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Climate of fear.
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Posted by Poirot, Friday, 15 February 2013 8:14:01 PM
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Interesting a whole of nit picking about the science followed by a load of whinging about the current government.
To start with how many of the skeptics think that adding an extra blanket does not keep you warmer, or adding insulation to house helps to keep the heat in, or that thermos flasks don't work ? if you can make a convincing case that any of those statements are not true them maybe you can try and argue greenhouse gases do not trap more heat in the atmosphere. The carbon tax has actually been more effective than anticipated, it has reduced carbon emissions by over 8% already, of course the Australian had to put their own spin on it rather acknowledge that the tax was doing what it was supposed to do. Posted by warmair, Friday, 15 February 2013 8:29:09 PM
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Yes sonofgloin, a very foolish remark - your reply confirms it, sport.
The twin-sats have been orbiting since 2002 and the results have been validated. AR4 reports are more conservative than previously thought (AR5 WG1 due later this year). For example: Ocean temperatures are warming faster and deeper; The Greenland, Himalayan and Antarctic ice-sheets are melting faster than originally expected; Water loss in the Murray/Darling system is more likely to be associated with climate change than drought; Siberian tundra is collapsing over a wider area; Arctic sea-ice is diminishing at a faster rate than thought,; The Global Mean Sea Level is rising; so on and so forth. . Mr Barry Spinks, You are such a bore: . Absolutely mhaze, that is why I generally enclose the term with inverted commas. You say: "There are many many scientists (you list 4) who are currently working on theories about how the climate works which are entirely at odds with the simplistic notion that mankind increasing the CO2 content of the atmosphere from 0.03% to 0.04% can change the climate." I can list 1,000's against your 4 but at the end of the day (if you knew anything about 'climate science' but you don't) it's all about weight of evidence - notwithstanding even you could knock the theory of gravity on it's head /sarc :) A survey of 13950 scientific research papers on climate change published between 1991 and 2012 has found that 0.17 per cent (just 24 papers) argued global warming was either false or was caused by something other than human activities. mhaze, so you acknowledge CO2 concentration has gone up 30% (since industrialisation). What you don't seem to comprehend is that the miniscule amount of 0.03% prevents the planet from turning into a snowball planet. Imagine what a 30% increase (0.03% to 0.04%) could do. Don't bother, you're not a 'climate scientist'. You believe what you want to believe but 1 will give me 100 that you base your 'belief' on political ideology, socio-cultural upbringing or religious doctrine - not science (in whatever clothes it is worn). Posted by qanda, Friday, 15 February 2013 11:21:27 PM
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Poirot, this puts my response to mhaze in perspective: The mood is gone. Posted by qanda, Friday, 15 February 2013 11:22:56 PM
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Thanks for the link....too true! But, hey - Wacky Lord Monckton adds so much farce to the denialist cause that he should be seen as a gift to climate scientists. It probably says something worrying about our society that reasonably intelligent people can hail a clown like him as having some sort of heft and credibility in attempting to conjure up some doubt on climate science. His latest stunt lends him even less cred - and yet over at Jo Nova's he's granted their best red carpet treatment.... Monty Monckton's Flying Circus : ) On sea level rise - this is the best one I've struck this year: (Hope that puts you back in the mood - bit of a larf:) Posted by Poirot, Friday, 15 February 2013 11:50:21 PM
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>>To start with how many of the skeptics think that adding an extra blanket does not keep you warmer, or adding insulation to house
helps to keep the heat in, or that thermos flasks don't work ?<< Thermos flasks don't work: haven't you ever heard the tale of the man who would play chess in the park every week against a friend with a magic bottle - in the winter it would keep his tea steaming hot and in the summer it kept his lemonade cold without ice. The man asked his friend about his wonderful magical bottle. 'There's nothing magic about it,' the friend snorted. 'I don't know how it knows to keep hot things hot and cold things cold - probably got one of them microchips - but you can buy them at the supermarket.' The man goes out straight away and buys a thermos flask. The next day he meets his friend in the park. 'I think this new thermos flask is broken,' he complains. 'The man in the shop said it would keep hot things hot and cold things cold just like yours but just feel that'. He offers a thermos flask cup. 'See, just warmish. And it's ruined the flavor.' 'What did you have in there?' aks the friend. 'Two cups of tea and a cornetto.' Cheers, Tony Posted by Tony Lavis, Saturday, 16 February 2013 12:10:41 AM
"You have not got a clue my dear."
Let's take a look at the 5 percent you claim are the "polluters"....
Who consumes all the goods they manufacture?
Who drives all the cars and operates the machinery?
Who uses all the electricity?
It's us who consume the goods and who use the fuel.
It's consumer demand which drives the industrial process - always was and always will be.
If that process is polluting, then a way must be found to mitigate it.
Of course, all that makes perfectly good sense until you come to the part where consumers are slugged for their consumption (in the capitalist system, it's consumption and growth which are the drivers)...only one thing to do in that case if you're dependent on consumption to make mega profits - and that is to deny that AGW is real, that it's a conspiracy, a fraud, etc.
And that's exactly what big business has done.
Your 5 percent are busy stoking the denialist furnace, sonofgloin....because although they've passed on the tax, they have no desire to see consumption fall.
Here's a timely article, seemingly written with all you blokes in mind:
We are the polluters.