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Negative Politics

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Can someone please explain how Labour gets away with continually bagging Tony Abbott, criticising Coalition policies, avoiding serious discussions about their own policy failures, literally telling lies to make themselves look good and still say with a straight face it's only Mr Abbott and Mr Hockey who engage in the politics of negativity?

Does Labour think the general public has been sufficiently dumbed down to now believe Labour offers a positive future for the country?

Rudd's latest catch phrase/snide remark that Abbott only has one "three letter policy" is equally matched by Labour resting its future on the one idea of pointing the finger at the Coalition for being negative. I've never heard anything positive come out of Gillard's mouthpiece Penny Wong, in fact I can't stand even looking at her. Could this be why Penny's valuable insight has been gagged since Rudd loaded his Cabinet with women?

Over the last few days every comment coming out of Rudd and Bowen's mouth has been a disguised Abbott put down, yet they always finish off by indicating they are the Party that doesn't stoop to negativity

Labour tells us 'the public is sick of negative politics'. I hope people have a good enough memory to decide for themselves what they are sick of.
Posted by sbr108, Saturday, 13 July 2013 11:55:10 AM
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I could, but doubt you would understand it.
Cheeky post and brave.
Turning Tony,s worst faults NEGATIVE POLITICS and trying to blame it on Labor.
Posted by Belly, Saturday, 13 July 2013 3:22:40 PM
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hang on a second here. Who are the ones bleating incessantly how negative Dr No is ? You are one of the very guilty ones on that subject yourself. No Coalition supporter speaks of the ALP as negative so far as I'm aware of. All I ever see them do is point out the incompetence that is the ALP & what's wrong with the truth ? Just because the hangers-on brigade doesn't like facts doesn't make them untrue.
You are the ones who are negative towards possible hope to a better Australia via Abbott whilst desperately physhing for sympathy votes from first-time voters to drag this Nation into third world status. You lot are nothing but a silly bunch of traitors. If I had my way I would fine you all for the audacity of calling yourselves Australian. At least it would put some money back in the coffers which were depleted by incompetent ALP Government.
Posted by individual, Saturday, 13 July 2013 4:24:13 PM
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You are so right. All Labors term has been negative. Negative in outlook and negative in result.

Look at their global warming policy! It is based on negativity and doomsday theory. Where is their positive faith that mother nature is in charge and will make corrections. There has been no warming now for sixteen years. Yet Labor want to send us broke trying to fix something we have no control over.

Then every grand scheme they had has yielded a negative result. They now have us in debt for what $254 billion by squandering money by the bucket load. Nothing positive in that!

Then there is the illegals. 45000 have arrived under their watch and their humanitarian efforts have drowned about 1200. I consider that a negative result.

Then we have the school halls fiasco and the pink bats stuff ups and about 50 other stuff ups, all in 5 years. And they talk about negative politics! They invented it in every sense.
Posted by Banjo, Saturday, 13 July 2013 5:01:41 PM
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Where have you been?

The Coalition has had a campaign of destruction,
involving lies, fear mongering, unproven allegations
to smear members and supporters of the Labor Party.

We would all have respect for an Opposition leader
who played a clean game. Who challenged a
government's policies and pointed out their flaws, who
provided alternative policies that won broad support.
Mr Abbott has not played that kind of game.

We're now being told to believe that nasty, negative,
nay saying Mr Abbott has become - "nice" Mr Abbott
in the dark blue suit, white shirt, blue tie.

For almost 3 years Mr Abbott has used a wrecking ball
strategy designed to bring down the government as
quickly as possible. He has failed. The government is
still here. In the meantime the previous PM has soldiered
on, introducing world first legislation and social

Clearly Mr Abbott prefers not to discuss policies or debate
but to continue to take pot shots at the current PM as well.
It's time you realised - he has nothing else.

One wears glasses and a smile
The other - a sneer on his big-eared dial
One can talk and enunciate
The other's a bruiser who won't debate
We need a leader who'll see us through
The question is, Who, Who, WHOOO?

It's your choice. But Mr Abbott will have to do
more than just keep breathing if he wants to be
the nexr PM. Condemnation is no longer working
for most people. But I guess it is easier than
thinking. And detailed policies require hard
work - not just glad-handing and rhetoric.
Posted by Lexi, Saturday, 13 July 2013 6:25:13 PM
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Yes indeed, I have never seen such a negative opposition leader as Tony Abbott.

He never seemed to have any actual policies to put forward that could answer the problems the Government had.

His constant fear-mongering chant of 'we'll stop the boats' is embarrassing to me, and I wonder what other nations think of us when he speaks publicly.

Rudd was thrown out of his own party, by his own colleagues, 3 years ago, yet he had only been in the new job a few weeks and he was already ahead of Abbott in the polls.

He hasn't even had to put up any real policy announcements yet, and he is still way more popular than Abbott.

It won't matter how 'negative' Rudd and his cohorts are about the Liberals, they could never beat Tony at that particular game...
Posted by Suseonline, Saturday, 13 July 2013 8:22:43 PM
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