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Why are Coalition strategists as useless as t...

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Though it may first,

*..The federal income-tax..*is voluntary,
..and if you volunteer,* is mandatory.

Of course all this..was created quietly
so that the American People could..*“volunteer” to pay the federal income tax ..hen there is no legislative regulation published in the Federal Register..mandating such a requirement.>>

PLUS*..wage..ISNT income

Michael L. White,..federal attorney in the Office of the Federal Register ..tated back in 1994..that “The IRS has not incorporated by the Federal Register..*a make an income tax return.”

His statement addressing Americans
who do not work for..the National Government.

Thus an “entrance door” the world of the federal income-tax was voluntarily..created by these huckster lawyers to entrap Americans and..“legally take their money.”>>

afterr STEALING the fed/mint etc

However, not violate the Thirteenth Amendment,..they devised an “Exit Door” a section of the Internal Revenue Code at 6013(g)(4)(A)..*a method to end the “voluntary” election..*they created.

So,..very simply yet crafty,
they made the Federal Income=Tax a voluntary act*.. on the part of Americans..who chose to “make an election” filing their first Form 1040.

The process continues..on each year..until the American dies
or they find to terminate that election.

Only through a series of administrative procedures..can Americans protect that which is rightfully theirs..and eliminate the federal income-tax..from their life on a permanent basis.

As long as Americans remain within..the voluntary structure of the Federal Income Tax,..*they are the property..*..of the National Government,

and the Constitution affords no legal protections
for those..[persons]..who are subject to the jurisdiction of the National Government.

There are laws..that do exist
permitting Americans to legally exit the “U.S. Tax Club.”Americans have to find those laws, make them part of who they are,..and then prepare their future..with the retention of the funds that they were previously..*..gifting away to the National Government.

The saddest part of all this
is that the National Government has..*debased the U.S. currency via the Federal Reserve System,..(*causing the U.S. Dollar to lose over 90% of its original purchasing power]..and THEN*..Americans were duped into volunteering a large portion..of their earnings for a tax they never owed.

ps WE're all..ameri-cons
Posted by one under god, Friday, 9 August 2013 10:39:29 AM
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talk of..*REAL TAX-CUTS
ie no tax on WAGE..!

but do tax..wager..[ie true INCOME: that..*money earned..via no*..wage value adding*..

[like..interest on funds..
or value/shares..or 'windfall*

plus..a tax on fees/service

like de-facto/person;s
ie..corporations/family 'trusts*..WHO can..ONLY*..HAVE INCOME..!
*cause the dead..cant work..cant receive..traditionally tax_free 'wage'

govt..makes/issues its own money*via bond
like it the good old/days

<<..During*..The Best Period..Of Economic Growth
In U.S. History..There Was No Income-Tax..*And No Federal-Reserve

How would..America ever survive..without the central planners
in the Obama administration ..nd at the Federal Reserve?

What in the world would we do.if there was no income tax.and no IRS? Could the U.S. economy possibly..keep from collapsing under such circumstances?..

The mainstream media..would have us believe..
that unless ..e have someone.."to pull the levers"..
{IN OVER REACTIVE..retro-active]
*our economy..would descend into utter chaos,*

*but the truth is..that the best period
of economic U.S. history occurred*..during a time when there was no income tax..and no Federal Reserve...Between the Civil War..and 1913,..the U.S. economy experienced absolutely..*explosive growth.

then the gangster/bankers..stole the mint/fed/treasure*
[as described in..*'the creature of jeckle island']

The free market system..THEN..thrived
and the rest of the world looked at us..THEN..with envy.

The federal government was very limited in size,..there was no income tax..for most of that time..and there was no central bank.

there was free funerals
but no social welfare..NEEDED..
till..husbands got killed in wars..1 and 2
govt paid for via 20..yeaR BONDS..

*that bankers bought up cheap..
and demand INSTANT* silver/gold..

as..the bank promises*notes..were then re*deemable in gold/ponds
silver shillngs/copper pence*..[ditto australia till..66

[ie bankers send govt broke..
steal;..our treasure..give us bank BILL$...that LOOK_LIKE..promise to pay notes..but REALLY ARE..*BILLS*..

[ya know..what a bill IS..right?]

eve now..after the bankers yet again,..CHOSE*..tofeign/going broke
they again*..stole our are inflating the next bubble..prior to killing 2/3 rds of us off..and yet again*..inflating their debt..into the next bubble.

*!*!#..till..some christian..
finishes what christ began!

<<To many Americans, would be absolutely unthinkable to have such a society today,..but it actually worked very,..very well..till tghe money changers stole the bank/mint/fed
Posted by one under god, Friday, 9 August 2013 3:39:53 PM
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all quotes above

link found at

dont say you..dont know
Posted by one under god, Friday, 9 August 2013 3:44:16 PM
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