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The Forum > General Discussion > Is Labor trapped in the rapid growth spiral?

Is Labor trapped in the rapid growth spiral?

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im learning to save thread offers[to post them]instead of just letting them drift into the aether

so who dun it..alp/lnp[same same]
regardless qld'ers are in hot water shock

i heard a comment recently on abc national
that 3 out of every ten dollars raised by via services[quasi/govt cashcows]

just gotta letter from origin
informs me.[us] qld'er's
res tarrif[11]..without the c02 tax..will go from22.759
to 25.905..[gst included]..gst = 3 cents
SERVICE FEE[per metering point]=FROM 28,787
to 64.900

next tarrif 31-
9.284 14.410

tarrif 33 [off peak]
13,673 to 20,416

your hotwater bill is going to double[or near enough]..or soon will

from 13 cents to 20 cent's
comeon..[switch the darn thing off]
i will take cold what if i smell
[if i want a hot bath..i will just lay a garden hose in the sun

queenslanders..your about to pay
[but who do we blame..?

[who [alp?..lnp?]..said it was ok
to use services as cash cows?

to revenue raise off basic services]

after this fully half will come from your bills..for basic services

i think we should do something[like turn the beggers off]
Posted by one under god, Thursday, 28 June 2012 7:22:59 AM
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Yes Banjo, regarding the donations regime; big business literally buys government policy. Donations along with all manner of other favours and the lure of lucrative jobs for pollies after politics all adds up to a case of big business having our government by the balls… with a vice-like grip!

And what that really amounts to is us, the whole of society and the whole planet, having ourselves by the balls!

We seem to be totally hooked into a boom-and-crash event process.

Now, wouldn’t it be nice if a big business CEO or two came out and espoused population stabilisation and the achievement of a sustainable society.

Perhaps that’s the key to making some progress here.

But then, I suppose that’s about as likely as every feral pig in Australia suddenly sproutng wings, flying to Canberra and dumping and enormous pile of pig poo on parliament house!

Posted by Ludwig, Thursday, 28 June 2012 9:19:05 AM
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ok correction..tarrif 33[not off peak]..
increased from

tarrif 33 [normal?]
13,673 to 20,416


next tarrif 31-[off peak]
9.284 14.410

your hotwater bill 5 cent up
normal power
from 13 cents to 20 cent's

so i yet repeat
comeon..[switch the darn thing off]
boycot these mongral defacto govt revenue raising cash cows

reduce your consumption regardless
turn off ya hot water[it only takes 2 hours to heat up each day]
why heat the earth the rest of the day[put it on a come on two hours before you come home

then off till tomorrow[same time]

run 12 volt from a car battery
get a solar charger for your battery[or charge it up from mains]
heck if electic cars cost 33 cents recharge how much just one CAR battery

a lot of stuff runs off 12 volt's

its all cause state govts want growth
install luxury over lue of getting the supply [12 bvolt]..we are using in so many cases[rightfully so]..a solar cell and two batteries[cost 250 bucks]..and im off the grid

but as power is only 50 bucks
its not worth the bother [till now]
plus carbon tax..[this has to be all alp

lnp..could gain greater creedance by halving the increase[instead of the lol promise to freeze it[next time?]..its the same money grabbing govt and the publick sir-vice

growth=more taxes..on the mugs paying tax
the clever money/asets is in family trusts[tax them]

damm another polie crying in parlement[as i type]
damm boat people..dying to get into our system
to bring down the average..standard[so they vote as their told]
Posted by one under god, Thursday, 28 June 2012 10:22:26 AM
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I agree entirely with your and Banjo's diagnosis of the problem, but what to do about it? On other threads, you have advocated not voting, but all this does is to give greater weight to the votes of other people who are being duped by political advertising and by the mainstream media, also controlled by Big Business.

The best strategy might be to adopt a policy of putting the sitting member last, unless he/she is someone like Kelvin Thomson, who really does understand the issues, is on the side of ordinary people and the environment, and deserves our support. Otherwise, put the other growthists as far down in your preferences as you can get them, with those who are most likely to win the closest to the bottom. Vote for the Stable Population Party or Stop Population Growth Now for the Senate, but always check their preference lists in case they get infiltrated. Because population acts as a multiplier of almost every other environmental or quality of life problem, it is worth focusing on the population issue first.

The votes of the major parties are quite close, so this might just get a politician thrown out of office, sending the message that Big Business can give them money, but not force ordinary people to vote for them, and tempting them to break party discipline in order to be re-elected. The new incumbent is probably just as bad, so rinse and repeat.
Posted by Divergence, Thursday, 28 June 2012 11:07:58 AM
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<< …you have advocated not voting… >>

Yes Divergence, as a matter of the principle that it is pretty damn hopeless, and strongly against the very purpose of voting, to vote for the slightly lesser of two evils, or to vote out the incumbent party, even though the alternative shows practically no signs of being any better!

But that’s no solution to the issue at hand….. unless a very large portion of the populace did it, and for the express reason of refusing to vote for non-sustainability-oriented parties.

I can’t see that there is a lot of point in putting the sitting member last. If lots of people did that, we’d just end up with the other one of the Liblabs power… with nothing gained!

And the despicable compulsory preferential voting system STEALS your vote for minor parties and independents and makes it count for whichever Liblab you put higher on the ballot paper, even when you specifically want to NOT vote for either major party!!

So we need to get rid of CPV first before we can get anywhere in the voting arena.

Meanwhile we just need to get the message out there as much as possible, Support Thomson, Carr, Dick Smith, Sustainable Population Australia, the Stable Population Party, support anyone else who comes out with sensible comments, denounce pro-expansionist antisustainabilityist rubbish wherever it appears, keep debating it on OLO and elsewhere, even when it means repeatpeatpeating yourself all the time…. and stuff like that!
Posted by Ludwig, Friday, 29 June 2012 8:51:50 AM
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