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Craig Thomson, the real reason for setting the election date?

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'Casting the first stone again Runner?'

actually no, just pointing out the hyprocrisy of those who were quick to be pleased to hang Mr Abbott for supposedly punching a war when he was in his twenties with little or no evidence and then they have the nerve to defend a man with 150 charges of wasting cleaners money on prostitutes among other thigs.
Posted by runner, Thursday, 7 February 2013 11:18:10 PM
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Stand back, I want to cast the first stone against this reptile. I would like to see him and his labor cronies, that think feeding off the money from union members, taxpayers etc, made an example of.

The Labor government including Juliar survives upon the "presumption of innocence."
Posted by Shadow Minister, Friday, 8 February 2013 4:50:20 AM
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Still no presumption of innocence for Joh or Russ (or Abbott) coming from those who proclaim the presumtion of innocence as an unwavering bedrock.

I do believe in tne presumption of innocence also think it has some limits (which is does in law) and that in this instance its being often cited more from political convenience than out of real principle. Its convenient to keep Julia in power (or possibly more to the point Tony out of power). When it comes to a politician from the coalition then the principle does not matter so much.

Under the law someone who has not been convicted will still often be incarcerated unless they can meet bail conditions. Someone accused of DV can still loose access to family, home, property and finances to benefit of the accused. A teacher accussed of doing the wrong thing with children (sexual or otherwise) can find their career washed down the drain.

The presumption of innocence is a balance. It should never be dismissed on the basis of an accusation by someone with a vested interest in the outcome however where there is reasonable evidence some action is often appropriate.

The presumption of innocence does not protect ordinary people from the often crippling legal bills that go with defending themselves, people who don't have the backing of a political party willing to use members money to pay those bills.

If people are serious about the presumption of innocence there are far more worthy cases to start with than Thompson, people with far weaker cases against them, people who have not had a wad of legal bills paid on their behalf.

Posted by R0bert, Friday, 8 February 2013 7:01:27 AM
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Come on folks, stop worrying about the maggot Thompson. When he goes to jail, note I use the word when not if, which is more of a certainty than Australia losing a rugby match to the All Blacks, it will be so cool, he will love it. Most likely Thompson will land in Long Bay, where he will take up residence in the Rex Jackson memorial wing. The Lad will be so busy shaking hands and discussing the rights of the common man with such Labor luminaries as Eddie, Ian, Milton and what's her name from out Penrith way etc etc, it will be like having a free holiday in the Snowy with Robbo and other Laborites. such joy awaits the Lad.
Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 8 February 2013 10:04:53 AM
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Dear Shadow Minister,

Our telephone lines have been
down all week so I haven't been able to access the internet
and hence the Forum and read any of the posts on Mr Thomson.
I've now managed to catch up slightly.

Whether Mr Thomson is guilty or not, I, like quite a few
people strongly feel that it's not for us to judge but to
allow due process to go through. I'm sure that his case
will be dealt with and his innocence or guilt will be judged
accordingly by the courts.

As far as Mr Abbott and the Opposition is concerned it would
be wise for them to heed Mr Abbott's earlier statement of:

"We have certainly respected, or tried to respect the rule
that you do not comment on the specifics of cases which are
currently before the courts and we will respect that rule."

But then in the same breath Mr Abbott adding that the PM ran a
"protection racket" for Mr Thomson infers something "crooked,"
and is not in keeping with the earlier statement.

Best to simply not comment, and stick to and respect the rule
would be the best advice in this matter.

As for "hate campaign" references. I fully agree that those
politicians who seek to be in government by destruction, in the
absence of any policy, reform agenda or vision do not
deserve support. These Politicians are simply hollow,
reducing complex issues to inane slogans and negative
rhetoric, they lower the national debate. They don't have
the character, maturity, nor integrity to maintain their
current positions let alone be allowed to ascend any further.

Voters deserve better as does the Nation.
Posted by Lexi, Friday, 8 February 2013 3:23:20 PM
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Thomson is now facing the full force of the law, and his political and other careers are over. I feel no pity for him, only his family. The issue of his guilt or innocence is not whether due procedure should be allowed to take its course, but because Juliar, Labor, and its allies have deliberately shielded the weasel and delayed justice to keep the numbers in the lower house, and the term protection racket and its implications that Juliar has been running are particularly apt.

Juliar stated repeatedly whether she had confidence in Thomson, and had his bills paid by Labor, and has essentially nailed her colours to his mast. (which is now sinking rapidly)
Posted by Shadow Minister, Saturday, 9 February 2013 7:39:39 AM
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