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To be or not to be

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I think anonymity does allow us a kind of freedom, especially at the outset. However, as Squeers says, it's not long before we're pigeon-holed into one or another sub-set. I was interested to use what is considered a "male" username. It took a while for some to get the gist that I was female. And gender does colour our perceptions, even on OLO. So yes, it's a loosening of the usual social constrictions, not an entire freedom from them.

Above all, my reason for coming here is to see what others have to say, and then to meet their minds with an offering from mine. Whatever constructs we resort to in our attempt to bolster our sense of self, that sense of self exists whether we use our real identities or not, and we project it regardless.
Posted by Poirot, Saturday, 23 June 2012 11:45:24 AM
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sq..[a prefered mode of address
to you as i feel queer using queers bit[not having a mental image to impose over your physical self]

this dont stop us from reading your soul[behind your words]as revealed by your own words[see i see things different]
and posting allows me to inform my differences

darn i wish i could write english
[yep i know so too many of you]lol

regardless to me its simple[i am simple minded]
cars need petrol..[a body without life like a dead car]

just flesh[at its basic animal levels]
their life force animates their flesh..i call the life force..gods life giving spirit[all life has the same petrol]..but drive different fleshy vehicles [bodies]
EACH driving according as the animal nature lusts to do

we in the higher beasts..are sustained the same spirit
BUT our life 'experences/loves hates nature passions[live on]..these are our soul[and after living inhabit the astral realm[our soul fORMS our astral body

under it all its stil gods SPIRIT
but allowing US to gain a soul

satan can buy your soul[works]
but not gods living spirit
as much within us as him

that love
[light sustaing life..that life find love via logic]
its so easy kids get it..but adults cant[god is good]..if its not good its not OF god[yet he sustains its living too]

freewil is sacrosanct
parents truswt their kids
and in time we all evolve[but first must form SOME perception of what we are[science has not ever created life/nor evolved it]
it has a theo-wry
Posted by one under god, Saturday, 23 June 2012 11:51:13 AM
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Let me clear some air here, I am Belly, almost every Bell gets Belly, yes I have a gut, but believe it or not my 5 ft 4 inch dad drove trotters and rode race horses, he too was Belly.
I am here, just what I am in life, not ego that brings me here.
Not one of us knows why, in truth we come, but I learn every day, by coming.
I know I get it wrong, regard that as a positive, but while I lash out, not nice, it is the real me.
Let me tell you about the hobby that bought me to ham radio.
CB Radio, over night 300.000 licenses and more than twice that unlicensed operators took to the air waves.
YO YO,S hula hoops on steroids.
Every one wanted one, soon a disappointment took place.
On hearing one another, people arranged to meet, in groups or singular.
DISAPPOINTMENT is an under statement.
Some very dangerous folk turned up on doorsteps, even murders took place.
In the street we meet talk get to read body language and get closer or get away.
I have had the honor and privilege to meet some,OLO folk and as said meet one twice who I would not feed.
Why invite trouble?
I feel we are a family, true, even want one day to buy Rechtub and Shadow Minister a beer, a few others too, with better expectations.
I think I see a prod at me here but do not care, I know how to impress, but honesty will not let me be other than me.
I worked with the bloke this saying was invented for *once you can fake sincerity you have got it made*
Such folk repel me.
Posted by Belly, Saturday, 23 June 2012 12:26:21 PM
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I don't think there's any prod at you in this thread. More likely it's in response to some article authors who when defending their stance tend to use the "you're a coward because your hiding behind a pseudonym" tactic. It takes the substance of their argument nowhere, but it's an oft used resort when they find themselves stymied.

(we all operate from our ego - even when we're not being particularly egotistical)

Anyway, off out to a lunch with friends and family to interact in the real world : )
Posted by Poirot, Saturday, 23 June 2012 12:43:54 PM
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belly/quote..""fake sincerity""

yep me too
but even worse too easy compliment
and flattery..and sympathy sex

how droll
Posted by one under god, Saturday, 23 June 2012 1:03:37 PM
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Thanks Grim for your comment. I always enjoy your posts and often chuckle at your handle. It's a bit of a let down, to be honest, that it turns out to be derivative. I like to think of Grim adjectivally, but then I never think of your comments as morose.

Belly, Poirot's right, there's no prod that I know of.
Sometimes, for a moment, I envy the "family" status you and others enjoy and I feel so palpably excluded from. But only for a moment. At the end of the day it's too inhibiting and I'd rather not be constrained by fear or favour. And that's the value of anonymity.

Thanks all for the comments.
Posted by Squeers, Sunday, 24 June 2012 5:12:48 PM
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