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Climate of fear.
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Posted by qanda, Wednesday, 13 February 2013 6:56:28 PM
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Ya gotta love the way Poirot thinks (for want of a better term). He makes a big deal that 97% of scientists think a certain way, I point out that that is utter rubbish and, without even seeking to defend his original silly assertions, he just moves on to more ludicrous assertions. Now he asserts that big business is behind the sceptics. Has he got any evidence of that? No, but when you have a religious faith in something, who needs evidence.
Philip S wrote: "Poirot - Obviously you have been sucked in by the Global warming scam to the point nothing anyone says or does will persuade you otherwise." Never a truer word. In another thread I asked Poirot what data he'd need to see to even start considering that the AGW theory is wrong. He couldn't actually come up with anything. That is he can't even conceive of any new data, any future discovery, any future evidence that would cause him to rethink his dogma. That's religion, not science. I'm pretty sure the outgoing Pope can't think of anything that would cause him to rethink his faith either. Posted by mhaze, Wednesday, 13 February 2013 7:20:28 PM
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What scares me about the whole CAGW myth is the economic damage that will be done as we are railroaded into useless measures to fix a non-problem. Australia's CO2 tax will have such a small effect on temps (even if the theory is correct) that it won't be measurable, yet we can all see the economic harm its doing. Europe is in dire economic straits due, in no small part, to their zealous adherence to the demonisation of CO2. And, even though the warmists have tried to keep it quiet, the death toll wrought by the transfer of food (mainly corn) into so-called clean fuel, is a scandal that will make future historians shake their heads in disbelief as to the gullibility of the left.
Posted by mhaze, Wednesday, 13 February 2013 7:34:31 PM
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"...Now he asserts that big business is behind the skeptics. Has he got any evidence of that?..." Gosh - sorry about that - fancy imagining there is evidence of big business funding skeptics. I mean, "skeptics" don't work (in the main) with climate scientists - they work with right-wing think tanks and denialist blog sites run by non-scientists. But then there's this : and this And oodles of other articles detailing their fingers in the "denialist" pie. .............................. qanda, I remember this media release on Monckton's visit. This bit was intriguing: "We welcome all patriotic Australians to bring their Australian flags to show their support to (in bold print) "Keep Australia Australian". Posted by Poirot, Wednesday, 13 February 2013 8:00:45 PM
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>> warmists have tried to keep it quiet, the death toll wrought by the transfer of food (mainly corn) into so-called clean fuel, is a scandal that will make future historians shake their heads in disbelief as to the gullibility of the left. <<
Actually Mr Haze, under the leadership of President George W Bush, it was the good ol' US of A who subsidised South American countries to cut down their forests, plant corn and feed ... not people ... but the George W US of A's transport fleet. I don't recall George W being from the 'left' but obviously, Mr Haze thinks differently, perhaps he is the gullible one? Nevertheless, people like Mr Haze tries to turn this whole issue into 'right' vs 'left'. @ Mr Haze, whether you believe in the science or not, you have demonstrated the real problem is not with the science but rather, on one's political and ideological leaning. Debate policy responses to AGW all you want (I encourage it) but to metaphorically bury your head up your darkest intestinal tract is sheer stupidity, imho. Much better to work together to adapt to a changing climate and look at other sources for our future energy needs - fossil fuels will not last forever. Posted by qanda, Wednesday, 13 February 2013 10:27:41 PM
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yes in the 70's it was the ice age and then the ozone layer and then the Y2k bug and the warmist have the audacity to criticize religion. Go figure! I wonder what the next diaster they create in their head will be in order to control people and redistribute wealth while their high priests cash in again.
Posted by runner, Wednesday, 13 February 2013 11:34:51 PM
You might find this um, er, ... interesting, Belly. Why? Because Pastor Daniel Nalliah also says:
“We are ready for a 20 year fight to take back Australia and keep it Australian. Yes, my dear friends, it is time for us to stand up for our country right now. If we do not protect our Australian culture now while we still can, there will be nothing left of it for our grandchildren.”
Quite a conundrum, eh Belly?
More background reading at:
I know it's off topic Belly, but given your dislike of Gillard, who will you be voting for given she will be taking the ALP to the election?