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Why are Coalition strategists as useless as t...
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Posted by sonofgloin, Sunday, 4 August 2013 7:52:56 PM
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they are useless
because the same public service the same lobby..the same elite autocratic powers run them all the real crime is..its them..or us and were both got the same aghenda to take as much wage tax from the bailout ..yet again..the too big too big fail too rich to jail..boondoggles..receiving nice tax free govt income WE ARE SUPPOSED TO HAVE INCOME TAX not wage tax..wage isnt income! but the 60%..opf lawyers..[in govt]..KNOW this..even as they too spin.. the sin we loose they win welcom to the new demonic-mockey demonic-auto-crazey..[better known as democracy*..sic Posted by one under god, Monday, 5 August 2013 9:27:09 AM
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OUG, you are of course correct......but what I am whinging about is the fact that some in the electorate will vote for Labor on personalities. But they are ignorant to the state of the nation due to a Labor bias media.
As an example Kev hooked into a journalist re the economy with the comeback "we still have a AAA credit rating" and the journalist said nothing in response. Nothing about the largest dollar debt we have incured. Nothing about having to raise the Commonwealths debt threshhold 3 times in 6 years. Nothing about the 20% of GDP our debt has now reached. Posted by sonofgloin, Monday, 5 August 2013 9:42:17 AM
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i agree sonofgolin..but recall how much the media has perverted
from news reporting to commentary and polls/sport's rorting. the news isnt news..the go0od stuf is kept private/in confidence..archived for half centuries only released after the scumm..OF BOTH SIDES..[of the autocratic/demonic free/trust]..has scooped off the cream..into the secured family trust fund.. already the best..we can hope for is hung parliament then special interests..running their power plays to wit no carbon tax from any..govt i.. [need to lead] what we really need is a 'war cabinet' with both parties ..:sharing powers/ministries'..according to the vote [the looser taking the auditing role..the other initiating has promised] but its all a waste of breath as the fo-cuss group rejected it..when plain speak to those who dont grok dont vote Posted by one under god, Monday, 5 August 2013 10:56:23 AM
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There's debt and then there's debt.
There's debt used to fund infrastructure and maintain employment and there's debt to fund election campaigns. When Howard rolled out his "debt truck" it showed the gross (private plus government) debt but when in government he talked only about government debt. The truck was quietly retired because gross debt under his watch blew right out as private debt skyrocketed. Total foreign debt per person doubled during that time and despite $46.1 billion in privatisation income all we had to show for it in the end was a some school flagpoles and a dud railway line to Alice Springs. Now is the time for (both) leaders to drop the spin and deliver some hard facts. Posted by wobbles, Monday, 5 August 2013 1:16:59 PM
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one under god>> what we really need is a 'war cabinet'
with both parties<< OUG the only thing that the lib and Labor front bench have in common is that they are nearly all lawyers....which means they have nothing in common with the plebs. Wobbles>> When Howard rolled out his "debt truck" it showed the gross (private plus government) debt but when in government he talked only about government debt.<< Wobbs, current govt debt is about 20% of GDP, Which is not the historic high, that goes to Keating/ Bob who had it at 33% of GDP. Howard retired that debt with the help of selling off our gold reserves. I look at the bastards on both sides of the political fence and find no ideology that suits me, they both seek the centre, but I do find dollar achievements from one and dollar mismanagement from the other. But the way I see it Wobbs, one bastard sold our bank and the other sold our gold. Both acted because the IMF whispered in the right and left ear. Neither side represent the ordinary pleb, fifty years ago both sides did. Posted by sonofgloin, Monday, 5 August 2013 2:33:06 PM
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SOG make the most of tiny Tony.
His boss likes him. Until the current owner of the coalition desires he goes he will be out there telling fibs. Owner? Rupert *the little grub* MURDOCK. Posted by Belly, Monday, 5 August 2013 6:02:25 PM
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You are probably part way right there china, but Abbott does not concern me....yet. I will take anyone over the current clowns and failures in the Labor team.
I might have a look at the DLP, they are running a load of house of rep candidates this election. Posted by sonofgloin, Monday, 5 August 2013 6:44:07 PM
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Income tax did not originate in the USA until money creation was given up but Congress and the private US Federal Reserve assumed that power with the help of Pres Woodrow Wilson. In 1915 income tax came here under the ruse of paying for WW1.
The world has not known peace of stability ever since private banksters create from nothing the money to equal our toil. Posted by Arjay, Monday, 5 August 2013 7:40:26 PM
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What a great way to waste your vote SOG!
Small party,s, including the greens are just that, a wasted vote. Unless your wish is another hung Parliament. Posted by Belly, Tuesday, 6 August 2013 6:09:23 AM
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There has been a fair bit of attention paid to the debt by the Coalition, more recently from Joe Hockey.
But perhaps there has not been as great a focus on it given the Coalition's own failure to appropriately cost their policies via Treasury. Instead they chose to go through a private accounting firm and the Parliamentary Budget Office, both of which mean their costings figures won't be up for public scrutiny. Liberal attack on The Treasury is purely political. Why are the Liberals hiding their own costings? The voting choices from the two majors equals slim pickings. Alternative parties are the way to go if Australia is ever going to have a chance at reforming politics around better democratic principles. That is, teach the two major parties a lesson for their constant disdain of the public they represent. It has to be more than just a right to exercise your vote once every election cycle. This is more relevant particularly in the Senate. The last time Liberals had a majority in both Houses, Australia got the inequitable WorkChoices while richer people got tax breaks and middle class and corporate welfare. The Conservatives have no problem with taxpayers funding corporates or middle class vote buying policies but have a disliking for helping the most disadvantaged in society. The ALP is not as bad but socialising debt and capitalising profit seems the way of the new Century for both sides of politics. Posted by pelican, Wednesday, 7 August 2013 8:51:53 AM
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SOG I think you mare being unkind.
Liberal back room boys, this time are all Murdock journalists. HQ is too on their grounds and it is hard on them. They are employed until they go on strike as they did in 1975, to just lie! So give them a go, the expert in that field Tiny Tony is barred from speaking unless it is from a Murdock script. Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 7 August 2013 2:35:37 PM
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Pelican, recent stuff ups in both treasury forecasts, and the brilliant Mr Swans interpretation of them have seen us go from "a promised surplus" , to a "surplus at any cost" to a deficit of some 8 Billion dollars all in the space of one budget.
THEN, just to further prove their incompetence, that deficit of some 8 billion is now predicted to be more in the order of 33 billion, a 400% + increase IN JUST A FEW WEEKS. So, one can only assume that treasuries forecasting tool is some type of chocolate wheel. Now on top of that, we have huge debt, unfunded dreams/promises and a declining mining sector. Care to give the wheel a spin yourself, because after all, that's the reality of our present situation, yet, you expect an opp government to provide a forecast, based on information provided by an proven incompetent treasury. Posted by rehctub, Wednesday, 7 August 2013 4:45:35 PM
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Slam dunk I would suggest!
Posted by rehctub, Thursday, 8 August 2013 7:34:04 AM
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Not so rehctub. Forecasting is not a science and both sides of politics (and public servants) are not perfect in that respect. It would be impossible. Forecasting is done with available data at the time. This can change at any moment with changing global or other factors.
I am talking about budgeting in terms of costing policies which is an entirely different function than forecasting and much more definitive as it is based on projected revenue and spending. The line about Treasury stuff-ups is spun by the Coalition to avoid public scrutiny. Only a few are buying it even Coalition voters I speak to agree this was a bad move. The Coalition know it's bunkum, and worse they know we know it and yet they hold the public in such contempt and disregard. The Coalition are spruiking tax cuts while at the same time promising better services. How are they going to pay for them? It's not an unfair question for any party. Posted by pelican, Thursday, 8 August 2013 8:48:43 AM
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as the opposition..must be watching this thread..i will repeat
.finance is built on a lie..a huge big fat fib..juist like it has been all through time [or at least since the time of christ/upsetting the money changers..selling dispensation tokens..well over face/and value of its metal content. ceaser debased the that previous time yet managed to build many create jobs just liker the 2002 collapse was headed off by introducing 'work ready'.security screening globally keatingh 'saved us/all' selling off thecommon[lol;]wealthbank howard saved us taking our wages to 'give'..less to states gatherd huge debt..mortgauged off its stadiums/utilities the money changers..CONtrolling our COMPULSORY SUPER* rudd and cohort$.. then bailed out the money changers..yet again by bailing out too big to fail..bwankers..selling secularized/and underwritten iou's [ read our loan if investment AAA grade..promises..much bought with your compuls-sorry super..con*tibut-ions[sic*]..juliar uppedtheft via c023 tax..increase in the super con anyhow other great scams/rort were taking over sport and quality programing then selling it the fools lending..THEIR OWN SUPER BACK*..on ursury credit card rates/minimum repayment.,.via the money-changers stealing your wagees [10%]and federal reserves[100%] [gold silver copper /mints note..printing branches plus ..monetary exchange rates/interest rates..etc just as govt steals from via income tax fraud.. our wage isnt income but thanks be to colluded has become the cash cow..supplying the only real value..[your labor..on minimum wage] you are now slaves.. except you house feed..abuse but are just to busy think how come income dont get taken from the rich/trust funds nor corpse-orations..corporations..[inc/ltd] but TAKEN..from your wage oh jesus..why so many needlessly needy govt can make its own cash..INTREST much as is needed JUST*..eliminate the bwankers.. from owning/controlling our monetary exchange supply and lockup for .life ;..*pub.lic servants serving 'other masters' and audit EVERYONE*..put it online..if you havnt claimed it.. it goes back to govt..who on-sell it by open process..a to buy back the mint..fed etc..that NEVER should have gone tothe money exchangers[thieves] lest we forget..the servants hid their super/stole telstra/telicom cash cow..when they saw the cash crash comming..[proceeds of crimr?] expect more of..the same Posted by one under god, Thursday, 8 August 2013 9:32:47 AM
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.....The Coalition are spruiking tax cuts while at the same time promising better services. How are they going to pay for them? It's not an unfair question for any party.
I'm with you there Pelican, as I don't know either. What I do know is that us tax payers have seen some 16 billion OF OUR FUNDS wasted on illegals. On the othe hand, how do you propose labor pay for it's un-funded policies? Policies that most likely will be someone else's problem I suspect. You also say.....Not so rehctub. Forecasting is not a science and both sides of politics (and public servants) are not perfect in that respect. It would be impossible. Forecasting is done with available data at the time. This can change at any moment with changing global or other factors. I would suggest that an error in the order of 400%+ in just ten weeks has little to do with global forces, rather, it has to do with incompetence. You must also remember that the Howard government also relied on treasury information, they got it right. The real problem we face is how to replace the 16billion of tax layers dollars, pissed away on RUDS illegals debacle. This is another labor stuff up that someone else will most likely be responsible for and, anything they do moving forward is only ever going to be in an effort to fix something that wasn't broken until Kevin came along. I will say this till the day I die, IF ONLY THEY WERE ACCOUNTABLE! Posted by rehctub, Thursday, 8 August 2013 10:14:21 AM
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if only they were account how this case ..<<..The shocking minutes relating to President Putin’s meeting this past week with US Secretary of State John Kerry reveal the Russian leaders “extreme outrage” over the Obama regimes continued protection of global seed and plant bio-genetic giants Syngenta and Monsanto in the face of a growing “bee apocalypse” that the Kremlin warns “will most certainly” lead to world war. According to these minutes, released in the Kremlin today by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation (MNRE), Putin was so incensed over the Obama regimes refusal to discuss this grave matter that he refused for three hours to even meet with Kerry, who had traveled to Moscow on a scheduled diplomatic mission, but then relented so as to not cause an even greater rift between these two nations. At the center of this dispute between Russia and the US, this MNRE report says, is the “undisputed evidence” that a class of neuro-active insecticides chemically related to nicotine, known as neonicotinoids, are destroying our planets bee population, and which if left unchecked could destroy our world’s ability to grow enough food to feed its population. rest of article some great listening Posted by one under god, Friday, 9 August 2013 10:25:07 AM
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Though it may first,
*..The federal income-tax..*is voluntary, ..and if you volunteer,* is mandatory. Of course all this..was created quietly so that the American People could..*“volunteer” to pay the federal income tax ..hen there is no legislative regulation published in the Federal Register..mandating such a requirement.>> PLUS*..wage..ISNT income Michael L. White,..federal attorney in the Office of the Federal Register ..tated back in 1994..that “The IRS has not incorporated by the Federal Register..*a make an income tax return.” His statement addressing Americans who do not work for..the National Government. Thus an “entrance door” the world of the federal income-tax was voluntarily..created by these huckster lawyers to entrap Americans and..“legally take their money.”>> afterr STEALING the fed/mint etc However, not violate the Thirteenth Amendment,..they devised an “Exit Door” a section of the Internal Revenue Code at 6013(g)(4)(A)..*a method to end the “voluntary” election..*they created. So,..very simply yet crafty, they made the Federal Income=Tax a voluntary act*.. on the part of Americans..who chose to “make an election” filing their first Form 1040. The process continues..on each year..until the American dies or they find to terminate that election. Only through a series of administrative procedures..can Americans protect that which is rightfully theirs..and eliminate the federal income-tax..from their life on a permanent basis. As long as Americans remain within..the voluntary structure of the Federal Income Tax,..*they are the property..*..of the National Government, and the Constitution affords no legal protections for those..[persons]..who are subject to the jurisdiction of the National Government. There are laws..that do exist permitting Americans to legally exit the “U.S. Tax Club.”Americans have to find those laws, make them part of who they are,..and then prepare their future..with the retention of the funds that they were previously..*..gifting away to the National Government. The saddest part of all this is that the National Government has..*debased the U.S. currency via the Federal Reserve System,..(*causing the U.S. Dollar to lose over 90% of its original purchasing power]..and THEN*..Americans were duped into volunteering a large portion..of their earnings for a tax they never owed. ps WE're all..ameri-cons Posted by one under god, Friday, 9 August 2013 10:39:29 AM
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talk of..*REAL TAX-CUTS
ie no tax on WAGE..! but do tax..wager..[ie true INCOME: that..*money earned..via no*..wage value adding*.. [like..interest on funds.. or value/shares..or 'windfall* plus..a tax on fees/service charges/fines/seizures ..IE TRUE IN_COME*.. like de-facto/person;s ie..corporations/family 'trusts*..WHO can..ONLY*..HAVE INCOME..! *cause the dead..cant work..cant receive..traditionally tax_free 'wage' govt..makes/issues its own money*via bond like it the good old/days <<..During*..The Best Period..Of Economic Growth In U.S. History..There Was No Income-Tax..*And No Federal-Reserve How would..America ever survive..without the central planners in the Obama administration ..nd at the Federal Reserve? What in the world would we do.if there was no income tax.and no IRS? Could the U.S. economy possibly..keep from collapsing under such circumstances?.. The mainstream media..would have us believe.. that unless ..e have someone.."to pull the levers".. {IN OVER REACTIVE..retro-active] *our economy..would descend into utter chaos,* *but the truth is..that the best period of economic U.S. history occurred*..during a time when there was no income tax..and no Federal Reserve...Between the Civil War..and 1913,..the U.S. economy experienced absolutely..*explosive growth. then the gangster/bankers..stole the mint/fed/treasure* [as described in..*'the creature of jeckle island'] The free market system..THEN..thrived and the rest of the world looked at us..THEN..with envy. The federal government was very limited in size,..there was no income tax..for most of that time..and there was no central bank. there was free funerals but no social welfare..NEEDED.. till..husbands got killed in wars..1 and 2 govt paid for via 20..yeaR BONDS.. *that bankers bought up cheap.. and demand INSTANT* silver/gold.. as..the bank promises*notes..were then re*deemable in gold/ponds silver shillngs/copper pence*..[ditto australia till..66 [ie bankers send govt broke.. steal;..our treasure..give us bank BILL$...that LOOK_LIKE..promise to pay notes..but REALLY ARE..*BILLS*.. [ya know..what a bill IS..right?] eve now..after the bankers yet again,..CHOSE*..tofeign/going broke they again*..stole our are inflating the next bubble..prior to killing 2/3 rds of us off..and yet again*..inflating their debt..into the next bubble. *!*!#..till..some christian.. finishes what christ began! <<To many Americans, would be absolutely unthinkable to have such a society today,..but it actually worked very,..very well..till tghe money changers stole the bank/mint/fed Posted by one under god, Friday, 9 August 2013 3:39:53 PM
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all quotes above
from link found at dont say you..dont know WHAT WOULD JESUS WANT TONY OR KEV TO DO? Posted by one under god, Friday, 9 August 2013 3:44:16 PM
“Are you going,” he asked.
“Oh yeah, of course, gotta see Bob” I replied.
My mate is educated and like me has a great sense of humor. He then started bagging Abbott and said that he would rather have Kev represent us on the world stage than the not so photogenic or wordy Abbott.
“So you’re going to vote for Kev and this lot,” I asked and he nodded his head.
I asked him what our national debt was……his reply $30 BILLION. I told him it would be $300 BILLION in about 5 minutes from now, and after 5 minutes of debating the number he made me look it up on the net. He was astounded, as was I. I was astounded that he didn’t know how deeply in debt we are.
His next question was:
“Why haven’t I heard Abbott raving on about it.”
“I don’t know,” I replied.
Why are the Lib spin doctors scared of the facts? Have Labor cowered them into not mentioning “the war.” They are so wary of being labeled negative, that they dare not tell an uneducated electorate the facts. The Labor party spin team sells us brighter and better tomorrows because they have a track record of failed “todays.” The Liberal media machine should address the “todays,” the policy failures, the hundreds of billions wasted…followed by a plan to get back on track.
What reader of the people is pulling Abbotts strings? Abbott is never going to be the milky bar kid, so he has nothing to lose by making Labor accountable. Perhaps the disinterested who vote on personalities will vote to end the draining of their pockets if they knew about it.