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Labor and the greens copy the Tea party.
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Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 17 November 2013 12:20:26 PM
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Few governments would ever be so overbearing, crass and stupid to follow Cameron's diplomatic gaffe, arguing with the host country, intruding into its domestic politics, encouraging sensationist media publicity and embarrassing the country internationally, and getting everyone so far off-side as to result in intransigence and defiance. He conveniently ignored too the history of the conflict and the aims of the Tamil Tigers. Cameron set out deliberately to embarrass and cause the host country to lose face. That is the very behaviour that is criticised by Asian countries. However there is also a lot of conjecture as to whether the one-sided allegations he is giving oxygen to are correct. All he has done is grandstand, making a diplomatic mess. See here, <Pro-government commentators have pointed to alleged abuses under British colonial rule to suggest Britain has no moral right to criticise Sri Lanka. And Mr Rajapaksa made an oblique reference to Bloody Sunday, when 13 civilians were shot dead in Northern Ireland by the British army in 1972. He said some investigations took 40 years to emerge, referring to an inquiry into the shootings which reported in 2010 and laid responsibility for the events on the army. Mr Rajapaksa also accused his critics of ignoring deaths during the period of the civil war. "Every day for the last 30 years people were dying... so we have stopped it," he said. .. Mr Rajapaksa has said the end of the war has brought peace, stability and the chance of greater prosperity to Sri Lanka. .. Sri Lankan cricketer Muttiah Muralitharan, who said the PM had been misled about the situation in the country .. On Saturday, the UK leader met Sri Lankan cricketer Muttiah Muralitharan, a Tamil who works for reconciliation in his country. .. Murali told journalists: "He must have been misled by other people. People speak without going and seeing the things there. I go on and off. I see from my eyes there is improvement> Posted by onthebeach, Sunday, 17 November 2013 2:05:09 PM
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What a shocking post from you. I am gobsmacked. Our Prime Minister did not show leadership in his toady behaviour in Sri Lanka. He did not prevent the atrocious authoritarian regime there from presenting an air-brushed image to the world. The film, "No Fire-Zone: The Killing Fields of Sri Lanka" provides a harrowing account underlying the need for an International inquiry and for the International Community to stand up for the people of Sri Lanka. Amnesty International, and the UN High Commissioner of Human Rights have visited the country and have given detailed accounts of what's going on there. Nothing has improved. Enforced disappearances are continuing, as are - extrajudicial killings, torture, and violations of the rights to freedom of expression, association and peaceful assembly. As well as intimidation of and reprisals against human rights defenders, members of civil society and journalists, threats to the rule of law and discrimination on the basis of religion or belief. Women and girls are sexually abused, including by the police and military. People disappear overnight. And the list goes on. Mr Cameron deserves our applause not our criticism. And you Sir, well I'm too polite to state what you deserve on this forum. Except to say, I now understand why God invented the middle finger. Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 17 November 2013 3:00:15 PM
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Never mind, Foxy.
otb has just inserted his "faux outrage" chip. Now he can obfuscate by citing historical abuses - and excuse Tones being an apologist for Sri Lanka's questionable human rights record. Posted by Poirot, Sunday, 17 November 2013 3:32:31 PM
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No surprise at all that you are 'gobsmacked'. As a serial protester that would often be the case. It is no surprise either that Cameron's public grandstanding, which he later appeared to soften, appeals to you. The diplomats will be obliged to pick up the pieces. Australia has had to the same after egocentric Kevin Rudd involved Indonesia in domestic politics in his vain attempt to score political points in an election. The UK election is still some way off. Maybe Cameron is getting in early. Posted by onthebeach, Sunday, 17 November 2013 3:33:00 PM
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Foxy I believe Abbott has a problem with communication on any level.
If he had weighed into the debate about Sri Lanka's dodgy human rights issues, he would have caused much more trouble than the diplomatic and well spoken PM of England! Posted by Suseonline, Sunday, 17 November 2013 3:45:07 PM
Why can't Mr Abbott take the lead from the UK's
conservative Prime Minister, Mr Cameron ,and his
stance on human rights that he expressed so
forcefully in Sri Lanka? It's surprising that a
Catholic PM like Mr Abbott cannot find the nouse
to take a stronger moral stand on this issue and show
the world what he stands for.