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Cost of NDIS

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Thanks for those links Lexi....a voice of reason in a sea of rubbish!
The reason why both parties have agreed that we do need a NDIS is because.....we really do need one!

I believe that the ridiculous paid parental leave scheme should be abandoned, and the money put towards the NDIS. I don't see how parents can't work out their finances themselves if they choose to be parents.

The disabled don't choose their disability, and need all the help they can get.
Hasbeen doesn't think they deserve help, because he won't qualify for the same 'fun' times they will have with all this new financial help.
Watch what you wish for Hasbeen....anything can happen in a split second.
Posted by Suseonline, Thursday, 9 May 2013 11:28:15 PM
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Why would anyone give the bloodsucking parasites yet another way to squander money when they have already proven beyond doubt that they lack both the ability and the ethics to handle what they have been given to date ?? Saying 'its needed' misses the point completely .... would you give a street drunk another handout 'to buy food for his starving kids' when the idiot is clearly going to spend it on more booze ?? Convince me that **ALL** the extra money ripped off longsuffering taxpayers will be distributed in a fair and equitable manner to those deserving it and I may change my attitude, however given the long and extensive history of conniving, dirty tricks & wool-pulling by bloodsucking parasites, I wouldn't trust any of the present crop with one red cent.
Posted by praxidice, Friday, 10 May 2013 12:48:33 AM
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PLEASE refrain from communicating with me.
As you demanded of me in another thread.
But thanks for the redneck rant! it is telling.
So too the chuckle worthy fact, some here do not know what they are talking about.
As both sides support the plan, why the concern?
Posted by Belly, Friday, 10 May 2013 6:19:41 AM
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Suse my sweet, I all ready do. After my 3Rd heart attack, with damage to my heart & lungs, I went on the disabled list, & am entitled to all kinds of help.

I can get my gutters cleaned of leaves, but it makes more sense for me to do it before rain, rather than them do it when it fits their schedule. As I can't breath when bent down, I bought a leaf blower to do the job

I can also get gardening & mowing subsidized, along with all the labour component of plumbing, electrical & general maintenance work I need. I did get a plumber from them, to fix a leaking pipe under a low part of the house that I found very hard to get to. I was most appreciative.

There is a scheme I'm entitled to which would have someone shower me 3 times a week, & do my cleaning.

I am also entitled to a mobility scooter or a wheelchair, but I park my ride on mower in the car port & use that. With the post office 4Km away, down narrow roads, if I get to where I can't drive a car, I'll get a quad bike, like a faster mobility scooter, but more capable, & safer.

We have a community service organization, government subsidized, which picks up oldies & disabled, twice a week for trips to a community center in town, & shopping trips. They will take you to appointments like doctor, dentist etc., & collect chemists scripts if required.

I think we are bloody well catered for actually, apart from being given houses & cars, what more can we really need, except perhaps some better organization, & efficiency.

Posted by Hasbeen, Friday, 10 May 2013 12:09:45 PM
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When my mother broke her hip at 94, the hospital therapist told us she had ordered a wheel chair for her, all free. After she came home, we waited almost a month, then bought one. When the free one arrived 9 months later, we gave it to a local nursing home.

If you would like any more evidence as to why I think this NDIS is just a cynical vote buying rip off, just ask, I'll give you a hundred more examples.

The only thing I really need is oxygen equipment, to help me recover when I've forgotten I have to walk very slowly. I can walk quickly out to the front gate, [about 70 yards], but have to lean on it for a few minutes to catch my breath, if I do.

My doctor tells me there is no chance of getting it, until I'm within a couple of months of dying. Then it will probably arrive months to late to be of any use to me.

I'm looking for some which is of no further use to its owner, but will have to use industrial oxygen if I find it.
Posted by Hasbeen, Friday, 10 May 2013 12:10:39 PM
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The true cost of this thing is already going potentially sky high.
"The Productivity Commission predicts it will cost $15 billion a year when fully operational but there are suggestions by the Centre for Independent Studies it could be as high as $22 billion."

Here is a nice bit Quote "The scheme will exclude those aged 65 and over." - What happens when someone disabled reaches 65 the highly paid bureaucrats come and reposes there wheelchairs, stop giving them home assistance etc?

That is a $7 Billion dollar difference, reminds me about the sky rocketing costs and problems with the National Broadband Network (NBN)

At least this Government can say they are consistent and have underestimated the costs and benefits of nearly every single project they have been involved with.

Too bad it is the poor tax payers who will bear the burden forever not the greedy politicians on there indexed for life pensions.

The more that comes out the more I believe they do not know what is going to happen and what the final cost will be.
Posted by Philip S, Friday, 10 May 2013 5:40:19 PM
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