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Labor and the greens copy the Tea party.
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Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 17 November 2013 10:06:38 PM
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I see this thread instead of inspiring the left whingers to some form of introspection has set them all off baying at the moon again. Hoping that their feeble attempt to throw mud at Abbott will eventually lead to some of it sticking. Well guys, it hasn't worked for the last 4 years, so what on earth makes you think it will for the next 10?
My comparison of the Labor Green alliance is more than just a dig at the left whingers, it is a serious comparison. Coming from the center right I have no love for extreme politics on either end of the spectrum, and what I see of the center right core of the republicans and its ideological far right Tea party, I see mirrored in the Labor green alliance. The Tea party is focused on ideology and using whatever means to implement policies that reflect its ideology. It is not interested in compromise, and it has a strong grip on the whole Republican party. This is a mirror image of the Greens and its influence on the Labor party. In the political game of thrones, the party that captures the center either by convincing the majority of its policies, or by fashioning its policies to meet the mood of the voters. Abandoning the wishes of the majority because it is incompatible with ideology is to condemn ones party to the political wilderness. This is happening with the Republicans, who having lost power, are trying to pursue their agenda by being obstructionist. The analogue with the Labor Greens (Green Tea party) with the choice to fight the abolition of the carbon tax and debt ceiling by obstructionism, here is uncanny. The claim by Labor to be following its mandate by the 40% of those that voted for it and the carbon tax, whilst abandoning the 60% that didn't, is a gift that will bless Abbott with a decade in power. Posted by Shadow Minister, Monday, 18 November 2013 4:53:11 AM
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I only return to answer that rant from SM.
We, all those not being Liberal voters, are branded leftist, not just by the unhappy Shadow Minister, but by many. This thread could be one produced by that mad Doctor of spin Gobbles, he twisted the truth *no more* than this thread attempts. See*TEA PARTY* best describes about half of this governments members, Nationals being the biggest but not only part. If we are wise we will see such statements in all walks of life. Selling us a product by using its fault as a good thing about it! We are confronted with a government that told us so many outright lies to get elected and continues to regard the truth as optional. Shadow Minister is no role model. He is blind to travel rort,s blind to Abbott crawling at the meeting and too blind to the actions of England,s PM a true Tory yet a man who occupies the ground Liberals should. Remember as the Liberals shifted to the right Labor took that ground, so SM is calling his party,s past lefty,s. Posted by Belly, Monday, 18 November 2013 6:47:51 AM
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SM, In the history of modern politics in Australia we have had only one truly obstructionist opposition. Do I need to remind you that opposition was a conservative one, lead by Malcolm Fraser which conspired with Catholic extremists from the DLP, along with others, including a drunken sulk in the form of John Kerr, representing the Queen of England, to ultimately dismiss an democratically elected government. It is the conservatives who have established the ground rules in this country for the destruction of democratic governments, not the left.
I believe the voters gave Abbott a clear mandate to wreck the country and he should be given a free hand to get on with the job. As for you being seen as "center right" its a matter of perspective on issues. I'm sure on some issues you could be seen as radical on others conservative it fairly meaningless to apply an overall generic term like "center right". You said "This is a mirror image of the Greens and its influence on the Labor party." You over estimate the influence The Greens had on the past Labor Government, it was not a matter of The Greens beating Labor into submission on issue after issue but rather cooperating with Labor to implement Labor's legislative agenda. What I understand of the Tea Party in the US is it a controlling internal part of the Republican Party, a lot different to how I would describe The Greens and the Labor Party's relationship. Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 18 November 2013 7:30:31 AM
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Just a reminder of Tea Party qualities: ""It was mainly about bashing homosexuals, harassing illegal immigrants, crusading against abortion, denying climate change..." That, my dear, describes the Abbott govt to a tee. ....... Just on another matter.... "Tony Abbott came to Sri Lanka to praise President Mahinda Rajapakse, not to bury him under the weight of human rights abuse allegations that completely dominated this Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting. "We are here to praise as much as judge," he told the forum's opening meeting, lauding the ending of Sri Lanka's civil war, and the development in the country since." "Mr Abbott came to CHOGM, a multi-lateral meeting of 53 member nations, with an entirely domestic agenda. He needed Sri Lankan support to combat people smuggling, and so was unwilling to criticise his hosts. While human rights concerns – forced abductions, torture, and extrajudicial killings by state forces, land seizures by the military, and oppression of political opponents – dominated every public CHOGM event, Abbott sidestepped these at every turn. "We accept that sometimes in difficult circumstances, difficult things happen," he said of torture allegations, instead focusing on the progress that had been made, and on Australia's co-operation at sea. But Abbott's refusal to even countenance Sri Lanka's ongoing human rights issues, in contradiction to the position of the UN and his own foreign affairs department, was craven and irresponsible. To put a minor, questionable political point above an issue as fundamental as human rights diminished Australia and cheapened the Commonwealth." Of course it's what we're coming to expect from this dodgy outfit - so no surprises really. Posted by Poirot, Monday, 18 November 2013 8:01:10 AM
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Poirot, Don't you know our Tone is an expert on world politics and its leaders. Just the other day he said how much he is looking forward to his first visit to the United States to meet President Roosevelt. Our Tone has also promised the President of the Congo a brand new Battleship for their navy, Tone's very big on boats.
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 18 November 2013 8:55:41 AM
It depends on one's
interpretation based on personal values,
one's background, training, education and
experiences. We all view things subjectively
and we're all guilty of some measure of bias
which becomes particularly acute when the subject
matter involves issues of deep human and moral