The Forum > General Discussion > Labor catches up to Coalition. Also, Gillard is resoundingly the preferred PM.
Labor catches up to Coalition. Also, Gillard is resoundingly the preferred PM.
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Posted by Suseonline, Friday, 21 September 2012 5:53:25 PM
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For the record, labor did not win the election, rather they lost it, just not badly enough.
I say this because they went from a huge majority of some 85 seats, to a dismal 72. Now you can call that a win if you like, afterall, it's a free country, so by all means have a lend of yourselves. The sad truth is, the people lost the election, as the sitting government lost a large amount of their majority. In other words, we went backwards. Abbott against tax cuts you say, what, all 1% of it. Big deal! Business does not want a free coffee per week,(what 1% would buy), they want less crap to deal with. As for our economy, I will bet right now we stand a better chance of a large deficit than the promised surplus AT ANY COST. Any of you wish to take that bet? As for the country, you have to remember, the likes of VIC, NSW, SA were all hedging their bets on the likes of QLD and WA and their mining tax, which is looking more and more like another labor stuff up. Where to now for you lot, or do you honestly believe our economy is in great shape. Posted by rehctub, Friday, 21 September 2012 7:24:16 PM
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I am appalled by the rank hypocrisy of the Labor supporters. (especially given their calls for the assumption of innocence for Thomson)
The Abbott incident is remarkable in that there is not a single corroborating witness to the event that has come forward, that the left wing at the Uni had form on fabricating "events" against Abbott, and that this has only just "suddenly" been remembered even when Abbott has been in the public eye for more than a decade. Then to top it, the Coalition did not make any accusations when Juliar was clearly forced to resign after inappropriate conduct at her law firm, even when there is more than enough reason to suspect that she was not completely oblivious to the fraud ensuing. Posted by Shadow Minister, Friday, 21 September 2012 10:47:55 PM
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Ha ha ha, is that the best you 2 guys can do? Hilarious. Keep trying though. The "facts" are, all the major agencies of the world have the Australian economy at a AAA rating, a feat NEVER achieved by the past Liberal government (during boom world economic times). The world's peak economic institutions view the Australian economy as a VERY good performer. Labor has had GREAT success in the economic sphere, obvious to all except the current Coalition economic illiterates who can't acknowledge it? Why? Because doing so will harm them politically.
The Australian public realises the strength of our economy, how we didn't go into recession because of good management, our low personal taxation, and how the economic future is being taken care of by investment in IT and education by our current government. This good management is clearly recognised the world over. I'm a small business owner, and red tape is half what it was in the past. Our economy is STRONG, compared to most similar first world nations. Those are the facts, but facts don't matter when you're a Coalition economic illiterate. Posted by DiamondPete, Saturday, 22 September 2012 12:10:24 AM
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The link should be of benefit to both rechtub and shadow minister. Too those who go too far the other way. At least by reading it we see how shaky both leaders are. In Abbott,s case,we catch up, see the GREAT BIG CHANGE, that the death of the great big tax untruth has bought about. It is my view, in rebutting claims of massive debt, we should seek evidence of that debt, compare it with the debt of America, England, in fact ALL of Europe. After doing so, review with a clear head the way it saved this country from recession, we will see, it too, is a untrue a campaign not honestly related to our position. Such open minded review,can explain the coming leadship turmoil in both party,s. And just maybe, as only one ever hinted here, [GY] the election is not yet won. Posted by Belly, Saturday, 22 September 2012 5:25:17 AM
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Pete, if only it were a funny topic, I would be laughing with you. But it's not!
You say red tape has been cut in half, please explain? Also, you say labor saved us from recession, so, how did they achieve this and, do you recognize that they had money in the bank to start with and, where we are now with debt, from + $20 billion to -$200 billion. (suggested) Now given that minimg is heading south, you must recognize that so to will the mining tax revenues. Agree! So, do we simply keep borrowing, topping up the likes of the failing car industry, the illegals, etc. Remember, our PM wants lots of cash for her education baby. So where do we take that from? Just keep borrowing! Finally, say in your business, would you consider you were doing well, if you comtinued to increase your overdraft, with no real idea when and how, you are going to pay it back? You see anyone can live above their means, they simply keep borrowing. I just hope for your sake, you don't really believe what you are saying, becuase if you do, your landing will hurt. Posted by rehctub, Saturday, 22 September 2012 6:24:36 AM
<"This is a man who in the past has been happy to use violence to intimidate females. When confronted with his past, Abbott had the opportunity to take the high road, own up to his thuggish behaviour, express remorse, and make a huge point about violence against women being wrong. Instead Abbott chose the “I have no recollection” method, then denial, and at last reverting back to the “I have no recollection” method when other witnesses came forward."
If, as Abbott sought to explain, this sort of aggressive behaviour was not in his nature, then surely he would have been able to 'recall' whether he did or didn't punch the wall each side of a woman's .... If he never did that sort of thing?
Yet another lie I think...
Yes, Abbotts days as leader of his 'Tea Party inspired' days as leader of the opposition are numbered , as far as I am concerned.