enact legislation or repeal existing legislation. Recall requires that upon a citizen's petition containing a specified proportion of the electorate there would be an election to determine whether a particular politician would be removed from office. This may be accompanied by a vote for a replacement.
Posted by david f, Friday, 13 December 2013 8:23:17 PM
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A QUESTION..FOR THE PEOPLE..oops dont yell
dear..reader..have you..heard..of the separation..of church/state if it just that LaWYERS..write laws..defend against lawyers laws[via loopholes..other lawyers BUILT..into the laws.. VOTED..into other lawyers [60%..of govt members..ARE..or were lawyers] THEN judged by lawyers..and able to be APPEALED.. by other higher judges all by simple trick..of giving..the beggar [lawfull-term=imbisile]..what he begs for [ie to control..others..thus collectively..and inoignorance Q;HAVE WE SET-up..a police state? charging..moral if criminal we police children..with aggressive rigor while the too big to fail..get bailout..instead of jail? Posted by one under god, Saturday, 14 December 2013 7:21:43 AM
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i quote
<<..THOUGHT FOR THE DAY! "That this House considers that the continued issue of all the means of exchange - be they coin, bank-notes or credit, largely passed on by cheques - by private firms as an interest-bearing debt against the public should cease forthwith; that the Sovereign power and duty of issuing money in all forms should be returned to the Crown, then to be put into circulation free of all debt and interest obligations..." -- Captain Henry Kerby MP, in an Early Day Motion tabled in 1964. then ask..them should bankers..or govt run the money system [when..t6hat dont wake them..up i would ask EASY credit yet exorbitant credit card intrest rates [ie..usa so huge..there cant issued enough..of it to even repay..the intrest..let alone the principle [lest we forget..ALL only *created.. by SOMEONE..going into..debt..i would ask/ much.more personal debt..can you minimum payment..on..[and who will your dead. i would remind/them..their children..will/NEED to repay..their debts plus their education/costs..[hex/debt]on-top of parental debt..and at what they see their kids being born..into a pre birth debt owe..anything..for didnt gain/the benefit of? is it right..the dead suck..the life blood[credit]..from..the unborn? Posted by one under god, Sunday, 15 December 2013 7:01:24 AM
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Thanks for your help. I've now posted the poll at
Would be interested in any feedback in the next few hours, in case there is something amiss with the survey. In the end I decided to test attitudes on the carbon tax mandate, Gonski, unauthorised boat arrivals, debt and which party voters trust between the two majors. Posted by GrahamY, Sunday, 15 December 2013 5:31:18 PM
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question..9 has no palmer/united..option?
Posted by one under god, Sunday, 15 December 2013 6:25:21 PM
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Yes, that's right as you can't "normally vote" for a party that has only just come into existence.
Posted by GrahamY, Sunday, 15 December 2013 8:32:27 PM
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not your last question..never the less..of interest
[im presuming..we all get targeted[some ad server]..anyhow..IT SEEMS*..they..noted i..took a survey and the simply a black box a question..and 4..boxes..[IT..looks like a survey-question] [but is an advert..]..anyhow i..thought maybe grayman..can/use a similar do REAL surveys*..[simply put in a new box] while we are talking about boxes..long threads could fit in..more paid advert..boxes? the other thought was..the 'spying' angle for the bad-rad-don..thread..[Court vindicates Snowden] Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 18 December 2013 5:43:23 AM
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sorry further adding in..boxes..
thought was..SOME posts..demand answers..[maybe survey questions] SPECIFIC survey/questions.. [could inserted..under..chosen/].posts...replies.. *to get INSTANT..feed back/surveyed opinion..[that 'seems to'..have more 'media'-interest than simple fact..reporting..][street-opinion/sport..stock-marketeering..isnt news] Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 18 December 2013 5:54:34 AM
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re the survey..i.have changed my mind..since hearing tony the other day..he seemed more happy..and focused..this has changed that i put on/the poll question..[its NOW..not upto-date]..yep im a swing-voter
bill..has looked what he is talking about..but tony..improved..[at his words] OTHER/issues..just to note..a few of us are running against the comment..limit..on..articles..[considering..that we have many more articles choices..of topic..than..'general'..any chance of making them..both..20/4? [also..slightly i need compose..a reply..another thread record my thoughts..occasionally i forget thats not the topic..and later[forgetting..its on the wrong reply-form] [this could be easy? allowing..the reply form..but not the posting..mode?]..any..unexpected updates [trends]..on the poll? regardless..yours always johan Posted by one under god, Friday, 20 December 2013 7:41:47 PM
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from courtesy,,to our host..[under under reasonable plausable denial/cause my guides say he is enjoying the xmass break..]
george..i..need to explain..things..and ask/reply questions online..via this forum..publicly openly accountability.. how isnt sure yet..i expect any me to be via you..publicly..[if the following proves true] [if not well i..will be a different poster next year] regardless it will need..tent/topic headings in areas such as finance/industry/health/agriculture mining medisin..etc..ONLY IF..THIS SUCCEEDS..i ask because of bandwidth/access..but lets just do it and see Federal Reserve 100 Years of Failure We all know or should all know that the Federal Reserve conspiracy is an ongoing theft syndicate. The Fed is privately owned, and its shareholders are private banks. In fact, 100% of its shareholders are private banks. None of its stock is owned by the government. The actual purpose of the architects of the Federal Reserve System has never changed. Consolidate the control of money into a concealed cartel of banking houses that ultimately decide economic and political policy. Dispensing of credit to corporatist projects, owned or run by reliable operatives of the cabal is the objective. The only beneficiaries are the original stockholders. Please Watch these Videos and read this excellent article with many links to further information: listen to alex jones infowar./.edward griffiths..[creature of jeckle island] [they have asked my demands..and i have only need for healthy food] this post WAS*..blanked off by a microSOFT..fact check..but has now been restored.. peace..should be declared[decreed]..shortly now is the talk..reveal..your grievances people..[now] are enough for peace? are you forbid..thy in ANY war? are you/humane see without fear? all we are give peace a chance no make peace go..viral [your life /your very living..depends on this our/] Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 24 December 2013 12:10:59 PM
I thought some of you might have some ideas for issues to look at. Bear in mind when making suggestions that the questionnaire has to be value neutral so that it doesn't skew results. So useful suggestions might be along the lines of "I wonder what the public thinks about government debt. Can we explore that?" rather than "The hypocrisy of the government in increasing the debt ceiling when they said that there was a debt crisis."
Although I can argument test, as long as I take a bilateral approach. So in this hypothetical context I could pose a question on lines of "Some people say that it is hypocritical of the government to increase the debt limit at the same time as saying Australia has too much debt." How strongly do you agree or disagree? Why? Followed by "The Treasurer has said that the only reason that the debt ceiling has to be increased is because it is 'Labor's debt'." How strongly etc.
I could even throw in a question asking whether people agreed or disagreed with the Greens' decision to back the increase in debt.
Not meaning to confine this discussion to debt, that was just the first thing that came into my mind when drafting the thread. Please pick your own interests.