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The Forum > General Discussion > Paid parental leave schemes, agree but disagree

Paid parental leave schemes, agree but disagree

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People must do as they are told when they are told to do so by a higher authority especially if that authority has a proverbial gun at their head.
You can't have the havenots telling the havegots what to do.
You can't have the weak telling the strong to 'drop off'
The whole fundamental basis of animal existence will bring about self destruction.
The pecking order, some call it the status quo, whatever it must be maintained.
Once upon a time a man picked up a stone and threw it at his enemy, bingo he had immediate ascendancy and control until the enemy picked up a stick at used it as a spear. Now we fire rockets at each other or use our Glocks to scare the crap out of our enemies. If your on the wrong end of the stick you do as your told or suffer the consequences.
Now Yuyutsu if it is your desire to suffer the be my guest but I can assure you I won't be kissing anybodies arse unless they are stronger than me.Its dog eat dog out there mate and I intend to remain the top dog for as long as I can.
Posted by chrisgaff1000, Friday, 23 August 2013 12:11:14 AM
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Dear Chris,

<<Now Yuyutsu if it is your desire to suffer the be my guest>>

No one wants to suffer, but at times one prefers to endure lesser suffering in order to avoid greater suffering.

The greater suffering in my case would be to become like those thugs myself. That would damage me more than physical blows.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Friday, 23 August 2013 7:47:10 AM
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....I don't understand your bit about reinvestment. If you buy lots things like the above 'for the company', wouldn't it just mean your company doesn't make as big a profit, so no tax on what would have been profit?

When business income gets banked, it's recorded, then, when it's spent, it's also recorded and, if spent on an asset, say $50,000, then that $50,000 is taxed, because it was profits, then the asett is subjected to depreciation which attracts tax write offs, anywhere from 4% to $100% in one year, depending on the a sett.

E.g, most computer stuff can be written off in a year or two, whereas a new kitchen in the office may take ten years to write off.

As for your wise cracks about my time as an employer, you might as well piss into a fan as try to get a rise out of me, as insults to me are water off a ducks back.

Always happy to answer your question though, if I can.
Posted by rehctub, Friday, 23 August 2013 8:05:58 AM
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We have all known that our betters, the bureaucrats in state & commonwealth public services, have had exceptional conditions ever since that idiot Ghogh. However I did not realise we already have these maternity leave conditions for them.

That leave only one of two things to do. Strip the public servants of such conditions, or extend it to all sectors.

To be fair, we have to grant it to the stay at home mums as well as the bludgers in government employ.

What do you reckon, middle of the payment range for stay at home mums, or should they get top line, as they are equally value to any bureaucrat?
Posted by Hasbeen, Friday, 23 August 2013 1:07:28 PM
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Hasbeen, "To be fair, we have to grant it to the stay at home mums"

The femocrats in the Office of Women with Status would never agree to that.

'Equity' is for the annointed few, the middle class feminist elite of Emily's List.

You really wonder why women don't wake to the simple reality that in their support of the feminism touted by the educated middle class elite -who are well ensconced in their comfortable sinecures in the public bureaucracies and academia- they are being treated as useful idiots to win even better benefits for the members of the feminist network.

It will be a long cold day in Hell before any of these feminists think about the key issues that affect the very large number of women who have families or are carers. Issues such as better transport, more family friendly city design and so on.

Of course those matters are minor concerns to the egocentric, materialistic members of Emily's List. Any wonder why ex-PM Julia Whatshername who has just bought a $1.8 million bungalow was never fussed with helping pensioners, most of whom are women. Let them eat cake, eh Julia?
Posted by onthebeach, Friday, 23 August 2013 1:34:38 PM
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Don't blame Tony's loony idea of providing upper-class mums with welfare on Julia.

It's Tony's personal pork-barrel (and signature policy!)
Posted by Poirot, Friday, 23 August 2013 2:43:23 PM
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