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A Thank You to Certain OLOers

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Anthonyve like the humor.
And you will need it if some found them selves up to the ears in water they will continue to deny it.
Still hearing wettest/hottest/driest day month year.
But of course we know its a plot.
Well ten years from now carbon price still here, and Liberal policy, many more country,s paying rather than avoiding it.
Those of us still around will see some still claiming they always knew it was real.
Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 29 August 2012 4:24:42 PM
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Belly and Anthony, we have daily weather records dating back just over one hundred years.

From the mid-19th to the mid-20th century, many theories were offered to explain the ice ages and other climate changes. None amounted to more than plausible hand-waving. Most favored were ideas about how the uplift of mountain ranges, or other reconfigurations of the Earth's surface, would alter the circulation of ocean currents and the pattern of winds. Other theories ranged from the extraterrestrial, such as a long-term cyclical variation of solar energy, to the deep Earth, such as massive volcanic eruptions. All these theories shared a problem. Given that something had put the Earth into a state conducive to glaciation, what made the ice sheets grow and then retreat, over and over again? None of the theories could readily explain the cycles but man had no part in these climatic variations.

Re ozone:
>> The good news is that the ozone layer is recovering. The reason it’s recovering is because the international community agreed — in the Montreal Protocol — to phase out harmful chemicals that were depleting the layer and causing huge holes in it.<<

Once again we have been able to measure the ozone depletion for a handful of decades, who is to say that the ozone is not cyclical?

The intelligencia of the globe thought the world was flat for eons, they were wrong. There is no finality to these debates if the viewing prism is a hundred years, climatic cycles take tens of thousands of years.
Posted by sonofgloin, Wednesday, 29 August 2012 6:39:25 PM
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The question is not so much if there is or isn't a climate change. The question is what can we do about it ! Any ideas ? I suppose the lucky side of things is that there are a billion Chinese & Indians & not a billion Australians.
Posted by individual, Wednesday, 29 August 2012 6:45:51 PM
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You ask "who is to say..."
Well the first answer I'll give you is Occam.
The second answer I would offer is that I believe I can summarise your position on AGW basically as, quote, "anything is possible," and, quote, "who is to say".
Well, since when has "anything is possible" qualified as a serious defence of any position, let alone a scientific one?
And as for who is to say....
Well for starters, every credible climate scientist, all of the world's universities, NASA, CSIRO, the world's Academies of Science...
Shall I go on?
Posted by Anthonyve, Wednesday, 29 August 2012 7:21:32 PM
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Anthonyve, around here, are more GW deniers than you can poke a stick at and still some poor souls just cant think past their own ignorants.

Over popluation is another one that seems not be to getting through either. So thankyou for kind compliments.


Posted by PLANET3, Wednesday, 29 August 2012 8:29:22 PM
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Anthony, you keep the theme of the razor, but I prefer...
if it looks like a duck,walks like a duck and quacks like a duck……it is a duck. It is a truism in the majority of cases. But there are exceptions that fool us, primarily by manipulation,like now.

Anthony I chose sides, (but I could change again) when the global warming figures were proven to be manufactured, remember that? All the eminent liars had to admit they chose their own parameters when massaging the numbers to their desired outcome.

Then bloody amazingly the media drops the term “global warming” from their deluge of spin and introduces “climate change,” the new all encompassing boogie man.

What is the first thing they do? They set up a trading exchange, bullsheiser now has a worth in the currency of the offending nations in exchange for carbonara credits, but you can’t eat them, in fact you never see them, but you pay for them, they say they are there, they must be there, they told me so mummy.….Save our planet…set up a bank that doesn’t pay interest.

Anthony you take whatever info you choose as your platform for what you say, but I aint buying it.

Same goes for you Belly my china
Posted by sonofgloin, Wednesday, 29 August 2012 9:14:49 PM
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