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Snouts in the trough and rats in the ranks
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Posted by Shadow Minister, Sunday, 4 August 2013 3:34:26 PM
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On the Beach,
I defer to your prescience: " ... Rudd must rush to an election, but too late!" Five weeks - it's going to be like a non-stop Marx Brothers movie, Monty Python and Yes Prime Minister, with a lot of Underbelly [no offence, Belly] thrown in as well. Better than Jimmy Sharman ! Kiddies, ask your grand-parents. Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Sunday, 4 August 2013 8:52:32 PM
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Again frantic stuff from our Shadow Minister, and a rather child like attempt at humor. This link like my one above is from Australia,s only news paper group. The other is a Gobbel,s like tool of a very dirty little Grub. Conspiracy theorist can fish in their dry dams. Buildenberg the lot, but hidden in plain sight, by those unwilling to see is a crime even bigger than the NSW FILTH. At last, an election walking on the edge of a very tall cliff, not just my party but my country. A Tony Abbott Prime Ministership, puppet like Murdock moving his strings terrifies,me. Posted by Belly, Monday, 5 August 2013 5:41:25 AM
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I am glad to see that my predictions that people were starting to wise up to the Dudd were vindicated, and he now is roughly where he was when he was fired as PM last time. Firstly, as I have said before, any malfeasance on the part of the coalition will be broadcast, and wildly exaggerated by the left whingers such as yourself, and for me to say anything is a redundancy. Secondly, the "crimes" of the liberal MPs are so mild it hardly bares comparison. Finally, the defining difference between Liberal and Labor governments is that MPs guilty of unacceptable behaviour are demoted and/or lose pre selection. Whereas in Labor they are given plum positions such as Craig (brothel creeper) Thomson, and Slipper. If you only want to hear the news that praises labor, perhaps you are more suited to read the New Matilda or Independent Australian where Labor apologists go to die. Posted by Shadow Minister, Monday, 5 August 2013 8:55:26 AM
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Ahem... Brough was found to have colluded with his mate Ashby for political advantage in the Federal court case against Slipper. Justice Rares not only made that finding, but then threw out the case as an abuse of process. Abbott has stuck by his mate Brough regardless. "Finally, the defining difference between Liberal and Labor governments is that MPs guilty of unacceptable behaviour are demoted and/or lose pre selection...." That doesn't appear to be the case concerning Brough. I think you're talking out of your hat. Posted by Poirot, Monday, 5 August 2013 9:11:32 AM
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Why was Brough's behaviour unacceptable? Firstly, "abuse of process" is a procedural issue, not a crime, as the procedure is under the mentor ship of a judge at all times. Secondly, the judge had many opportunities to terminate the case, but refused, as he was unconvinced that Slipper had no case to answer, and using your own measure, as the case is under appeal, and the verdict may not even stand. Another abuse of process is for Juliar to keep Thomson and Slipper in senior trusted parliamentary positions with clear evidence of criminal behaviour. Posted by Shadow Minister, Monday, 5 August 2013 1:00:49 PM
You said "Power and privilege, held in the hands this time of one little grub, not the two then, is about to inflict a single persons will on us all."
I assume you are talking about Rudd the Dudd.