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Sandy Hook Massacre - more than one gunman
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Posted by Arjay, Friday, 28 December 2012 8:02:43 AM
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Has the gun lobby been in your ear, lately. So what are you suggesting or is this just news.
Posted by 579, Friday, 28 December 2012 8:33:20 AM
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Dear Arjay,
Checked your reference. Saw "It is now beyond question that the assassinations of John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy, and Martin Luther King Jr. all involved patsies, additional gunman and perhaps most importantly, mass media complicity to achieve their political ends." Stopped reading. Posted by david f, Friday, 28 December 2012 8:49:53 AM
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The article starts: Newtown Conspiracy Theories: Obama, Iran, and Other Culprits by Michael Moynihan Dec 27, 2012 4:45 AM EST The government was behind the school massacre. Wait, it was Obama, in a ruse to take our guns away. No, it was Iran! Israel! Batman! Michael Moynihan on the paranoid wing’s ‘real truth’ about Sandy Hook. In the mid-1990s, during the infancy of the World Wide Web, a visit to my local university library demonstrated that the Internet would be both a great tool of liberation and a megaphone for the fantastically mad. That small bank of Internet-connected computer terminals was reliably occupied by a few student researchers and an army of honking, snorting, flaky-skinned cranks, furiously posting to Internet bulletin boards. (I frequently traded pleasantries with one twitchy local who wore homemade body armor, claiming that it shielded his organs from computer smog while browsing the Internet.) Almost 20 years later, behold how Tim Berners-Lee liberated the crackpot from his world of Manichean newsletters, how he freed the basement-dwelling “researcher” to hawk bad ideas to the undereducated and paranoid (think of the 9/11 “truth” movement). Indeed, the Internet allows us curious observers to view the creation of conspiracy theories in real time. For instance, while initial news reports of the shootings in Newtown, Conn., were plagued with dubious and false information—as is frequently the case with major tragedies—such “inconsistencies” precipitated a hunt for the real truth. Posted by david f, Friday, 28 December 2012 9:25:48 AM
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"While it sounds like an outrageous claim, one is left to inquire whether the Sandy Hook shooting ever took place… "
I'm only surprised, Arjay, that you seem to have overlooked Tracy's article from 25 December, which waited until paragraph 3 for the quote, above. "An especially important yet greatly underreported feature of the Sandy Hook affair is the wholly bizarre performance of Connecticut’s top medical examiner H. Wayne Carver II at a December 15 press conference. Carver’s unusual remarks and behavior warrant close consideration because in light of his professional notoriety they appear remarkably amateurish and out of character. ...Yet the H. Wayne Carver who showed up to the December 15 press conference is an almost entirely different man, appearing apprehensive and uncertain, as if he is at a significant remove from the postmortem operation he had overseen. The multiple gaffes, discrepancies, and hedges in response to reporters’ astute questions suggest that he is either under coercion or an imposter. While the latter sounds untenable it would go a long way in explaining his sub-pedestrian grasp of medical procedures and terminology." It seems implausible. How many people would not notice the state's 'top medical examiner' was substituted by an imposter? But wait, there's more: Posted by WmTrevor, Friday, 28 December 2012 9:47:27 AM
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"Sandy Hook Elementary is attended by 600 students. Yet there is no photographic or video evidence of an evacuation on this scale. Instead, limited video and photographic imagery suggest that a limited evacuation of perhaps at most several dozen students occurred."
So now we require the collusion of all these students and their families? Seems even more implausible. About as implausible as the White House being complicit in the massacre and no one being able to find out about it: "Regardless of where one stands on the Second Amendment and gun control, it is not unreasonable to suggest the Obama administration complicity or direct oversight of an incident that has in very short order sparked a national debate on the very topic…" I am constantly amazed at the incompetence of the "Powers That Be" in their constructed conspiracies: "Nor are there any routine eyewitness, photo or video evidence of the crime scene’s aftermath—broken glass, blasted security locks and doors, bullet casings and holes, bloodied walls and floors—all of which are common in such investigations and reportage." I am gobsmacked that the author is an associate professor of media studies at Florida Atlantic University. Sick and stupid. Posted by WmTrevor, Friday, 28 December 2012 9:47:55 AM
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[Deleted for abuse.]
Posted by JBowyer, Friday, 28 December 2012 9:50:29 AM
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JBower this is the same place you and I parted company, FOREVER!
Are you a child on school holidays? Why the constant rudeness? Are you able to post without it. Arjay as is every other poster able to bring his views here. No word was directed at you, so why? why did you answer like that? A fixture here arjay posts such as this, in time he will post a conspiracy that we believe in. But in cold blood you took your chance to prove he is a better poster than you. Posted by Belly, Friday, 28 December 2012 11:11:23 AM
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Perhaps some would also like to explain this.View The Dark Knight Rises.In this movie there are two references made to two mass shootings.Aurora on the side of a building and on a movie ticket labled Century Aurora.The Aurora Colardo shootings were in a movie theatre.Even more bizarre is a reference on a map of Gotham city and the only name on that map is Sandy Hook. Ignore Alex Jones and go to the end of the clip to see the evidence.In this scene there is a conversation between Gordon and the Cop.Gordon in this quote is pointing to Sandy Hook saying," Mark that truck.Get a GPS on it,then start thinking about how to take it down.Other than the name Gotham City,Sandy Hook is the only place name to appear on that map.
What is the probability of two mass killings being made reference to in a single movie? I have not accused anyone of these crimes,just presenting evidence that the official media is not telling the whole story.If the police audio is true even the police refer to "they" and not a singular killer.Adam Lanza was not trained by miliary experts, yet in 7 minutes was able to put 3 to 11 bullets in 29 people killing 27.That is an excellent strike rate for an amateur.Lanza was supposed to also be autistic. Too many people here are jumping to conclusions.We have eye witness accounts of more than one shooter,police audio talking in plural terms and video of a suspect being arrested and put into the front of a police vehicle. Adam Lanza the single person accused at this stage,was reported dead inside of the school.Caver the Chief Medical examiner was asked by reporters if Adam Lanzer killed himself.His initial reply was no,followed by we don't really know. I'd suggest you all do your own research and not accept what either the offical media or I say and reach your own conclusions. Posted by Arjay, Friday, 28 December 2012 11:58:14 AM
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david f “Checked your reference... Stopped reading”
Yes, Winston, the chocolate ration has increased to twenty grams. The TV said so! Anyone who questions any official story must be instantly dismissed, their statements not even given serious consideration. I'm sure you and all the other mechanical monkeys pat yourself on the back every day, smugly assured that you're intelligent and informed, when all you do is parrot what the authorities tell you. Keep those cymbals clanging! Drown out the heretics! WmTrevor “It seems implausible. How many people would not notice the state's 'top medical examiner' was substituted by an imposter?” Pretty much everyone. Tell me, what does your state's coroner look like? No idea? People make a living out of impersonating people. Many famous people use lookalikes as decoys and stand-ins. What's to stop secret service agencies doing the same? Oh, because they're so ethical? “I am constantly amazed at the incompetence of the "Powers That Be" in their constructed conspiracies:” Yes, because they're not humans who ever make mistakes or fail to think of all contingencies. They use magic supercomputers to construct flawless plans that never fail. Arjay, don't give up, but OLO is never going to be anything but Pavlovian Parrot Central. Posted by Shockadelic, Friday, 28 December 2012 12:25:49 PM
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[Deleted for abuse.]
Posted by JBowyer, Friday, 28 December 2012 12:49:10 PM
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I am currently reading James Kunstlers book "Too Much Magic".
I have just finished the chapter where he discusses the tendency of what seem to be well educated, often successful business men to accept the most wide eyed implausible conspiracy theories as gospel. It is a widespread phenomena and here we see Arjay as such a sufferer. In it he mentions the CIA Towers and other well known events like they never went to the moon and it was all in a studio. This it appears is now a subject for study by mental health professionals. Kunstler believes it is affecting the practical consideration of real problems such as the limits of growth, long term fuel supplies and the deterioration of the economies. It is all a plot you know ! The oil companies and Wall St are behind it. Posted by Bazz, Friday, 28 December 2012 1:42:45 PM
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579>> Has the gun lobby been in your ear, lately. So what are you suggesting or is this just news.<<
I am still waiting for someone to tell me why Jack Ruby shot that poor stooge Oswald. Out of a whole nation of infuriated weeping patriots, a lifelong mafia associate strip club owner who was not even on the electoral rolls suddenly got all patriotic and shot Lee. What rubbish, my brother was in the states during the release of the Warren Commission report and saw firsthand how the media ran with the one shooter full steam, but my bro said that thinking Americans did not buy it. Arjay, left wing acolytes such as 579 add simplistic remarks such as the one above in a passive aggressive banter meant to polarize their opponents into a fanatical minority group. Disarming America is a prime consideration of the American administration. The right to bear arms was written in by men who knew what it was like to live under an admistration that was self serving regardless of the will of the constituents of the nation……like the current American administration, regardless of political ideology….but as you know the American administration is the European banking cartel. Could the administration have set this school travesty up?….of course, anything is possible and International media collusion is guaranteed, Joseph Goebbels style, if the lie is big enough it will work. I watch the interview with Larry Silverstein the WTC 7 leaseholder. The fire commander tells Silverstein that they can’t control the fire, so he says “pull it” then adds “so the decision was made and we watched the building collapse”. It takes weeks to prepare a 52 storey building for demolition; to have the 52 storey’s fall in their own footprint and leave no vestige of the building apart from rubble is a science. But it seems the NYFD mastered it in less than a day. Silverstein says pull and it all falls down n hour later….give me a break. Posted by sonofgloin, Friday, 28 December 2012 1:57:31 PM
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Arjay schools like Sandy Hook Elmentary have been a part of previous contrivances by the American administration.
Bush was at Emma E. Booker Elementary School at 8-55 am when told about the fist plane to hit the WTC. He was sitting in a class room at 9-05 am when told that a second plane hit the WTC. The secret service was aware that four planes had been hijacked and jets scrambled at 8-46 am just 30 seconds before the second plane hit. The secret service had a pattern and two planes still in the air, and they let Bush sit at the school until 9-35 am….rubbish, it’s an act, they knew that Bush and the school were in no danger of being hit, they knew where the targets were, they chose them. Nothing that the globalists do shocks me anymore. The shock comes when I consider the apathy from the apathy of media fed simple souls. Posted by sonofgloin, Friday, 28 December 2012 2:28:32 PM
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arjay true conspiracy's exist.
Even in our country and any country. However it is harder and harder to get folk to believe in them. Mostly because of things like the one you write about. I am aware America has its faults. But not prepared to even consider Obama had Children murdered. Or hide them away so we would think so. To bring in tighter gun control in America. Arjay, if a war broke out, and was fought on Americas soil, the last thing America would want, is these gun owners shooting every thing that moved. Wars are for trained military folk not hillbilly,s. Posted by Belly, Friday, 28 December 2012 2:53:21 PM
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"What is the probability of two mass killings being made reference to in a single movie?"
Love your posts, Arjay. Great laugh for the week. The gunman created the link, Arjay. Posted by StG, Friday, 28 December 2012 6:21:15 PM
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Belly like 911 we are are not accusing anyone.We the people want an honest open investigation.
BTW I've looked at the Batman, Dark Knight Rising and at 153.50 min the naming of Sandy Hook on the map is not clear.Hook is pretty clear but the word "Sandy" is illegible. That aside, we need to all hold the popular media to account since it is clear that they are lying to us by omission of the truth. We in the West with the Patriot Act,Our Sedition Laws,Obama's Preventative Dentention,Legalised Assassination of suspected terrorists and now The National Defence Authorisation Act,have very few legal rights left.Bradly Manning who leaked info to Julian Assange is now held in indefinite detention with no real legal council or rights under these illegal presidential signing orders. They can now define anyone of us as terrorists and we too can suffer the fate of WW2 Jews.There are 800 empty FEMA camps is the USA which supposedly exists for illegal immigrants.There are 15 million illegal immigrants in the USA but none are in these camps. Sonofgloin,we in the free West don't have much time left.The derivative market which even Barnaby Joyce acknowledges is 10 times the GDP of the planet can be imploded by these lunatics and steal another 50% mininium,of our assets.Infact, we could lose 80-90% of all we own. Prof William K Black a finacial regulator in the 1980's said that 90% of the Fannie May/Freddie Mack loans we fraudulant,yet not a single person has be charged. I don't feel intimidated by my detractors but feel really disappointed that our humanity is so stupid and gutless. Posted by Arjay, Friday, 28 December 2012 6:31:48 PM
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America needs more than gum control.
The parents were actors the police were actors, the whole thing was set up. If you believe that can happen, in a situation where kids are involved as the main attraction. is beyond belief. The so called gun lobby, needs controlling. America is to liberal for their own good. Somehow no one told mainstream media about the set up. Only do it your self media, u tube. Those in favor of their guns, are now ripping those kids into little pieces, all for their own interests. Posted by 579, Saturday, 29 December 2012 7:58:40 AM
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Here is another major inconsistancy. News reports say that now 4 guns were found inside the school with the body of Adam Lanza and the Coroner Carver said that the Bushmaster rifle was used to kill 27 people.Here you will see the police removing the rifle from the car of Lanzer.How did Adam Lanzer kill himself and put the rifle in the car or did he first put the rifle in the boot of his car and then go back inside the school to kill himself with 4 handguns?
Why were the police holding this murder weapon so shabbily? They could have removed the magazine for safety reasons and not eject bullets wiping finger prints off the weapon. 579 Until Obama recinds the Patriot Act, legalised Assassination,preventative dentention and the NDAA, the people of the USA should not be disarmed.The Constitution needs to be restored and signing orders by the President rescinded. Posted by Arjay, Saturday, 29 December 2012 9:39:36 AM
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579 if you believe any of that you have my sympathy.
Arjay, this may be too much for you, but it is worth a thought. I would not be surprised if the CIA or something like it has set up a branch to create conspiracy's. Great benefits can be had from convincing the world such are never believable. Bet no more than ten percent of the whole population of the world believes this one. You have tried to tell of the nature of Americas debt, so have I no one wants to listen. They also do not give credence to just who owns the Federal reserve. And they think honest talk about that danger is, rat bag conspiracy. Most conspiracy's are. But if some one wants to entrench the belief ALL are no better way exists than to put this stuff about. Posted by Belly, Saturday, 29 December 2012 10:47:32 AM
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Your conspiracy has not been mentioned on CNN website, no news at all since the 20.12.12
The latest is the indian woman in singapore has died. Posted by 579, Saturday, 29 December 2012 10:52:03 AM
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I agree with 579 Arjay.
Even the 'shoot em up good ol' boys' of the Americam gun lobby wouldn't shoot dead 23 primary school kids to prove a point about the need to arm everyone in the US. There is no conspiracy. Bullets killed those kids en masse, so the US needs to have tighter gun laws like Australia, where mass murders from guns have not occurred since Howard brought in the new gun laws. It's as simple as that.... Posted by Suseonline, Saturday, 29 December 2012 10:52:04 AM
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579 it was shown on NBC not CNN.None of you can address the serious anonmalies surrounding this massacre ,just parrot the official mantra that the US public must be disarmed no matter what the consequences or the lies that surround it
Until the Patriot Act etc has been recinded,this must not happen.Fascism is afoot in the West just like pre WW2 Germany.Have any of you learnt from our recent history of 70 yrs ago? Your ignorance is astounding! Posted by Arjay, Saturday, 29 December 2012 4:30:51 PM
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There is no news Arjay. it's all about the fireman that got shot.
Posted by 579, Sunday, 30 December 2012 7:21:30 AM
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arjay having defended you after trash talk was aimed unfairly at you.
Reconsider your words to our number one optimist 579! He gets closer to reality in this case than you. Posted by Belly, Sunday, 30 December 2012 11:38:31 AM
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That pretty well proves it, then.
>>Your conspiracy has not been mentioned on CNN website, no news at all since the 20.12.12<< The cover-up by the fascist government dictatorship has been totally successful. Posted by Pericles, Friday, 11 January 2013 9:33:19 AM
There is video evidence of police arresting a man in the woods nearby and teachers reporting shadows of two men running past their school buildings during this tragedy.Even the main stream media initially reported a second gunman.
More than one person suggests that this event was planned and not just the spontaneous actions of a lone lunatic.