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The Forum > General Discussion > Being legal and being recognized are two entirely different things.

Being legal and being recognized are two entirely different things.

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Dear Jay of Melbourne,

I think you're confused. You're confusing religion with skin colour and complexion. The definition of race can be problematical, but it does not overlap with the definition of religion. Christians, Jews and Muslims come in all the different colours that other humans do.
Posted by david f, Wednesday, 29 August 2012 5:15:05 PM
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Fine, instead of addressing the issue we'll split hairs, or I'll slightly re phrase my points, bear in mind I'm not a trained writer so a little tolerance please.
Apartheid governments were dominated by Whites under their own system of classification, some of whom were Anglo Saxon, most of whom were Boer, it was a disaster because it's values were not those of the majority non White population and it's policies were enacted without their consent, the connection with my previous points should have been obvious.
When Australia becomes a majority non White society in the near future the government, which will still be made up of Anglo Saxons,( who can be classed as White), they will either have to accomodate the values of their constituents or go the way of the Apartheid politicians and use force to keep these "Aussie Values" in place.
The makeup of the migrant population suggests that conservative, even fundamentalist values will prevail and even if future governments do try to enforce "tolerance" they will have to shift to a more authoritarian mode of dealing with their constituents.
I'm not particularly worried about non Whites "taking over", I'd be more fearful of weak, self hating Anglos reversing progressive legislation in order to save their own skins.
Muslims and Christians are basically straight up, they're honest about their beliefs and they tend to stay on one course no matter what pressure is applied to them, Anglophobic Anglo Saxons, such as the ones currently ensconced in Canberra are weak, vain and malleable when put under duress.
The talking point I'm using at the moment is "The progressive reforms you seek will be impossible in a country that looks like Brazil or South Africa", and as all propagandists know truth is relative when you're playing to win.
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Wednesday, 29 August 2012 5:46:10 PM
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I'm not confused, I've studied the issue in great detail but as a Gentile I'd put myself and the owners of the site at risk of legal action by commenting on matters pertaining to Judaism and it's ethnic or racial makeup, that is to say I do have an interest in the matter but the minority group concerned does not take kindly to outsiders sticking their oar in, so to speak. I like posting here, so lets leave it at that, I made no comment on Jews or Muslims in the post you questioned, only used the device of White converts as an example of a possible perception by skeptics of "Claytons"religious identity, now if you want to get into "Who's White?" start another thread but leave Jews and Muslims out of it or it'll be a very short discussion.
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Wednesday, 29 August 2012 5:59:18 PM
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Dear Jay,

You were the one who mentioned whites converting to Judaism or Islam. If you would like to take back your statement we can forget it. However, one defines white, it refers to a race. Judaism and Islam refer to religions. The statement was nonsense.
Posted by david f, Wednesday, 29 August 2012 6:20:21 PM
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David, I can tell you who I think is White but I can't tell you what I think about other ethnic groups in that regard.
I'm a White Nationalist as you well know, our concept of Whiteness is political, ethnic, territorial and spiritual, of course opinions vary within the various White sects but generally speaking we don't believe in a "White Race" as such. A White person is someone whose primary self described identity is White and it refers to non Jewish people of wholly indigenous European descent who identify as White, Europe being the territory east of Dunmore Head and west of the Urals with a border loosely drawn along a line through Athens/ Burgas/ Tbilisi.
So you can appreciate that in most circumstances we are a tiny minority group, maybe only a few hundreds of thousands worldwide that's why we affect the political tactics and outward demeanour of an ethnic minority under pressure from hostile outsiders.
Now I'll explain how it works from your side.
We're the ethnicity people like you call White Trash, Bogan, Redneck, Cracker, Honky, Nazi and Caveman, you know who we are because you have derogatory names for us.
I actually gave an example earlier regarding a Lebanese man in relation to alleged bias crimes, see in the article he's described as "Caucasian Mediterranean" but if he was scoring tries for the Panthers or running a youth group he'd be described as Lebanese, you follow?
George Zimmerman is described as "White" because he shot a black man named Trayvon Martin, if he'd won a Nobel prize he'd be described as Hispanic. You dig?
Anyway this is off topic, judging by our history of trading barbs you regard White Nationalists as crazy/stupid/evil and you're trying to goad me into posting what you want me to say because you view me as intellectually inferior, sorry old chap, it won't work ;)
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Wednesday, 29 August 2012 7:25:47 PM
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Well, Jay,
I wouldn't use any of the terms you use to describe yourself, although I wouldn't disagree with any of them.
I would use the terms, racist and barbaric, and I would say your not smart enough to let your brain get ahead of your primitive emotions.
you're driven by your fears, like a child.
Come back when you've grown up and learned how to think.
Posted by Anthonyve, Wednesday, 29 August 2012 8:07:23 PM
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