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The Forum > General Discussion > Craig Thomson, the real reason for setting the election date?

Craig Thomson, the real reason for setting the election date?

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You won't get a result anytime this year. Careful Dell, you can get penalized for to much of that.
The media knew all about it so it suspects so did Abbott.
The police seem to have an agenda of their own, for some reason.
Twice they have been to see Thomson and the media have been the first there.
All Abbott wanted was an election with no policy, sounds like Julia has stumped him again.
Posted by 579, Friday, 1 February 2013 1:16:25 PM
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Shadow Minister, good post. They can't argue against your logic.
Posted by Dell, Friday, 1 February 2013 1:26:35 PM
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Poirot, for goodness sake stop panicking.
The police were asked why they did not act till now and the reason
they gave was that members of the squad were on annual leave.
They probably try and take leave during the legal holidays anyway.
Another possibility is that if he surrended himself they would not
need to get extradition warrants sworn out and it would have needed
more time and everyone was disappearing on holidays.

It appears that it was known several days previously in Canberra that
an arrest was imminent, maybe Craig Thompson told someone in Canberra,
the PM or perhaps the speaker, who is the official who should be notified.
A cleaner in Canberra rang up a station and said she heard it a few
days earlier. She said people talk and never notice the cleaner.
It used to be the same with lift drivers.

It seems too much of a coincidence that the PM called the longest
campaign by a long way in history and the arrest and the need to
prevent a bielection. You can accept the PM's word she did not know
it was coming soon, but the cats & dogs in the street will not believe it.
Posted by Bazz, Friday, 1 February 2013 1:32:17 PM
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Despite the remarks of some politicians
every Australian is entitled to the due
process of the law and being considered
to be innocent until proven guilty -
even a Member of Parliament.

I can't help wondering what effect all this
is having on Craig Thomson's wife and family?
Posted by Lexi, Friday, 1 February 2013 1:34:42 PM
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Hi Poirot,

You say you are “curious” about the timing of the arrest of Craig Thomson.

Curious, because firstly you were not curious enough to find out what was going on, you seem to have been the last one to know (except for Gillard)?

Curious also because you actually don’t want to know the “ins and outs” of police processes, interstate travel approvals, extradition warrants, state jurisdiction sanctions by magistrates and DPP approvals, you just want to find a deep and meaningful explanation that suits your political disposition and if you can’t get it you challenge “what is” or will invent an alternative. This is called obsessive fixation.

I evidence this by your pursuit of the “answer” that nobody else seems to care about. That you want to defend the perpetrator, the system that produced him and the political environment that protects him. You also refuse in each and every post, to acknowledge the victims because in your view, they are less important than your ideology, now that IS curious.

Would you take this position if a burglar had ransacked your house, taken your prized possessions and disposed of them to a fence? No because you would be the “victim”. You demonstrate a disturbing lack of empathy but demand it from others, you are all about “self”. You just want to satisfy that gnawing uncertainty that permeates your every waking moment and to protect yourself from the reality that so offends you.

You have been asked multiple times to substantiate your perspective but don’t. You duck and weave, slide down the side, deliberately obfuscate and in the end take your wickets home. You sound increasingly like you came from the same mold as Gillard, you never face a question head on and, like Gillard, when someone asks you what time it is, you answer “it’s a large green one with a zipper down the side”.

When will you step out from behind shutting down "reality testing", rejection of rational analysis, critical thinking, constructive criticism, denial of rationalization or justification, to embrace only your wishful thinking
Posted by spindoc, Friday, 1 February 2013 1:42:57 PM
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I know your penchant to think you're oh-so-witty by employing the term, "Juliar" etc....and looky there, I see you've found a new fan in the irrepressible and stylish, Dell....seems fitting somehow : )


Don't for a minute think SM(ug) gives two hoots about the presumption of innocence. Why he will go to incredible lengths to contort the situation into something which (apparently) does not merit the presumption of innocence....and he will undertake to further smear the accused while engaging in his gymnastics.
Posted by Poirot, Friday, 1 February 2013 1:45:12 PM
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