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Yes, and just when they thought things couldn't get any worse, their life line, in the form of one Campbell Newman, is turning his fortunes around, as Queenslanders are starting to see the benefits of a real leader, one who's prepared to take on mammoth tasks, without being distracted by the likes of unions and the over weighted public service heavy weights, who's only aim is to save the gold plated jobs, regardless of the long term costs.

While their loyalists may suggest their beloved labor party havnt hit rock bottom yet, I recon they could see it from where they sit.

It's pretty easy to win an election, when all one really needs to do, IS NOTHING!

Thanks Julia for a tough, but somewhat rewarding three years of pain, as your ability to hold your stoogers together, while somehow retaining the support of those suposed independants, not to mention your upsetting of the greens, has been a shot in the arm for us, albeit, a very painful one.

Do the words 'enough rope' come to mind.

You're a darl!
Posted by rehctub, Saturday, 30 March 2013 3:58:41 PM
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Rehctub "It's pretty easy to win an election, when all one really needs to do, IS NOTHING!"

You are so right there rehctub.
With Labour self imploding, all Abbott has had to do is.....nothing.

I am sure his minders have implored him to keep his foolish mouth shut, just until they win the election.

God help us when he is PM, and he won't keep his mouth shut anymore.
I can't wait to see what happens then, and what you Lib-lovers will have to say about it!
Posted by Suseonline, Saturday, 30 March 2013 4:44:00 PM
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Suze, let's be honest, take our respective hats and and say, do we honestly think he could be any worse.

Now if the answer is no, then seriously, what is the problem, as once rock bottom is reached, its more likely we will move forward, rather than backwards.

The other thing to remember is that this is not an unusual event for labor, as they had two goes in twenty odd years and failed on both occasions.

The same simp,y can't be said about the libs, no matter how biased you can be,
Posted by rehctub, Sunday, 31 March 2013 8:14:03 AM
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Dear rehctub,

Please don't list me amongst that bunch.

I'll critique anything and everything that stinks. Liberal or Labor!

I'm not a biased cheerful robot incapable of critical thought like most people. There are plenty of those on OLO and I don't have to name names for you to work out who they are.
Posted by Mr Opinion, Sunday, 31 March 2013 8:21:08 AM
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<< It just seems that when labor are at their lowest, a vast number of posters simply don't post. >>

I hadn’t noticed that rehctub.

But what I have noticed is the appalling condemnation of Labor, with the only solution being to boot them out… without there being too much concern about how bad the other mob will be.

And most significantly, in amongst all this vehement criticism, there are precious few suggestions as to how Labor, or the Coalition for that matter, could pick up their acts and be good governors and reclaim a decent amount of respect from the ordinary people of this country.

What I find hardest of all to understand is the amazing lack of interest in my oft-repeated push for our government, of either persuasion, to embrace a sustainability paradigm, and of just what enormous importance this is.

<< They say, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and expecting a deferent result. >>


So what do you think a Coalition government will do? What will essentially be different to what has gone before, under either Rudd/Gillard or Howard?


It’ll just be more of the same worshipping of continuous growth with faster growth being better, without there being any differentiation of what comprises good and bad growth. It’ll be more extremely high immigration and a consequent hopeless struggle to achieve ever-greater economic growth in order to struggle just stand still, without achieving any real gains for the existing population!

They'll be on the nose very quickly. Then they'll be booted out and the other mob of manic growth-worshipping antisustainabilityists will be back in power... for one or two terms!

Talk about insanity! Most people on OLO are MISSING THE POINT in their criticism of Labor and their desire for a change of government.
Posted by Ludwig, Sunday, 31 March 2013 9:22:29 AM
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Have any studies been done as to what goes on in the mind of Labor supporters ?
Posted by individual, Sunday, 31 March 2013 10:23:07 AM
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